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ملف:Ford B0447 NLGRF photo contact sheet (1976-07-01)(Gerald Ford Library).jpg

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هذا ملف من ويكيميديا كومنز
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

الملف الأصلي (1٬680 × 2٬178 بكسل حجم الملف: 3٫11 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)


English: The photo contact sheet, identified as B0447 by the White House Photographic Office (WHPO), is housed at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, a branch of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

This file is a 200 dpi photo contact sheet having images from roll of film B0447 of the August 9, 1974 - January 20, 1977 Gerald R. Ford White House Photographic Office Series A0001-A9999 and B0001-B2886 photographs.

The date on the photo contact sheet is the date the roll of film was processed, not necessarily the date the photographs were taken. See table below for additional details.
المصدر Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Image: B0447_NLGRF.jpg from White House Photographs, July 1, 1976 of the White House Photographic Collection page
المؤلف White House Photographic Office (WHPO) - Thomas
(إعادة استخدام هذا الملف)
Public domain
تقع هذه الصُّورة في النِّطاق االعامِّ في الولايات المُتحدة الأَمريكيَّة لأَنَّها عملٌ أُعدَّ مِن ضابطٍ أَو مُوظَّفٍ في الحكومة الاتحاديَّة للولايات المُتحدة في أَثناء قيامه بواجباته الرَّسميَّة، انظر في البند 17 الفصلَ 1 وفيه القسم 105 من قانون الولايات المُتحدة الأمريكيَّة. ملاحظة: ينطبق هذا فقط على الأعمال الأصيلة للحكومة الاتحادية وليس على أعمال الولايات أو التبعيات فُرادى ولا على أَيِّ تقسيماتٍ إِداريَّةٍ أُخرى. لا ينطبق هذا القالب أيضاً على على تصاميم الطَّوابع البريديَّة الَّتي نَشرتها الخدمة البريدية للولايات المتحدة منذ العام 1978م. (انظر § 313.6(C)(1) مِن خُلاصة الممارسات العمليَّة لمَكتب حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر الأمريكية). ولا تَنطبق أَيضاً على بعض قطع النُّقود المعدنيَّة الأَمريكيَّة ;شروط استخدام دار سكِّ العملة الأَمريكيَّة.
هذا الملفُّ مَلحُوظُ بصفته غيرَ مُقيَّدٍ بحقوق التَّأليف والنشر، وهذا يشمل أيضاً الحقوق المُجاوِرة أَو ذات الصلة جميعُها.
إصدارات أخرى
عملية استخراج الصور استُخرِجت صُورة واحِدة مِن هذا الملفِّ:Gerald Ford and J. Caleb Boggs.jpg.
institution QS:P195,Q3026274


