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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة


Simply place the following code in the header area of collapsible tables to add left justified v • d • e navigational functionality:

{{Tnavbar-collapsible| Heading wikitext |{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}



(the first unnamed parameter) Text that appears centered in the titlebar (the top bar).
(the second unnamed parameter) The name of the template, which is needed for the "view • talk • edit" links to work properly on all of the pages where the template is used on. You can use {{subst:PAGENAME}} as a shortcut for this value.


If set to plain=1 then v • d • e will be expanded to the longer form of view • talk • edit.
Specifies the title text color and the link color of the v • d • e.

Note to editors with access to this template[عدل]

This template is likely represented across tens of thousands of pages, so please tread lightly when editing here.

انظر أيضاً[عدل]

{{وصلات قالب}}
This template transcludes tnavbar, the source is more customizable.
Positions v • d • e on the right edge of the line, often used in non-collapsible navbox heading.
For use in conjunction with Navframe divs, positions v • d • e opposite of the [hide]/[show] feature.

Make use of meta-template to reduce code bloat and simplify editing:

navigation templates comparison
collapsible header color image groups style (body)
{{شريط}} collapsible navbox left/right of body yes yes
{{شريط مركب}} collapsible navbox left/right of body and/or in each list yes yes
{{شريط بأعمدة}} collapsible navbox left/right of columns no yes
collapsible attributes
type css classes javascript collapses when custom
initial state
collapsible tables collapsible defined in common.js 2 or more autocollapse on page yes yes