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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
User-generated representation of Polandball.

Polandball, also known as countryball, is a user-generated ميم إنترنت which originated on the /int/ board of German imageboard Krautchan.net in the latter half of 2009. The meme is manifested in a large number of ويب كومكس, where بلد are presented as spherical دور (تمثيل)s that interact in often broken English, poking fun at national صورة نمطية and علاقات دولية. The comics style may be referred to both as Polandball (even in case there is no Poland among the cartoon characters) and countryball (or, collectively, countryballs).



Polandball has its roots in an August 2009 'cyberwar' between Polish Internet users and the rest of the world on drawball.com. The website, which offers a virtual canvas, allows Internet users to draw whatever they want, and to draw over others' drawings. On the Polish Internet, an idea was raised to draw the علم بولندا on the ball, and thousands of Poles together managed to take over the drawball with a painting of white on top of red, with the word "بولندا" written in the middle. After co-ordination from 4شان, this was then covered over by a giant صليب معقوف.[1][2]

Krautchan.net is a German-language imageboard whose /INT/ board is frequented by English-speaking netizens. The beginning of the Polandball meme is credited to Falco, a Brit on /INT/, who in September 2009 created the meme using MS Paint in an apolitical way to متصيد (إنترنت) Wojak, a Pole on the same board who contributes in broken English, after which Polandball cartoons were enthusiastically drawn by روس.[1][3][4]



The premise of Polandball, which gained in popularity in the wake of the حادث تحطم طائرة الرئيس البولندي which killed Polish President ليخ كاتشينسكي, is it represents Poland and its تاريخ بولندا, relations with other countries, and صورة نمطيةs,[3][5] focussing on Polish جنون العظمة and عقدة نفسية.[2] Interactions between countryballs tend to be written in broken English and عامية إنترنت, reminiscent of the Lolcat meme, and by the end of the cartoon Poland, which is purposely represented as red on top of white (the reverse of the Polish flag), is typically seen weeping.[1][2]

Some Polandball comics arise from the premise that Russia can fly into space, whilst Poland can not. One of the most popular Polandball cartoons begins with the premise that Earth is going to be struck by a giant meteor, leading to all countries with space technology leaving Earth and going into مدار around the planet. At the end of the cartoon, Poland, still on earth, is crying, and in broken English pronounces the canonical Polandball catchphrase "Poland cannot into space".[3] In this humorous way, Russians put a halt to all discussion with Poles on which country is superior.[1][3][5] In another Polandball comic which delves into historic-political هجاء, Poland is seen to be boring other countryballs, with its proclamation of "So when we crushed Russia and the turks [sic] were were the biggest country in the world... and..", leading other countryballs to laugh at it. Poland, by now irritated, utters kurwa, and holds up a sign saying "Internet serious business", which is an internet slogan used to deride others who treat subjects with disdain, and in Polandball convention, finishes by crying.[1][2][6]

Other countryballs

A user-generated representation of Egypt in Polandball-style

Polandball can also include comics on other countries, but by convention these comics are usually still referred to as Polandball,[1] although they can also be called countryballs.[4] According to Lurkmore.to, بافاريا has its own ball, and other balls have been created for ولايات الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, منطقة كتالونيا and سيبيريا, amongst others. سنغافورة takes the form of a triangle and is called Tringapore; إسرائيل takes the form of a hypercube (in reference to Jewish physics); كازاخستان takes the form of a brick; and المملكة المتحدة is shown wearing a top hat and نظارة مفردة.[7]


  1. ^ ا ب ج د ه و Orliński, Wojciech (16 Jan 2010). "Wyniosłe lol zaborców, czyli Polandball" (بالبولندية). Gazeta Wyborcza. Retrieved 2012-03-25.
  2. ^ ا ب ج د Zapałowski, Radosław (15 Feb 2010). "Znowu lecą z nami w... kulki" (بالبولندية). Cooltura. Retrieved 2012-03-22.
  3. ^ ا ب ج د Kapiszewski, Kuba (13/2010). "Fenomem - Polska nie umieć kosmos" (بالبولندية). Przegląd. Retrieved 26 March 2012. {{استشهاد بخبر}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |date= (help)
  4. ^ ا ب "Polandball". Knowyourmeme. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 26 March 2012. {{استشهاد ويب}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |accessdate= (مساعدة) وline feed character في |accessdate= في مكان 3 (مساعدة)
  5. ^ ا ب Cegielski, Tomek (12 April 2011). "MEMY. Legendy Internetu" (بالبولندية). Hiro.pl. Retrieved 24 March 2012. {{استشهاد بخبر}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |date= (help) and line feed character في |date= في مكان 9 (help)
  6. ^ "Polandball cartoon". Unknown. Unknown. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 26 March 2012. {{استشهاد ويب}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |date= (مساعدة)
  7. ^ "Int" (بالروسية). Lurkmore.to. 26 Dec 2011. Retrieved 2012-03-27.

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