وحدة:حزب سياسي/A
تحديث الوحدة
[عدل]تُقسَّم الأحزاب السياسية الواردة في هذه الوحدة إلى قوائم مرتبة أبجديًا بناءً على الحرف الأول من الاسم (على سبيل المثال، سيكون "حزب العمال (المملكة المتحدة)" {Labour Party (UK)} في /L). الصفحة الفرعية /1 مخصصة لأي حزب لا يبدأ بالأحرف الغربية A-Z (بما في ذلك الأرقام والأحرف المعلمة)
يوجد داخل كل وحدة بيانات فرعية مجموعتان محليتان: local alternate
و local full
. المجموعة البديلة هي لأسماء بديلة للحزب. فيما يلي مثال على الأسماء البديلة لحزب العمال (المملكة المتحدة) {Labour Party (UK)}:
local alternate = {
["Labour and Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
["Labour Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
الإدخال الأول بين قوسين مربعين هو الاسم البديل، والإدخال الثاني فقط بين علامتي الاقتباس هو الاسم الموجود في المجموعة الكاملة full
، كما هو موضح أدناه. لاحظ أنه يجب تخزين الاسم البديل للحزب في الصفحة الفرعية المقابلة التي تعتمد على الحروف؛ أُدرج "حزب ألاباما الديمقراطي" {Alabama Democratic Party} في /A على الرغم من أنه اسم بديل لـ "الحزب الديمقراطي (الولايات المتحدة)" {Democratic Party (US)} (المخزن في /D).
local full = {
["Labour Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "Lab", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Labour",},
قيم الجدول
[عدل]هناك ثلاث قيم مخزنة لكل حزب:
- الاختصار (
). - لون الحزب (
)، والذي يمكن أن يكون إما هيكس ثلاثي أو اسم لون أساسي. - اسم أقصر للحزب (
إذا لم يتم تخزين قيمة اسم لحزب ما، ستحاول الوحدة إرجاع متغير الاسم "القصير" الآخر قبل إعادة الإدخال. وبالتالي إذا تم تخزين الاختصار (abbrev
) ولكن لم يتم تخزين الاسم القصير (shortname
) فبغض النظر عن القيمة المطلوبة فإنه سيعيد قيمة الاختصار (abbrev
[عدل]اسم الحزب | اللون | اختصار | اسم بديل | اسم مختصر | هل اللون صالح؟ | التباين في النص العادي | تبيان غير مناسب للوصلات | تباين مناسب للوصلات |
A Better Future For Our Children | #5F9EA0 | ABFFOC | AA | Failed | AA | |||
A Change for Curaçao | #368035 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
A Connecticut Party | #FFA500 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
A Guadalajara Hay Que Quererla | #47873F | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
A Just Costa Rica | #02B2E3 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
A Just Russia | #FFC003 | SR | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
A Just Russia — For Truth | #FFC003 | SRZP | A Just Russia – For Truth | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
A Just World (Russia) | #F03D31 | A Just World | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
A New Era | #003399 | UNT | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
A New and United Guyana | #FFA500 | ANUG | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
A Partnership for National Unity | #1C9F43 | APNU | AA | Failed | AA | |||
A Worthy Extremadura | #097565 | UED | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
A here ia Porinetia | #17996B | A here | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
A la valenciana | #2AAB8C | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
A test no values | ||||||||
A-Combination | #F1C40F | AC | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
A16 Alliance | #F9AE3E | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
ABAKO | #F9E99C | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
ABBA (political party) | #4C015E | ABBA | ABBA (Malta) | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
ABC (Cuba) | #008000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
ACT Greens | #10C25B | Greens | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
ACT New Zealand | #FDE401 | ACT | ACT Party Association of Consumers and Taxpayers | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
ACT Teachers Partylist | #ADD8E6 | ACT Teachers | ACT Teachers | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
ACT-CIS Partylist | #97111A | ACT-CIS | ACT-CIS | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
AD+PD | #20AA63 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
ADN Morvedre | #A6489A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
ADÑ | #FF7E00 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
AER for Romania | #08733F | AER | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
AFROVIDES | #555555 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
AGROunia | #BBCB15 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
AIADMK-led Alliance | #00863F | AIADMK+ | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
AKMA-PTM | #fbe405 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
ALLinHK | #F4681D | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
AMIGO Movement | #000000 | AMIGO | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
ANO 2011 | #261060 | ANO | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
ARAB Europeans for the Canaries | #8BD4F7 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
AUR Alliance | #FFD30F | AUR+ | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
AUna Comunitat Valenciana | #FE5D2F | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Aam Aadmi Party | #0072B0 | AAP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Aam Janata Party | #FF6347 | AJP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Aama Odisha Party | #E1A95F | AOP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Aapna Punjab Party | #43DCFF | APP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Aarakashan Virodhi Party | #C171A1 | AVP | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Abante Pangasinan-Ilokano Party | #D21404 | API | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Abantu Batho Congress | #01FF01 | ABC | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Aberdeen Labour | #ffbbbb | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Aberdeen United Trades Council | #DA0F19 | AUTC | Trades Council | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Abertzaleen Batasuna | #800020 | AB | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party | #1D8DFF | Abolish the Scottish Parliament | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party | #810000 | Abolish the Welsh Assembly | Abolish | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Abolition of Income Tax and Usury Party | #99FF00 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Abono | #B22222 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Abrente–Galician Democratic Left | #D06A00 | Abrente–EDG | Abrente | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Abundant Nigeria Renewal Party | #008000 | ANRP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Academics In Support of Democracy | #FFF100 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Accessibility without Exclusion | #4682B4 | PASE | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Accion 21 | #0093D5 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Acción Chaqueña | #000080 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Acción Democrática Nacional | #6F2C91 | ADN | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Accord (Nigeria) | #99FF33 | A | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Aceh Abode Party | #48C5FF | PDA | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Aceh Party | #DA2625 | PA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Achdus | #7F51C7 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Acoma Party | red | Acoma | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Acord Ciutadà | #A91C30 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Acord pes Mercadal i Fornells | #EFAF50 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Act (Brazil) | #025B97 | Agir | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Act to Stop the Decline | #F00000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action (Italian political party) | #0039AA | Action (Italy) | Action | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Action (Serbia) | #90C64A | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Action 18 | #1E5498 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action 9 | #DBE767 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Action Alliance | #3498DB | AA | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Action Coalition Party | #2A3994 | Action Coalition for Thailand Action Coalition for Thailand Party | Action Coalition | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Action Coalition Party (2023) | #591283 | Action Coalition | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Action Committee for Renewal | #E4011C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action Congress of Nigeria | #0080FF | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action Democratic Party (Nigeria) | #000080 | ADP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Action Front for Renewal and Development | #DC143C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action Group (Nigeria) | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action Party (Italy) | #009246 | Action Party | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Action Party (Italy, 1853) | #F0002B | Action Party (Italy, 1848) | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Action Party (Latvia) | #266AAB | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action Party (Morocco) | #1E90FF | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Action Party (UK) | #2F4F4F | Action | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Action Party for Animal Welfare | #45AD4C | APT | Aktion Partei für Tierschutz | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Action Peoples Party | #2b2a29 | APP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Action and Renewal Movement | #F6881F | MAR | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Action for Andorra | #6BDBD7 | Acció | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Action for Change | #FFE100 | AC | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Action for Córdoba | #AD1140 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action for Independence | #00335A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action for Renewal of Chad | ART | |||||||
Action for the Republic (Argentina) | #3E5298 | AxR | Action for the Republic | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Action for the Republic (Catalonia) | #EC008B | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Action – Italia Viva | #243683 | A-IV | Action – Italia Viva | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
ActionSA | #05B615 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Active Citizens – Movement of Cypriot United Hunters | #106851 | Cyprus Hunters | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Active Citizenship | #BB0011 | CA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Active Xàtiva | #F9C21D | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Active and Social Participation for Cerdanyola | #BB1816 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Activism for Democracy Association | #9F8170 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Actual Equality | #2ABE9C | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Actúa | #007776 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Actúa Torrent | #FE8D00 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Adal (political party) | #26B173 | Adal (party) | Adal | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Adarshwaadi Congress Party | #81F7BE | ACP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Adelante Andalucía (2018) | #4EB270 | Adelante Andalucía | Adelante Andalucía | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Adelante Andalucía (2021) | #24C87E | Adelante Andalucía | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Adelante Melilla | #535D9B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Adelante Ourense | #FBC000 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Adelante Zamboanga Party | #BE0032 | AZAP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Adhaalath Party | #00A86A | AP | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Advance | #0000FF | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Advance (Ecuador) | #017DB6 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Advance New Zealand | #1987D1 | Advance NZ | Advance NZ | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Advance New Zealand (1995) | #AADDCC | Advance NZ | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Advance SA | #10294F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Advance San Luis | #24A1BD | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Advance Together | #FF008F | Advance | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Advancement Unification Party | #0067A5 | AUP | Advancement Unification | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Afar Liberation Front | #4189DD | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Afar National Democratic Party | #1614BA | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Afek Tounes | #FF9900 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Afghan Millat Party | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Africa Moral Party | #47852C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Africa Muslim Party | #009f00 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Africa Restoration Alliance | #E53184 | ARA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
African Action Congress | #6F4E37 | AAC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African Christian Democratic Party | #ba0c2f | ACDP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African Congress for Transformation | #E31E26 | ACT | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African Congress of Democrats | #D12626 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Content Movement | #5a2d8a | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Covenant | #164518 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Democratic Change | #ff9933 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
African Democratic Congress | #00A86B | ADC | AA | Failed | AA | |||
African Democratic Rally | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Democratic Rally (Burkina Faso) | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Forum for Reconstruction | red | FAR | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
African Heart Congress | #E8B235 | AHC | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
African Independence Party (Burkina Faso) | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Independence Party (Touré) | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Independence Party – Renewal | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Independent Congress | #ffb543 | AIC | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
African National Congress | #006600 | ANC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African Party for Peace and Social Justice | #70e8e9 | PAP-JS | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
African Party for Radical Transformation and Integration of States | #0145CA | PATRIE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde | #FCD116 | PAICV | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde | #FF0000 | PAIGC | African Independence Party of Guinea and Cape Verde | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity | #9E1A16 | PASTEF | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African People's Bloc | #F38C22 | BPA | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
African People's Convention | #046D2A | APC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African People's Movement | #006600 | APEMO | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African People's Socialist Party | #EA202C | African People's Socialist | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
African Regroupment Party – Senegal | #5C96C4 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
African Renaissance Unity Party | #85251B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Security Congress | #F21313 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Socialist Movement | #CD5C5C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence | #CC0707 | SADI | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
African Transformation Movement | #00ADEE | ATM | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Afrikan Alliance of Social Democrats | #179123 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Afrikaner Eenheidsbeweging | #004577 | AEB | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Afrikaner Party | #007090 | AP | Afrikaner | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Afrikaner self-determination Party | #FF9900 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Afro-Shirazi Party | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Against all | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Agalev | #1B7710 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Agang South Africa | #008752 | Agang SA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Agano Party | Purple | Agano | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agar Jan Party | #B9C1C0 | AGRJP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Aggrupation of Parties for Prosperity | #1325ae | APP | Aggrupation of Parties for Progress | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Agir (France) | #43519E | Agir | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agora (Belgium) | #4DBCB4 | Agora | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Agrarian Alliance | #EDED00 | ASZ | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Agrarian Bloc Electoral Group | #32B2A3 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Agrarian Democratic Party | #30A741 | ADS | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Agrarian Labor Party | #008000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Agrarian Labour Action Party | #8f5100 | PALA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agrarian League (Finland) | #74C365 | Agrarian | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Agrarian League (Spain) | #124838 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Agrarian Liberal Party | #548D54 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Agrarian Party (Chile) | #9ACD32 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Agrarian Party (Italy) | #006600 | Agrarian | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agrarian Party (Yugoslavia) | #3D863D | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Agrarian Party of Greece | #009343 | AKE | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Agrarian Party of Moldova | #16924C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Agrarian Party of Russia | #EED23C | APR | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Agrarian Party of Tajikistan | #FDDC1D | Agrarian Party (Tajikistan) | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan | #FFD700 | TAP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Agrarian Party of Ukraine | #80AC4D | APU | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Agrarian Patriotic Front | #F3D09C | FREPAB | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Agrarian People's Union | #FF7212 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Agrarian Union "Aleksandar Stamboliyski" | #FE9901 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Agrarian Union (Poland) | #279B6A | ZC | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Agrarian and Countryside Party | #0E5F2F | ASV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agrarian and Social Party | green | PAS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agreement (political party) | #230871 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Agreement for the Country | #0061A5 | IpP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agreement of Independents for Badalona | #4CC417 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Agreement of the Catalans | #FFD901 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Agricultural League | #52AE6F | RLB | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Agricultural Livestock Party of Greece | #4441DA | AKKEL | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agricultural Party | #F4A460 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Agricultural Party (Costa Rica) | #008000 | Agricultural | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agricultural Party (Czech Republic) | #00B233 | ZS | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Agricultural Party of Greece | yellow | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Agricultural People's Front of Peru | #00009B | FREPAP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Agricultural and Labour Party | #ffb4a1 | AEK | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Agriculturalist Party | #B8D8C9 | Agriculturalist | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Agriculture First | #5FC099 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Agriculture and Development | #AF0000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aguadulce en Marcha | #00A0B0 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Agudas Israel (Latvia) | lightblue | Agudas Israel | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Agudat Yisrael | #033669 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahali | #377149 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahd 54 | #2D5A20 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahdut HaAvoda | #CE2029 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Almería | #137776 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Arganda | #00A58E | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Ahora Basauri Orain | #016703 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Canarias | #11865C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Ciempozuelos | #3F9D2F | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Ahora Decide | #198100 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Estella | #B21AAA | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Getafe | #7F4098 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Guadalajara | #810081 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Madrid | #00A58E | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Ahora Patria | #FFFF00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Ahora Repúblicas | #FCBC43 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Ahora Santa Cruz | #6A205F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ahora Sí Torremolinos | #BB9031 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Ailtirí na hAiséirghe | #004400 | AnaA | Ailtirí na hAiséirghe | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Aitaira | #0000FF | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ak Jol | #FF7070 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Akali Dal | #72474c | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Akali Dal – Sant Fateh Singh Group | #FF8000 | AD(SFS) | Akali Dal (SFS) | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Akbayan | #FE0000 | Akbayan Citizens' Action Party | Akbayan | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Akha National Development Party | #374BA1 | ANDP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Akhand Bharat Mahasang Sarvahara Krantikari Party | #DFB43D | ABMSKP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Akhand Bharat Samaj Party | #9AFE2E | ABSP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Akhand Bharti | #9AFE2E | AB | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha | #FFFF00 | ABHM | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Aman Committee | #D2EFF0 | ABAC | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Congress Dal (Ambedkar) | #FFCCCC | ABCD | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Dalit Utthan Party | #F2F5A9 | ABDUP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Dharmnirpeksh Dal | #EBD023 | DND | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League | #7E5692 | ABGL | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha | orange | ABHM | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Jana Sangh | #FF9933 | ABJS | All India Bhartiya Jan Sangh | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||
Akhil Bharatiya Janata Congress | #08088A | ABJC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Janata Vikas Party | #A9F5BC | BJVP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Loktantrik Congress | #93DE73 | ABLTC | Akhil Bharatiya Lok Tantrik Congress | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Akhil Bharatiya Manav Adhikar Dal | #A264C1 | ABMAD | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya Parishad | #330033 | RRP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Rashtriya Azad Hind Party | #FFFF66 | ABRAHP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Sena | #3060D0 | ABS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Shivsena Rashtrawadi | #A9F5A9 | SHS | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Shoshit Samaj Dal | #F2F5A9 | SSD | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Sudhar Party | #8A4B08 | ABSP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Akhil Bharatiya Vikas Congress Party | #F2F5A9 | ABVCP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Akhila India Jananayaka Makkal Katchi | Red | AIJMK | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Akhl Bharatiya Garib Mazdoor Kisan Party | #ADEFE5 | ABGMKP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Akila India Jananayaka Makkal Katchi | AIJMK | |||||||
