مستخدم:Chaos/قائمة مواضيع التحليل العددي
تحليل عددي
[عدل]This is a list of numerical analysis topics, by Wikipedia page.
مواضيع عامة
[عدل]- خوارزمية جمع كاهان Kahan summation algorithm
- طريقة تكرارية Iterative method
- استكمال ريتشاردسون Richardson extrapolation
- تقدير كثيرات الحدود:
- مخطط هورنر Horner scheme
- خوارزمية كلينشاو Clenshaw algorithm
- خوارزمية دي كاستيلجاو De Casteljau's algorithm
- تقدير الدوال الخاصة:
- توليد الدوال المثلثية Generating trigonometric tables
- طرق حوسبة الجذور التربيعية Methods of computing square roots
- خوارزمية الجذر النوني n-th root algorithm
- تقريب لانكزوس Lanczos approximation
- طريقة مجموعة المستوى Level set method
- Abramowitz and Stegun
- Curse of dimensionality
- تقارب فائق Superconvergence
- Termination
- Discretization
- Difference quotient
[عدل]- تقريب Approximation
- عدد شرطي Condition number
- إستقرار رقمي Numerical stability
- Well-posed problem
- Significant figures
- Loss of significance
- Propagation of errors resulting from algebraic manipulations
- Precision (arithmetic)
- Hilbert matrix
- Floating point number
- Truncation
- Round-off error
- Discretization error
- Approximation error
- Percent error
جبر خطي عددي
[عدل]- أنماط المصفوفات التي تظهر في التحليل العددي :
- خوارزميات جداء المصفوفات:
- حل جملة معادلات خطية:
- خوارزمية القيمة الخاصة Eigenvalue algorithm :
- تعامد Orthogonalization :
- QR decomposition
- Krylov subspace
- Nearest Neighbor Interpolation
- Polynomial interpolation
- Linear interpolation
- Runge's phenomenon
- Vandermonde matrix
- Chebyshev polynomials
- Chebyshev nodes
- Lebesgue constant (interpolation)
- Different forms for the interpolant:
- Extensions to multiple dimensions:
- Hermite interpolation
- Birkhoff interpolation
- Spline interpolation
- Slerp
- Wavelet
- Inverse distance weighting
- Trigonometric interpolation
- Irrational base discrete weighted transform
- Pareto interpolation
- Extrapolation
- Regression analysis
- Approximation theory
- Orders of approximation
- Lebesgue's lemma
- Curve fitting
- Different approximations:
- Curve-fitting compaction
إيجاد جذور معادلة خطية
[عدل]- Root-finding algorithm
- Bisection method
- False position method
- Newton's method
- Secant method
- Müller's method
- Inverse quadratic interpolation
- Brent's method
- Laguerre's method
- Shifting nth-root algorithm
- Lehmer-Schur algorithm
- Wilkinson's polynomial
- مصطلحات:
- Continuous optimization
- برمجة خطية (أيضا تتعامل مع البرمجة الصحيحة Integer Programming)
- Quadratic programming
- Convex optimization
- Nonlinear programming
- Combinatorial optimization
- Stochastic programming
- Dynamic programming
- Global optimization:
- Random optimization algorithms:
- Simulated annealing
- Evolutionary algorithm
- Genetic algorithm, genetic programming
- Particle swarm optimization
- Stochastic tunneling
- see also the section Monte Carlo method
- Infinite-dimensional optimization
- Optimal substructure
- Theoretical aspects:
- تطبيقات:
Numerical integration
- Trapezium rule
- Simpson's rule
- Newton-Cotes formulas
- Gaussian quadrature
- Romberg's method
- Sparse grid
- Numerical differentiation
- Euler-Maclaurin formula
معادلات تفاضلية نظامية عددية
[عدل]معادلات تفاضلية نظامية عددية — الحل العددي للمعادلات التفاضلية النظامية (ODEs)
- Euler integration — the most basic method for solving an ODE
- Runge-Kutta methods — one of the two main classes of methods for initial value problems
- Midpoint method — a second-order method with two stages
- Multistep method — the other main class of methods for initial value problems
- Newmark-beta method — a method specifically designed for the solution of problems from classical physics
- Verlet integration — another method for problems from classical physics
- Geometric integrator — a method that preserves some geometric structure of the equation
- Symplectic integrator — a method for the solution of Hamilton's equations that preserves the symplectic structure
- Stiff equation — roughly, an ODE for which the unstable methods needs a very short step size, but stable methods do not.
