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نقاش المستخدم:Nnmwke

محتويات الصفحة غير مدعومة بلغات أخرى.
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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Who is he (u) Merchant, murderer, famous soul = mafia The Mafia is a gang with souls, fame, and big money, and some of them are mysterious, such as Dangertina and others. In Italy in 2008, on the date of 10/10, a mysterious person called himself (u) appeared. Well, no one was surprised by this because this was a normal thing for residents Well, the last period was very famous among the Arabs, especially it was monitored in certain areas. That's just what I have and Also, they call him Oliver. They think his age is around his thirties or forties because of his madness. He is really a psycho. Well that's all m I have goodbye.

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