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ملف:Somaliland. Anglo-Italian Boundary Commission 1929-1930. Indexes to Photo-runs War Office ledger (WOOS-33-3-2).jpg

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الملف الأصلي (7٬026 × 5٬573 بكسل حجم الملف: 26٫68 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)


; ;
Somaliland. Anglo-Italian Boundary Commission 1929-1930.' 'Indexes to Photo-runs' - War Office ledger (WOOS/33/3/2)
Graphic index to strips of aerial photographs.Lithographed base maps are G.S.G.S. No. 3927, Sheets 2, 7, 12, 16 and 17, published by the War Office, 1935 (filed at Maps MOD GSGS 3927). Portray hydrology, relief by contours, form lines, spot heights and rock drawing, vegetation, roads and tracks, settlements, water sources, triangulation stations, boundary points, the international boundary and place names. The extent of aerial photograph strips has been added in manuscript.
British Library Shelfmark
Locations Depicted
British Somaliland, Africa, 1884-1960 Italian Somaliland, Africa, 1889-1936
Centre Point Coordinates
التاريخ بين ١٩٣٥ و ١٩٣٦
date QS:P,+1935-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P1319,+1935-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1936-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
This file has been provided by the British Library from its digital collections. A full catalogue record for the item shown is available on the British Library website.

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Anglo-Italian Somaliland Boundary Commission, 1929-1930, Publisher Phipps, John Faviell, 1894-1964, army officer, Surveyor Stafford, John Howard, fl 1918-1966, army officer, Surveyor

Taylor, Richard Harold Redvers, 1900-1975, army officer and artist, Surveyor
(إعادة استخدام هذا الملف)
Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
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 البيانات الأرضية الزمنية
خريطة الموقع Somaliland
مقیاس الرسم Scale 1:250,000
صندوق الحدود
11°47′24″N 46°27′08″E / 11.7900°N 46.4522°E / 11.7900; 46.4522 11°47′24″N 49°31′16″E / 11.7900°N 49.5210°E / 11.7900; 49.5210
7°17′14″N 46°27′08″E / 7.2873°N 46.4522°E / 7.2873; 46.4522 7°17′14″N 49°31′16″E / 7.2873°N 49.5210°E / 7.2873; 49.5210
Georeferencing Georeference the map in Wikimaps Warper If inappropriate please set warp_status = skip to hide.
 بيانات الأرشيف
institution QS:P195,Q23308
الأبعاد 76 x 94cm and 66 x 94cm
خامة العمل Printed, with manuscript additions in coloured ink and crayon
ملاحظات For more information please see the British Library’s Collection Guide to the War Office Archive. Archived from the original on 2016-01-11. Retrieved on 2018-03-28.


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حالي12:16، 28 مارس 2018تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 12:16، 28 مارس 20187٬026 × 5٬573 (26٫68 ميجابايت)NdalyroseGWToolset: Creating mediafile for Ndalyrose.

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