Ako Bicol Political Party | #ffff00 | Ako Bicol | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Akshumkar | #3DBCCB | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Aksyon | #9683EC | AD | Aksyon Demokratiko | Aksyon | AA | Failed | AA | |
Aksyon Manila | #143A74 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aktsent | #008DA2 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Al Amal (political party) | #FE0000 | Al Amal | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Al Asalah | #00568B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Al Jama-ah | #1c9069 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Al Wefaq | #0D4173 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Al-Ahbash | #DDB531 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Al-Ahrar Bloc | #000000 | al-Ahrar | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Al-Arabiya Coalition | #57888D | al-Arabiya | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Al-Irada | #ACACAC | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Al-Islah (Yemen) | #0463D1 | Al-Islah | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Al-Menber Islamic Society | #E93230 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Al-Mourabitoun | #000000 | INM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Al-Muthanna Club | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Al-Muwatin | #009933 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Al-Nour Party | #000000 | Al-Nour | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Al-Sadiqoun Bloc | #B5CA7F | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Al-Wasat Party | #A52A2A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Al-Watan Party (Tunisia) | #1E90FF | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Al-Wataniya | #B5CA7F | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Al-ʽAhd (Morocco) | #915701 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alajuelense Democratic Action | #FF7E1C | PADA | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alajuelense Solidarity Party | #D41C00 | PSA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alanian Union | #000000 | AU | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alash National Freedom Party | #008000 | Alash | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alavese Unity | #3159A5 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alba Party | #005EB8 | Alba | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Albanian Alternative | darkblue | ASH | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Albanian Christian Democratic Party of Kosovo | #4775BF | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Albanian Coalition | #800000 | KSH | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Albanian Coalition of Preševo Valley | #0081CC | KSLP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Albanian Democratic Union Party | #6192ad | PBDSH | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Albanian List (Montenegro) | #E62927 | LSh | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Albanian National Front Party | black | PBK | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Albanians Decisively | #00aae5 | AO | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alberta Independence Party | #55ba47 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alcalá 100% | #1D88BE | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alcalá Habitable | #336F27 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alcalá Puede | #7F215F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alderney representatives | #BABCDB | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Ale Yarok | #799A00 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Aleksa and Dritan – Count Bravely! | #69BD44 | Count Bravely! | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alfarista Radical Front | #4169E1 | FRA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Algaida for the Development of Sanlúcar | #94FF00 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Algeciras 100x100 | #E75200 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Algeciras Citizen Action | #FFC800 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Algeciras Sí Se Puede | #761B5E | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Algerian Communist Party | #CD0000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Algerian National Front | #406080 | FNA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Algerian Popular Movement | green | MPA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Algerian Rally | green | RA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alhora | #E72346 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alianza Puertorriqueña | #F0DC82 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alignment (Israel) | #3DEAFD | Alignment (political party) | Alignment | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Alive Land Palencia Independent Group | #FF9900 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
All Basotho Convention | #F5D42D | ABC | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
All Blended Party | #040A55 | ABP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All Ceylon Makkal Congress | #9acd32 | All Ceylon Muslim Congress | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
All Ceylon Tamil Congress | #FFFF00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam | #009933 | AIADMK | AIADMK | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (OPS) | #4B6F44 | AIADMK(OPS) | AIADMK(OPS) | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
All India Bahujan Samman Party | #A9F5D0 | AIBSP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
All India Dalit Muslim Minorities Suraksha Mahasangh | #14D00D | DMM | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
All India Forward Bloc | #ac1313 | AIFB | All India Forward Block | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
All India Forward Bloc (Marxist) | #259268 | FBL(M) | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All India Ganatantra Parishad | #FF33CC | AIGP | AA | Failed | AA | |||
All India Indira Congress (Tiwari) | #00FFFF | AIIC(T) | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
All India Jharkhand Party | #CC9999 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
All India Mahila Empowerment Party | #FFF | AIMEP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen | #0c6b4b | AIMIM | All India Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
All India Minorities Front | #00FFFF | AIMF | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
All India Moovendar Munnani Kazhagam | Red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
All India Muslim Forum | green | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
All India N.R. Congress | #FDA209 | AINRC | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
All India Party for the Protection of Civil Rights | mistyrose | AIPPCR | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
All India Rajiv Krantikari Congress | #417A81 | AIRKC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All India Rashtriya Janata Party | #9A5815 | AIRJP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All India Samathuva Makkal Katchi | #fe0000 | SMK | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All India Scheduled Caste Federation | #000066 | SCF | All India Scheduled Caste Federation | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
All India United Democratic Front | #348017 | AIUDF | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference | #F4A460 | AJKMC | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
All Jharkhand Students Union | #6827B5 | AJSU | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All Liberia Coalition Party | #000000 | ALCOP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All Liberian Party | #fd0f0d | ALP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All Malaysian Indian Progressive Front | #EC2029 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
All Mon Region Democracy Party | #DC143C | AMRDP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All Nigeria Peoples Party | #0000CD | ANPP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All Pakistan Awami Muslim League | #006a4e | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
All Pakistan Muslim League | #556B2F | APML | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All Party Alliance | #C19A6B | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
All Party Hill Leaders Conference | #FFFF00 | AHL | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
All People Front | red | PM | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All People's Congress | #FF0000 | APC | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All People's Congress (Ghana) | #106338 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
All People's Party (Namibia) | #D84F23 | APP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All People's Party (UK) | DarkOrange | All People's Party | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
All Peoples Party | #9e13c4 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
All Progressives Congress | #87BEEB | APC | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
All Progressives Grand Alliance | #00923F | APGA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All Scotland Pensioners Party | #BBD9DB | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
All Together (Serbia) | brown | SZ | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All for Latvia! | #5A0505 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
All for Unity | #2C5781 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
All-Armenian National Statehood Party | #0620FD | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
All-Democratic Agricultural Front | #FF0000 | PAME | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All-German Bloc/League of Expellees and Deprived of Rights | #C3C318 | GB/BHE | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
All-German People's Party | #FF7F00 | GVP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
All-In Democracy | #DDDDDD | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
All-India Muslim League | #008000 | AIML | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All-Pakistan Awami League | #006a4e | AL | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
All-Ukrainian Political Movement "State Independence of Ukraine" | #ff0080 | DSU | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
All-Ukrainian Union "Cherkashchany" | #019CDE | Cherkashchany | AA | Failed | AA | |||
All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1991) | #881300 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
All-for-Ireland League | #66FF99 | AFI | All-for-Ireland | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Allah-o-Akbar Tehreek | #FFD700 | AAT | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alleanza Bidla | purple | All | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alleanza Lombarda Autonomia | green | ALA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Allegiance Party (Papua New Guinea) | #233F92 | AP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance (Argentina) | #0AABDB | Alianza | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance (Chile) | #4682B4 | Alliance | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance (Kyrgyz political party) | #25AAE2 | Alliance | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance (New Zealand political party) | #33CC66 | Alliance (New Zealand) | Alliance | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||
Alliance (Norway) | #f47b20 | Alliance | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance (Portugal) | #6AD1E3 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance (Slovak political party) | #F48B24 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance 21/RRP | #C0C0C0 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance 90 | green | B90 | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance 90/Greens of Serbia | #286019 | S90 | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance 90/The Greens | #409A3C | Alliance '90/The Greens | Greens | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Alliance C – Christians for Germany | #01509F | Bündnis C | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance Germany | #ff1493 | BD | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance PSD+PC | #ED2128 | PSD+PC | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance Party (Armenia) | #0021C6 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance Party (Cook Islands) | #F2D030 | Alliance Party | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance Party (Fiji) | #6495ED | Alliance Party | Alliance | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Alliance Party (Malaysia) | #000080 | Alliance | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance Party (Panama) | #E2211C | Alianza | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance Party (United States) | #385AA3 | Alliance | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance Party Guernsey | #E60E29 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance Party for Progress | #0E9345 | APP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance Party for the Sake of Azerbaijan | #00AF68 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance Party of Kenya | #FBCC0C | APK | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance Party of Northern Ireland | #F6CB2F | APNI | Alliance | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Alliance Royale | #EEC400 | AR | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance Towards Reforms | #2EDBEB | Saairun | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance for Albanians | #6D3D87 | ASh | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Barangay Concerns | #010066 | ABC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Brazil | #008000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Burgos | #9F9152 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance for Change | #ED6C10 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance for Change (Guyana) | #FFCC01 | AFC | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance for Change (Macau) | #00AB66 | MUDAR | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance for Change (Mexico) | #0957A4 | AxC | Alliance for Change | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Alliance for Change (Venezuela) | #F50087 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Change and Progress | #10B0E0 | AMP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance for Change and Transparency | #A03389 | ACT–Wazalendo | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Commerce and Housing | #FFED00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Alliance for Croatia | #5D93D3 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance for Democracy (Dominican Republic) | #284797 | APD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Democracy (Malawi) | #25D9FA | AFORD | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance for Democracy (Nigeria) | #186315 | AD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Democracy and Federation – African Democratic Rally | #FFEF00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (UK) | #002182 | ADF | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Democracy and Reforms | blue | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Democracy in Mali | #EB1D2A | ADEMA-PASJ | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Democratic Change | navy | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Democratic Renewal | #D9BF08 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance for Development and Nature | #1D463B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Direct Democracy in Europe | #800080 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Equality and European Justice | ABDE | |||||||
Alliance for Europe of the Nations | #00DDDD | AEN | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance for Germany | #2483BB | AFD | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Green Socialism | #00A86B | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance for Human Rights, Animal and Nature Protection | #3d499a | Alliance for Human Rights, Animal and Environmental Protection | Tierschutzallianz | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Alliance for Innovation and Justice | #ED803F | BIG | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance for Italy | #89CFF0 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal | #F8C3A0 | AJD/MR | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance for Local Living | #11B4BB | ALL | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance for Mexico | #FFD700 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance for National Transformation | #9954AD | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for New Nigeria | #358C43 | ANN | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction | #0D6F4A | APRC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Peace and Democracy (Liberia) | #E1EC2C | APD | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance for Peace and Freedom | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Progress (Peru) | #1155cc | APP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Progress and Justice/Jëf-Jël | #1155cc | Jëf-Jël | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Progressives | #662E91 | AP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Real Change | #730026 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Rights and Freedoms | #6147AA | APS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Romanian Unity | blue | AUR | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Ronda | #3E79BF | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for Serbia | #007FFF | SZS | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Social and Economic Advancement | #009EE3 | ASEA | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance for Solidarity in Mali | #D32020 | ASMA-CFP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Tanzania Farmers Party | green | AFP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Thuringia | #9E1982 | BfT | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for Transformation for All | #47A165 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance for Workers' Liberty | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for a Triumphant Benin | #CBE08F | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance for the Development of Macau | #FFD700 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance for the Fatherland | #08099F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for the Future (Czech Republic) | #005094 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for the Future (Peru) | #FF7F00 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance for the Future of Austria | #F29400 | BZÖ | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance for the Future of Kosovo | #03112C | AAK | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for the Great Change | #00B0F6 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance for the Independence of the Czech Republic | #2e5efe | AZNČR | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for the Progress of Peru | #1E5BA8 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia | #000000 | ARS | Alliance for the Reliberation of Somalia | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Alliance for the Republic (Mali) | #7C61EE | APR | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for the Republic (Nicaragua) | #800080 | APRE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for the Republic (Senegal) | #5C482F | APR | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance for the Republic (Spain) | #C00040 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance for the Union of Romanians | #FCD20F | AUR | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran | #3835ba | ABII | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Chinese and Expatriates | #99221A | ACE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Citizens for Change | #4C2C5E | ACC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Democrats (Lesotho) | #7F0305 | AD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Democrats (Poland) | #475196 | SD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Democrats for Integral Development | #11C925 | ADDI | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists | #0054A5 | AECR | Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Alliance of European National Movements | #000055 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance of Free Democrats | #1CA8E6 | SZDSZ | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance of German Democrats | #1e5ea5 | ADD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Hungarian Associations | #e31e24 | MESZ | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe | #000066 | ADIE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Independent Social Democrats | #C40000 | SNSD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Independents | #019c3e | LdU | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (Romania) | #005487 | ALDE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe | gold | ALDE | Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (Moldova) | #EC008C | ALDE | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe group | gold | ALDE | Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Alliance of Liberties | #6FA293 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance of Movements for the Emergence of Niger | #01d9f2 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance of National Forces (Czech Republic) | #2D3092 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance of Nationalist Left Forces of the MNR | #EB737E | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alliance of Patriots of Georgia | #DB9F00 | APG | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alliance of Primorje-Gorski Kotar | #00c8c8 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Alliance of Progressives | #D90000 | Progressives | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Resuming British Sovereignty over Hong Kong and Independence | #07263A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance of Social Democrats | #B22222 | Social Democrats | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians | #00732B | VMSZ | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of Young Latvians | #C71414 | AJ | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of the Centre (Italy) | #89CFF0 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance of the Christian Democratic Popular Front | #C1500C | AFPCD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of the Democratic Centre (Spain) | #00974A | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alliance of the Forces of Progress (Senegal) | #000080 | AFP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of the Left | #CD0F0F | Alliance | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alliance of the National Left | #E5D03C | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Alliance of the New Citizen | #FFB200 | ANO | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alliance of the Spanish Republican Left | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Allied Movement for Change | #00A758 | AM4C | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Allied Peoples Movement | #00FFFF | APM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Almerian Neighborhood Union | #244A91 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Almerian Regionalist Union | #B59639 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Almerienses–Regionalists for Almería | #043F63 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aloha ʻĀina Party | #ffd100 | Aloha ʻĀina | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alsace d'Abord | #80461B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alsace-Lorraine Party | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alsasua Group | #73A745 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alternatiba (Basque political party) | #CE010C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternativa (Italian political party) | #EE7622 | Alternativa (Italy) | Alternativa | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Alternativa (North Macedonian political party) | #EF7E18 | Alternativa | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alternativa Sí se puede | #E00686 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternativa de Govern | #008E9C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternativas desde Abajo | #33D100 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Alternative Democratic Movement | #ff7538 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alternative Democratic Pole | #FEF71F | PDA | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Alternative Democratic Reform Party | #00AAE5 | ADR | Action Committee 5/6 Pensions for Everyone Action Committee for Democracy and Pensions Justice | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Alternative Ecologists | green | OE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alternative Faso | #DD198D | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative Forces for Renewal and Emergence | #68B0E5 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alternative Island | #E57815 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alternative League for Haitian Progress and Emancipation | #F3E601 | LAPEH | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alternative Left | #960018 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative List | #ec018c | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative Moroneran Assembly | #55BA51 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alternative National Congress | #D71800 | ANC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alternative Party | #E62E00 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative Social Movement | #E61701 | ARS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alternative and Change Party | #DBB84D | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Alternative for Arzúa | #5A439B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative for Benalmádena | #40287B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative for Benidorm | #E9582C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative for Boadilla | #37703E | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative for Bulgarian Revival | #6A013A | ABV | ABV | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Alternative for Castile and León | #808080 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Alternative for Change | #87CEFA | AC | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Alternative for Changes | #1A70AB | APN | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alternative for Germany | #00A2DE | AfD | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alternative for Gran Canaria | #A0A0A0 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alternative for Italy | #2A295C | APLI | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Alternative for Social Advance | #FF7F7F | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Alternative for Sweden | #19489D | AFS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Always Forward (Brazil) | #00B7EB | PSDB-Cidadania | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Alyansa Para sa Bagong Pilipinas | #207096 | Bagong PIlipinas | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Amaiur | #087178 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Amaiur (1979 coalition) | #66669A | Amaiur | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Amal Movement | #008000 | Amal | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Amanat (political party) | #3AB4AD | Amanat | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Amani Coalition | #FFFF00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Amani National Congress | brown | Amani | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Amarillos por Chile | #FAB700 | AxCh | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Ambedkar Kranti Dal | #B62559 | AKD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Ambedkar National Congress | #FFFFCC | ANC | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Ambedkar People's Movement | tan | APM | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Ambedkar Puratchikara Makkal Katchi | grey | APMK | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Ambedkar Samaj Party | #58D3F7 | ASP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Ambedkarite Party of India | blue | API | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
America First Party (1943) | Yellow | America First | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
America First Party (2002) | #CC66FF | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
American Constitution Party | transparent | Constitution | ||||||
American Constitution Party (Colorado) | #A356DE | American Constitution | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
American Delta Party | #355E39 | American Delta | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
American Freedom Party | #DDDDBB | American Freedom | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
American Independent Party | #800080 | AI | American Independent Party (United States) American Independent | American Independent | Failed | Failed | Failed | |
American Labor Party | #FF6347 | American Labor | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
American Labor Party (1932) | #0000CC | American Labor | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
American Nazi Party | #964B00 | ANP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
American Party (1924) | #B340D1 | American | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
American Party (1969) | #CC66FF | American | AA | Failed | AA | |||
American Party of South Carolina | #DDDDDD | American Party (South Carolina) | American | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
American Patriot Party | orange | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
American Popular Revolutionary Alliance | #DF0101 | APRA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
American Reform Party | #C80000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
American Republican | #005B96 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
American Shopping Party | #e23292 | American Shopping | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
American Solidarity Party | #F37120 | ASP | American Solidarity | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
American Third Position Party | #0018A8 | American Third Position | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Americans Coming Together Party | #890200 | ACT | Americans Coming Together | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Americans Elect | #FFFF88 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Ames Novo | #0C8A43 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Amhara Democratic Party | #597E09 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Amma Makkal Munnettra Kazhagam | #034F38 | AMMK | Amma Makkal Munnettra Kazagam Amma Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Amplitude (political party) | #FCE883 | Amplitude | Amplitude | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Amra Bangali | #FF66CC | AMB | Amra Bangalee | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Amsterdamska Koalicija | #62ba49 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Amtsakhara | #FE2726 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anaithindia Dravidar Samudaya Munnetra Kazhagam | peru | ADSMK | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Anaithinthiya Thamizhaga Munnetra Kazhagam | gray | ATMK | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Anakpawis | #DC143C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany | #000000 | APPD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anatolia Party | #1575BF | AnaParti | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Ancestor Alliance | #373736 | ATA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anchalik Gana Morcha | #FD5B78 | AGM | AA | Failed | AA | |||
And-Jëf/African Party for Democracy and Socialism | red | And-Jëf | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
And-Jëf/Revolutionary Movement for New Democracy | red | And-Jëf | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Andaluces Levantaos | #69C188 | AL | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Andalucía por Sí | #83C141 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Andalusi Party | #1871B5 | PA | Andalusí Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Andalusia Assembly | #088A00 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Coalition | #006633 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Convergence | #5AB600 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Andalusian Democratic Centre | #0C8902 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Federation of Independents | #138B59 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Forum | #00AA29 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Andalusian Front of Liberation | #567E64 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Horticulture Party | #314910 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Left | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Left (2017) | #86B81C | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Andalusian Liberation | #2FB461 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Andalusian Nation | #008800 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Nationalist People | #00B252 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Andalusian Party | #005931 | PA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Andalusian People's Initiative | #007735 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Popular Unity | #E20A19 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Progress Party | #4DCA8B | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Andalusian Regional Unity | #546B23 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Social Democratic Party | #218A31 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Social Liberal Party | #2F7769 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Solidary Independent Republican Party | #6B6918 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusian Spring | #1EA24B | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Andalusian Unity | #FEED01 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Andalusian Workers' Group | #D03634 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andalusians of Jaén United | #00AC32 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Andecha Astur | #A53042 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anders Lange's Party | #0047e0 | Anders Lange's | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Andorra Forward | #2B2D84 | Endavant | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Andorra for Change | #7A7A78 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andover Alliance | #bb00bb | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Andriy Baloha's Team | green | KAB | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Andrés Ibáñez Alliance | #4E9166 | AAI | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Ang Kapatiran | #003C74 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ang Katipunan para sa Pag-Angat at Pagyabong ng Bayan Party | #FD0003 | AKAY | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah | yellow | APU | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Angolan Democratic Forum | #7DE8F4 | FDA | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Angolan National Democratic Party | #55FF63 | PNDA | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Angry Victorians Party | #BDAF77 | AVP | Angry Victorians | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||
Anguilla Democratic Party | #ffd700 | ADP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Anguilla National Alliance | #0087DC | ANA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Anguilla Patriotic Movement | #00008B | APM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anguilla Progressive Movement | #96CDEF | APM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Anguilla Progressive Party | #FF6600 | APP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Anguilla Strategic Alliance | #FF1111 | ANSA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Anguilla United Front | #ffc614 | AUF | Anguilla United Front (2020) | Anguilla United Front | AAA | AA | AAA | |
Anguilla United Front (old) | #095392 | AUF | Anguilla United Front | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Anguilla United Movement | #008000 | AUM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anguilla United Party | #39944A | AUP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Anguilla for Good Government | orange | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Angus Independents Representatives | #DDDDDD | Angus Independents | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Anhui clique | #a52a2a | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Animal Justice Auckland | #A52A2A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Animal Justice Party | #5B2C86 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Animal Justice Party Aotearoa New Zealand | #5C558C | AJPANZ | Animal Justice | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Animal Justice Party of Finland | #FCBB01 | EOP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Animal Party Cyprus | #EB7203 | KZK | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Animal Politics EU | #77b72a | APEU | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Animal Protection Party | #e9e9e9 | Animal Protection | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Animal Protection Party of Canada | #336033 | Animal Protection | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Animal Rights Party | lightgreen | TRP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Animal Welfare Party | #EE3263 | Animals Count | Animal Welfare | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Animalist Party | #9C0D99 | PA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals | #ADBE18 | PACMA | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Animalist Party with the Environment | #22D65D | PACMA | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Animals First | #FFFF00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Anna Democratic Human Rights Movement Party of India | #C0C0C0 | Anna DHRM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Another Democracy is Possible | #F75921 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Another Sant Cugat–Citizen Platform for Sant Cugat | #9DC5C2 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Another Way Movement | #F27321 | MOCA | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Antarsya | #800000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Antequera Sí Se Puede | #77BF59 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Anti Common Market and Free Trade Party | #e6e6fa | ACMFT | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Anti Corruption Dynamic Party | #ba0c2f | ACDP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anti H-Block | #008800 | AHB | Anti H-Block | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Anti-Administration Party (US) | #CCFF66 | Anti-Administration Party (United States) | Anti-Administration | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||
Anti-Austerity Alliance | #FFFF00 | AAA | Anti-Austerity Alliance | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||
Anti-Austerity Alliance–People Before Profit | #E5E500 | AAA–PBP | Anti-Austerity Alliance-People Before Profit | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Anti-Capitalist Alliance | #FF0066 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anti-Communist Bolivian Front | #5866B1 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anti-Communist Unification Party | red | PUA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Anti-Corruption Foundation | #CC0000 | ACF | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anti-Corruption Ireland | #00cc00 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Anti-Corruption Party | #8dade3 | PAC | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Anti-Corruption and Justice Party (Spain) | #F7EA21 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League | #DB2916 | AFPFL | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anti-Federalist League | #F6CB2F | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front | #007FFF | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anti-Jacksonian Party | #FFE6B0 | Anti-Jacksonian Party (US) Adams-Clay Republican Adams Party (United States) Anti-Jacksonian Party (United States) Anti-Jacksonian | Anti-Jacksonian | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Anti-Jacksonian Party/Hold | #FFF5D7 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Anti-Liberal Catholic Alliance | #34457E | ACA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anti-Masonic Party | #FFFF99 | Anti-Masonic Party (United States) | Anti-Masonic | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||
Anti-Masonic Party/Hold | #FFFFE6 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Anti-Ministerialists | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anti-Monopoly Party (US) | #66F500 | Anti-Monopoly Party (United States) | Anti-Monopoly | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Anti-Nebraska movement | #E4D96F | Anti-Nebraska | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Anti-PowerPoint Party | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anti-Revolutionary Party | #008F90 | ARP | Anti Revolutionary Party | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Anti-Socialist Party | #FFD425 | Anti-Socialist | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Anti-Trident Party | #CC0000 | ATP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Anti-Waste League | lightblue | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Anti-capitalists | #62CC62 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Anti-fascist Revolutionary Left | #AE2D2D | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Anticapitalist Left (Belgium) | #E74733 | GA | Anti-capitalist Left (Belgium) | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Antigua Trades and Labour Union | #BC353C | ATLU | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party | #EE3422 | ABLP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Antipersonalist Radical Civic Union | #641C34 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Antiprohibitionists on Drugs | gold | Antiprohibitionists | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Aontacht Éireann | #22FF00 | AÉ | Aontacht Éireann | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Aontú | #44532A | Aon | Aontú | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Aosta Valley (political coalition) | #48D1CC | Aosta Valley | Aosta Valley | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | #33CC33 | Legalise Cannabis | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Apna Dal | #FF33CC | AD | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Apna Dal (Kamerawadi) | #FF33CC | AD(K) | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Apna Dal (Sonelal) | #27176D | AD(S) | Apna Dal (Soneylal) | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Appointed | #DDDDDD | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Approval Voting Party | MidnightBlue | Approval Voting | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
April Fifth Action | #FC0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Apruebo Dignidad | #FC415C | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Aq Jol | #043381 | Aq Jol Democratic Party Ak Zhol Democratic Party | Aq Jol | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Ar-Namys | #0203FE | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ara Eivissa | #1FC6BC | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Ara Maó | #39AFB1 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Ara Més | #84BC87 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Ara Pacte Local | #213B81 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ara Reus | #71152C | AraCatalunya | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Arab Democratic Nasserist Party | #305E30 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arab Democratic Party (Israel) | #009900 | Mada | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Arab Democratic Party (Lebanon) | green | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arab Democratic Union Party | green | ADUP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Arab Liberation Movement | #CD7F32 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Arab Liberation Party | #ff0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arab List for Bedouin and Villagers | #C61318 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Iraq Region | #017B48 | Ba'ath Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Lebanon Region | #017B48 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Syria Region | #017B48 | Ba'ath Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Yemen Region | #017B48 | Ba'ath Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Arab Socialist Movement | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arab Socialist Union (Egypt) | #F0001C | ASU | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Arab Socialist Union (Iraq) | #F0001C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arab Socialist Union (Libya) | #F0001C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arab Socialist Union Party (Syria) | #F0001C | ASU | Arab Socialist Union (Syria) | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Arab Unification Party (Lebanon) | #AA201E | Arab Unification Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Aragon United Citizens Party | #084108 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aragonese Autonomist Front | #F93235 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aragonese Bloc | #2BAE20 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Aragonese Candidacy of Democratic Unity | #473C38 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aragonese Christian Democracy | #1E90FF | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Aragonese Initiative | #FFA500 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Aragonese Land | #008300 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aragonese Party | #FFCC66 | PAR | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Aragonese Union (1917) | #E67A4A | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Aragón Existe | #037252 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aragón Sí Puede | #690194 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arakan Front Party | #FE0000 | AFP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Arakan League for Democracy | #CC0000 | ALD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Arakan National Party | #EB1D27 | ANP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Aralar (Basque political party) | #BD0000 | Aralar | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Aran Amassa | #5B1408 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aranese Democratic Convergence | #E9960D | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Aranese Democratic Union | #274737 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arangkada San Joseño | #FF8000 | AR | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Aranzadi | #E61A74 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Archipelago Tomorrow | #ED7F10 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Arcos en Común | #AF084C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Arganda Sí Puede | #438D98 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Argentine People's Union | #00708B | UDELPA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Argentine Socialist Party | #FF9900 | PSA | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Arizona Libertarian Party | #FED105 | Libertarian | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Arizona Progressive Democratic Party | #87CEEB | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Armed Forces Republic of Indonesia | #FF0000 | Military | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Armed Forces of Equatorial Guinea | #C3B091 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Armenia Alliance | #1D2E69 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Armenia is Our Home | #E40510 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Armenian Communist Party | red | Communist | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Armenian National Congress | #0033A0 | ANC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Armenian Revolutionary Federation | #AA0000 | ARF | Armenian Revolutionary Federation in Lebanon | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Aroha Ngia Tatou | #FFFFFF | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Arona Independent Electoral Movement | #3AA346 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Arrow Cross Party | #964B00 | NYKP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Article 45 Concern Group | #2906CC | A45CG | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Article 50 (political party) | #ffa500 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Article One (political party) | #D21B30 | Article One (Italy) Article One Article 1 – Democratic and Progressive Movement | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Arts Party | #800080 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Artsakh Freedom Party | #020041 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Aruban Democratic Party | #59479C | PDA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Aruban Liberal Organization | #00BFFF | OLA | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Aruban