The Whirlpool Galaxy (also known as Messier 51, M51, or NGC 5194) is a classic spiral galaxy located in the Canes Venatici constellation. It was discovered by Charles Messier on October 13, 1773.
X-rays from a rare type of supernova in the Whirlpool Galaxy were recently observed, thanks to the fine resolution of NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. The team of researchers also detected a large number of point-like X-ray sources due to black holes and neutron stars in binary star systems.
Chandra's image highlights the energetic central regions of the two interacting galaxies, NGC 5194 (center) and its smaller companion (upper left) NGC 5195, that are collectively called the Whirlpool Galaxy.
إنَّ جميع المواد المُنشأة بواسطة مُستشعِرات مِسبار الشمس وغلافها محميَّة بحقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر، ويلزم الحصول على تصريح قبل استعمالها في الأنشطة غير الرِّبحيَّة. انظر صفحة حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر الخاصَّة بالمِسبار.