انتقل إلى المحتوى

مستخدم:Mohammad al-haddad/ملعب5

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Table of examples


Different application programs, user interfaces, and operating systems use the various control key combinations for different purposes.

Key combination مايكروسوفت ويندوز/كدي/جنوم يونكس (واجهة الأوامر النصيّة and programs using readline) Emacs (if different from Unix command line)

A+Ctrl تظليل كامل النص بداية الخط
B+Ctrl Bold Backward one character

Ctrl+C Copy Generate SIGINT (terminate program) Compound command

Ctrl+D Font window (word processing); Add to bookmarks (Browsers) Forward delete, or if line is empty, end of input (traditional Unix) Forward delete

Ctrl+E Center alignment (word processing) End of line

Ctrl+F Find (usually a small piece of text in a larger document) Forward one character

Ctrl+G Go to (line number) Bell Quit - aborts current operation

Ctrl+H Replace; History Delete previous character Help key

Ctrl+I Italic; Incremental search Command line completion Same as Tab key

Ctrl+J Justify Line feed (LFD) LFD (to evaluate Lisp expressions)

Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink (word processing) Cut ("Kill") text between cursor and end of line

Ctrl+L Create list; Left align (word processing) Clear screen Redraw window/terminal, and recenter view around current line

Ctrl+M Increase margin by 1/2 inch (word processing) Same as Enter key

Ctrl+N New (window, document, etc.) Next line (in history) Next line

Ctrl+O Open Flush output Insert ("open") new line

Ctrl+P Print Previous line (in history) Previous line

Ctrl+Q Quit application Resume transmission Literal insert

Ctrl+R Refresh page; Right align (word processing) Search backwards in history Search backwards

Ctrl+S Save Pause transmission Search forward

Ctrl+T Open new tab Transpose characters

Ctrl+U Underline Cut text between beginning of line and cursor Prefix numerical argument to next command

Ctrl+V Paste Literal insert Page down

Ctrl+W Close window or tab Cut previous word Cut

Ctrl+X Cut Compound command

Ctrl+Y Redo Paste

Ctrl+Z Undo Suspend program Iconify window
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Z Redo Same as Ctrl+Z
Ctrl+[ Decrease font size Same as Esc Same as Alt
Ctrl+] Increase font size Same as Esc Same as Alt
Ctrl+= Toggle font subscript Same as Esc Same as Alt
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+= Toggle font superscript Same as Esc Same as Alt
Ctrl+End Bottom (end of document or window) undefined or rarely used Bottom (end of text buffer)
Ctrl+Home Top (start of document or window) undefined or rarely used Top (start of text buffer)
Ctrl+Insert Copy undefined or rarely used Copy
Ctrl+PgDn Next tab undefined or rarely used Scroll window to the right
Ctrl+PgUp Previous tab undefined or rarely used Scroll window to the left
Ctrl+Tab ↹ Next window or tab undefined or rarely used
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹ Previous window or tab undefined or rarely used
Ctrl++ Grow Screen undefined or rarely used
Ctrl+- Shrink Screen undefined or rarely used
Ctrl+ Previous word undefined or rarely used Previous word
Ctrl+ Next word undefined or rarely used Next word
Ctrl+Delete Delete next word undefined or rarely used Delete next word
Ctrl+← Backspace Delete previous word undefined or rarely used Delete previous word
Ctrl+Alt+← Backspace undefined or rarely used on Windows; restart X11 on Unix-like desktops undefined or rarely used
Ctrl+Alt+ Rotate screen right-side up undefined or rarely used
Ctrl+Alt+ Rotate screen upside down undefined or rarely used
Ctrl+Alt+ Rotate screen left undefined or rarely used
Ctrl+Alt+ Rotate screen right undefined or rarely used
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Esc Open task manager unknown unknown
Ctrl+Alt+Del Reboot; Open task manager or session options undefined or rarely used

In early first-person shooters, the left Ctrl key is often used to fire a weapon. In newer games, the key is often used for crouching instead.[1]

  1. ^ http://pcgamer.com/anyone-who-uses-the-c-key-to-crouch-is-a-hopeless-degenerate