Patriotic Movement | #F70084 | MPA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Aruban Patriotic Party | #FF8C00 | PPA | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Aruban People's Party | #65B22E | AVP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Aruban Sovereignty Movement | #54C2E3 | MAS | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Arunachal Congress | #CCCCFF | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Arunalu People's Front | #5DDDD6 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Asankhya Samaj Party | #D0A9F5 | ASP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Asar (political party) | #FF0000 | Asar | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Asenso Abrenio | #ED4B9E | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Asenso Manileño | #2F358D | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ashfield Independents | pink | Ashfield Ind. | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Ashford Independents | #BDD005 | AI | Ashford Ind. | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Ashkali Party for Integration | black | PAI | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Asia Pacific United Party | #33FF99 | Asia Pacific | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Askatasuna | #008229 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Asom Gana Parishad | #99CCFF | AGP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Aspire (political party) | #FF5800 | Aspire | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Assam Jatiya Parishad | #0048BA | AJP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Assam United Democratic Front | green | AUDF | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Assembleia do Povo Unido | #CF1C3A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Assembly for Asturias | #A70E25 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Assembly for Cantabria | #C1272F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Assembly for Tarragona | #793C8F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Assembly for Unity | #E30614 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Assembly of Alcalá | #FFBD33 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Assembly of Greeks | #007CC2 | ES | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Assembly of Independents | #E5CC00 | Independents | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Assembly of People of Kazakhstan | #1A4C96 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Assembly of the People United | #094779 | APU | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Assembly to Energize Japan | #F36F21 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Association for Defence of Revolution Values | #FFA500 | ADRV | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Association for Democracy Activism | yellow | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Association for Democracy and Social Well-Being of Macau | #FFFACD | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Association for Helping the Community and Engagement with the People | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Association for Joint Efforts to Improve the Community | #64B4B5 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Association for Justice and Equality | #034626 | Justice & Equality | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Association for Promoting the Economy of Macau | yellow | APPEM | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Association for Promotion of Civic Rights | #13241E | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Association for Promotion of Social Services and Education | #4F3286 | ARSEM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Association for Somogy | #404040 | SE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Association for the Advancement of Civil Rights | #0047AB | AACR | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Association for the Defense of Macau Interests | #000080 | ADIM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Association for the Promotion of Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights and Rule of Law of Macau (Macau Ideals) | #822571 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Association for the Rebirth of Madagascar | #FF0000 | AREMA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Association for the Yugoslav Democratic Initiative | #FF960E | UJDI | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Association of Candidates | #FCF318 | Kattusseqatigiit | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Association of Combatant Clerics | #098CDC | ACC | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Association of Free Democrats | #FFED00 | BFD | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Association of Independent Members | #3fc762 | AIM | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Association of Independent Members of Parliament | #DCDCDC | AIMP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Association of Islamic Revolution Loyalists | #24b8fe | AIRL | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Association of Italians of Romania | #2B3D8C | ROASIT | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Association of Macedonians of Romania | #660000 | DMR | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Association of Poles in Lithuania | #F23F43 | ZPL | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Association of Timorese Heroes | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Associative Movement Italians Abroad | #333B8E | MAIE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Associative Movement of Italians Abroad | #333B8E | MAIE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Assyrian Democratic Movement | #5f21a9 | ADM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Asturian Democratic Convergence | #4ABAB5 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Asturian Left | #FFCC00 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Asturian Left Bloc | #B60006 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Asturian Nationalist Council | #ADD8E6 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Asturian Nationalist Unity | #0CACAD | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Asturian Renewal Union | #155BC2 | URAS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Asturian Renewal Union–Asturianist Party | #106194 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Asturias Forum | #10286B | FAC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Asturias Forum (2021) | #4AC0FF | Foro | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Ata Meken Socialist Party | #D2161D | Ata-Meken | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Ata-Jurt Kyrgyzstan | #1f247b | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Ata-Zhurt | #3173C9 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Atarrabia Taldea | #FFAA01 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Atassut | #2E2C7B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Atassut (2019) | #2B9996 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Athra Alliance | #039935 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Atlantica Party | #5073B8 | Atlantica | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Attack (political party) | #344D28 | Ataka | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Attica Project | #4BB8B3 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Atulya Bharat Party | #FEFEFE | ABP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Auckland Future | #00AEEF | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
August 24th Movement | #E30917 | M24A | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Auseva Red | #515151 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Australia First Party | #5D8AA5 | AFP | Australia First | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Australia Party | #7F007F | Australia | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Citizens Party | #656600 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Australian Conservatives | #00B9FB | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Australian Democrats | #FFCD00 | Democrats | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Australian Federation Party | #538a2e | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Australian Greens | #00a651 | Greens | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Australian Greens Victoria | #10C25B | Greens | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Australian Labor Party | #DE3533 | ALP | Australian Labour Party | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | |
Australian Labor Party (Australian Capital Territory Branch) | #DE3533 | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Labor Party (NSW) | #DE3533 | Labor (NSW) | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Labor Party (New South Wales Branch) | #DE3533 | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory Branch) | #DE3533 | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Labor Party (Queensland Branch) | #DE3533 | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Labor Party (South Australian Branch) | #DE3533 | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Labor Party (Tasmanian Branch) | #DE3533 | Australian Labour Party (Tasmanian Branch) | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch) | #DE3533 | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Labor Party (Western Australian Branch) | #DE3533 | Labor | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Labour Party (Western Australian Branch) | #DE3533 | Labour | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party | #0528B6 | AMEP | Motoring Enthusiasts | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Australian Party | #FB607F | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Australian People's Party | #800020 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Australian Progressive Coalition | #ffb400 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Australian Sex Party | #FFBF00 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Australian Sports Party | #0000FF | ASP | Sports | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Australians Against Further Immigration | #964B00 | AAFI | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Austraya Political Party | #0099AA | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Austrian Nazism | #964B00 | DNSAP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Austrian People's Party | #000000 | ÖVP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Austrian People's Party (2017) | #63C3D0 | ÖVP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Authentic Croatian Peasant Party | darkgreen | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Authentic Democratic Christian Movement | darkgreen | MCDA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Authentic Integral Development | #eb3213 | DIA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Authentic Liberal Party | darkred | PLA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Authentic Limonense Party | #66CC33 | PAL | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution | Olive | PARM | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Authentic Puntarenense Party | #F1800E | PAP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Authentic Radical Liberal Party | #2E3092 | PLRA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Authentic Renewal Organization | #B8FEFC | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Authentic Revolutionary Nationalist Movement | #8079CE | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Authentic Revolutionary Party | #5A4FCF | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Authentic Revolutionary Party (Panama) | #00A859 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Authentic Socialist Party (Argentina) | #DD2C1A | PSA | Authentic Socialist Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Authentic Socialist Party (Chile) | darkred | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Authenticity Party | black | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Authenticity and Modernity Party | #0047AB | PAM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights | #40408C | A-HSP | Authentic Croatian Party of Rights | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Autodeterminaziorako Bilgunea | #B0C50E | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Autonomies for Bolivia | #004D00 | APB | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Autonomist Monarchist Federation | #E4D27A | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Autonomist Party | #475f8a | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Autonomist Party of Corrientes | #F08080 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Autonomist Republican Bloc | #CC734C | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Autonomist Republican Union Party | #581768 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Autonomist–Liberal Pact | #40e0d0 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Autonomous Agrarian Union | #EC5800 | AZS | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Autonomous Front | #04AD0F | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Autonomous Galician Republican Organization | #0A70B8 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Autonomous Manacor People | #8889B0 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Autonomous Nationalities for Change and Empowerment | #FFFF00 | NACER | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Autonomous Nationalities for Change and Revolutionary Empowerment | #026701 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Autonomous Party of Italy's Pensioners | #0050AA | PAPI | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Autonomous Socialist Party (Ticino) | #8B1C62 | Autonomous Socialists | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Autonomous Socialist Party of South Jura | #9E151C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Autonomous State Demand Committee | #ff0000 | ASDC | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Autonomous State Demand Committee (United) | grey | ASDC(U) | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Autonomy Liberty Democracy | #E56717 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Autonomy South | #273BE2 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Auyl People's Democratic Patriotic Party | #0A5B2D | Auyl | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Auzolan | #FFA900 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Avancemos Chile | #21345F | ACH | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Avant | #211473 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Avante (political party) | #088F8F | Avante | Avante | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Avante La Laguna | #B14B7C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Avanza (Guatemala) | #EF018D | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Avanza Libertad | #3A3F92 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Avanzamos por ti | #FFC60A | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Awaam Pakistan | #0054A6 | AP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Awakening (political party) | #CF1F25 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Awami Jamhuri Ittehad Pakistan | #5F9EA0 | AJIP | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Awami League | #006a4e | AL | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Awami Muslim League | #bcf55c | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Awami Muslim League (Pakistan) | #9ACD32 | AML | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Awami National Party | #c83737 | ANP | ANP | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Awami Party | #DA81F5 | AWP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Awami Raj Party | #FFFF00 | ARP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Awami Vikas Party | #1f7945 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Awami Workers Party | #DC143C | AWP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Ayra | #413B3D | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Azad Hind Fauz (Rajkiya) | #00FFCC | AHF | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Azad Samaj Party (Kanshi Ram) | #003597 | ASP(KR) | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Azanian People's Organisation | #FDB400 | AZAPO | Azanian People's Organization | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Azem Alliance | #F317B3 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Azerbaijan Communist Party (1993) | red | Communist | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Azerbaijan Democrat Party | #FBFB07 | Azerbaijan Democratic Party | Democrat | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||
Azerbaijan Democratic Enlightenment Party | #7C8EBC | ADMP | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Azerbaijan Hope Party | #ffea00 | Hope | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Azerbaijan Liberal Party | #8B0000 | Liberal | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Azerbaijan National Independence Party | #0B94C2 | AMİP | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Azerbaijan Social Prosperity Party | #0000CD | ASRP | Social Prosperity | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Azerbaijani Popular Front Party | #5C5858 | Popular Front | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Azerbaijani Social Democratic Party | red | Social Democratic | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Azimio la Umoja | #011FB1 | Azimio La Umoja | Azimio | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Azir Moris | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed |
-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]
local alternate = {
["A test"] = {main = "Business and Professional Group", abbrev = "AT", shortname = "atest"},
["A Better Britain - Unionist Party"] = "British Unionist Party",
["A Better Britain – Unionist Party"] = "British Unionist Party",
["A Just Russia – For Truth"] = "A Just Russia — For Truth",
["A Public Party"] = "Other parties",
["Abolish the Welsh Assembly"] = "Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party",
["ABBA (Malta)"] = "ABBA (political party)",
["ABV"] = "Alternative for Bulgarian Revival",
["ACT-CIS"] = "ACT-CIS Partylist",
["ACT Party"] = "ACT New Zealand",
["ACT Teachers"] = "ACT Teachers Partylist",
["Action Coalition for Thailand"] = "Action Coalition Party",
["Action Coalition for Thailand Party"] = "Action Coalition Party",
["Action Committee 5/6 Pensions for Everyone"] = "Alternative Democratic Reform Party",
["Action Committee for Democracy and Pensions Justice"] = "Alternative Democratic Reform Party",
["Action Party (Italy, 1848)"] = "Action Party (Italy, 1853)",
["Action (Italy)"] = "Action (Italian political party)",
["Adal (party)"] = "Adal (political party)",
["Adams Party (United States)"] = "Anti-Jacksonian Party",
["Adams-Clay Republican"] = "Anti-Jacksonian Party",
["Adelante Andalucía"] = "Adelante Andalucía (2018)",
["ADPL"] = "Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood",
["Advance NZ"] = "Advance New Zealand",
["African Independence Party of Guinea and Cape Verde"] = "African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde",
["Aggrupation of Parties for Progress"] = "Aggrupation of Parties for Prosperity",
["Agrarian Party (Finland)"] = "Centre Party (Finland)",
["Agrarian Party (Tajikistan)"] = "Agrarian Party of Tajikistan",
["Agrarian Party of Albania"] = "Environmentalist Agrarian Party",
["Agreement for Catalonia Progress"] = "Catalan Agreement of Progress",
["Agreement of Left Nationalists"] = "Left Nationalists",
["Agreement of Nationalist Unity"] = "Canarian Coalition",
["AIADMK"] = "All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam",
["AIADMK(OPS)"] = "All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (OPS)",
["Akbayan Citizens' Action Party"] = "Akbayan",
["Aq Jol Democratic Party"] = "Aq Jol",
["Ak Zhol Democratic Party"] = "Aq Jol",
["Akhil Bharatiya Lok Tantrik Congress"] = "Akhil Bharatiya Loktantrik Congress",
["Aktion Partei für Tierschutz"] = "Action Party for Animal Welfare",
["Aksyon Demokratiko"] = "Aksyon",
["Alabama Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Alabama Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["Alaska Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Alaska Libertarian Party"] = "Libertarian Party (US)",
["Alaska Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["Alaskan Independence Party"] = "Independence Party (US)",
["Albanian Fascist Party"] = "Fascist Party of Albania",
["Albanian Liberal Party"] = "Liberal Party of Albania",
["Alignment (political party)"] = "Alignment (Israel)",
["All"] = "Alleanza Bidla",
["All Ceylon Muslim Congress"] = "All Ceylon Makkal Congress",
["All India Bhartiya Jan Sangh"] = "Akhil Bharatiya Jana Sangh",
["All India Forward Block"] ="All India Forward Bloc",
["All India Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen"] = "All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen",
["All India Scheduled Caste Federation"]="All India Scheduled Caste Federation",
["All India Trinamool Congress"] = "Trinamool Congress",
["All-Ukrainian Union \"Fatherland\""] = "Batkivshchyna",
["All-Ukrainian Union \"Freedom\""] = "Svoboda (political party)",
["All-Ukrainian Union \"Svoboda\""] = "Svoboda (political party)",
["Alliance '90/The Greens"] = "Alliance 90/The Greens",
["Alliance (New Zealand)"] = "Alliance (New Zealand political party)",
["Alliance for Free Finland"] = "Independence Party (Finland)",
["Alliance for Human Rights, Animal and Environmental Protection"] = "Alliance for Human Rights, Animal and Nature Protection",
["Alliance for Progress and Renewal"] = "Liberal Conservative Reformers",
["Alliance for the Reliberation of Somalia"] = "Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia",
["Alliance of Alenka Bratušek"] = "Party of Alenka Bratušek",
["Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe"] = "Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists",
["Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group"] = "Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe group",
["Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party"] = "Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe",
["Alliance Party"] = "Alliance Party (Fiji)",
["Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht"] = "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht",
["Alternativa (Italy)"] = "Alternativa (Italian political party)",
["Alternative List Austria"] = "The Greens – The Green Alternative",
["Alternative List - Worth it"] = "Communist League of Luxemburg",
["American Independent Party (United States)"] = "American Independent Party",
["American Independent"] = "American Independent Party",
["American Party (United States)"] = "Know Nothing",
["American Party (US)"] = "Know Nothing",
["American Party (South Carolina)"] = "American Party of South Carolina",
["American Party"] = "Know Nothing",
["Amma Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam"] = "Amma Makkal Munnettra Kazhagam",
["Amma Makkal Munnettra Kazagam"] = "Amma Makkal Munnettra Kazhagam",
["Amplitude"] = "Amplitude (political party)",
["Amra Bangalee"] = "Amra Bangali",
["An Independence from Europe"] = "Independence from Europe",
["Andalusí Party"] = "Andalusi Party",
["Anguilla United Front (2020)"] = "Anguilla United Front",
["Animals Count"] = "Animal Welfare Party",
["Anova-Nationalist Brotherhood"] = "Renewal–Nationalist Brotherhood",
["Anova–Nationalist Brotherhood"] = "Renewal–Nationalist Brotherhood",
["ANP"] = "Awami National Party",
["Anticlerical Party of Progress REASON"] = "Reason Party (Poland)",
["Anti-capitalist Left (Belgium)"] = "Anticapitalist Left (Belgium)",
["Anti-Partition of Ireland League"] = "Irish Anti-Partition League",
["Anti Revolutionary Party"] = "Anti-Revolutionary Party",
["Anti-Administration Party (United States)"] = "Anti-Administration Party (US)",
["Anti-Austerity Alliance-People Before Profit"] = "Anti-Austerity Alliance–People Before Profit",
["Anti-Jacksonian Party (United States)"] = "Anti-Jacksonian Party",
["Anti-Jacksonian Party (US)"] = "Anti-Jacksonian Party",
["Anti-Jacksonian"] = "Anti-Jacksonian Party",
["Anti-Lecompton Democratic Party (United States)"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Anti-Masonic Party (United States)"] = "Anti-Masonic Party",
["Anti-Monopoly Party (United States)"] = "Anti-Monopoly Party (US)",
["Anti-Parnellite"] = "Irish National Federation",
["Aosta Valley"] = "Aosta Valley (political coalition)",
["AP–PDP–PDL–UCD"] = "People's Alliance (Spain)",
["Apna Dal (Soneylal)"] = "Apna Dal (Sonelal)",
["Arab Socialist Union (Syria)"] = "Arab Socialist Union Party (Syria)",
["AraCatalunya"] = "Ara Reus",
["Arise the Republic"] = "Debout la République",
["Arizona Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Arizona Green Party"] = "Green Party (US)",
["Arizona Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["Armenian Democratic Liberal Party"] = "Ramgavar",
["Armenian Renaissance (party)"] = "Orinats Yerkir",