Photo contact sheet B0447 – U.S. President Ford Administration – Gerald R. Ford Library
Frame(s) Tone Subject (proper) Subject (generic) Names Geographic Location Photographer Date
3 BW Meeting with Advisor to the President of Afghanistan and Special Envoy from President Mohammad Daoud greeting, handshaking GRF, Mohammad Aziz Naim Oval Office Thomas 1976-07-01
4-6 BW Meeting with Advisor to the President of Afghanistan and Special Envoy from President Mohammad Daoud seated near fireplace, talking GRF, Mohammad Aziz Naim Oval Office Thomas 1976-07-01
7-8 BW Meeting with Advisor to the President of Afghanistan and Special Envoy from President Mohammad Daoud; Minister of Planning, Deputy General of the Foreign Ministry seated near fireplace, talking; all not in frame, Kissinger's back to camera GRF, Mohammad Aziz Naim, Ali Ahmad Khurram, Samad Ghaus, Kissinger Oval Office Thomas 1976-07-01
9-10 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
11-12 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
13-14 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention standing, talking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified female Delaware Delegate - Blankinship, Ford, Frankenburg, Hodgden, Jarrell, Morton, Olson, Phillips, Rakestraw, Scott, Simms, Smith, Widenor Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
15 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
16 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
17 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
18-19 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention standing, talking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified female Delaware Delegate - Blankinship, Ford, Frankenburg, Hodgden, Jarrell, Morton, Olson, Phillips, Rakestraw, Scott, Simms, Smith, Widenor Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
20 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
21 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention standing, talking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified female Delaware Delegate - Blankinship, Ford, Frankenburg, Hodgden, Jarrell, Morton, Olson, Phillips, Rakestraw, Scott, Simms, Smith, Widenor Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
22 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention standing, talking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified female Delaware Delegate - Blankinship, Ford, Frankenburg, Hodgden, Jarrell, Morton, Olson, Phillips, Rakestraw, Scott, Simms, Smith, Widenor Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
23 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention standing, talking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified female Delaware Delegate - Blankinship, Ford, Frankenburg, Hodgden, Jarrell, Morton, Olson, Phillips, Rakestraw, Scott, Simms, Smith, Widenor Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
24 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
25 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
26-27 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
28-29 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
30 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention standing, talking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified female Delaware Delegate - Blankinship, Ford, Frankenburg, Hodgden, Jarrell, Morton, Olson, Phillips, Rakestraw, Scott, Simms, Smith, Widenor Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
31 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention standing, talking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified female Delaware Delegate - Blankinship, Ford, Frankenburg, Hodgden, Jarrell, Morton, Olson, Phillips, Rakestraw, Scott, Simms, Smith, Widenor Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
32-33 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
34 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
35 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
36 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention; US Senator from Delaware (DE) greeting, handshaking; Boggs doing introductions GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified male Delaware Delegate - Battaglia, Baxter, Brinsfield, Brown, Carter, Crow, George, Hughes, Isaacs, Kelley, Knoowitz, Lee, Money, Smith, Tyson, Weldon Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01
37 BW Reception for Delegates From Delaware (DE) to the Republican National Convention standing, talking GRF, Sen. Caleb Boggs, Unidentified female Delaware Delegate - Blankinship, Ford, Frankenburg, Hodgden, Jarrell, Morton, Olson, Phillips, Rakestraw, Scott, Simms, Smith, Widenor Blue Room Thomas 1976-07-01


Public domain
تقع هذه الصُّورة في النِّطاق االعامِّ في الولايات المُتحدة الأَمريكيَّة لأَنَّها عملٌ أُعدَّ مِن ضابطٍ أَو مُوظَّفٍ في الحكومة الاتحاديَّة للولايات المُتحدة في أَثناء قيامه بواجباته الرَّسميَّة، انظر في البند 17 الفصلَ 1 وفيه القسم 105 من قانون الولايات المُتحدة الأمريكيَّة. ملاحظة: ينطبق هذا فقط على الأعمال الأصيلة للحكومة الاتحادية وليس على أعمال الولايات أو التبعيات فُرادى ولا على أَيِّ تقسيماتٍ إِداريَّةٍ أُخرى. لا ينطبق هذا القالب أيضاً على على تصاميم الطَّوابع البريديَّة الَّتي نَشرتها الخدمة البريدية للولايات المتحدة منذ العام 1978م. (انظر § 313.6(C)(1) مِن خُلاصة الممارسات العمليَّة لمَكتب حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر الأمريكية). ولا تَنطبق أَيضاً على بعض قطع النُّقود المعدنيَّة الأَمريكيَّة ;شروط استخدام دار سكِّ العملة الأَمريكيَّة.
هذا الملفُّ مَلحُوظُ بصفته غيرَ مُقيَّدٍ بحقوق التَّأليف والنشر، وهذا يشمل أيضاً الحقوق المُجاوِرة أَو ذات الصلة جميعُها.


أضف شرحاً من سطر واحد لما يُمثِّله هذا الملف

العناصر المصورة في هذا الملف


١ يوليو 1976

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