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نقاش المستخدم:Abu mohammad abubaker

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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
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مرحبًا Abu mohammad abubaker، وأهلاً وسهلاً بك في ويكيبيديا. هذه بعض الروابط التي قد تكون مفيدة لك:

إذا كان لديك استفسار أو احتجت لمساعدة فتفضل إلى قاعة الشاي. وأخيراً، لا تنس توقيع رسائلك في صفحات النقاش بالضغط على Insert-signature حيث ستتحول تلقائياً عند حفظ الصفحة إلى اسم المستخدم والتاريخ.

--  أسامة الساعدي  ناقش        22:58، 28 أغسطس 2014 (ت ع م)ردّ

تنبيه صفحة نقاش




ابحث عن مصادر موثوقة غير الفيس بوك والتويتر واليوتيوب وضعه بين إشارة (اضغط على زر عدل لهذه الصفحة لترى كيف كتبت الرموز) [1] ، وبالنسبة للصورة يجب أن تكون صورة حرة ولا تكون لشخص على قيد الحياة طالع هذه الصفحة للمزيد من المعلومات، تحياتي---Avicenno (نقاش) 13:27، 28 أكتوبر 2014 (ت ع م)ردّ

سهى خوري Suha Khoury


سهى خوري Suha Khoury

EDUCATION: • 1989 - 1992 BS- Summa Cum Laude. Coordinated Undergraduate Program in Dietetics, Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, WI, USA • 2005 Certified Diabetes Educator, Israeli Ministry of Health • 2006 Certified Group Facilitator • 2013 Certified NLP Practitioner


• 1992 - present : Active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association). Registration number 812110. • 1995 - present: Permanent licensed status with the Israeli Ministry of Health. License number 11-101323. • 1993 - present: Member of the American Overseas Dietetic Association (AODA). • 1994 - 2012: Member of the Israeli Association for Dietitians. • 2014: Member of International Association of NLP Institute


CURRENT POSITIONS • 1993 - present • Medical Nutrition Therapist, Clalit Health Services, Darom Clinic (diabetes clinic), German Colony, and Sheikh Jarrah Clinic in East Jerusalem. Responsible for providing consultations to clients for all nutrition-related health problems, including obesity, underweight, diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2), gestational diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, osteoporosis, fatty liver, renal problems, and gout. I deliver lectures upon request to family physicians, nurses, and dietitians of on the dietary management of diseases. I participate in health awareness campaigns by delivering nutrition lectures to clients. Since 2006, I am also responsible for conducting weekly group sessions for empowerment in diabetes self-management. The diabetes program is designed to provide people with diabetes basic education and tools that will enable them to manage the disease successfully and to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. • 2001- present: • Columnist at Al-Quds newspaper. I write a weekly column on health and nutrition issues with the aim of providing evidence-based nutrition information to the public in easy language. 2006 - present: • Nutrition Forum Administrator on Internet, Clalit Health Services. I write weekly articles on nutrition and answer all internet inquiries. 2008 - present • Diabetes Coordinator, Kupat Holim Meuhedet, Jerusalem. Responsible for improving diabetes quality measures and performance measures in Meuhedet East Jerusalem clinics. The position involves creating plans and developing materials for the prevention of, detection of undiagnosed diabetes cases, and improvement in diabetes treatment services in primary care clinics, as well as for patient empowerment for self-management of diabetes. In addition, the position involves overseeing education courses for doctors, nurses, and people with diabetes. Since April 2014, the position has expanded to involve West Jerusalem clinics as well. 2011 - present: • Director of "Skills" Program. I am in charge of a women empowerment group facilitation program, YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association), East Jerusalem. I designed a two-month program that consists of weekly sessions on body image, health, nutrition, and well-being. I developed the materials and I facilitate the sessions.