["Armenian Revolutionary Federation in Lebanon"] = "Armenian Revolutionary Federation",
["Article 1 – Democratic and Progressive Movement"] = "Article One (political party)",
["Article One (Italy)"] = "Article One (political party)",
["Article One"] = "Article One (political party)",
["Artikel 1"] = "BIJ1",
["Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood"] = "Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood",
["Association of Consumers and Taxpayers"] = "ACT New Zealand",
["Asturian Socialist Federation"] = "Spanish Socialist Workers' Party",
["Australian Country Party (1920)"] = "National Party of Australia",
["Australian Labour Party (Tasmanian Branch)"] = "Australian Labor Party (Tasmanian Branch)",
["Australian Labour Party"] = "Australian Labor Party",
["Authentic Croatian Party of Rights"] = "Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights",
["Authentic Party"] = "Partido Auténtico",
["Avante"] = "Avante (political party)",
["AWS"] = "Solidarity Electoral Action",
["Azanian People's Organization"] = "Azanian People's Organisation",
["Azerbaijan Democratic Party"] = "Azerbaijan Democrat Party",
["Azimio La Umoja"] = "Azimio la Umoja",
local full = {
["A test no values"] = {abbrev = "", color = "", shortname = "",},
["A Better Future For Our Children"] = {abbrev = "ABFFOC", color = "#5F9EA0", shortname = "",},
["A Change for Curaçao"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#368035", shortname = "",},
["A Connecticut Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},
["A Guadalajara Hay Que Quererla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#47873F", shortname = "",},
["A here ia Porinetia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#17996B", shortname = "A here",},
["A Just Costa Rica"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#02B2E3", shortname = "",},
["A Just Russia"] = {abbrev = "SR", color = "#FFC003", shortname = "",},
["A Just Russia — For Truth"] = {abbrev = "SRZP", color = "#FFC003", shortname = "",},
["A Just World (Russia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F03D31", shortname = "A Just World",},
["A la valenciana"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2AAB8C", shortname = "",},
["A New Era"] = {abbrev = "UNT", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},
["A Partnership for National Unity"] = {abbrev = "APNU", color = "#1C9F43", shortname = "",},
["A Worthy Extremadura"] = {abbrev = "UED", color = "#097565", shortname = "",},
["A-Combination"] = {abbrev = "AC", color = "#F1C40F", shortname = "",},
["A16 Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F9AE3E", shortname = "",},
["Aam Aadmi Party"] = {abbrev = "AAP", color = "#0072B0", shortname = "",},
["Aam Janata Party"] = {abbrev = "AJP", color = "#FF6347", shortname = "",},
["Aama Odisha Party"] = {abbrev = "AOP", color = "#E1A95F", shortname = "",},
["Aapna Punjab Party"] = {abbrev = "APP", color = "#43DCFF", shortname = "",},
["Aarakashan Virodhi Party"] = {abbrev = "AVP", color = "#C171A1", shortname = "",},
["ABAKO"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F9E99C", shortname = "",},
["Abante Pangasinan-Ilokano Party"] = {abbrev = "API", color = "#D21404", shortname = "",},
["Abantu Batho Congress"] = {abbrev = "ABC", color = "#01FF01", shortname = "",},
["ABBA (political party)"] = {abbrev = "ABBA", color = "#4C015E", shortname = "",},
["ABC (Cuba)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["Abertzaleen Batasuna"] = {abbrev = "AB", color = "#800020", shortname = "",},
["Aberdeen Labour"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffbbbb", shortname = "",},
["Aberdeen United Trades Council"] = {abbrev = "AUTC", color = "#DA0F19", shortname = "Trades Council",},
["Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1D8DFF", shortname = "Abolish the Scottish Parliament",},
["Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#810000", shortname = "Abolish",},
["Abolition of Income Tax and Usury Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99FF00", shortname = "",},
["Abono"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B22222", shortname = "",},
["Abrente–Galician Democratic Left"] = {abbrev = "Abrente–EDG", color = "#D06A00", shortname = "Abrente",},
["Abundant Nigeria Renewal Party"] = {abbrev = "ANRP", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["Academics In Support of Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFF100", shortname = "",},
["Accessibility without Exclusion"] = {abbrev = "PASE", color = "#4682B4", shortname = "",},
["Accion 21"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0093D5", shortname = "",},
["Acción Chaqueña"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000080", shortname = "",},
["Acción Democrática Nacional"] = {abbrev = "ADN", color = "#6F2C91", shortname = ""},
["Accord (Nigeria)"] = {abbrev = "A", color = "#99FF33", shortname = "",},
["Aceh Abode Party"] = {abbrev = "PDA", color = "#48C5FF", shortname = "",},
["Aceh Party"] = {abbrev = "PA", color = "#DA2625", shortname = "",},
["Achdus"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7F51C7", shortname = "",},
["Acoma Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Acoma",},
["Acord Ciutadà"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A91C30", shortname = "",},
["Acord pes Mercadal i Fornells"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EFAF50", shortname = "",},
["ACT-CIS Partylist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#97111A", shortname = "ACT-CIS",},
["Act (Brazil)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#025B97", shortname = "Agir",},
["ACT Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#10C25B", shortname = "Greens",},
["ACT New Zealand"] = {abbrev = "ACT", color = "#FDE401", shortname = "",},
["Act to Stop the Decline"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F00000", shortname = "",},
["Action (Italian political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0039AA", shortname = "Action",},
["Action – Italia Viva"] = {abbrev = "A-IV", color = "#243683", shortname = "Action – Italia Viva",},
["Action (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#90C64A", shortname = "",},
["Action 18"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E5498", shortname = "",},
["Action 9"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DBE767", shortname = "",},
["Action Alliance"] = {abbrev = "AA", color = "#3498DB", shortname = "",},
["Action and Renewal Movement"] = {abbrev = "MAR", color = "#F6881F", shortname = "",},
["Action Coalition Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2A3994", shortname = "Action Coalition",},
["Action Coalition Party (2023)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#591283", shortname = "Action Coalition",},
["Action Committee for Renewal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E4011C", shortname = "",},
["Action Congress of Nigeria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0080FF", shortname = "",},
["Action Democratic Party (Nigeria)"] = {abbrev = "ADP", color = "#000080", shortname = "",},
["Action for Andorra"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6BDBD7", shortname = "Acció",},
["Action for Change"] = {abbrev = "AC", color = "#FFE100", shortname = "",},
["Action for Córdoba"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AD1140", shortname = "",},
["Action for Independence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00335A", shortname = "",},
["Action for Renewal of Chad"] = {abbrev = "ART", color = "", shortname = "",},
["Action for the Republic (Argentina)"] = {abbrev = "AxR", color = "#3E5298", shortname = "Action for the Republic",},
["Action for the Republic (Catalonia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EC008B", shortname = "",},
["Action Front for Renewal and Development"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
["Action Group (Nigeria)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Action Party (Italy, 1853)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0002B", shortname = "",},
["Action Party (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009246", shortname = "Action Party",},
["Action Party (Latvia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#266AAB", shortname = "",},
["Action Party (Morocco)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E90FF", shortname = "",},
["Action Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2F4F4F", shortname = "Action",},
["Action Party for Animal Welfare"] = {abbrev = "APT", color = "#45AD4C", shortname = "",},
["Action Peoples Party"] = {abbrev = "APP", color = "#2b2a29", shortname = "",},
["ActionSA"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#05B615", shortname = "",},
["Active and Social Participation for Cerdanyola"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BB1816", shortname = "",},
["Active Citizens – Movement of Cypriot United Hunters"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#106851", shortname = "Cyprus Hunters",},
["Active Citizenship"] = {abbrev = "CA", color = "#BB0011", shortname = "",},
["Active Xàtiva"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F9C21D", shortname = "",},
["Activism for Democracy Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9F8170", shortname = "",},
["Actúa Torrent"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE8D00", shortname = "",},
["Actúa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#007776", shortname = "",},
["Actual Equality"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2ABE9C", shortname = "",},
["AD+PD"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#20AA63", shortname = "",},
["Adal (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#26B173", shortname = "Adal",},
["Adarshwaadi Congress Party"] = {abbrev = "ACP", color = "#81F7BE", shortname = "",},
["Adelante Andalucía (2018)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4EB270", shortname = "Adelante Andalucía",},
["Adelante Andalucía (2021)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#24C87E", shortname = "Adelante Andalucía",},
["Adelante Melilla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#535D9B", shortname = "",},
["Adelante Ourense"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBC000", shortname = "",},
["Adelante Zamboanga Party"] = {abbrev = "AZAP", color = "#BE0032", shortname = "",},
["Adhaalath Party"] = {abbrev = "AP", color = "#00A86A", shortname = "",},
["ADN Morvedre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A6489A", shortname = "",},
["ADÑ"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7E00", shortname = "",},
["Advance (Ecuador)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#017DB6", shortname = "",},
["Advance New Zealand (1995)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AADDCC", shortname = "Advance NZ",},
["Advance New Zealand"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1987D1", shortname = "Advance NZ",},
["Advance SA"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#10294F", shortname = "",},
["Advance San Luis"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#24A1BD", shortname = "",},
["Advance Together"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF008F", shortname = "Advance",},
["Advance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
["Advancement Unification Party"] = {abbrev = "AUP", color = "#0067A5", shortname = "Advancement Unification",},
["AER for Romania"] = {abbrev = "AER", color = "#08733F", shortname = "",},
["Afar Liberation Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4189DD", shortname = "",},
["Afar National Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1614BA", shortname = "",},
["Afek Tounes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9900", shortname = "",},
["Afghan Millat Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Africa Moral Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#47852C", shortname = "",},
["Africa Muslim Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009f00", shortname = "",},
["Africa Restoration Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ARA", color = "#E53184", shortname = "",},
["African Action Congress"] = {abbrev = "AAC", color = "#6F4E37", shortname = "",},
["African Christian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "ACDP", color = "#ba0c2f", shortname = "",},
["African Congress for Transformation"] = {abbrev = "ACT", color = "#E31E26", shortname = "",},
["African Congress of Democrats"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D12626", shortname = "",},
["African Content Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5a2d8a", shortname = "",},
["African Covenant"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#164518", shortname = "",},
["African Democratic Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff9933", shortname = "",},
["African Democratic Congress"] = {abbrev = "ADC", color = "#00A86B", shortname = "",},
["African Democratic Rally (Burkina Faso)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["African Democratic Rally"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["African Forum for Reconstruction"] = {abbrev = "FAR", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["African Heart Congress"] = {abbrev = "AHC", color = "#E8B235", shortname = "",},
["African Independence Party – Renewal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["African Independence Party (Burkina Faso)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["African Independence Party (Touré)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["African Independent Congress"] = {abbrev = "AIC", color = "#ffb543", shortname = "",},
["African National Congress"] = {abbrev = "ANC", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},
["African Party for Peace and Social Justice"] = {abbrev = "PAP-JS", color = "#70e8e9", shortname = "",},
["African Party for Radical Transformation and Integration of States"] = {abbrev = "PATRIE", color = "#0145CA", shortname = "",},
["African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde"] = {abbrev = "PAICV", color = "#FCD116", shortname = "",},
["African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde"] = {abbrev = "PAIGC", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity"] = {abbrev = "PASTEF", color = "#9E1A16", shortname = "",},
["African People's Bloc"] = {abbrev = "BPA", color = "#F38C22", shortname = "",},
["African People's Convention"] = {abbrev = "APC", color = "#046D2A", shortname = "",},
["African People's Movement"] = {abbrev = "APEMO", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},
["African People's Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EA202C", shortname = "African People's Socialist",},
["African Regroupment Party – Senegal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5C96C4", shortname = "",},
["African Renaissance Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#85251B", shortname = "",},
["African Security Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F21313", shortname = "",},
["African Socialist Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD5C5C", shortname = "",},
["African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence"] = {abbrev = "SADI", color = "#CC0707", shortname = "",},
["African Transformation Movement"] = {abbrev = "ATM", color = "#00ADEE", shortname = "",},
["Afrikan Alliance of Social Democrats"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#179123", shortname = "",},
["Afrikaner Eenheidsbeweging"] = {abbrev = "AEB", color = "#004577", shortname = "",},
["Afrikaner Party"] = {abbrev = "AP", color = "#007090", shortname = "Afrikaner",},
["Afrikaner self-determination Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9900", shortname = "",},
["Afro-Shirazi Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["AFROVIDES"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#555555", shortname = "",},
["Against all"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Agalev"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1B7710", shortname = "",},
["Agang South Africa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008752", shortname = "Agang SA",},
["Agano Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Purple", shortname = "Agano",},
["Agar Jan Party"] = {abbrev = "AGRJP", color = "#B9C1C0", shortname = "",},
["Aggrupation of Parties for Prosperity"] = {abbrev = "APP", color = "#1325ae", shortname = "",},
["Agir (France)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#43519E", shortname = "Agir",},
["Agora (Belgium)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4DBCB4", shortname = "Agora",},
["Agrarian Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ASZ", color = "#EDED00", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian and Countryside Party"] = {abbrev = "ASV", color = "#0E5F2F", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian and Social Party"] = {abbrev = "PAS", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Bloc Electoral Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#32B2A3", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Labour Action Party"] = {abbrev = "PALA", color = "#8f5100", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian League (Finland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#74C365", shortname = "Agrarian",},
["Agrarian League (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#124838", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#548D54", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "ADS", color = "#30A741", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Party (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9ACD32", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Party (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006600", shortname = "Agrarian",},
["Agrarian Party (Yugoslavia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3D863D", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Party of Greece"] = {abbrev = "AKE", color = "#009343", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Party of Moldova"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#16924C", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Party of Russia"] = {abbrev = "APR", color = "#EED23C", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Party of Tajikistan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FDDC1D", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan"] = {abbrev = "TAP", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Party of Ukraine"] = {abbrev = "APU", color = "#80AC4D", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Patriotic Front"] = {abbrev = "FREPAB", color = "#F3D09C", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian People's Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7212", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Union (Poland)"] = {abbrev = "ZC", color = "#279B6A", shortname = "",},
["Agrarian Union \"Aleksandar Stamboliyski\""] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE9901", shortname = "",},
["Agreement (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#230871", shortname = "",},
["Agreement for the Country"] = {abbrev = "IpP", color = "#0061A5", shortname = "",},
["Agreement of Independents for Badalona"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4CC417", shortname = "",},
["Agreement of the Catalans"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD901", shortname = "",},
["Agricultural and Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "AEK", color = "#ffb4a1", shortname = "",},
["Agricultural League"] = {abbrev = "RLB", color = "#52AE6F", shortname = "",},
["Agricultural Livestock Party of Greece"] = {abbrev = "AKKEL", color = "#4441DA", shortname = "",},
["Agricultural Party of Greece"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
["Agricultural Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4A460", shortname = "",},
["Agricultural Party (Costa Rica)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "Agricultural",},
["Agricultural Party (Czech Republic)"] = {abbrev = "ZS", color = "#00B233", shortname = "",},
["Agricultural People's Front of Peru"] = {abbrev = "FREPAP", color = "#00009B", shortname = "",},
["Agriculturalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B8D8C9", shortname = "Agriculturalist",},
["Agriculture and Development"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AF0000", shortname = "",},
["Agriculture First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5FC099", shortname = "",},
["AGROunia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BBCB15", shortname = "",},
["Aguadulce en Marcha"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A0B0", shortname = "",},
["Agudas Israel (Latvia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "lightblue", shortname = "Agudas Israel",},
["Agudat Yisrael"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#033669", shortname = "",},
["Ahali"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#377149", shortname = "",},
["Ahd 54"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2D5A20", shortname = "",},
["Ahdut HaAvoda"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE2029", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Almería"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#137776", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Arganda"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A58E", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Basauri Orain"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#016703", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Canarias"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#11865C", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Ciempozuelos"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3F9D2F", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Decide"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#198100", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Estella"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B21AAA", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Getafe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7F4098", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Guadalajara"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#810081", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Madrid"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A58E", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Patria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Repúblicas"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FCBC43", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Santa Cruz"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6A205F", shortname = "",},
["Ahora Sí Torremolinos"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BB9031", shortname = "",},
["AIADMK-led Alliance"] = {abbrev = "AIADMK+", color = "#00863F", shortname = "",},
["Ailtirí na hAiséirghe"] = {abbrev = "AnaA", color = "#004400", shortname = "Ailtirí na hAiséirghe",},
["Aitaira"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
["Ak Jol"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7070", shortname = "",},
["Akali Dal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#72474c", shortname = "",},
["Akali Dal – Sant Fateh Singh Group"] = {abbrev = "AD(SFS)", color = "#FF8000", shortname = "Akali Dal (SFS)",},
["Akbayan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE0000", shortname = "Akbayan",},
["Akha National Development Party"] = {abbrev = "ANDP", color = "#374BA1", shortname = "",},
["Akhand Bharat Mahasang Sarvahara Krantikari Party"] = {abbrev = "ABMSKP", color = "#DFB43D", shortname = "",},
["Akhand Bharat Samaj Party"] = {abbrev = "ABSP", color = "#9AFE2E", shortname = "",},
["Akhand Bharti"] = {abbrev = "AB", color = "#9AFE2E", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha"] = {abbrev = "ABHM", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Aman Committee"] = {abbrev = "ABAC", color = "#D2EFF0", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Congress Dal (Ambedkar)"] = {abbrev = "ABCD", color = "#FFCCCC", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Dalit Utthan Party"] = {abbrev = "ABDUP", color = "#F2F5A9", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Dharmnirpeksh Dal"] = {abbrev = "DND", color = "#EBD023", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League"] = {abbrev = "ABGL", color = "#7E5692", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha"] = {abbrev = "ABHM", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Jana Sangh"] = {abbrev = "ABJS", color = "#FF9933", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Janata Congress"] = {abbrev = "ABJC", color = "#08088A", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Janata Vikas Party"] = {abbrev = "BJVP", color = "#A9F5BC", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Loktantrik Congress"] = {abbrev = "ABLTC", color = "#93DE73", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Manav Adhikar Dal"] = {abbrev = "ABMAD", color = "#A264C1", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya Parishad"] = {abbrev = "RRP", color = "#330033", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Rashtriya Azad Hind Party"] = {abbrev = "ABRAHP", color = "#FFFF66", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Sena"] = {abbrev = "ABS", color = "#3060D0", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Shivsena Rashtrawadi"] = {abbrev = "SHS", color = "#A9F5A9", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Shoshit Samaj Dal"] = {abbrev = "SSD", color = "#F2F5A9", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Sudhar Party"] = {abbrev = "ABSP", color = "#8A4B08", shortname = "",},
