Made by kewint (talk), in MS Paint, with the information coming from Charney's Grammar of Comanche (you can find the relevant information on the book in the Comanche language Wikipedia article's bibliography. Feel free to use it as you like.)
وضع -Kewint في ويكيبيديا الإنجليزية-، وهو المؤلف، هذا العمل في النِّطاق العامِّ. يسري ذلك في كل أرجاء العالم. في بعض البلدان، قد يكون هذا التَّرخيص غيرَ مُمكنٍ قانونيَّاً، في هذه الحالة: يمنح Kewint الجميع حق استخدام هذا العمل لأي غرض دون أي شرط ما لم يفرض القانون شروطًا إضافية.Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
صفحة الوصف الأصلية كانت هنا، تشير جميع أسماء المستخدمين التالية إلى en.wikipedia.
2010-05-03 06:38 Kewint 1036×238× (17283 bytes) Made by me, kewint, in MS Paint, with the information coming from Charney's Grammar of Comanche (you can find the relevant information on the book in the Comanche language Wikipedia article's bibliography. Feel free to use it as you like.
2010-05-03 05:12 Kewint 1036×238× (17283 bytes) (Made by me, kewint, in MS Paint, with the information coming from Charney's Grammar of Comanche (you can find the relevant information on the book in the Comanche language Wikipedia article's bibliography. Feel free to use it as you like.)
2010-05-03 05:09 Kewint 1036×238× (17283 bytes) (Made by me, kewint, in MS Paint, with the information coming from Charney's Grammar of Comanche<ref name="Charney1993">{{cite book |title=A Grammar of Comanche |last=Charney |first=Jean O. |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=1993 |series=Studies in the Anthro
2010-05-03 05:02 Kewint 1036×238× (17283 bytes) Made by me, kewint, in MS Paint, with the information coming from Charney's Grammar of Comanche<ref name="Charney1993">{{cite book |title=A Grammar of Comanche |last=Charney |first=Jean O. |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=1993 |series=Studies in the Anthrop