انتقل إلى المحتوى


من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

CV - Dr. Yaser Abd Al- Rahaman Abu Deyeh

E-mail: yabodaiah@yahoo.com

Career Objective

Seeking a challenging position in the field of politics & research where my communication skills, research abilities and education background can be applied in an organization that has opportunity for professional growth where advancement is based upon skills and contributions in my field of study.

Academic Qualifications

1.) Institute of Arab Research and Studies in Cairo: Doctorate in Political Science, Title of Dissertation: " The Role of Non- Governmental Organizations in Political Development, The Case of Jordanian Advocacy Organizations". (Jan /2007)

2.) Al Quds University : Bard College , Master Degree in Education, Teaching Methods, Storytelling as a skill in teaching History, Comparative study between students at the Rosary Sisters’ School in Jerusalem , ( 11, 10 , 9 )Grades ,  ( 2013 - 2015 )

3.) Institute of Arab Research and Studies in Cairo: Master Degree in Political Science, Title of Thesis: "The Effect of Change in the International System on the Democratic Transformation in the Arab World, The Case of Gulf Area” (2003)

4.) Bethlehem University, Diploma in Education in higher basic level . Teaching Social Studies. 2021

5.) Hebrew University, Diploma in Education . Teaching methods.Teaching Civics track. 2021

6.) Institute of Arab Research and Studies in Cairo: Diploma in Political Studies, Title  of  Thesis:  " The Effect of Change in the International System upon Democratization in the Arab World  Comparative Study: Jordan – Algeria ", (2002)

7.) Damascus University- High Institute of Political Science: Major Political Science, International Relations Department (B.Sc) (1999)

Job Experiences

1.) Al -Quds University, Palestine

- Faculty of Arts ,( Part Time), Lecturer at the  Political Science Department used to teach Research Methodology -  July 2010 –2013.

-  Al Quds University ( Part Time), Lecturer in American Studies Center, used to teach several subjects,  (2013 - 2018).

2.) Ono College, Jerusalem, ( part time), Methods of Education,( 2018-2019)

3.) Technology School for girls- Jerusalem- Bait Hanina . ( 2018 - )

4.) Rewad Al Quds School, Gifted school, Jerusalem, 2017- 2018

5.) Atarot School, High Tec in Atarot, (2016\ 2017) teacher for Civics, History, and Geography subjects.

6. )  Rosary High School – Jerusalem – (Teacher for Social Studies, History, Geography)   ) Sep – 2009 -  Sep 2015  )

7.)   Al Esraa University in Amman, Jordan – (Part Time Lecturer at the Education College -  January 2008 – Jun  2008  )

  8.)  Firas Press Network for News – Jordan and Cairo : ( August 2008 - ) Journalist and  Political Editor.

  9.)  Jordan's Al Arab today, Jordanian newspaper Al Hilal: (2007 - 2008) Political          Researcher Collaborator.

  10.) National Center for Criminal Research in Cairo :  (2006-2007)Political researcher from abroad

  11.) City Language Schools in Cairo : ( 2003 - 2007)Social Science teacher (part time )

  12.) Arabic Center For Crisis's Management- Cairo: (January 2004- May 2006): Manager Executive.  

  13.) Gulf Center for Strategic Studies: (February 2003- June 2003 ): Editor of Reviews on Political, Economic, Sociological Books, also Responsible for Writing Reviews and Conducting Research on Different Subjects.

14 .) Lebanese Magazine: (July 2, 1999 - December 13, 2000) Journalist, Articles Including Political, Economic, Sociological Issues.

15.) AL-Tal High School- Syria: (October 1999- July 2000) Teacher, Subjects Included: History, Geography, Nationalism.


- Member in Wasatiah (moderation) Organization (2013 -)

- Member in Palestinian Academic council ( 2011 -)

- Member in The Jordanian Political Science Association (2008 - )

- Member in General Union of Palestinian writers and Journalists ( 6/2/2001- )

- Member in many of  Non - Governmental Organizations in Egypt .( 2001- )  


Languages: Arabic (mother tongue), English skills (very good).

Hebrew ( good)

Computer Skills: Word, Excel, Internet browsers, Web Design, Hardware & Software Upkeep.


1.) Trainer for Language and Thinking program ( Bard College- New York – 7-12-/July/ 2015)

2.) Teaching History in conflict area, (SOP Organization, Cyprus, Nicosia, 26th July – 4th August 2015)

3.) Making History, Educator Program , Seeds of Peace, Portland Main, USA. (23 – 6/August/ 2013)

4.) Trainer for Language and Thinking program ( Bard College- New York – 7-12-/July/ 2013)

5.) Trainer for Language and Thinking program ( Bard College – Al Quds University, Palestine 2012 -2013 )

6.) "Developing Research Skills in Political Science field", (Cairo University, Center for Political Research and Studies, 19-31/March/2005.)

7.) "The International Law for Refugees", (The American University in Cairo, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, 19-21/March/2005)

8.) "Use the Internet in Developing and Human Rights", (Center for Knowledge Society, 19-21/July/2004)

9.) " Human Rights Course", (Cairo Institute of Human Rights Studies, Cairo, 9 – 26 August 2003).

Research Work

1.) The Localization in the Umayyad era (point of view)(unpublished paper)(2015)

2.) The War in Yemen: Historical analytical study, (unpublished paper)(2015)

3.) " Jerusalem between sanctity and holiness ", (unpublished paper)(2014)

4.) “The Historical Stories in Quran “http://www.amad.ps/ar/?Action=Details&ID=9272.( 25/12/2013)

5.) “Research Methods in Political Science “,Book under Preparation.

6.) “Assessment of the Zionist project “,Unpublished study (2010)

7.) Published a lot of Articles in Many Newspapers. (2004 - 2009)

8.) "The Future of Reform in The Arab World" Social Science Journal, Cairo,  (2004).

9.) "The Arab Attitude towards AL-Aqsa Intifada" Human Rights journal, Cairo, (2003).

10.) Reviews Book of "Democratization in the Gulf" (Published in the Arab Future Monthly Journal, February 2003)

11.) Reviews Book of “United States and the Arab World” (Published in the Arab Future Monthly Journal, July 2003).

12.) "The Challenges of the American War in Iraq", Gulf Strategies Center, Cairo  (2003).

13.) "Abo Mazen and his Challenges" , Gulf Strategies Center, Cairo  (2003).

14.) Coverage of Student Demonstrations at Al -Azhar University (Heider - Heider Events) (2000).

15.) "The Effect of International System of Arab Regional System", Damascus , Syria, (1999).

16.) "Arab Mind Crisis " Published in Al- Ebda'a Magazine, Lebanon. (1999).

17.) "Globalization and its Effects on Arab Economies" Damascus , Syria (1999).

18.) "Democracy Crisis in Arab World" Published in Al- Ebda'a Magazine, Lebanon. (1998).

19.) "Turkish – Israelis Co-operation, And its Effect on the Arab National Security" (1998) (Presented to Nasser University in Libya).

20.) "Water Crisis in the Arab World", (1997) (Presented to Nasser University in Libya).

21.) "GAT, WTO and Their Effect upon Arab Economics" Damascus , Syria (1997).