["Akhil Bharatiya Vikas Congress Party"] = {abbrev = "ABVCP", color = "#F2F5A9", shortname = "",},
["Akhila India Jananayaka Makkal Katchi"] = {abbrev = "AIJMK", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
["Akhl Bharatiya Garib Mazdoor Kisan Party"] = {abbrev = "ABGMKP", color = "#ADEFE5", shortname = "",},
["Akila India Jananayaka Makkal Katchi"] = {abbrev = "AIJMK", color = "", shortname = "",},
["AKMA-PTM"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#fbe405", shortname = "",},
["Ako Bicol Political Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffff00", shortname = "Ako Bicol",},
["Akshumkar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3DBCCB", shortname = "",},
["Aksyon"] = {abbrev = "AD", color = "#9683EC", shortname = "Aksyon",},
["Aksyon Manila"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#143A74", shortname = "",},
["Aktsent"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008DA2", shortname = "",},
["Al Amal (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE0000", shortname = "Al Amal",},
["Al Asalah"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00568B", shortname = "",},
["Al Jama-ah"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1c9069", shortname = "",},
["Al Wefaq"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0D4173", shortname = "",},
["Al-Ahbash"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDB531", shortname = "",},
["Al-Ahrar Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "al-Ahrar",},
["Al-Arabiya Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#57888D", shortname = "al-Arabiya",},
["Al-ʽAhd (Morocco)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#915701", shortname = "",},
["Al-Irada"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ACACAC", shortname = "",},
["Al-Islah (Yemen)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0463D1", shortname = "Al-Islah",},
["Al-Menber Islamic Society"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E93230", shortname = "",},
["Al-Mourabitoun"] = {abbrev = "INM", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Al-Muthanna Club"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Al-Muwatin"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009933", shortname = "",},
["Al-Nour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "Al-Nour",},
["Al-Sadiqoun Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B5CA7F", shortname = "",},
["Al-Wasat Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A52A2A", shortname = "",},
["Al-Watan Party (Tunisia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E90FF", shortname = "",},
["Al-Wataniya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B5CA7F", shortname = "",},
["Alajuelense Democratic Action"] = {abbrev = "PADA", color = "#FF7E1C", shortname = "",},
["Alajuelense Solidarity Party"] = {abbrev = "PSA", color = "#D41C00", shortname = "",},
["Alash National Freedom Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "Alash",},
["Alanian Union"] = {abbrev = "AU", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Alavese Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3159A5", shortname = "",},
["Alba Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#005EB8", shortname = "Alba",},
["Albanian Alternative"] = {abbrev = "ASH", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},
["Albanian Christian Democratic Party of Kosovo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4775BF", shortname = "",},
["Albanian Coalition"] = {abbrev = "KSH", color = "#800000", shortname = "",},
["Albanian Coalition of Preševo Valley"] = {abbrev = "KSLP", color = "#0081CC", shortname = "",},
["Albanian Democratic Union Party"] = {abbrev = "PBDSH", color = "#6192ad", shortname = "",},
["Albanian List (Montenegro)"] = {abbrev = "LSh", color = "#E62927", shortname = "",},
["Albanian National Front Party"] = {abbrev = "PBK", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Albanians Decisively"] = {abbrev = "AO", color = "#00aae5", shortname = "",},
["Alberta Independence Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#55ba47", shortname = "",},
["Alcalá 100%"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1D88BE", shortname = "",},
["Alcalá Habitable"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#336F27", shortname = "",},
["Alcalá Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7F215F", shortname = "",},
["Alderney representatives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BABCDB", shortname = "",},
["Ale Yarok"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#799A00", shortname = "",},
["Aleksa and Dritan – Count Bravely!"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#69BD44", shortname = "Count Bravely!",},
["Alfarista Radical Front"] = {abbrev = "FRA", color = "#4169E1", shortname = "",},
["Algaida for the Development of Sanlúcar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#94FF00", shortname = "",},
["Algeciras 100x100"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E75200", shortname = "",},
["Algeciras Citizen Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC800", shortname = "",},
["Algeciras Sí Se Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#761B5E", shortname = "",},
["Algerian Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD0000", shortname = "",},
["Algerian National Front"] = {abbrev = "FNA", color = "#406080", shortname = "",},
["Algerian Popular Movement"] = {abbrev = "MPA", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Algerian Rally"] = {abbrev = "RA", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Alhora"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E72346", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Party for Progress"] = {abbrev = "APP", color = "#0E9345", shortname = "",},
["Alianza Puertorriqueña"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0DC82", shortname = "",},
["Alignment (Israel)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3DEAFD", shortname = "Alignment",},
["Alive Land Palencia Independent Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9900", shortname = "",},
["All-Armenian National Statehood Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0620FD", shortname = "",},
["All Basotho Convention"] = {abbrev = "ABC", color = "#F5D42D", shortname = "",},
["All Blended Party"] = {abbrev = "ABP", color = "#040A55", shortname = "",},
["All Ceylon Makkal Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9acd32", shortname = "",},
["All Ceylon Tamil Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["All-Democratic Agricultural Front"] = {abbrev = "PAME", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["All for Latvia!"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5A0505", shortname = "",},
["All for Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2C5781", shortname = "",},
["All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "AIADMK", color = "#009933", shortname = "",},
["All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (OPS)"] = {abbrev = "AIADMK(OPS)", color = "#4B6F44", shortname = "",},
["All India Bahujan Samman Party"] = {abbrev = "AIBSP", color = "#A9F5D0", shortname = "",},
["All India Dalit Muslim Minorities Suraksha Mahasangh"] = {abbrev = "DMM", color = "#14D00D", shortname = "",},
["All India Forward Bloc (Marxist)"] = {abbrev = "FBL(M)", color = "#259268", shortname = "",},
["All India Forward Bloc"] = {abbrev = "AIFB", color = "#ac1313", shortname = "",},
["All India Ganatantra Parishad"] = {abbrev = "AIGP", color = "#FF33CC", shortname = "",},
["All India Indira Congress (Tiwari)"] = {abbrev = "AIIC(T)", color = "#00FFFF", shortname = "",},
["All India Jharkhand Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC9999", shortname = "",},
["All India Mahila Empowerment Party"] = {abbrev = "AIMEP", color = "#FFF", shortname = "",},
["All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen"] = {abbrev = "AIMIM", color = "#0c6b4b", shortname = "",},
["All India Minorities Front"] = {abbrev = "AIMF", color = "#00FFFF", shortname = "",},
["All India Moovendar Munnani Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
["All India Muslim Forum"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["All India N.R. Congress"] = {abbrev = "AINRC", color = "#FDA209", shortname = "",},
["All India Party for the Protection of Civil Rights"] = {abbrev = "AIPPCR", color = "mistyrose", shortname = "",},
["All India Rajiv Krantikari Congress"] = {abbrev = "AIRKC", color = "#417A81", shortname = "",},
["All India Rashtriya Janata Party"] = {abbrev = "AIRJP", color = "#9A5815", shortname = "",},
["All India Samathuva Makkal Katchi"] = {abbrev = "SMK", color = "#fe0000", shortname = "",},
["All India Scheduled Caste Federation"]={abbrev="SCF",color="#000066",shortname=""},
["All India United Democratic Front"] = {abbrev = "AIUDF", color = "#348017", shortname = "",},
["All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference"] = {abbrev = "AJKMC", color = "#F4A460", shortname = "",},
["All Jharkhand Students Union"] = {abbrev = "AJSU", color = "#6827B5", shortname = "",},
["All Liberia Coalition Party"] = {abbrev = "ALCOP", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["All Liberian Party"] = {abbrev = "ALP", color = "#fd0f0d", shortname = "",},
["All Malaysian Indian Progressive Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EC2029", shortname = "",},
["All Mon Region Democracy Party"] = {abbrev = "AMRDP", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
["All Nigeria Peoples Party"] = {abbrev = "ANPP", color = "#0000CD", shortname = "",},
["All Pakistan Awami Muslim League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006a4e", shortname = "",},
["All Pakistan Muslim League"] = {abbrev = "APML", color = "#556B2F", shortname = "",},
["All Party Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C19A6B", shortname = "",},
["All Party Hill Leaders Conference"] = {abbrev = "AHL", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["All People Front"] = {abbrev = "PM", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["All Peoples Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9e13c4", shortname = "",},
["All People's Congress (Ghana)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#106338", shortname = "",},
["All People's Congress"] = {abbrev = "APC", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["All People's Party (Namibia)"] = {abbrev = "APP", color = "#D84F23", shortname = "",},
["All People's Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "DarkOrange", shortname = "All People's Party",},
["All Progressives Congress"] = {abbrev = "APC", color = "#87BEEB", shortname = "",},
["All Progressives Grand Alliance"] = {abbrev = "APGA", color = "#00923F", shortname = "",},
["All Scotland Pensioners Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BBD9DB", shortname = "",},
["All Together (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "SZ", color = "brown", shortname = "",},
["All-for-Ireland League"] = {abbrev = "AFI", color = "#66FF99", shortname = "All-for-Ireland",},
["All-German Bloc/League of Expellees and Deprived of Rights"] = {abbrev = "GB/BHE", color = "#C3C318", shortname = "",},
["All-German People's Party"] = {abbrev = "GVP", color = "#FF7F00", shortname = "",},
["All-In Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
["All-India Muslim League"] = {abbrev = "AIML", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["All-Pakistan Awami League"] = {abbrev = "AL", color = "#006a4e", shortname = "",},
["All-Ukrainian Political Movement \"State Independence of Ukraine\""] = {abbrev = "DSU", color = "#ff0080", shortname = "",},
["All-Ukrainian Union \"Cherkashchany\""] = {abbrev = "", color = "#019CDE", shortname = "Cherkashchany",},
["All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1991)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#881300", shortname = "",},
["Allah-o-Akbar Tehreek"] = {abbrev = "AAT", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
["Alleanza Bidla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "purple", shortname = "",},
["Alleanza Lombarda Autonomia"] = {abbrev = "ALA", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Allegiance Party (Papua New Guinea)"] = {abbrev = "AP", color = "#233F92", shortname = "",},
["Alliance (Argentina)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0AABDB", shortname = "Alianza",},
["Alliance (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4682B4", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance (Kyrgyz political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#25AAE2", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance (New Zealand political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#33CC66", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance (Portugal)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6AD1E3", shortname = "",},
["Alliance (Norway)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#f47b20", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance (Slovak political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F48B24", shortname = "",},
["Alliance 21/RRP"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C0C0C0", shortname = "",},
["Alliance 90"] = {abbrev = "B90", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Alliance 90/Greens of Serbia"] = {abbrev = "S90", color = "#286019", shortname = "",},
["Alliance 90/The Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#409A3C", shortname = "Greens",},
["Alliance C – Christians for Germany"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#01509F", shortname = "Bündnis C",},
["Alliance for a Triumphant Benin"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CBE08F", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Albanians"] = {abbrev = "ASh", color = "#6D3D87", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Barangay Concerns"] = {abbrev = "ABC", color = "#010066", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Brazil"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Burgos"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9F9152", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED6C10", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Change (Guyana)"] = {abbrev = "AFC", color = "#FFCC01", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Change (Macau)"] = {abbrev = "MUDAR", color = "#00AB66", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Change (Mexico)"] = {abbrev = "AxC", color = "#0957A4", shortname = "Alliance for Change",},
["Alliance for Change (Venezuela)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F50087", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Change and Progress"] = {abbrev = "AMP", color = "#10B0E0", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Change and Transparency"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A03389", shortname = "ACT–Wazalendo",},
["Alliance for Commerce and Housing"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFED00", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Croatia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5D93D3", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democracy (Dominican Republic)"] = {abbrev = "APD", color = "#284797", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democracy (Malawi)"] = {abbrev = "AFORD", color = "#25D9FA", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democracy (Nigeria)"] = {abbrev = "AD", color = "#186315", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democracy and Federation – African Democratic Rally"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFEF00", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (UK)"] = {abbrev = "ADF", color = "#002182", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democracy and Reforms"] = {abbrev = "", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democracy in Mali"] = {abbrev = "ADEMA-PASJ", color = "#EB1D2A", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democratic Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "navy", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Democratic Renewal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D9BF08", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Development and Nature"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1D463B", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Direct Democracy in Europe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Equality and European Justice"] = {abbrev = "ABDE", color = "", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Europe of the Nations"] = {abbrev = "AEN", color = "#00DDDD", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Germany"] = {abbrev = "AFD", color = "#2483BB", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Green Socialism"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A86B", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Human Rights, Animal and Nature Protection"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3d499a", shortname = "Tierschutzallianz",},
["Alliance for Innovation and Justice"] = {abbrev = "BIG", color = "#ED803F", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Italy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#89CFF0", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal"] = {abbrev = "AJD/MR", color = "#F8C3A0", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Local Living"] = {abbrev = "ALL", color = "#11B4BB", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Mexico"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for National Transformation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9954AD", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for New Nigeria"] = {abbrev = "ANN", color = "#358C43", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction"] = {abbrev = "APRC", color = "#0D6F4A", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Peace and Democracy (Liberia)"] = {abbrev = "APD", color = "#E1EC2C", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Peace and Freedom"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Progress (Peru)"] = {abbrev = "APP", color = "#1155cc", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Progress and Justice/Jëf-Jël"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1155cc", shortname = "Jëf-Jël",},
["Alliance for Progressives"] = {abbrev = "AP", color = "#662E91", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Real Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#730026", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Rights and Freedoms"] = {abbrev = "APS", color = "#6147AA", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Romanian Unity"] = {abbrev = "AUR", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Ronda"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3E79BF", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Serbia"] = {abbrev = "SZS", color = "#007FFF", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Social and Economic Advancement"] = {abbrev = "ASEA", color = "#009EE3", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Solidarity in Mali"] = {abbrev = "ASMA-CFP", color = "#D32020", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Tanzania Farmers Party"] = {abbrev = "AFP", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Development of Macau"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Fatherland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#08099F", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Future (Czech Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#005094", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Future (Peru)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F00", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Future of Austria"] = {abbrev = "BZÖ", color = "#F29400", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Future of Kosovo"] = {abbrev = "AAK", color = "#03112C", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Great Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00B0F6", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Independence of the Czech Republic"] = {abbrev = "AZNČR", color = "#2e5efe", shortname = ""},
["Alliance for the Progress of Peru"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E5BA8", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia"] = {abbrev = "ARS", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Republic (Mali)"] = {abbrev = "APR", color = "#7C61EE", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Republic (Nicaragua)"] = {abbrev = "APRE", color = "#800080", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Republic (Senegal)"] = {abbrev = "APR", color = "#5C482F", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Republic (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C00040", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for the Union of Romanians"] = {abbrev = "AUR", color = "#FCD20F", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Thuringia"] = {abbrev = "BfT", color = "#9E1982", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Transformation for All"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#47A165", shortname = "",},
["Alliance for Workers' Liberty"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Germany"] = {abbrev = "BD", color = "#ff1493", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran"] = {abbrev = "ABII", color = "#3835ba", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Chinese and Expatriates"] = {abbrev = "ACE", color = "#99221A", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Citizens for Change"] = {abbrev = "ACC", color = "#4C2C5E", shortname = "",},
["ACT Teachers Partylist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ADD8E6", shortname = "ACT Teachers",},
["Alliance of Democrats (Lesotho)"] = {abbrev = "AD", color = "#7F0305", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Democrats (Poland)"] = {abbrev = "SD", color = "#475196", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Democrats for Integral Development"] = {abbrev = "ADDI", color = "#11C925", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists"] = {abbrev = "AECR", color = "#0054A5", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of European National Movements"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000055", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Free Democrats"] = {abbrev = "SZDSZ", color = "#1CA8E6", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of German Democrats"] = {abbrev = "ADD", color = "#1e5ea5", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Hungarian Associations"] = {abbrev = "MESZ", color = "#e31e24", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe"] = {abbrev = "ADIE", color = "#000066", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Independent Social Democrats"] = {abbrev = "SNSD", color = "#C40000", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Independents"] = {abbrev = "LdU", color = "#019c3e", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (Moldova)"] = {abbrev = "ALDE", color = "#EC008C", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (Romania)"] = {abbrev = "ALDE", color = "#005487", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe group"] = {abbrev = "ALDE", color = "gold", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe"] = {abbrev = "ALDE", color = "gold", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Liberties"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6FA293", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Movements for the Emergence of Niger"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#01d9f2", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of National Forces (Czech Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2D3092", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Nationalist Left Forces of the MNR"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EB737E", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Patriots of Georgia"] = {abbrev = "APG", color = "#DB9F00", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Primorje-Gorski Kotar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00c8c8", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Progressives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D90000", shortname = "Progressives",},
["Alliance of Resuming British Sovereignty over Hong Kong and Independence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#07263A", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Social Democrats"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B22222", shortname = "Social Democrats",},
