مستخدم:محمود محمد الشوبكى/ملعب18
وكان توماس يونغ هول مهندس تعدين مشهود له دوليا ومالك مناجم الفحم وهو مواطن من تينيزيد وكان شخصية معروفة في نيوكاسل في منتصف القرن التاسع عشر ولد في غرينزيد في 25 أكتوبر 1802 وكان والده جيمس هول مهندس التعدين و مدير فولي بيت ووكيلا للعديد من أصحاب مناجم الفحم الرائدة بما في ذلك دونز وسيلفرتوب وكابتن بلاكيت وورايتسون و تاونلي و وجون بودل.[1]
Education and apprenticeship
[عدل]مع هذه الخلفية، تأكيد ويلفورد أن T.Y.Hall بدأ العمل باعتباره حفرة صبي من الضرورة الاقتصادية يبدو من غير المرجح.[2]
تلقى الشاب توماس تعليمه في مدرسة كراوكروك، المعروف أيضا باسم مدرسة كريغي بعد الأب والابن، جون وجون ألكسندر كريجي، الذي تصرف على التوالي كما سيد. كان كراوكروك في مركز صناعة تعدين الفحم في ذلك الوقت، وكان من بين التلاميذ البارزين الآخرين السير جورج إليوت، ونيكولاس وود، وجيه ب. سيمبسون وغيرهم ممن أصبحوا مهندسين بارزين في مجال التعدين في أوروبا وأمريكا. وتعليقات بورن، "إن السؤال عما إذا كانت أي مدرسة أخرى في القرية في إنجلترا قد أوضحت الكثير من الرجال البارزين الذين كانوا مرتبطين بتجارة الفحم". دخل توماس الألغام وتم تدريبه على والده وجون بادل في تونلي، ويتفيلد & كروكروك كوليرز .[1]
Early career
[عدل].[10] .[11] ,[12] [9] [13] [14]
Later career
Technical developments
Decline and death
[عدل]In the mid-1860s, Hall prepared a report on the Coalbrook and Broadoak Collieries at Loughor, Glamorgan,[30] The intended business model appears similar to the earlier American activity, with the key investors being Sir Wm.Milman, Messrs Manning and O'Donoghue. Relations between the partners appeared to sour between February and May 1866, by which point relations had broken down with the threat of legal action[32] At the same time, relations with the Simpsons, who managed the Stella assets, became strained[33]
At this time and clearly under considerable pressure, Hall suffered a stroke which incapacitated him for at least 12 weeks. It appears that he spent his remaining years quietly. In 1865, he had been contemplating the purchase of the Villa Real in the Morpeth area, but the sale did not proceed. Bourn.[1] states that he retired to Wylam Hill Farm. He died at his Newcastle residence, 11, Eldon Sq., on 3 February 1870 and his funeral was at Ryton Church.[34]
Scholarship bequest
[عدل],[35] ".
[عدل]- ^ ا ب ج Bourn W. The Parish of Ryton including the Parishes of Winlaton, Stella and Greenside. G.& T.Coward, The Wordsworth Press, Carlisle, 1896. Retrieved in February 2013 from History of Ryton
- ^ Welford R. Men of Mark 'Twixt Tyne and Tweed, Vol. II. p.421 et seq. Walter Scott, (1895)London, 1895. [Internet] Retrieved July 2013 from Men of Mark
- ^ Welford R.Men of Mark 'Twixt Tyne and Tweed, Vol. II. p.421 et seq. Walter Scott, London, 1895. [Internet] Retrieved July 2013 from Men of Mark
- ^ Durham County Records Office (DCRO)Bound papers. DCRO, NCB01/TH11 p.52 (1832)
- ^ Fordyce W.Local Records, Vol. III, or Historical Register of Remarkable events 1833–66 T.Fordyce,60 Dean St., Newcastle upon Tyne, 1867.
