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25/02/12 Pics ***With Compliments*** Past pupils Damien Varley, Kieran O Donnell, TD and Philip Danaher return to class at their alma mater St Munchin's College Limerick at the signing of contracts for the Colleges €7.5 million redevelopment. PRESS RELEASE St Munchin’s College Limerick embarks on a new chapter St Munchin’s Diocesan College Limerick has been at the heart of city life since it was founded in 1796. Having occupied many sites it moved from Henry Street in the city centre (now the site of the Garda station) to its present location which was the former residence of the Bishop of Limerick, on the banks of the Shannon in Corbally in 1962. The total cost of this development was £440,000 at the time.St Munchin’s was always a boarding and day school and at its peak accommodated 160 full time boarders. As the number of religious and boarders declined the boarding school was closed in 2003. Currently the school has close to 550 students drawn from Limerick city and Co. Clare. Through the years boarders have included Munster and Ireland rugby star Anthony Foley, former Minister John Gormley and composer Sean O Riada. More recently students have included International rugby players Conor Murray and Keith Earls and author Michael Collins.Now 50 years on from its move to Corbally the College is about to embark on a major redevelopment project.Funding to the tune of €7.5 million has been secured from the Department of Education and Skills for the extensive modification and refurbishment of the current building and the addition of a new sports hall and playing facilities. Early in 2012 L & M Keating Ltd of Clare were appointed as the main contractors.On Saturday February 25th past pupils, parents and friends of the College along with College Trustees and staff gathered for the signing of contracts. The entire school including the former boarding school was opened for one last time and this afforded the opportunity for old stories to be retold and faint memories to be recalled.Fr. Eamonn Fitzgibbon, trustee, said that “in the 200 year history of St Munchin’s College there have been many chapters. With the phasing out of the boarding school and the decline in priests we have recently seen the closure of some of those chapters. With this redevelopment a new and exciting chapter now begins”.Mr. David Quilter, Principal, said “with a project of this scale the support of many is essential, particular financial support. We are grateful to have the support of the trustees, board of management, past pupils and parents council. We look to the future with excitement. St Munchin’s has seen many changes in its long and distinguished life but what has never changed is the dedication to the highest standards and the care and concern shown by the staff for their students ”ENDS For further details please contact:


www.facebook.com/stmunchins www.twitter.com/stmunchins

Picture: Don Moloney / Press 22

St Munchins Contract Signing 02

المؤلف St Munchin's College from Limerick, Ireland


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نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه
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  • نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه – يلزم نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه بشكل مناسب وتوفير رابط للرخصة وتحديد ما إذا أجريت تغييرات. بالإمكان القيام بذلك بأية طريقة معقولة، ولكن ليس بأية طريقة تشير إلى أن المرخِّص يوافقك على الاستعمال.
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٢٥ فبراير 2012

٠٫٠٠٨ ثانية

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