مستخدم:عادل عباس كريم العراقي
Media publications:
Some of the researches and essays published in the media 1- in Al-SAbah Newspaper ( the results of 30 January are ways of glory &certification) 2- in Al-SAbah Newspaper ( the permanent constitution between the acceptance of majority and the refusing of the minority- expected problems and suggested solutions. 3- in Al-SAbah Newspaper (suggestion to the election mission, the two next democratic operations) 4- Al-Huda Newspaper (protecting the Environment is a human demand) The social act ivies: The humanitarian activities:
1- solving the clash between the Al-MAhdi Army and the American Forces during An Najaf Conflict, we could persuade the followers of SayedMUqtada about 2000 were going to take a part in the fighting, we could reach a peaceful solution. 2- I shared in reliving the displaced persons of Falluja by cooperation with Iraqi Red Crescent by offering food and tents. 3- I shared and participated in protecting the state properties against the robbers on 2004 in Karbala. --عادل عباس كريم العراقي (نقاش) 15:26، 28 يوليو 2014 (ت ع م)