- ^ Hall T.Y.Correspondence 20 September 1834. DCRO NCB01/TH14(1834)
- ^ Welford R.Men of Mark 'Twixt Tyne and Tweed, Vol. II. p.421 et seq. Walter Scott, London, 1895. [Internet] Retrieved July,2013 at: https://archive.org/details/menofmarktwixtty02welf
- ^ Hall T.Y. Notes on the production and consumption of coal in France Trans. NEIMME, (1858)Vol.6, p.49, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1858
- ^ ا ب NEIMME TYHall's papers, Folder 2C10 – Blaydon Lease, NEIMME, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1841.
- ^ Fordyce W. The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, Vol. II.(1857)[Internet] Accessed July 2013. Available at: [1]
- ^ Welford R.Men of Mark 'Twixt Tyne and Tweed, Vol. II. p.421 et seq. Walter Scott, London, 1895. [Internet]Accessed at [2]
- ^ Wood T.Bound Correspondence, DCRO NCB01/TH11,1840, p.42.
- ^ DCRO Agreement for the formation of the Chesterfield Coal and Iron Company. DCRO, NCB01/TH11 p.33.
- ^ Fordyce W. The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, Vol. II.[Internet] Accessed July 2013, at: [3]
- ^ DCRO Bound papers. DCRO, NCB01/TH11 p.50(1841)
- ^ DCRO Bound papers. DCRO, NCB01/TH08.(1847)
- ^ DCRO Bound papers. DCRO, NCB01/TH11 p.81. (1848)
- ^ Fordyce W. The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, Vol. II. (1857)[Internet] Accessed July 2013 at: https://books.google.com
- ^ 1851 Census. [Internet] Accessed June 2013 at: www.ancestry
- ^ Hall T.Y. A Treatise on the Extent and Probable Duration of the Northern Coal-Field. Trans NEIMME, Vol.2, p.104, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1854.
- ^ Hall T.Y. On the Rivers, Ports, and Harbours of the Great Northern Coal-Field. Trans. NEIMME, Vol.10, p.41, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1861.
- ^ Yorkshire and Cleveland Railway Bill. TYHall's papers, Vol.2, NEIMME, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1854.
- ^ Hall T.Y. The Coal Measures of Styria in the Austrian Dominions. Trans NEIMME, Vol.4, p.55, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1855.
- ^ Hall T.Y. Statistical Notes on the Coal and Iron Production of the United States of America. Trans NEIMMEVol.4, p.125, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1856.
- ^ ا ب Fordyce W The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, Vol. II. (1857)[Internet] Accessed July 2013 at: https://books.google.com
- ^ Hall T.Y.Notes on the production and consumption of coal in France Trans. NEIMME, Vol.6, p.49, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1858
- ^ Hall T.Y. Progress of Coal-Mining in China. Trans. NEIMME, Vol.15, p.67, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1865.
- ^ Wood N.Experiments to test various safety lamps, tried at Wallsend Colliery. Trans NEIMME, Vol.1., p.316., Newcastle upon Tyne, 1853.
- ^ Hall T.Y. On the safety-lamp for the use of coal miners. Trans NEIMME, Vol.1., p.323., Newcastle upon Tyne, 1853.
- ^ ا ب TYHall's papers, Vol.2, NEIMME, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1853
- ^ Hall T.Y. On Penetrating Dangerous Gases. Trans NEIMME, Vol.2, p.87, Newcastleupon Tyne, 1853
- ^ DCRO Bound papers. DCRO, NCB01/TH41.(1866)
- ^ DCRO Bound papers. DCRO, NCB01/JS30.(1866)
- ^ Courant Obituary notice. The Newcastle Courant, 2nd Edition, 5 February 1870, Newcastle upon Tyne. (reprinted, 1st Edition, 11 February 1870)
- ^ NEIMME Minutes of meeting of August, 6th. Trans NEIMME Vol.19, p.188, Newcastleupon Tyne, 1870,
Sources and further reading
[عدل]Abbreviations: NEIMME: North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers DCRO: Durham County Records Office
[[تصنيف:1802 births]]
[[تصنيف:1870 deaths]]
[[تصنيف:English engineers]]
[[تصنيف:British mining engineers]]