Hi there, may I please know, in detail, why this page is being removed. This is my 5th try and I have spent days working on this. I need to know what is going on so I can fix it and submit a page that will not be removed.
Thank you
Hi there, may I please know, in detail, why this page is being removed. This is my 5th try and I have spent days working on this. I need to know what is going on so I can fix it and submit a page that will not be removed.
Thank you
بسام العسلي شخصية عسكرية معروفة، وهو كاتب عسكري معروف، بلغت كتبه اكثر من مائة مؤلف، من دور نشر معروفة كدار النفائس ودار الفكر ودار الشورى ودار طلاس والمؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر مع مقالات نشرت في أهم المجلات العسكرية في العالم العربي من مجلة الدفاع العربي في بيروت إلى مجلة الفكر العسكري في دمشق إلى الحرس الوطني في الرياض ماقارب مجموعه الألف مقالة.
Is there a component I am missing to signify that this meets Notability People? Did I post anything that is detrimental?