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سجل مرشح الإساءة

التفاصيل لمدخلة السجل 7089403

19:41، 27 ديسمبر 2021: IOFANT (نقاش | مساهمات) أطلق المرشح 38; مؤديا الفعل "edit" في IOFANT. الأفعال المتخذة: عدم السماح; وصف المرشح: مقالات جديدة لا تحوي حروف عربية (افحص)

التغييرات التي أجريت في التعديل

'''Iofant is a platform was founded in 2019,We have three main branches:Egypt,KSA,Canada.We provide all IT Supporting Services, IT Software Development Solutions, Business development and Digital Marketing Services. We deliver different levels of IT Supporting, IT Outsourcing Services, Software Development Solutions and all IT Services depending upon the nature, situations and requirements of our clients and partners. We have an expert teamworks and have a big network of freelancers. And we seek to be a trusted partner in Egypt and all over the world to provide all IT Services.'''

محددات الفعل

تعديل عدد المستخدمين ( user_editcount )
اسم حساب المستخدم ( user_name )
عمر حساب المستخدم ( user_age )
المجموعات (بما في ذلك المجموعات الضمنية) التي يتواجد فيها المستخدم ( user_groups )
[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
ما إذا كان المستخدم يعد من تطبيق الهاتف المحمول (user_app)
سواء كان المستخدم يعدل عبر واجهة الهاتف المحمول (user_mobile)
المجموعات العالميَّة التي يمتلكها الحساب (global_user_groups)
معرف الصفحة ( page_id )
مساحة اسم الصفحة ( page_namespace )
عنوان الصفحة بدون مساحة اسمية ( page_title )
عنوان الصفحة الكاملة ( page_prefixedtitle )
آخر عشرة مستخدمين ساهموا في الصفحة ( page_recent_contributors )
عمر الصفحة بالثواني ( page_age )
العمل ( action )
تحرير الملخص/السبب ( summary )
نموذج المحتوى القديم ( old_content_model )
نموذج المحتوى الجديد ( new_content_model )
صفحة الويكي القديمة قبل التعديل ( old_wikitext )
صفحة جديدة من ويكي النص، بعد التعديل ( new_wikitext )
''''Iofant is a platform was founded in 2019,We have three main branches:Egypt,KSA,Canada.We provide all IT Supporting Services, IT Software Development Solutions, Business development and Digital Marketing Services. We deliver different levels of IT Supporting, IT Outsourcing Services, Software Development Solutions and all IT Services depending upon the nature, situations and requirements of our clients and partners. We have an expert teamworks and have a big network of freelancers. And we seek to be a trusted partner in Egypt and all over the world to provide all IT Services.''''
توحيد الاختلافات بين التغييرات التي تم إجراؤها عن طريق التعديل ( edit_diff )
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +'''Iofant is a platform was founded in 2019,We have three main branches:Egypt,KSA,Canada.We provide all IT Supporting Services, IT Software Development Solutions, Business development and Digital Marketing Services. We deliver different levels of IT Supporting, IT Outsourcing Services, Software Development Solutions and all IT Services depending upon the nature, situations and requirements of our clients and partners. We have an expert teamworks and have a big network of freelancers. And we seek to be a trusted partner in Egypt and all over the world to provide all IT Services.''' '
حجم الصفحة الجديد ( new_size )
حجم الصفحة القديمة ( old_size )
تغيير الحجم في التعديل ( edit_delta )
تمت إضافة الأسطر في التحرير ( added_lines )
[ 0 => ''''Iofant is a platform was founded in 2019,We have three main branches:Egypt,KSA,Canada.We provide all IT Supporting Services, IT Software Development Solutions, Business development and Digital Marketing Services. We deliver different levels of IT Supporting, IT Outsourcing Services, Software Development Solutions and all IT Services depending upon the nature, situations and requirements of our clients and partners. We have an expert teamworks and have a big network of freelancers. And we seek to be a trusted partner in Egypt and all over the world to provide all IT Services.'''' ]
تمت إزالة الأسطر أثناء التحرير ( removed_lines )
نص الصفحة الجديدة، خالي من أي علامات ( new_text )
'Iofant is a platform was founded in 2019,We have three main branches:Egypt,KSA,Canada.We provide all IT Supporting Services, IT Software Development Solutions, Business development and Digital Marketing Services. We deliver different levels of IT Supporting, IT Outsourcing Services, Software Development Solutions and all IT Services depending upon the nature, situations and requirements of our clients and partners. We have an expert teamworks and have a big network of freelancers. And we seek to be a trusted partner in Egypt and all over the world to provide all IT Services.'
مصدر HTML المُحلل للنسخة الجديدة ( new_html )
'<div class="mw-parser-output"><p><b>Iofant is a platform was founded in 2019,We have three main branches:Egypt,KSA,Canada.We provide all IT Supporting Services, IT Software Development Solutions, Business development and Digital Marketing Services. We deliver different levels of IT Supporting, IT Outsourcing Services, Software Development Solutions and all IT Services depending upon the nature, situations and requirements of our clients and partners. We have an expert teamworks and have a big network of freelancers. And we seek to be a trusted partner in Egypt and all over the world to provide all IT Services.</b> </p></div>'
سواء تم إجراء التغيير من خلال عقدة خروج Tor ( tor_exit_node ) أم لا
طابع زمني للتغيير في يونكس ( timestamp )