قالب:Metadata population AT-9
- switch: date
| STAND | date = 2013-01-01 | QUELLE | source = Statistik Austria – Bevölkerung zu Jahresbeginn seit 2002 nach Politischen Bezirken | = | #default= {{قالب:Metadata population AT-9}} - Unknown metadata keyword: {{{2}}}
- switch:
| 9 | 90001 = 1741246 | 901 = 16268 | 902 = 96866 | 903 = 85508 | 904 = 30989 | 905 = 53071 | 906 = 30117 | 907 = 30309 | 908 = 23930 | 909 = 39968 | 910 = 182595 | 911 = 92274 | 912 = 89616 | 913 = 50831 | 914 = 86248 | 915 = 73527 | 916 = 97565 | 917 = 53489 | 918 = 48162 | 919 = 68892 | 920 = 83977 | 921 = 146516 | 922 = 165265 | 923 = 95263 | =
| TIMESTAMP | date = 2013-01-01 | Quelle | source = Statistik Austria – Bevölkerung zu Jahresbeginn seit 2002 nach Politischen Bezirken | #default= {{قالب:Metadata population AT-9}} - Unknown metadata keyword: {{{1}}}
}} قالب:Metadata population AT-1/doc
The population entries listed in this template have been copied from the ويكيبيديا الألمانية:
- German template: de:Vorlage:Metadaten_Einwohnerzahl_AT-9
That template contains a switch-list of data, such as to set "9 = 1714142 <!--Wien-->" for the population of فيينا, when parameter {1} is passed as population-code of 9.