تعديل عدد المستخدمين ( user_editcount ) | 2 |
اسم حساب المستخدم ( user_name ) | 'Nnmwke' |
عمر حساب المستخدم ( user_age ) | 4454 |
المجموعات (بما في ذلك المجموعات الضمنية) التي يتواجد فيها المستخدم ( user_groups ) | [
0 => '*',
1 => 'user'
] |
ما إذا كان المستخدم يعد من تطبيق الهاتف المحمول (user_app ) | false |
سواء كان المستخدم يعدل عبر واجهة الهاتف المحمول (user_mobile ) | true |
المجموعات العالميَّة التي يمتلكها الحساب (global_user_groups ) | [] |
معرف الصفحة ( page_id ) | 0 |
مساحة اسم الصفحة ( page_namespace ) | 0 |
عنوان الصفحة بدون مساحة اسمية ( page_title ) | 'Who is u in mafia .' |
عنوان الصفحة الكاملة ( page_prefixedtitle ) | 'Who is u in mafia .' |
آخر عشرة مستخدمين ساهموا في الصفحة ( page_recent_contributors ) | [] |
عمر الصفحة بالثواني ( page_age ) | 0 |
أول مستخدم يساهم في الصفحة ( page_first_contributor ) | '' |
العمل ( action ) | 'edit' |
تحرير الملخص/السبب ( summary ) | 'An abbreviation for Oliver, the famous ' |
نموذج المحتوى القديم ( old_content_model ) | '' |
نموذج المحتوى الجديد ( new_content_model ) | 'wikitext' |
صفحة الويكي القديمة قبل التعديل ( old_wikitext ) | '' |
صفحة جديدة من ويكي النص، بعد التعديل ( new_wikitext ) | ''''The Mafia is a term used to describe a type of "organized crime syndicate" that exercises protection primarily by extortion - the use of violent intimidation to manipulate domestic economic activity, particularly illicit trafficking. It may engage in secondary activities such as drug trafficking, high interest loans and counterfeiting. Gangs are bound by a code of honour, particularly the pact of silence (or omertà in southern Italy), that protects the mafia from outside intrusions and law enforcement measures.'''
'''We are now presenting Wikipedia about one of the biggest mafias in Italy He is the boss of a big mafia named Oliver (U).'''
'''A drug dealer, criminal and deranged person who became famous in Italy while competing with the government, was famous for being a mysterious and influential person.'''
'''He became famous on 01/10/2010'''
'''We'll catch him soon, my people.'''
And this is the latest news, thank you for your patience...' |
توحيد الاختلافات بين التغييرات التي تم إجراؤها عن طريق التعديل ( edit_diff ) | '@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+'''The Mafia is a term used to describe a type of "organized crime syndicate" that exercises protection primarily by extortion - the use of violent intimidation to manipulate domestic economic activity, particularly illicit trafficking. It may engage in secondary activities such as drug trafficking, high interest loans and counterfeiting. Gangs are bound by a code of honour, particularly the pact of silence (or omertà in southern Italy), that protects the mafia from outside intrusions and law enforcement measures.'''
+'''We are now presenting Wikipedia about one of the biggest mafias in Italy He is the boss of a big mafia named Oliver (U).'''
+'''A drug dealer, criminal and deranged person who became famous in Italy while competing with the government, was famous for being a mysterious and influential person.'''
+'''He became famous on 01/10/2010'''
+'''We'll catch him soon, my people.'''
+And this is the latest news, thank you for your patience...
' |
حجم الصفحة الجديد ( new_size ) | 968 |
حجم الصفحة القديمة ( old_size ) | 0 |
تغيير الحجم في التعديل ( edit_delta ) | 968 |
تمت إضافة الأسطر في التحرير ( added_lines ) | [
0 => ''''The Mafia is a term used to describe a type of "organized crime syndicate" that exercises protection primarily by extortion - the use of violent intimidation to manipulate domestic economic activity, particularly illicit trafficking. It may engage in secondary activities such as drug trafficking, high interest loans and counterfeiting. Gangs are bound by a code of honour, particularly the pact of silence (or omertà in southern Italy), that protects the mafia from outside intrusions and law enforcement measures.''' ',
1 => '',
2 => ''''We are now presenting Wikipedia about one of the biggest mafias in Italy He is the boss of a big mafia named Oliver (U).''' ',
3 => '',
4 => ''''A drug dealer, criminal and deranged person who became famous in Italy while competing with the government, was famous for being a mysterious and influential person.''' ',
5 => '',
6 => ''''He became famous on 01/10/2010'''',
7 => '',
8 => ''''We'll catch him soon, my people.''' ',
9 => '',
10 => 'And this is the latest news, thank you for your patience...'
] |
تمت إزالة الأسطر أثناء التحرير ( removed_lines ) | [] |
نص الصفحة الجديدة، خالي من أي علامات ( new_text ) | 'The Mafia is a term used to describe a type of "organized crime syndicate" that exercises protection primarily by extortion - the use of violent intimidation to manipulate domestic economic activity, particularly illicit trafficking. It may engage in secondary activities such as drug trafficking, high interest loans and counterfeiting. Gangs are bound by a code of honour, particularly the pact of silence (or omertà in southern Italy), that protects the mafia from outside intrusions and law enforcement measures.
We are now presenting Wikipedia about one of the biggest mafias in Italy He is the boss of a big mafia named Oliver (U).
A drug dealer, criminal and deranged person who became famous in Italy while competing with the government, was famous for being a mysterious and influential person.
He became famous on 01/10/2010
We'll catch him soon, my people.
And this is the latest news, thank you for your patience...' |
مصدر HTML المُحلل للنسخة الجديدة ( new_html ) | '<div class="mw-parser-output"><p><b>The Mafia is a term used to describe a type of "organized crime syndicate" that exercises protection primarily by extortion - the use of violent intimidation to manipulate domestic economic activity, particularly illicit trafficking. It may engage in secondary activities such as drug trafficking, high interest loans and counterfeiting. Gangs are bound by a code of honour, particularly the pact of silence (or omertà in southern Italy), that protects the mafia from outside intrusions and law enforcement measures.</b>
</p><p><b>We are now presenting Wikipedia about one of the biggest mafias in Italy He is the boss of a big mafia named Oliver (U).</b>
</p><p><b>A drug dealer, criminal and deranged person who became famous in Italy while competing with the government, was famous for being a mysterious and influential person.</b>
</p><p><b>He became famous on 01/10/2010</b>
</p><p><b>We'll catch him soon, my people.</b>
</p><p>And this is the latest news, thank you for your patience...
</p></div>' |
سواء تم إجراء التغيير من خلال عقدة خروج Tor ( tor_exit_node ) أم لا | false |
طابع زمني للتغيير في يونكس ( timestamp ) | '1660795928' |