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ملف:General Francisco Higino Craveiro Lopes, Presidente de Portugal.tif

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هذا ملف من ويكيميديا كومنز
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

الملف الأصلي (1٬804 × 2٬523 بكسل حجم الملف: 7٫6 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/tiff)


Manuel Alves de San Payo  (١٨٩٠–١٩٧٤) wikidata:Q85875115
Manuel Alves de San Payo
أسماء أخرى
الاسم بعد الولادة: Manuel Joaquim Alves; اسم مستعار: Manuel Alves de San Payo
الوصف مصور، مخرج أفلام ومحاضر برتغالي
تاريخ الميلاد/الوفاة ١٦ أبريل ١٨٩٠ عدل هذا على ويكي بيانات ٨ مايو ١٩٧٤ عدل هذا على ويكي بيانات
مكان الميلاد/الوفاة Melgaço عدل هذا على ويكي بيانات لشبونة عدل هذا على ويكي بيانات
ملف الضبط الاستنادي
creator QS:P170,Q85875115
Português: General Francisco Higino Craveiro Lopes, Presidente de Portugal. Fundo Documental: Agência Nacional.
أشخاص مُصوَّرون الشخص المُصوَّر: Francisco Craveiro Lopes – President of Portugal (1894-1964)
التاريخ ١٩٥٧
date QS:P571,+1957-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
institution QS:P195,Q2860546
رقم التصنيف
المصدر الأرشيف الوطني


Public domain
This work is in the public domain both in Portugal and in the United States because it was first published in Portugal (and not published in the U.S. within 30 days) and it was first published before 1 March 1989 without complying with U.S. copyright formalities, such as copyright notice and it is one of the following:

  • A photographic work, work deemed to be a photographic work or work of applied art created before 1 July 1970 (more info here); or
  • Another type of work whose author died before 1946; or
  • An anonymous work or a work deemed to be anonymous, or a work by a collective person whose authors were not individually identified, published or disclosed before 1946.

For background information, see the explanations on Non-U.S. copyrights.
As of 1 January 1996, the following were in the public domain in Portugal: works whose author died before 1946; anonymous works, works deemed to be anonymous, or works by a collective person whose authors were not individually identified, first published or disclosed before 1946; photographic works, works deemed to be photographic works or works of applied art created before 1 July 1970; news articles or economic, political or religious articles, published or disclosed before 1996, provided that rights have not been specifically reserved and mentions, wherever possible, the name of the author and of the publisher, of the title of the work and other elements enabling it to be identified.
صورة فوتوغرافية
Arquivo Nacional

Public domain
This media is a faithful reproduction of public domain multimedia and it was the result of a GLAM partnership between the Arquivo Nacional and the Wikimedia Users Group in Brazil. The Arquivo Nacional (in English: The Brazilian National Archives) is an institution of the Brazilian Ministry of Justice and Public Security responsible for the management and preservation of documents pertaining to the federal public administration and located in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Please attribute as: Public domain / Arquivo Nacional Collection
Por favor, atribua como: Domínio público / Acervo Arquivo Nacional
Public domain
This work is in the public domain in Brazil for one of the following reasons:
  • It is a work published or commissioned by a Brazilian government (federal, state, or municipal) prior to 1983. (Law 3071/1916, art. 662; Law 5988/1973, art. 46; Law 9610/1998, art. 115)
  • It is the text of a treaty, convention, law, decree, regulation, judicial decision, or other official enactment. (Law 9610/1998, art. 8)
  • It is a work whose authors' rights belong to the Brazilian government (federal, state, or municipal), for which the economic rights shall be protected for a period of 70 years from the first of January of the year following that of their disclosure or that of the author's demise, whichever is later. ([1])

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أضف شرحاً من سطر واحد لما يُمثِّله هذا الملف

العناصر المصورة في هذا الملف


Francisco Craveiro Lopes الإنجليزية

تاريخ الملف

اضغط على زمن/تاريخ لرؤية الملف كما بدا في هذا الزمن.

زمن/تاريخصورة مصغرةالأبعادمستخدمتعليق
حالي03:45، 25 مايو 2018تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 03:45، 25 مايو 20181٬804 × 2٬523 (7٫6 ميجابايت)Ederportopattypan 18.02

الصفحتان التاليتان تستخدمان هذا الملف:

الاستخدام العالمي للملف

الويكيات الأخرى التالية تستخدم هذا الملف:

اعرض المزيد من الاستخدام العام لهذا الملف.

بيانات وصفية