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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

The UOU was established in 2008. It is a registered company by virtue of the 1929 law. Its central location is Gaza City Palestinian. The university is accredited by the Palestinian Ministry of Education and High Education. It aims at fulfilling the students’ need to enable them get a high degree and build up their ability more effectively and efficiently. On the one hand, developing their professional and behavioral standards in order to attain distinction in education and scientific research locally, regionally, and/or globally. This could be achieved by providing qualified academic programs that would contribute to the development of the Palestinian and regional societies as well.

The UOU Mission


The UOU for open education aspires to provide academic, research, and training services in many areas, and avail educational opportunities for the Palestinian society, in particular, and for Arabian and Islamic nations, in general. At the same time, rooting the concept of civilized nation "Ummah" hoping for recovery of the prestige and glory of the Ummah.

The Vision


Growing up the professional, behavioral, and intellectual level of Palestinian people, through providing a leading example in Open Education in Palestine and nation-wide countries.

The University Objective

  • Providing opportunities of high education for every category of all the Palestinian, Arab, and Islamic societies.
  • Developing the student’s personality, so that he/she could adapt to positive changes.
  • Improving the sense of patriotism and enhance the affiliation to the homeland through boosting the team-work spirit and self-confidence.
  • Enhancing a sense of innovation in different domains and enforcing the relationship between the university and local community.
  • Introducing distinctive educational programs for the sake of improving the quality of the educational process.

• Helping the students in developing their communicational ability and interaction with others to cope effectively with a fast-paced environment.

Teaching Methods


The university adopts the open-education system. This system is characterized with its flexibility and efficiency, as it keeps abreast with the new teaching techniques, i.e., Web, CD/DVD, TV and radio broadcasting, the weekly face-to-face meeting with the academic instructors, in addition to high-quality prepared designated textbooks.

Faculties and Programs


The university offers the following specializations:

  • Police and Law Faculty:

a. Police and Legal studies b. Law Studies

  • Arts Faculty:

a. Journalism and Public Information b. Social Service

  • Economics and Business Administration faculty:

a. Business Administration

  • Education Faculty:

a. Basic Education b. General Education Diploma

Learning System


The University adopts the credit-hours system. For degree qualification, courses are distributed over Eight (8) academic semesters. The university grants admission to high school graduates minimum average of 60%, and from an accredited secondary school . This acceptance is contingent to the policy of the Ministry of Education and High Education and the approved university admission key for different specializations.

Transfer from universities and high institutes is allowed according to the conditions of the UOU academic system.

As the university applies the Open Education system, the student should attend the specified face-to-face academic meetings according to the academic system of the university. Moreover, the university embraces the following methods for the appraisal of the students; to make sure that he/she would have been able to acquire basic skills:

  • The student should answer the open-book assignments. 10%, out of the whole course scores, is prorated to these assignments.
  • Mid-term written exam is conducted to cover the first part of every course. 35%, out of the whole course scores, is prorated.

Final Written exam is conducted to cover the whole material. 55% is allocated to this exam.

Students’ activities


Since the students always like to express their interests, the UOU supports the important role of students’ activities. This support stems from the university’s philosophy that is based on: constructive and meaningful discussions that result in enrichment of the student’s creative thinking. To ensure this positive and constructive result, the university gives and encourages a self-expression freedom. Every scholastic year, a welcome seminar is conducted for the new students to introduce themselves and be acquainted with the university’s sections and services. ]] [1]

  1. ^ http:www.uou.edu.ps