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قالب:Flex columns/شرح

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

This template creates a two-column layout, where contents within the columns will have the same height, with any extra whitespace distributed throughout the shorter columns contents. It is mainly intended for use in portals.

This sort of layout requires browsers to support CSS flexbox  [لغات أخرى]‏. For those that don't there is a fallback that will show a two column view, but without the heights being the same (a layout many portals used as at July 2018).

For narrow screens, e.g. mobile devices, the display reverts to a single column.


{{Flex columns
|1 = (...first column contents...)
|2 = (...second column contents...)

Only contents which are in <div></div> tags will have extra whitespace distributed to them – except for those with class flex-columns-noflex (or otherwise override the flex: property)


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