["Alliance of Young Latvians"] = {abbrev = "AJ", color = "#C71414", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of the Centre (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#89CFF0", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of the Christian Democratic Popular Front"] = {abbrev = "AFPCD", color = "#C1500C", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of the Democratic Centre (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00974A", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of the Forces of Progress (Senegal)"] = {abbrev = "AFP", color = "#000080", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of the Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD0F0F", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance of the National Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E5D03C", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of the New Citizen"] = {abbrev = "ANO", color = "#FFB200", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of the Spanish Republican Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians"] = {abbrev = "VMSZ", color = "#00732B", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Party (Armenia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0021C6", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Party (Cook Islands)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F2D030", shortname = "Alliance Party",},
["Alliance Party (Fiji)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance Party (Malaysia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000080", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance Party (Panama)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E2211C", shortname = "Alianza",},
["Alliance Party (United States)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#385AA3", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance Party for the Sake of Azerbaijan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AF68", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Party Guernsey"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E60E29", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Party of Kenya"] = {abbrev = "APK", color = "#FBCC0C", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Party of Northern Ireland"] = {abbrev = "APNI", color = "#F6CB2F", shortname = "Alliance",},
["Alliance PSD+PC"] = {abbrev = "PSD+PC", color = "#ED2128", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Royale"] = {abbrev = "AR", color = "#EEC400", shortname = "",},
["Alliance Towards Reforms"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2EDBEB", shortname = "Saairun",},
["Allied Movement for Change"] = {abbrev = "AM4C", color = "#00A758", shortname = "",},
["Allied Peoples Movement"] = {abbrev = "APM", color = "#00FFFF", shortname = "",},
["ALLinHK"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4681D", shortname = "",},
["Almerian Neighborhood Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#244A91", shortname = "",},
["Almerian Regionalist Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B59639", shortname = "",},
["Almerienses–Regionalists for Almería"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#043F63", shortname = "",},
["Aloha ʻĀina Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffd100", shortname = "Aloha ʻĀina",},
["Alsace d'Abord"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#80461B", shortname = "",},
["Alsace-Lorraine Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Alsasua Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#73A745", shortname = "",},
["Alternatiba (Basque political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE010C", shortname = "",},
["Alternativa (Italian political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EE7622", shortname = "Alternativa",},
["Alternativa (North Macedonian political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF7E18", shortname = "Alternativa",},
["Alternativa de Govern"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008E9C", shortname = "",},
["Alternativa Sí se puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E00686", shortname = "",},
["Alternativas desde Abajo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#33D100", shortname = "",},
["Alternative and Change Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DBB84D", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Democratic Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff7538", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Democratic Pole"] = {abbrev = "PDA", color = "#FEF71F", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Democratic Reform Party"] = {abbrev = "ADR", color = "#00AAE5", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Ecologists"] = {abbrev = "OE", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Faso"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD198D", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Arzúa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5A439B", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Benalmádena"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#40287B", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Benidorm"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E9582C", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Boadilla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#37703E", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Bulgarian Revival"] = {abbrev = "ABV", color = "#6A013A", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Castile and León"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#808080", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Change"] = {abbrev = "AC", color = "#87CEFA", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Changes"] = {abbrev = "APN", color = "#1A70AB", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Germany"] = {abbrev = "AfD", color = "#00A2DE", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Gran Canaria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A0A0A0", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Social Advance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F7F", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Sweden"] = {abbrev = "AFS", color = "#19489D", shortname = "",},
["Alternative for Italy"] = {abbrev = "APLI", color = "#2A295C", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Forces for Renewal and Emergence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#68B0E5", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Island"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E57815", shortname = "",},
["Alternative League for Haitian Progress and Emancipation"] = {abbrev = "LAPEH", color = "#F3E601", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#960018", shortname = "",},
["Alternative List"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ec018c", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Moroneran Assembly"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#55BA51", shortname = "",},
["Alternative National Congress"] = {abbrev = "ANC", color = "#D71800", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E62E00", shortname = "",},
["Alternative Social Movement"] = {abbrev = "ARS", color = "#E61701", shortname = "",},
["Always Forward (Brazil)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00B7EB", shortname = "PSDB-Cidadania",},
["Alyansa Para sa Bagong Pilipinas"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#207096", shortname = "Bagong PIlipinas",},
["Amaiur (1979 coalition)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66669A", shortname = "Amaiur",},
["Amaiur"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#087178", shortname = "",},
["Amal Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "Amal",},
["Amani Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Amanat (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3AB4AD", shortname = "Amanat",},
["Amani National Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "brown", shortname = "Amani",},
["Amarillos por Chile"] = {abbrev = "AxCh", color = "#FAB700", shortname = "",},
["Ambedkar Kranti Dal"] = {abbrev = "AKD", color = "#B62559", shortname = "",},
["Ambedkar National Congress"] = {abbrev = "ANC", color = "#FFFFCC", shortname = "",},
["Ambedkar People's Movement"] = {abbrev = "APM", color = "tan", shortname = "",},
["Ambedkar Puratchikara Makkal Katchi"] = {abbrev = "APMK", color = "grey", shortname = "",},
["Ambedkar Samaj Party"] = {abbrev = "ASP", color = "#58D3F7", shortname = "",},
["Ambedkarite Party of India"] = {abbrev = "API", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
["America First Party (1943)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Yellow", shortname = "America First",},
["America First Party (2002)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC66FF", shortname = "",},
["American Constitution Party (Colorado)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A356DE", shortname = "American Constitution",},
["American Constitution Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "transparent", shortname = "Constitution",},
["American Delta Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#355E39", shortname = "American Delta",},
["American Freedom Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDBB", shortname = "American Freedom",},
["American Independent Party"] = {abbrev = "AI", color = "#800080", shortname = "American Independent",},
["American Labor Party (1932)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000CC", shortname = "American Labor",},
["American Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF6347", shortname = "American Labor",},
["American Nazi Party"] = {abbrev = "ANP", color = "#964B00", shortname = "",},
["American Party (1924)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B340D1", shortname = "American",},
["American Party (1969)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC66FF", shortname = "American",},
["American Party of South Carolina"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "American",},
["American Patriot Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
["American Popular Revolutionary Alliance"] = {abbrev = "APRA", color = "#DF0101", shortname = "",},
["American Reform Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C80000", shortname = "",},
["American Republican"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#005B96", shortname = "",},
["American Shopping Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e23292", shortname = "American Shopping",},
["American Solidarity Party"] = {abbrev = "ASP", color = "#F37120", shortname = "American Solidarity",},
["American Third Position Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0018A8", shortname = "American Third Position",},
["Americans Coming Together Party"] = {abbrev = "ACT", color = "#890200", shortname = "Americans Coming Together",},
["Americans Elect"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF88", shortname = "",},
["Ames Novo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0C8A43", shortname = "",},
["Amhara Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#597E09", shortname = "",},
["AMIGO Movement"] = {abbrev = "AMIGO", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Amma Makkal Munnettra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "AMMK", color = "#034F38", shortname = "",},
["Amplitude (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FCE883", shortname = "Amplitude",},
["Amra Bangali"] = {abbrev = "AMB", color = "#FF66CC", shortname = "",},
["Amsterdamska Koalicija"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#62ba49", shortname = "",},
["Amtsakhara"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE2726", shortname = "",},
["Anaithindia Dravidar Samudaya Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "ADSMK", color = "peru", shortname = "",},
["Anaithinthiya Thamizhaga Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "ATMK", color = "gray", shortname = "",},
["Anakpawis"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
["Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany"] = {abbrev = "APPD", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Anatolia Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1575BF", shortname = "AnaParti",},
["Anchalik Gana Morcha"] = {abbrev = "AGM", color = "#FD5B78", shortname = "",},
["Ancestor Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ATA", color = "#373736", shortname = "",},
["And-Jëf/African Party for Democracy and Socialism"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "And-Jëf",},
["And-Jëf/Revolutionary Movement for New Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "And-Jëf",},
["Andaluces Levantaos"] = {abbrev = "AL", color = "#69C188", shortname = "",},
["Andalusi Party"] = {abbrev = "PA", color = "#1871B5", shortname = "",},
["Andalucía por Sí"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#83C141", shortname = "",},
["Andalusia Assembly"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#088A00", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006633", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Convergence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5AB600", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Democratic Centre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0C8902", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Federation of Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#138B59", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Forum"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AA29", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Front of Liberation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#567E64", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Horticulture Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#314910", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Left (2017)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#86B81C", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Liberation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2FB461", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Nation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008800", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Nationalist People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00B252", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Party"] = {abbrev = "PA", color = "#005931", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian People's Initiative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#007735", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Popular Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E20A19", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Progress Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4DCA8B", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Regional Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#546B23", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Social Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#218A31", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Social Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2F7769", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Solidary Independent Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6B6918", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Spring"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1EA24B", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FEED01", shortname = "",},
["Andalusian Workers' Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D03634", shortname = "",},
["Andalusians of Jaén United"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AC32", shortname = "",},
["Andecha Astur"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A53042", shortname = "",},
["Anders Lange's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0047e0", shortname = "Anders Lange's",},
["Andorra Forward"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2B2D84", shortname = "Endavant",},
["Andorra for Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7A7A78", shortname = "",},
["Andover Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#bb00bb", shortname = "",},
["Andrés Ibáñez Alliance"] = {abbrev = "AAI", color = "#4E9166", shortname = "",},
["Andriy Baloha's Team"] = {abbrev = "KAB", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["A New and United Guyana"] = {abbrev = "ANUG", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},
["Ang Kapatiran"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003C74", shortname = "",},
["Ang Katipunan para sa Pag-Angat at Pagyabong ng Bayan Party"] = {abbrev = "AKAY", color = "#FD0003", shortname = "",},
["Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah"] = {abbrev = "APU", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
["Angolan Democratic Forum"] = {abbrev = "FDA", color = "#7DE8F4", shortname = "",},
["Angolan National Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "PNDA", color = "#55FF63", shortname = "",},
["Angry Victorians Party"] = {abbrev = "AVP", color = "#BDAF77", shortname = "Angry Victorians",},
["Anguilla Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "ADP", color = "#ffd700", shortname = "",},
["Anguilla for Good Government"] = {abbrev = "", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
["Anguilla National Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ANA", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "",},
["Anguilla Patriotic Movement"] = {abbrev = "APM", color = "#00008B", shortname = "",},
["Anguilla Progressive Movement"] = {abbrev = "APM", color = "#96CDEF", shortname = "",},
["Anguilla Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "APP", color = "#FF6600", shortname = "",},
["Anguilla Strategic Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ANSA", color = "#FF1111", shortname = "",},
["Anguilla United Front (old)"] = {abbrev = "AUF", color = "#095392", shortname = "Anguilla United Front",},
["Anguilla United Front"] = {abbrev = "AUF", color = "#ffc614", shortname = "Anguilla United Front",},
["Anguilla United Movement"] = {abbrev = "AUM", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["Anguilla United Party"] = {abbrev = "AUP", color = "#39944A", shortname = "",},
["Angus Independents Representatives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "Angus Independents",},
["Anhui clique"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#a52a2a", shortname = "",},
["Animal Justice Auckland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A52A2A", shortname = "",},
["Animal Justice Party of Finland"] = {abbrev = "EOP", color = "#FCBB01", shortname = "",},
["Animal Justice Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5B2C86", shortname = "",},
["Animal Justice Party Aotearoa New Zealand"] = {abbrev = "AJPANZ", color = "#5C558C", shortname = "Animal Justice",},
["Animal Party Cyprus"] = {abbrev = "KZK", color = "#EB7203", shortname = "",},
["Animal Politics EU"] = {abbrev = "APEU", color = "#77b72a", shortname = "",},
["Animal Protection Party of Canada"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#336033", shortname = "Animal Protection",},
["Animal Protection Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e9e9e9", shortname = "Animal Protection",},
["Animal Rights Party"] = {abbrev = "TRP", color = "lightgreen", shortname = "",},
["Animal Welfare Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EE3263", shortname = "Animal Welfare",},
["Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals"] = {abbrev = "PACMA", color = "#ADBE18", shortname = "",},
["Animalist Party with the Environment"] = {abbrev = "PACMA", color = "#22D65D", shortname = "",},
["Animalist Party"] = {abbrev = "PA", color = "#9C0D99", shortname = "",},
["Animals First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Anna Democratic Human Rights Movement Party of India"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C0C0C0", shortname = "Anna DHRM",},
["ANO 2011"] = {abbrev = "ANO", color = "#261060", shortname = "",},
["Another Democracy is Possible"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F75921", shortname = "",},
["Another Sant Cugat–Citizen Platform for Sant Cugat"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9DC5C2", shortname = "",},
["Another Way Movement"] = {abbrev = "MOCA", color = "#F27321", shortname = "",},
["Antarsya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800000", shortname = "",},
["Antequera Sí Se Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#77BF59", shortname = "",},
["Anti Common Market and Free Trade Party"] = {abbrev = "ACMFT", color = "#e6e6fa", shortname = "",},
["Anti H-Block"] = {abbrev = "AHB", color = "#008800", shortname = "Anti H-Block",},
["Anti-Administration Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CCFF66", shortname = "Anti-Administration",},
["Anti-Austerity Alliance–People Before Profit"] = {abbrev = "AAA–PBP", color = "#E5E500", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Austerity Alliance"] = {abbrev = "AAA", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "Anti-Austerity Alliance",},
["Anti-Capitalist Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0066", shortname = "",},
["Anti-capitalists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#62CC62", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Communist Bolivian Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5866B1", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Communist Unification Party"] = {abbrev = "PUA", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Corruption and Justice Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F7EA21", shortname = "",},
["Anti Corruption Dynamic Party"] = {abbrev = "ACDP", color = "#ba0c2f", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Corruption Foundation"] = {abbrev = "ACF", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Corruption Ireland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00cc00", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Corruption Party"] = {abbrev = "PAC", color = "#8dade3", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League"] = {abbrev = "AFPFL", color = "#DB2916", shortname = "",},
["Anti-fascist Revolutionary Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AE2D2D", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Federalist League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F6CB2F", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#007FFF", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Jacksonian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFE6B0", shortname = "Anti-Jacksonian",},
["Anti-Jacksonian Party/Hold"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFF5D7", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Liberal Catholic Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ACA", color = "#34457E", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Masonic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF99", shortname = "Anti-Masonic",},
["Anti-Masonic Party/Hold"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFE6", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Ministerialists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Monopoly Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66F500", shortname = "Anti-Monopoly",},
["Anti-Nebraska movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E4D96F", shortname = "Anti-Nebraska",},
["Anti-PowerPoint Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Antiprohibitionists on Drugs"] = {abbrev = "", color = "gold", shortname = "Antiprohibitionists",},
["Anti-Revolutionary Party"] = {abbrev = "ARP", color = "#008F90", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD425", shortname = "Anti-Socialist",},
["Anti-Trident Party"] = {abbrev = "ATP", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
["Anti-Waste League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "lightblue", shortname = "",},
["Anticapitalist Left (Belgium)"] = {abbrev = "GA", color = "#E74733", shortname = "",},
["Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "ABLP", color = "#EE3422", shortname = "",},
["Antigua Trades and Labour Union"] = {abbrev = "ATLU", color = "#BC353C", shortname = "",},
["Antipersonalist Radical Civic Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#641C34", shortname = "",},
["Aontacht Éireann"] = {abbrev = "AÉ", color = "#22FF00", shortname = "Aontacht Éireann",},
["Aontú"] = {abbrev = "Aon", color = "#44532A", shortname = "Aontú",},
["Aosta Valley (political coalition)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#48D1CC", shortname = "Aosta Valley",},
["Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#33CC33", shortname = "Legalise Cannabis",},
["Apna Dal"] = {abbrev = "AD", color = "#FF33CC", shortname = "",},
["Apna Dal (Kamerawadi)"] = {abbrev = "AD(K)", color = "#FF33CC", shortname = "",},
["Apna Dal (Sonelal)"] = {abbrev = "AD(S)", color = "#27176D", shortname = "",},
["Appointed"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
["Approval Voting Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "MidnightBlue", shortname = "Approval Voting",},
["April Fifth Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FC0000", shortname = "",},
["Apruebo Dignidad"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FC415C", shortname = "",},
["Aq Jol"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#043381", shortname = "Aq Jol",},
["Ar-Namys"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0203FE", shortname = "",},
["Ara Eivissa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1FC6BC", shortname = "",},
