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مستخدم:Yousef ehab sultan

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Joseph Sultan (born 1999) is an Egyptian politican and a young leader.

He is best known for the bold thoughts and ideas he presented while running for the Egyptian Presidency after the 25th January revolution that took down Mubarak's regime in Egypt.

Joseph was 12 years old when he decided to take the inniative and start a movement to allows young people to be presidents and decision makers in his country after decades of dictatorship and the absence of freedom of speech during Mubarak's era.

Despite his young age,Joseph has come up with strong and balanec projects for thecountry, supported by clear timelines and plans, planning to have absloute reform for the National Health Systems, Education and Economy.

The projets he proposed


When he was hosted at the 'Horya' Egyptian talkshow, Joseph explained his plans for the reformation of the health and its structure, promosing to create a new system that allows every citizen to get free medicine and health care, instead of the beaucracy the current system is suffering from and the three-millions waiting list we have.



The education wasn't off his program as well, as he shared his vision about the future educational system and how it should be improved to increase the quality of the content and materials, focusing on the interactive approaches and the international exchange programs with other countries to provide children with a world-wide mindset and enable him since day 1.

TheWholeWorldinEgypt project


The greatest project he presented and explained it extensivly during his CNN interiew was the WholeWorldinEgypt project, planning to create a new capital for the country and giving Cairo a well-desserved-break!

A city that would be at the eastern dessert, to fight the growing dentisty and rebranding Egypt, giving it its deserved status internationally.

The city should have included micro-cities of every country within it, having its resturants, cafes, clubs and momentunms where you can explore its culture merely by visiting a neighborhood.

'The micro-cities would be entirely funded by the country building it', says Joseph, explaning that he would give them 50-years old contracts to own the properties they build and use their revenues with the condition of employing Egyptian citizens, resulting in a great drive in the Egyptian's economy and creating employment opportunites with such a long-term investement.


  1. ^ "يوسف أصغر مرشح مصري للرئاسة عمره 12 عاماً: ماذا تنتظر يا عصام شرف حتى تستقيل؟!". دنيا الوطن. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2020-06-06.