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المتغيرات الأكثر استخداماً في الصيغة الأفقية

{{Literatur|Autor= |Titel= |Verlag= |Ort= |Jahr= |ISBN=}}

جميع المتغيرات التي تستخدم في الصيغة الأفقية

{{Literatur|Autor= |Herausgeber= |Titel= |TitelErg= |Sammelwerk= |Band= |Nummer= |Auflage= |Verlag= |Ort= |Jahr= |Monat= |Tag= |Kapitel= |Seiten= |Spalten= |ISBN= |ISBNistFormalFalsch= |ISSN= |Kommentar= |Originaltitel= |Originalsprache= |Übersetzer= |Online= |DOI= |arxiv= |Zugriff= }}


Parameter Meaning Comments/Examples
Autor Author Authors (Forename Surname, Forename Surname...)
Herausgeber Editor Editor of the compilation or the cited work (if no author is given)
Titel Title Title of the cited work
TitelErg Subtitle Further information about the title (e. g.: With an introduction by Lieschen Müller.).
Sammelwerk Compilation Title of the overarching work: magazine, anthology ... (automatically preceded by "In:")
Band Volume "Bd. 1" (not automatic, "Bd." must be entered), "Vol. 34" (English version: Volume, Vol.), "Book 12"
Nummer Number Number, , Issue or Heft ("Nr." or "No." is automatically added)
Auflage Edition "1." (A full stop must be entered.)
Verlag Publisher
Ort Location
Jahr Year
Monat Month Written in full ("Januar", "Februar", ...) only for دورية
Tag Day "1, 2, 3, ... 31" only for دورية
Kapitel Chapter e. g. "Early History chapter", "2.1.7 Miscellaneous" or "614b" (unlike pages and columns nothing is added here, giving freedom to describe sections of the work as they are arranged)
Seiten Pages e. g. "27–34" (a hyphen must be entered!), "13ff.", "192" ("S." will automatically appear)
Spalten Columns Many articles are organised by columns, not pages. Enter the column no. here e. g. "3–4" (hyphen must be entere! – "Sp." is automatically displayed)
ISBN ISBN number ISBN number (no need to enter "ISBN")
ISBNistFormalFalsch False ISBN If the book has been delivered with a false ISBN, enter "J" (="Ja" or "Yes") here.
ISSN ISSN nubmer ISSN number for magazines, ... (no need to enter "ISSN")
Kommentar Comments e. g. total pages, recommendation, PMID etc.
DOI Document Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1526906 (Document Object Identifier)

The DOI number is displayed thus: (دُوِي:10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1526906)

arXiv arXiv number astro-ph/0506600v1 (The Archive)

The arXiv number is displayed thus: (أرشيف خي:astro-ph/0506600)

Online Web page URL (example: "[http://server/file.pdf PDF, 1 MB]")
Zugriff Access date Date of the last time the data was accessed (for online sources, if not also available in print)
Originalsprache Original language RFC 4646 code for the language in which the original was published e. g. „en“, „en-US“ oder „ar-Latn-EG
Originaltitel Original title The original title in the original language
Übersetzer Translator The German translator of the edition in question
Typ List of works Only valid value: wl (Werkliste = "list of works"). If this parameter is entered, the name of the author does not appear in the result. So the details can be used in lists of works.

إذا تم إدخال متغير بدون اسم ({{Literatur|Hans Müller|...}})، ستظهر رسالة خطأ.



Contribution to a compilation work

  • {{Literatur |Autor=Max Mustermann |Titel=Aspekte modernen Wikipädisierens |Herausgeber=Bernd Beispiel |Sammelwerk=Soziologie der Wikipädianer |Verlag=Wikipedia-Press |Ort=Musterstadt |Jahr=2003 |ISBN=978-3-9801412-1-5 |Seiten=213–278}}
Max Mustermann (2003), Bernd Beispiel, ed., "Aspekte modernen Wikipädisierens" (in German), Soziologie der Wikipädianer (Musterstadt: Wikipedia-Press): pp. 213–278, ISBN 978-3-9801412-1-5

Article in a scientific journal

  • {{Literatur |Autor=Max Mustermann |Titel=Semantischer Kollaps bei Löschdiskussionen |Sammelwerk=Journal of Wikipedianism |Band=Vol. 2 |Nummer=3 |Monat=März |Jahr=2006 |Seiten=17–67}}
Max Mustermann (März 2006), "Semantischer Kollaps bei Löschdiskussionen" (in German), Journal of Wikipedianism Vol. 2 (3): pp. 17–67

Newspaper article

  • {{Literatur |Autor=Max Mustermann |Titel=Wikipedia wohin? |Sammelwerk=FAZ |Tag=1 |Monat=Februar |Jahr=2003 |ISSN=0174-4909 |Seiten=3}}
Max Mustermann (1 Februar 2003), "Wikipedia wohin?" (in German), FAZ: pp. 3, ISSN 0174-4909

Foreign work

  • {{Literatur |Autor=John Doe |Titel=Einführung in die Trollerei |Originaltitel=Introduction to Trolling |Originalsprache=en-US |Verlag=Wikipedia-Press |Ort=Musterstadt |Jahr=2003 |ISBN=978-3-9801412-1-5}}
John Doe (2003), Einführung in die Trollerei [Introduction to Trolling], Musterstadt: Wikipedia-Press, ISBN 978-3-9801412-1-5