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مستخدم:جواد الجنابي/ملعب

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Name: Jawad Jasim Mohammed Al-Janabi Place & date of birth: Kirkuk, July 1, 1968 Address: Iraq, Kirkuk, Alwasity (Altaakhy) quarter, House #393/3916 Email address: jawadaljanabi@yahoo.com, jawad_aljanabi@hotmail.com Mobile. #: (+964) 07701324730 / 07701259012 Mail Address: P.O.BOX: 2001/52002/KIRKUK/IRAQ Social status: Married Language: fluent in Arabic, Kurdish, Turkmen, and few English Graduation: Graduated from Baghdad University, College of Sport Education, Department of Sport Training 1992-1993

Occupation: 1. Member in Kirkuk Provincial Council KPC • Member of Religious & Social Affairs Committee • Member in Agricultural Work Partners (with PRT) Previous posts: • Chairman of Public Relations Committee • Member of Education & Higher Education Committee • Supervising on youth & sports projects in terms of Developing Regions & Speeding Up Provincial Reconstruction Budget 2006 2. Student in Netherlands Free University/ College of Law / 2nd stage

Membership in Organizations and posts: CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS: • Member in National Relations Center/ Kirkuk • Manager of Al-Khayma Organization for Peace & Solidarity • Consultative Member of Iraqi Cultural House in Kirkuk • Member in Leaders and Representative of Kirkuk People Council • Public Affairs Officer and Spokesman of SADA AL-ASHRAF Independent League / Iraq • Active member in Iraqi National Association for Human Rights • Active Member of Save Our children Organization • Former Member in Kirkuk Center for Dialogue and Social Development - Financial & Public Relations Officer • Former Member in Al-Wasiti Cultural and Social Center • Member in Kirkuk People Council • Member in League of Religion, Thoughts and Literature Scientists • A writer in political, social, tribal, conflict resolution, human rights issues

TRIBES AFFAIRS: • Tribe leader in Al-Janabi Tribe (Al-Slibi section) • Active in Conflict Resolution especially in tribal issues • Representative of more than 30 Arabic tribes and tribal council in Kirkuk Provincial Council SPORT: • Former Athlete and former champion in weights lifting • Expert in Athletics training and referee

Training courses: 7 training courses about the Strategic Plan FOR Kirkuk Province by Research Triangle Institute RTI in 2006. Several training courses of RTI about the local governances 2005, 2006. 2007 Training courses about Referee and body building and weights lifting 2006 The rule of Women in the National Reconciliation by Women’s Leadership Institute 2007 Conflict Resolution Training by NDI in Erbil 2007 Community Mapping Training by NDI in Erbil 2007 Rule of Court in promoting the rule of Local Councils in Sulimaniyah 2007 by RTI Gender, Development & CEDAW Agreement Training - 2007-Sulimaniyah - USAID/ Research Triangle Institute RTI Delegation & Negotiation Training - 2007 – Sulimaniyah - National Democratic Institute NDI "Kirkuk Reconciliation Program" Training – Sulimaniyah – 2007 - US Institute of Peace USIP Internet & Computer Training by State Company for Internet Services/ Ministry of Communication- Kirkuk - 2007


The first conference of the Free Iraq Association Baghdad 2004 Free Iraq Association The first conference of Iraq without violence Erbil 2005 IFIS The first conference of Iraq without violence Kirkuk 2005 IFIS Conference of Economic Development Plans Kirkuk 2006 Kirkuk Business Center The first conference of the Iraqi parliament members from Kirkuk Kirkuk 2006 Iraqi Institute for human rights Agriculture Conference Kirkuk 2007 Kirkuk Business Center Empowering Women’s Leadership Erbil 2007 Women Leadership Institute WLI Conference of Agricultural Researches Kirkuk 2007 University of Kirkuk Kirkuk Forum (conference on relations between Political parties and CSO in Kirkuk) 2007-Erbil National Democratic Institute NDI Civil Society Organizations between the ground and the ambitions 2007-Kirkuk Iraqi Representative Council IRC - Civil Society Organizations Committee "Peaceful Coexisting & Brotherhood in Kirkuk" Conference 2007-Kirkuk Iraqi Jurists League/ North of Iraq Popular Seminar on Regional interference in Iraq and Kurdistan affairs 2007-Kirkuk Organizations for Protecting Iraqi Journalists, Writers and Educated Women & Political Work Seminar 2007-Kirkuk PRT/USAID/ Research Triangle Institute RTI Rule of Students in Promoting Peaceful Coexisting, Discarding Violence and preventing Human Rights violations and their rule in conveying needs of Kirkuk people to the official departments in Iraq 2007-Kirkuk Student Solidarity Organizations SSO


The conference of peace for local councils Turkey 2005 UN/ Habitat Reconciliation Training Bosnia - 2007 US Institute of Peace USIP Conflict Resolution Training Jordan 2007 US Institute of Peace USIP

Activities: • Participate in the local and international champion of weights lifting. • Getting the first position of Youth champion of weights lifting competitions in 1985. • The second position of Iraqi sport clubs champion for weights lifting in Najaf 1989. • The third position of Iraqi army champion for weights lifting in Baghdad 1995. • The first position of Iraqi army champion for weights lifting in Baghdad 1996. • The first position of Iraqi Police champion for weights lifting in Mosul 1985. • The first position of Iraqi Universities champion for weights lifting in Baghdad 1992. • The first position of Iraqi universities champion for weights lifting in Baghdad 1990. • Publishing a book called "Arabic Tribes and Clans and their Villages in Kirkuk"

Awarded certificated: Thankful book of Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs 2006. Thankful book of independent ALSADA AlASHRAF association in Kirkuk 2006 Thankful book Iraqi Albeit association in Kirkuk 2007 RTI appreciate certification 2005 Thankful book of Iraqi Union of Weights Lifting 2006 Appreciate certification of the Tribal Solidarity Council in Kirkuk 2007 Appreciate certification from Iraqi Cultural House 2007 Appreciate certification from Youth and Sport Department 2007 Appreciate certification from Development Without Borders Institution DWBI in Kirkuk for the Peaceful Coexisting in Kirkuk

Writing Activities: 1- Writing social political cultural articles in different newspapers as followings: • “A word of right which could be used for illegal purposes” in Kerkuk Al-Jadida Newspaper 2004 • “Kirkuk Between Federalism and Constitution” in Kerkuk Al-Jadida Newspaper 2005 • “Brotherhood and Peaceful Coexisting” in Kerkuk Al-Jadida Newspaper 2005 • “Kirkuk Provincial Council between Centralism and Non- Centralism” in Al-Ittihad Newspaper 2005 • “Kirkuk Provincial Council delegation to Peace Conference in Turkey” in Kerkuk Murasil Newspaper 2005 • “Kirkuk between 140 Article implementation and Iraqi Constitution” in Kerkuk Al-Jadida and Al-Ariyaf Newspaper 2005 • “To when this boiling” in Al-Ittihad Newspaper 2007 • “The Iraq Situation and Belgium” in Al-Ittihad Newspaper 2007 • “Who is the Winner” in Al-Ittihad Newspaper 2007 2- Writing a book about Arabic tribes and their villages in Kirkuk 2006 3- Participating in a study about “Kirkuk People about Conflict” 2007 to NDI 4- Participating in a study about “Decreasing the level of Primary Education in Kirkuk” 2007 to USPI 5- Researcher and specialized in tribal issues and ancestors