هذه الوسائط لا يوجد لها {{ #if: {{{1|}}} | {{{1}}} | وصفا }}، و قد تفتقر إلى معلومات أخرى.
أجهزة الإعلام يجب أن يكون عندها خلاصة لإخبار الآخرين عن المحتوى ، مؤلف ، مصدر ، و التاريخ إذا كان بالإمكان. إذا كنت تعرف أو عندك وصولا إلى مثل هذه المعلومات ، رجاءا أضفها إلى صفحة الصّورة.
This file is free content and was scanned by the family of Nick Bacon from an image they received from the US Army and is used with their permission. It has no copyright and is thus free to be used as public domain/free use. Shown courtesy of The MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History which received the photo from his family.
This file is free content and was scanned by the family of Nick Bacon from an image of their creation in 1969 and is used with their permission. It has no copyright and is thus free to be used as public domain. Shown courtesy of The MacArthur Museum of Ar
This file was created by the family of Nick Bacon from an image of their creation and is used with their permission. It has no copyright and is thus free to be used.