وحدة:ضبط استنادي/auxiliary
صُنفت هذه الوحدة على أنها في مرحلة بيتا. عندما تصل الوحدة لهذه المرحلة، يمكن أن يوسع استخدامها في الصفحات الأخرى. لكن يجب توخي الحذر من أن الوحدات في هذه المرحلة ما زالت حديثة العهد لذلك وجب توخي الحذر عند الاستخدام وملاحظة أي أخطاء تنتج عنها. من العرف أن المجتمع سوف يوصل الوحدات في هذه المرحلة للتي بعدها عبر صفحات النقاش الخاصة بالوحدة أو أي مكان يعلن عن هذه الوحدة عبر ملاحظة أن هذه الوحدة تعمل بشكل صحيح والجميع راضٍ عن أدائها. |
صفحات متصلة |
local p = {}
--[[ Format validation functions ]]
function p.botanistV(id)
return mw.ustring.match(id,"^[%u%l%d%. '-]+$")
-- NCDA: NOID Check Digit Algorithm; see [[wikipedia:Check digit#NCDA]]
local ncda -- leave this as a local since NCDA is commonly used among ARK identifiers and could be useful for validating other identifiers later
do -- initialize these constants only once but scope them in a block so local namespace doesn't get cluttered with these
local r29s = [[0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz]] -- radix 29 "betanumeric" digit string
local r29n = r29s:len()
local r29v2d, r29d2v = {}, {}
for i = 1, r29n do
local v, d = i-1, r29s:sub(i, i)
r29v2d[v], r29d2v[d] = d, v
function ncda(sid)
local n, sum = sid:len(), 0
for i = 1, n do
sum = sum + i * (r29d2v[sid:sub(i, i)] or 0)
return r29v2d[sum % r29n]
function p.validateBNF(id)
local FRBNF = id:sub(1, -2)
return FRBNF:match('^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$') ~= nil and ncda('cb'..FRBNF) == id:sub(-1) and id
function p.validateIsni(id) --Validate ISNI (and ORCID) and returns it as a 16 characters string or returns false if it's invalid. See http://support.orcid.org/knowledgebase/articles/116780-structure-of-the-orcid-identifier
id = id:gsub( '[ %-]', '' ):upper()
if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then
return false
local total = 0
for i = 1, 15 do
local digit = id:byte( i ) - 48 --Get integer value
total = (total + digit) * 2
local remainder = total % 11
local result = (12 - remainder) % 11
local checkdigit
if result == 10 then
checkdigit = 'X'
checkdigit=tostring( result )
if checkdigit ~= string.char( id:byte( 16 ) ) then
return false
return id
function p.orcidV(id)
id = p.validateIsni(id)
if not id then
return false
return id:sub( 1, 4 )..'-'..id:sub( 5, 8 )..'-'..id:sub( 9, 12 )..'-'..id:sub( 13, 16 )
function p.tlsV(id)
id = id:gsub(' +', '_')
local idlen = mw.ustring.len(id)
if idlen < 4 or idlen > 90 then
return false
local regex = '^%u'..string.rep("[%w_',%.%-%(%)%*%/–&]", idlen - 1)..'$'
if not mw.ustring.match(id,regex ) then
return false
return id
--[[ Custom link functions ]]
function p.ISILlink(id,label)
if not id:match('^%D%D?%D?%D?%-.+$') then
return false
for _,prefix in ipairs({'AT','AU','BE','CA','CH','DE','FI','FR','IT','KR','NZ','US','ZDB'}) do
if id:match('^'..prefix..'%-') then
return '<span class="uid">[https://w3id.org/isil/'..id..' ' .. (label or 'المُعرِّف الدولي المعياري للمكتبات والمنظمات ذات الصلة ISIL') .. ']</span>'
return '[[International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations|ISIL]]\n**<span class="uid">' .. id .. '</span>'
function p.uscgLink(id)
local id2 = id:match( '^[1-7]%-%d%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) or id:match( '^[1-7]%-%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%.%d*[1-9]$' )
if id2 then
return '<span class="uid">[https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/lightlists/LightList%20V'..mw.ustring.sub(id2,1,1)..'.pdf '..id2..']</span>'
return false
function p.ccg(id)
id = id:match('^[NAIP]?[1-9]%d*$') or id:match('^[NAIP]?[1-9]%d*%.%d+$')