- Shooting method — a method for the solution of boundary value problems
معادلات تفاضلية جزئية عددية
[عدل]Numerical partial differential equations — the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs)
- Methods for the solution of PDEs:
- Finite difference method — based on approximating differential operators with difference operators
- Discrete Laplace operator — finite-difference approximation of the Laplace operator
- Crank-Nicolson method — second-order method for heat and related PDEs
- Finite element method, finite element analysis — based on a discretization of the space of solutions
- Galerkin method — a finite element method in which the residual is orthogonal to the finite element space
- Rayleigh-Ritz method — a finite element method based on variational principles
- Direct stiffness method — a particular implementation of the finite element method, often used in structural analysis
- Spectral method — based on the Fourier transformation
- Boundary element method — based on transforming the PDE to an integral equation on the boundary of the domain
- Analytic element method — similar to the boundary element method, but the integral equation is evaluated analytically
- Finite volume method — based on dividing the domain in many small domains; popular in computational fluid dynamics
- Discrete element method — a method in which the elements can move freely relative to each other
- Finite difference method — based on approximating differential operators with difference operators
- Techniques for improving these methods:
- Multigrid, multigrid method — uses a hierarchy of nested meshes to speed up the methods
- Domain decomposition method — divides the domain in a few subdomains and solves the PDE on these subdomains
- Adaptive mesh refinement — uses the computed solution to refine the mesh only where necessary
- Mimetic methods — methods that respect in some sense the structure of the original problem
- Numerical diffusion — diffusion introduced by the numerical method, above to that which is naturally present
- Numerical resistivity — the same, with resistivity instead of diffusion
- Multiphysics — models consisting of various submodels with different physics
- متغيرات طريقة مونتي كارلو:
- Box-Muller transform
- Low-discrepancy sequence
- Parallel tempering
- Techniques for reducing the variance:
- تطبيقات:
- Also see the list of statistics topics
[عدل]- See also: List of numerical analysis software
- Libraries:
- لغات برمجة :
- برامج :
مقالات تتطلب تصنيف
[عدل]Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition -- Explicit and implicit methods -- Finite element method in structural mechanics -- MISER algorithm -- Newton fractal -- Pseudospectrum -- Uniform theory of diffraction -- Weak formulation -- Radial basis function -- OpenBUGS -- Particle filter -- Braess' paradox -- Convex analysis -- Corner solution -- Discrete optimization -- Goal programming -- Pareto analysis -- Pareto principle -- Partial evaluation -- Subderivative -- Trust region -- Utility maximization problem -- Branch and bound -- Cutting-plane method -- Delayed column generation -- Karmarkar's algorithm -- MTD-f -- Reactive search -- Effective fitness -- Evolution strategy -- Evolutionary art -- Gene expression programming -- Human-based genetic algorithm -- Interactive evolutionary computation -- Interactive genetic algorithm -- Learning classifier system -- Memetic algorithm -- Neuroevolution -- Bairstow's method -- Durand-Kerner method -- Splitting circle method --
- Complex wavelet transform / Discrete wavelet transform
- Greedy algorithm, Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure, Hill climbing, Local search (optimization), Random-restart hill climbing (currently more about discrete optimization, but may be expanded to cover continuous optimization)
- MANIAC II (computer)
- Operations research (what is the relation between OR and optimization?)
- Secular equation / Secular function
- Structural analysis (very applied)
- Category:Numerical analysis
- Category:Approximation theory
- Category:FFT algorithms
- Category:Interpolation
- Category:Monte Carlo method
- Category:Numerical software is excluded, because it is covered by List of numerical analysis software
- Category:Numerical linear algebra
- Category:Optimization
- Category:Root-finding algorithms
- Category:Splines
Category:Numerical software --
Category:Optimization software --
Category:Combinatorial optimization --
Category:Genetic algorithms --
Category:Genetic programming --
Category:Interactive evolutionary computation
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