Text Appearing Before Image:
' Text Appearing After Image: FIGURE 1 Ten-hour planula. The animal has elongated and has a distinct anterior end and posterior end. The anterior end is directed down in this micrograph. Microvilli are scattered over the surfaces of all ectodermal cells. Cilia are numerous. The blastopore (arrow) is located at the posterior tip of the planula. X280. FIGURE 12. Thirty-six-hour planula. The planula is long and narrow. Cilia are abundant, long, and scattered over the entire surface of the animal. The anterior and posterior regions are much narrower than seen in the 10-hour planula (Fig. 11). The anterior end is down. X165. FIGURE 13. Thirty-six-hour planula. An indentation is present in the middle of the anterior end. This pit is not the same indentation formed by the blastopore. Long cilia project out from the pit. XI100. FIGURE 14. Forty-eight-hour planula. Anterior end is directed down. X145.
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
الرجاء إضافة المزيد من وسوم حقوق الطبع والنشر لهذه الصورة إذا أمكن تحديد معلومات أكثر تحديدا عن حالة حقوق الطبع والنشر، انظركومنز:ترخيص لمزيد من المعلومات.
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