if not id then return false end
local link = 'https://www.notmar.gc.ca/'
local prefix = string.sub(id, 1, 1) -- get first character of id
local suffix = string.sub(id, 2) -- remove first character of id
local interval = require('Module:Interval')._main
local v
if prefix=='N' then
local int = interval({1,7.5,14.4,100,121,173,211,235,269.99,326,396,450.1,471.7,499,n=suffix})
if int=='1-2' then v = 1
elseif int=='2-3' then v = 75
elseif int=='3-4' then v = 144
elseif int=='4-5' then v = 100
elseif int=='5-6' then v = 121
elseif int=='6-7' then v = 173
elseif int=='7-8' then v = 211
elseif int=='8-9' then v = 235
elseif int=='9-10' then v = 26999
elseif int=='10-11' then v = 326
elseif int=='11-12' then v = 396
elseif int=='12-13' then v = 4501
elseif int=='13-14' then v = 4717
elseif int=='14-15' then v = 499
link = link .. 'publications/list-lights/newfoundland/n' .. v .. '-en'
elseif prefix=='A' then
local int = interval({5,114.5,145,163,268,271,301.5,327,686.5,704.85,883.2,942,1085,1169.1,1584.5,1773,1823.55,2190,2369,2389,n=suffix})
if int=='1-2' then v = 5
elseif int=='2-3' then v = 1145
elseif int=='3-4' then v = 145
elseif int=='4-5' then v = 162
elseif int=='5-6' then v = 268
elseif int=='6-7' then v = 271
elseif int=='7-8' then v = 3015
elseif int=='8-9' then v = 327
elseif int=='9-10' then v = 6865
elseif int=='10-11' then v = 7048
elseif int=='11-12' then v = 883
elseif int=='12-13' then v = 942
elseif int=='13-14' then v = 1085
elseif int=='14-15' then v = 11691
elseif int=='15-16' then v = 15845
elseif int=='16-17' then v = 1773
elseif int=='17-18' then v = 182355
elseif int=='18-19' then v = 2190
elseif int=='19-20' then v = 2369
elseif int=='20-21' then v = 2389
link = link .. 'publications/list-lights/atl/a' .. v .. '-en'
elseif prefix=='I' then
local int = interval({0.05,401.1,403.4,551.06,552,624,708,731.2,768,814,983,1046,1059.6,1082,1162,1204.7,1233.3,1328,1330,1346.2,1377.8,1408,1410,1420,1445,1470,1520,1534,1540.6,1554,1557.7,1558.8,1563.1,1625.5,1671.7,1716.96,2545,n=suffix})
if int=='1-2' then v = '01'
elseif int=='2-3' then v = 4011
elseif int=='3-4' then v = 4034
elseif int=='4-5' then v = 55106
elseif int=='5-6' then v = 552
elseif int=='6-7' then v = 624
elseif int=='7-8' then v = 708
elseif int=='8-9' then v = 7312
elseif int=='9-10' then v = 768
elseif int=='10-11' then v = 814
elseif int=='11-12' then v = 983
elseif int=='12-13' then v = 1046
elseif int=='13-14' then v = 10596
elseif int=='14-15' then v = 1082
elseif int=='15-16' then v = 1162
elseif int=='16-17' then v = 12047
elseif int=='17-18' then v = 12333
elseif int=='18-19' then v = 1328
elseif int=='19-20' then v = 1330
elseif int=='20-21' then v = 13462
elseif int=='21-22' then v = 13778
elseif int=='22-23' then v = 1408
elseif int=='23-24' then v = 1410
elseif int=='24-25' then v = 1420
elseif int=='25-26' then v = 1445
elseif int=='26-27' then v = 1470
elseif int=='27-28' then v = 1520
elseif int=='28-29' then v = 1534
elseif int=='29-30' then v = 15406
elseif int=='30-31' then v = 1554
elseif int=='31-32' then v = 15577
elseif int=='32-33' then v = 15588
elseif int=='33-34' then v = 1562
elseif int=='34-35' then v = 16255
elseif int=='35-36' then v = 16717
elseif int=='36-37' then v = 171696
elseif int=='37-38' then v = 2545
link = link .. 'publications/list-lights/inland-waters/i' .. v .. '-en'
elseif prefix=='P' then
link = link .. 'publications/list-lights/pac/p'
link = link .. 'list-lights'
return '[[CCG (identifier)|CCG]] <span class="uid">[' .. link .. ' ' .. id .. ']</span>'
return p