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إيفان بروير

هذه المقالة يتيمة. ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالة متعلقة بها
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
إيفان بروير
معلومات شخصية
الميلاد 23 سبتمبر 1981 (44 سنة)  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P569) في ويكي بيانات
ناشفيل  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P19) في ويكي بيانات
مواطنة الولايات المتحدة تعديل قيمة خاصية (P27) في ويكي بيانات
الحياة العملية
المهنة موسيقي  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P106) في ويكي بيانات

إيفان بروير (بالإنجليزية: Evan Brewer)‏ هو موسيقي أمريكي، ولد في 23 سبتمبر 1981 في ناشفيل في الولايات المتحدة.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ "Evan Brewer 2013 album update". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2018-12-27. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2013-03-10.
  2. ^ Metal File: Red Chord, Slayer, Botch & More - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News نسخة محفوظة 15 ديسمبر 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  3. ^ "Evan Brewer Interview - The Faceless". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2017-08-25. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2013-03-12. Well, I got very lucky. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee, and there's a very eclectic music scene there. At a pretty young age, probably about 3 or 4 years into playing, I was already doing quite a bit with the bass, quite a bit for a young kid, and someone hooked me up with Regi Wooten, the oldest brother of the Wooten brothers. He's the guitar player and he taught all of them how to play their instruments. Hooking up with him from an early age, we became very close. Being around those Wooten guys and that whole community at a very young age set the bar extremely high. They were doing extreme things with their instruments, but it became very normal. You know, you're sort of a product of your environment. If you've never heard someone speak English, you're not just going to be able to speak English out of nowhere, having never even heard the language. It came to where some guy playing like this and doing all this crazy stuff was completely routine and normal for me growing up. That experience really created what you see now in a large part and there was also a lot of independent study in correlation with that.

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