PREVIOUS POSITIONS • 2008- 2011 • Co-director, Slim Peace Groups (http://www.slimpeace.org/hebrew/Home.html), a group facilitation program for balanced nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and women empowerment. In 2010, I initiated a similar joint program for teenagers. I was responsible for developing the nutrition and healthy lifestyle model, marketing, and staff training. • 12/93 - 3/99, and 8/08-2010 • Medical Nutrition Therapist, Maccabee Health Services, East Jerusalem. Provided dietary counseling to clients for nutrition-related health problems. Participated in case management project for diabetes. 09/95 - 12/95 (part-time) • Nutrition Teacher, Israeli Ministry of Education, Jerusalem. Designed and taught a nutrition course in the Arabic language for High School teachers as part of their continuing education requirements. 08/94 - 07/95 (part-time) • Nutrition Teacher, YWCA, Jerusalem. Designed curriculum for a basic nutrition course in the Arabic language, and taught the course for YWCA students who have completed High School and wished to advance their knowledge in the health field. 06/92 - 05/93 • Nutritionist, Sixteenth Street Community Health Center- WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Project, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Responsible for dietary screening and nutritional assessment. Provided nutrition counseling based on participants’ risk factors and nutritional inadequacies.


• 5/2014: Delivered a seminar for family doctors on coaching techniques to deal with psychological insulin resistance in doctors and patients as part of Sanofi mini-school for diabetes education. • 06/2012: Invited speaker at the Israeli Nutrition Week and the AODA Regional conference, Tel Aviv. Title of presentation: "Grains: the Whole Story". • 1/2011: Invited speaker at the Jerusalem Conference on Diabetes and Obesity. Title of presentation: Healthy consumerism in diabetes. • 6/2011: Invited speaker at the Fourth Conference on the Health of the Arabic Population, Nazareth. Title of presentation: "Whole Grains". • 05/2009: Invited speaker at the 1st Mediterranean Nutrition and Metabolism Congress & the 7th Preventive Nutrition-Unified Forces: title of first presentation: "Evidence-based Nutrition Recommendations for Diabetes", title of second presentation: "Adapting diabetes education to the Arab Culture". • 01/2009: Authored the diabetes nutrition recommendations of the guidelines of the Israel Diabetes Association. • 08/2003: Invited speaker at the International Diabetes Federation Congress, Paris, France. Title of first presentation: “Habits and Food Resources in the World”, title of second presentation: “USA Nutrition Diabetes Management Guidelines”. • 04/2003: Invited speaker for a panel discussion and the 25th Anniversary AODA Conference, Camogli, Italy. Title of presentation: “Soy-based infant formula: Concerns and Recommendations”. • 04/2002: Invited speaker for a panel discussion at the 2nd Cyprus Dietetic Association, Cyprus, Nicosia. Title of presentation: “USA Diabetes Management Guidelines: Carbohydrate Counting”. • 01/2001: Published an article in Diabetes Voice, Bulletin of the International Diabetes Federation, entitled “A Cultural Approach to Diabetes Therapy in the Middle East”. Volume 46, March, Number 1/2001. • 12/2000: Published an article to NEWSFLASH Diabetes Care and Education magazine entitled “Translating Medical Nutrition Therapy Approaches of Diabetes into the Middle Eastern Culture”. Winter 2001, volume 22, number 1 • 11/2000: Invited speaker at the International Diabetes Federation Congress, Mexico City, Mexico. Title of presentation: “Translating Medical Nutrition Therapy Approaches of Diabetes into the Middle Eastern Culture”. • 06/1999: Shared my work experience in Israel on an interview with NEWSFLASH Diabetes Care and Education magazine in an article entitled “Diabetes Care and Education Around the World- Israel”. Fall 1999, volume 20, number 5.


• 2009: Recipient of Excellence in Performance Award, Darom Diabetes Clinic, Jerusalem • 2003: Recipient of Excellence in Performance Award, Darom Diabetes Clinic, Jerusalem • 2003: Recipient of International Dietetic Network Star Award, AODA. • 2000: Recipient of the Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award, ADA. • 1992: Member in Kappa Gamma Pi, the National Catholic College Graduate Honor Society. • 1991: Recipient of “Excellence in Economics” Award, Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, WI, USA. • 1990 - 1991: Member of Who’s Who among American Universities and Colleges.


• 2012, 2013, 2014: Interviewed on Al-Hurra satellite TV on nutrition health issues • 2011, 2012, 2013: Volunteered as a dietitian for diabetes awareness events at the Knesset • 2009: Took an active role in writing the nutrition recommendations of the Israeli Diabetes Assciation • 1999: Sponsorship Chair, AODA Board of Directors • 1998: Fundraising Chair, AODA Board of Directors • 1998 - 01: Interviewed bimonthly on Israeli radio in Arabic on issues related to health and nutrition. • 1996 - 97 : Secretary, AODA Board of Directors.

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