["Ara Maó"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#39AFB1", shortname = "",},
["Ara Més"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#84BC87", shortname = "",},
["Ara Pacte Local"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#213B81", shortname = "",},
["Ara Reus"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#71152C", shortname = "",},
["Arab Democratic Nasserist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#305E30", shortname = "",},
["Arab Democratic Party (Israel)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009900", shortname = "Mada",},
["Arab Democratic Party (Lebanon)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Arab Democratic Union Party"] = {abbrev = "ADUP", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["ARAB Europeans for the Canaries"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8BD4F7", shortname = "",},
["Arab Liberation Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD7F32", shortname = "",},
["Arab Liberation Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff0000", shortname = "",},
["Arab List for Bedouin and Villagers"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C61318", shortname = "",},
["Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Iraq Region"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#017B48", shortname = "Ba'ath Party",},
["Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Lebanon Region"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#017B48", shortname = "",},
["Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Syria Region"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#017B48", shortname = "Ba'ath Party",},
["Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Yemen Region"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#017B48", shortname = "Ba'ath Party",},
["Arab Socialist Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Arab Socialist Union (Egypt)"] = {abbrev = "ASU", color = "#F0001C", shortname = "",},
["Arab Socialist Union (Iraq)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0001C", shortname = "",},
["Arab Socialist Union (Libya)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0001C", shortname = "",},
["Arab Socialist Union Party (Syria)"] = {abbrev = "ASU", color = "#F0001C", shortname = "",},
["Arab Unification Party (Lebanon)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AA201E", shortname = "Arab Unification Party",},
["Aragón Existe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#037252", shortname = "",},
["Aragón Sí Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#690194", shortname = "",},
["Aragon United Citizens Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#084108", shortname = "",},
["Aragonese Autonomist Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F93235", shortname = "",},
["Aragonese Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2BAE20", shortname = "",},
["Aragonese Candidacy of Democratic Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#473C38", shortname = "",},
["Aragonese Christian Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E90FF", shortname = "",},
["Aragonese Initiative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},
["Aragonese Land"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008300", shortname = "",},
["Aragonese Party"] = {abbrev = "PAR", color = "#FFCC66", shortname = "",},
["Aragonese Union (1917)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E67A4A", shortname = "",},
["Arakan Front Party"] = {abbrev = "AFP", color = "#FE0000", shortname = "",},
["Arakan League for Democracy"] = {abbrev = "ALD", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
["Arakan National Party"] = {abbrev = "ANP", color = "#EB1D27", shortname = "",},
["Aralar (Basque political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BD0000", shortname = "Aralar",},
["Aran Amassa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5B1408", shortname = "",},
["Aranese Democratic Convergence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E9960D", shortname = "",},
["Aranese Democratic Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#274737", shortname = "",},
["Arangkada San Joseño"] = {abbrev = "AR", color = "#FF8000", shortname = "",},
["Aranzadi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E61A74", shortname = "",},
["Archipelago Tomorrow"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED7F10", shortname = "",},
["Arcos en Común"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AF084C", shortname = "",},
["Arganda Sí Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#438D98", shortname = "",},
["Argentine People's Union"] = {abbrev = "UDELPA", color = "#00708B", shortname = "",},
["Argentine Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "PSA", color = "#FF9900", shortname = "",},
["Arizona Libertarian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FED105", shortname = "Libertarian",},
["Arizona Progressive Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#87CEEB", shortname = "",},
["Armed Forces of Equatorial Guinea"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C3B091", shortname = "",},
["Armed Forces Republic of Indonesia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Military",},
["Armenia Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1D2E69", shortname = "",},
["Armenia is Our Home"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E40510", shortname = "",},
["Armenian Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Communist",},
["Armenian National Congress"] = {abbrev = "ANC", color = "#0033A0", shortname = "",},
["Armenian Revolutionary Federation"] = {abbrev = "ARF", color = "#AA0000", shortname = "",},
["Aroha Ngia Tatou"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
["Arona Independent Electoral Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3AA346", shortname = "",},
["Arrow Cross Party"] = {abbrev = "NYKP", color = "#964B00", shortname = "",},
["Article 45 Concern Group"] = {abbrev = "A45CG", color = "#2906CC", shortname = "",},
["Article 50 (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffa500", shortname = "",},
["Article One (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D21B30", shortname = "",},
["Artsakh Freedom Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#020041", shortname = "",},
["Arts Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "",},
["Aruban Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "PDA", color = "#59479C", shortname = "",},
["Aruban Liberal Organization"] = {abbrev = "OLA", color = "#00BFFF", shortname = "",},
["Aruban Patriotic Movement"] = {abbrev = "MPA", color = "#F70084", shortname = "",},
["Aruban Patriotic Party"] = {abbrev = "PPA", color = "#FF8C00", shortname = "",},
["Aruban People's Party"] = {abbrev = "AVP", color = "#65B22E", shortname = "",},
["Aruban Sovereignty Movement"] = {abbrev = "MAS", color = "#54C2E3", shortname = "",},
["Arunachal Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CCCCFF", shortname = "",},
["Arunalu People's Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5DDDD6", shortname = "",},
["Asankhya Samaj Party"] = {abbrev = "ASP", color = "#D0A9F5", shortname = "",},
["Asar (political party)"]= {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Asar",},
["Asenso Abrenio"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED4B9E", shortname = "",},
["Asenso Manileño"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2F358D", shortname = "",},
["Ashfield Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "Ashfield Ind.",},
["Ashford Independents"] = {abbrev = "AI", color = "#BDD005", shortname = "Ashford Ind.",},
["Ashkali Party for Integration"] = {abbrev = "PAI", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Asia Pacific United Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#33FF99", shortname = "Asia Pacific",},
["Askatasuna"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008229", shortname = "",},
["Asom Gana Parishad"] = {abbrev = "AGP", color = "#99CCFF", shortname = "",},
["Aspire (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF5800", shortname = "Aspire",},
["Assam Jatiya Parishad"] = {abbrev = "AJP", color = "#0048BA", shortname = "",},
["Assam United Democratic Front"] = {abbrev = "AUDF", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Assembleia do Povo Unido"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CF1C3A", shortname = "",},
["Assembly for Asturias"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A70E25", shortname = "",},
["Assembly for Cantabria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C1272F", shortname = "",},
["Assembly for Tarragona"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#793C8F", shortname = "",},
["Assembly for Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E30614", shortname = "",},
["Assembly of Alcalá"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFBD33", shortname = "",},
["Assembly of Greeks"] = {abbrev = "ES", color = "#007CC2", shortname = "",},
["Assembly of Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E5CC00", shortname = "Independents",},
["Assembly of People of Kazakhstan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1A4C96", shortname = "",},
["Assembly of the People United"] = {abbrev = "APU", color = "#094779", shortname = "",},
["Assembly to Energize Japan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F36F21", shortname = "",},
["Association for Somogy"] = {abbrev = "SE", color = "#404040", shortname = "",},
["Association for the Defense of Macau Interests"] = {abbrev = "ADIM", color = "#000080", shortname = "",},
["Association for Defence of Revolution Values"] = {abbrev = "ADRV", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},
["Association for Democracy Activism"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
["Association for Democracy and Social Well-Being of Macau"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFACD", shortname = "",},
["Association for Helping the Community and Engagement with the People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Association for Joint Efforts to Improve the Community"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#64B4B5", shortname = "",},
["Association for Justice and Equality"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#034626", shortname = "Justice & Equality",},
["Association for Promoting the Economy of Macau"] = {abbrev = "APPEM", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
["Association for Promotion of Civic Rights"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#13241E", shortname = "",},
["Association for Promotion of Social Services and Education"] = {abbrev = "ARSEM", color = "#4F3286", shortname = "",},
["Association for the Yugoslav Democratic Initiative"] = {abbrev = "UJDI", color = "#FF960E", shortname = "",},
["Association for the Advancement of Civil Rights"] = {abbrev = "AACR", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},
["Association for the Promotion of Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights and Rule of Law of Macau (Macau Ideals)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#822571", shortname = "",},
["Association for the Rebirth of Madagascar"] = {abbrev = "AREMA", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Association of Candidates"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FCF318", shortname = "Kattusseqatigiit",},
["Association of Combatant Clerics"] = {abbrev = "ACC", color = "#098CDC", shortname = "",},
["Association of Free Democrats"] = {abbrev = "BFD", color = "#FFED00", shortname = "",},
["Association of Independent Members"] = {abbrev = "AIM", color = "#3fc762", shortname = "",},
["Association of Independent Members of Parliament"] = {abbrev = "AIMP", color = "#DCDCDC", shortname = "",},
["Association of Islamic Revolution Loyalists"] = {abbrev = "AIRL", color = "#24b8fe", shortname = "",},
["Association of Italians of Romania"] = {abbrev = "ROASIT", color = "#2B3D8C", shortname = "",},
["Association of Macedonians of Romania"] = {abbrev = "DMR", color = "#660000", shortname = "",},
["Association of Poles in Lithuania"] = {abbrev = "ZPL", color = "#F23F43", shortname = "",},
["Association of Timorese Heroes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Associative Movement Italians Abroad"] = {abbrev = "MAIE", color = "#333B8E", shortname = "",},
["Associative Movement of Italians Abroad"] = {abbrev = "MAIE", color = "#333B8E", shortname = "",},
["Assyrian Democratic Movement"] = {abbrev = "ADM", color = "#5f21a9", shortname = "",},
["Asturian Democratic Convergence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4ABAB5", shortname = "",},
["Asturian Left Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B60006", shortname = "",},
["Asturian Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCC00", shortname = "",},
["Asturian Nationalist Council"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ADD8E6", shortname = "",},
["Asturian Nationalist Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0CACAD", shortname = "",},
["Asturian Renewal Union–Asturianist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#106194", shortname = "",},
["Asturian Renewal Union"] = {abbrev = "URAS", color = "#155BC2", shortname = "",},
["Asturias Forum"] = {abbrev = "FAC", color = "#10286B", shortname = "",},
["Asturias Forum (2021)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4AC0FF", shortname = "Foro",},
["Ata Meken Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D2161D", shortname = "Ata-Meken",},
["Ata-Jurt Kyrgyzstan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1f247b", shortname = "",},
["Ata-Zhurt"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3173C9", shortname = "",},
["Atarrabia Taldea"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFAA01", shortname = "",},
["Atassut"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2E2C7B", shortname = "",},
["Atassut (2019)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2B9996", shortname = "",},
["Athra Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#039935", shortname = "",},
["Atlantica Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5073B8", shortname = "Atlantica",},
["Attack (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#344D28", shortname = "Ataka",},
["Attica Project"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4BB8B3", shortname = "",},
["Atulya Bharat Party"] = {abbrev = "ABP", color = "#FEFEFE", shortname = "",},
["Auckland Future"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AEEF", shortname = "",},
["August 24th Movement"] = {abbrev = "M24A", color = "#E30917", shortname = "",},
["AUna Comunitat Valenciana"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE5D2F", shortname = "",},
["AUR Alliance"] = {abbrev = "AUR+", color = "#FFD30F", shortname = "",},
["Auseva Red"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#515151", shortname = "",},
["Australia First Party"] = {abbrev = "AFP", color = "#5D8AA5", shortname = "Australia First",},
["Australia Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7F007F", shortname = "Australia",},
["Australian Citizens Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#656600", shortname = "",},
["Australian Conservatives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00B9FB", shortname = "",},
["Australian Democrats"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCD00", shortname = "Democrats",},
["Australian Federation Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#538a2e", shortname = "",},
["Australian Greens Victoria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#10C25B", shortname = "Greens",},
["Australian Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00a651", shortname = "Greens",},
["Australian Labor Party (Australian Capital Territory Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labor Party (New South Wales Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labor Party (NSW)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor (NSW)",},
["Australian Labor Party (Queensland Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labor Party (South Australian Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labor Party (Tasmanian Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labor Party (Western Australian Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "ALP", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labor",},
["Australian Labour Party (Western Australian Branch)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE3533", shortname = "Labour",},
["Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party"] = {abbrev = "AMEP", color = "#0528B6", shortname = "Motoring Enthusiasts",},
["Australian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FB607F", shortname = "",},
["Australian People's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800020", shortname = "",},
["Australian Progressive Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffb400", shortname = "",},
["Australian Sex Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFBF00", shortname = "",},
["Australian Sports Party"] = {abbrev = "ASP", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "Sports",},
["Australians Against Further Immigration"] = {abbrev = "AAFI", color = "#964B00", shortname = "",},
["Austraya Political Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0099AA", shortname = "",},
["Austrian Nazism"] = {abbrev = "DNSAP", color = "#964B00", shortname = "",},
["Austrian People's Party (2017)"] = {abbrev = "ÖVP", color = "#63C3D0", shortname = "",},
["Austrian People's Party"] = {abbrev = "ÖVP", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights"] = {abbrev = "A-HSP", color = "#40408C", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Croatian Peasant Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkgreen", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Democratic Christian Movement"] = {abbrev = "MCDA", color = "darkgreen", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Integral Development"] = {abbrev = "DIA", color = "#eb3213", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "PLA", color = "darkred", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Limonense Party"] = {abbrev = "PAL", color = "#66CC33", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution"] = {abbrev = "PARM", color = "Olive", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Puntarenense Party"] = {abbrev = "PAP", color = "#F1800E", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Radical Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "PLRA", color = "#2E3092", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Renewal Organization"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B8FEFC", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Revolutionary Nationalist Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8079CE", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Revolutionary Party (Panama)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A859", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Revolutionary Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5A4FCF", shortname = "",},
["Authentic Socialist Party (Argentina)"] = {abbrev = "PSA", color = "#DD2C1A", shortname = "Authentic Socialist Party",},
["Authentic Socialist Party (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkred", shortname = "",},
["Authenticity and Modernity Party"] = {abbrev = "PAM", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},
["Authenticity Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Autodeterminaziorako Bilgunea"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0C50E", shortname = "",},
["Autonomies for Bolivia"] = {abbrev = "APB", color = "#004D00", shortname = "",},
["Autonomist Monarchist Federation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E4D27A", shortname = "",},
["Autonomist Party of Corrientes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F08080", shortname = "",},
["Autonomist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#475f8a", shortname = "",},
["Autonomist Republican Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC734C", shortname = "",},
["Autonomist Republican Union Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#581768", shortname = "",},
["Autonomist–Liberal Pact"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#40e0d0", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous Agrarian Union"] = {abbrev = "AZS", color = "#EC5800", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#04AD0F", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous Galician Republican Organization"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A70B8", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous Manacor People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8889B0", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous Nationalities for Change and Empowerment"] = {abbrev = "NACER", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous Nationalities for Change and Revolutionary Empowerment"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#026701", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous Party of Italy's Pensioners"] = {abbrev = "PAPI", color = "#0050AA", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous Socialist Party (Ticino)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8B1C62", shortname = "Autonomous Socialists",},
["Autonomous Socialist Party of South Jura"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9E151C", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous State Demand Committee (United)"] = {abbrev = "ASDC(U)", color = "grey", shortname = "",},
["Autonomous State Demand Committee"] = {abbrev = "ASDC", color = "#ff0000", shortname = "",},
["Autonomy Liberty Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E56717", shortname = "",},
["Autonomy South"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#273BE2", shortname = "",},
["Auyl People's Democratic Patriotic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A5B2D", shortname = "Auyl",},
["Auzolan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFA900", shortname = "",},
["Avancemos Chile"] = {abbrev = "ACH", color = "#21345F", shortname = "",},
["Avant"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#211473", shortname = "",},
["Avante La Laguna"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B14B7C", shortname = "",},
["Avante (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#088F8F", shortname = "Avante",},
["Avanza (Guatemala)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF018D", shortname = "",},
["Avanza Libertad"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3A3F92", shortname = "",},
["Avanzamos por ti"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC60A", shortname = "",},
["Awaam Pakistan"] = {abbrev = "AP", color = "#0054A6", shortname = "",},
["Awakening (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CF1F25", shortname = "",},
["Awami Jamhuri Ittehad Pakistan"] = {abbrev = "AJIP", color = "#5F9EA0", shortname = "",},
["Awami League"] = {abbrev = "AL", color = "#006a4e", shortname = "",},
["Awami Muslim League (Pakistan)"] = {abbrev = "AML", color = "#9ACD32", shortname = "",},
["Awami Muslim League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#bcf55c", shortname = "",},
["Awami National Party"] = {abbrev = "ANP", color = "#c83737", shortname = "",},
["Awami Party"] = {abbrev = "AWP", color = "#DA81F5", shortname = "",},
["Awami Raj Party"] = {abbrev = "ARP", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Awami Vikas Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1f7945", shortname = "",},
["Awami Workers Party"] = {abbrev = "AWP", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
["Ayra"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#413B3D", shortname = "",},
["Azad Hind Fauz (Rajkiya)"] = {abbrev = "AHF", color = "#00FFCC", shortname = "",},
["Azad Samaj Party (Kanshi Ram)"] = {abbrev = "ASP(KR)", color = "#003597", shortname = "",},
["Azanian People's Organisation"] = {abbrev = "AZAPO", color = "#FDB400", shortname = "",},
["Azem Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F317B3", shortname = "",},
["Azerbaijan Communist Party (1993)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Communist",},
["Azerbaijan Democrat Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBFB07", shortname = "Democrat",},
["Azerbaijan Democratic Enlightenment Party"] = {abbrev = "ADMP", color = "#7C8EBC", shortname = "",},
["Azerbaijan Hope Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffea00", shortname = "Hope",},
["Azerbaijan Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8B0000", shortname = "Liberal",},
["Azerbaijan National Independence Party"] = {abbrev = "AMİP", color = "#0B94C2", shortname = "",},
["Azerbaijan Social Prosperity Party"] = {abbrev = "ASRP", color = "#0000CD", shortname = "Social Prosperity",},
["Azerbaijani Popular Front Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5C5858", shortname = "Popular Front",},
["Azerbaijani Social Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Social Democratic",},
["Azimio la Umoja"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#011FB1", shortname = "Azimio",},
["Azir Moris"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
return {
full = full,
alternate = alternate,