انتقل إلى المحتوى

وحدة:Cite Q

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

--[[	Cite Q
		النسخة العربية
		مشتق من النسخة الإنجليزية 

local p = {}

local sandbox = ''
local wdib = require('Module:WikidataIB' .. sandbox)
local getValue = wdib._getValue
local getValueFromSnaks = wdib._getValueFromSnaks
local getPropOfProp = wdib._getPropOfProp
local followQid = wdib._followQid
local getPropertyIDs = wdib._getPropertyIDs
local rtl_lang = {ar = true, fa  = true, ur = true, ku = true,
he  = true, arc  = true, dv  = true, ha  = true, khw  = true,
ks  = true,	ps  = true, yi  = true, ota = true }
local ref_cash = {}

local aliases = {
	['accessdate'] = {'تاريخ-الوصول','تاريخ الوصول', 'تاريخ وصول', 'access-date', 'accessdate'},
	['agency'] = {'وكالة', 'agency'},
	['archivedate'] = {'تاريخ-الأرشيف', 'تاريخ أرشيف', 'تاريخ الأرشيف', 'archive-date', 'archivedate'},
	['archive-format'] = {'صيغة-الأرشيف', 'صيغة الأرشيف', 'archive-format'},
	['archive-url'] = {'مسار-الأرشيف', 'مسار أرشيف', 'مسار الأرشيف', 'archive-url', 'archiveurl'},
	['article-number'] = {'رقم-المقالة', 'article-number'},
	['asin-tld'] = 'asin-tld',
	['at'] = {'في', 'at'},
	['authors'] = {'المؤلفون', 'المؤلفين', 'authors', 'people', 'host', 'credits', 'أشخاص'},
	['book-title'] = {'عنوان الكتاب', 'book-title', 'booktitle',  'عنوان المؤتمر'},
	['cartography'] = 'cartography',
	['chapter'] = {'الفصل', 'chapter', 'contribution', 'entry', 'article', 'section'},
	['chapter-format'] = {'صيغة-الفصل', 'صيغة الفصل', 'تنسيق الفصل', 'chapter-format', 'contribution-format', 'entry-format', 
		'article-format', 'section-format'},
	['chapter-url'] = {'مسار-الفصل', 'مسار الفصل', 'chapter-url', 'contribution-url', 'entry-url', 'article-url', 'section-url'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['chapter-url-access'] = {'chapter-url-access', 'contribution-url-access',
		'entry-url-access', 'article-url-access', 'section-url-access'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['class'] = {'صنف', 'class'}, -- cite arxiv and arxiv identifier
	['collaboration'] = 'collaboration',
	['conference'] = {'اسم-المؤتمر', 'اسم المؤتمر', 'conference'},
	['conference-format'] = 'conference-format',
	['conference-url'] = {'مسار-المؤتمر', 'مسار المؤتمر', 'conference-url'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['date'] = {'تاريخ', 'التاريخ', 'date', 'air-date', 'airdate'},
	['degree'] = {'الدرجة', 'degree'},
	['df'] = 'df',
	['display-authors'] = {'إظهار-المؤلفين', 'إظهار المؤلفين', 'display-authors', 'display-subjects'},
	['display-contributors'] = 'display-contributors',
	['display-editors'] = {'إظهار-المحررين', 'إظهار المحررين', 'display-editors'},
	['display-interviewers'] = 'display-interviewers',
	['display-translators'] = 'display-translators',
	['docket'] = 'docket',
	['doi-broken-date'] = 'doi-broken-date',
	['edition'] = {'طبعة', 'الإصدار', 'الاصدار', 'إصدار', 'اصدار', 'الطبعة', 'رقم الطبعة', 'edition'},
	['pmc-embargo-date'] = 'pmc-embargo-date',
	['encyclopedia'] = {'موسوعة', 'encyclopedia', 'encyclopaedia', 'اسم المعجم', 'dictionary', 'اسم الموسوعة'}, -- cite encyclopedia only
	['episode'] = {'الحلقة', 'episode'}, -- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode?
	['format'] = {'صيغة', 'التنسيق', 'format', 'تنسيق', 'الصيغة'},
	['id'] = {'id', 'ID', 'المعرف'},
	['inset'] = {'inset', 'مجموعة'},
	['issue'] = {'العدد', 'issue', 'number'},
	['language'] = {'لغة', 'اللغة', 'language', 'lang'},
	['mailing-list'] = {'القائمة البريدية', 'mailing-list'}, -- cite mailing list only
	['map'] = {'الخريطة', 'map'}, -- cite map only
	['map-format'] = {'صيغة الخريطة', 'map-format'}, -- cite map only
	['map-url'] = {'مسار الخريطة', 'map-url'}, -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['map-url-access'] = 'map-url-access', -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['minutes'] = {'دقيقة', 'minutes'},
	['mode'] = 'mode',
	['name-list-style'] = 'name-list-style',
	['network'] = {'الشبكة', 'network'},
	['newsgroup'] = {'اسم المجموعة', 'newsgroup'}, -- cite newsgroup only
	['nopp'] = {'no-pp', 'nopp'},
	['no-tracking'] = {'no-tracking', 'template-doc-demo'},
	['number'] = 'number', -- this case only for cite techreport
	['orig-date'] = {'orig-date', 'orig-year', 'origyear', 'سنة النشر الأصلية'},
	['others'] = {'آخرون','others', 'المحاور', 'المحاورون', 'المحقق'},
	['page'] = {'صفحة', 'p', 'الصفحة', 'page', 'الصفحة', 'رقم الصفحة', 'رقم صفحة','ص'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['pages'] = {'صفحات', 'الصفحات', 'pp', 'أرقام الصفحات', 'أرقم صفحات', 'pages'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['journal'] = {
		'دورية محكمة',
		'اسم المجلة',

		'اسم الصحيفة',


		'من عمل',
	['place'] = { 'مكان', 'place', 'المكان', 'مقر', 'المقر', 'location'},
	['postscript'] = 'postscript',
	['publication-date'] = {'تاريخ-النشر', 'تاريخ النشر', 'publication-date'},
	['publication-place'] = {'مكان-النشر', 'مكان النشر', 'publication-place'},
	['publisher'] = {'ناشر', 'publisher', 'الناشر', 'institution', 'مصدر', 'الموزع', 'المصدر', 'المؤسسة'},
	['quote'] = {'اقتباس', 'quote', 'quotation'},
	['quote-page'] = 'quote-page',
	['quote-pages'] = 'quote-pages',
	['ref'] = {'مرجع', 'ref'},
	['scale'] = {'المقياس', 'scale'},
	['script-chapter'] = {'script-chapter', 'script-contribution', 'script-entry',
		'script-article', 'script-section'},
	['script-encyclopedia'] = {'script-encyclopedia', 'script-encyclopaedia'},	-- cite encyclopedia only
	['script-map'] = 'script-map',
	['script-journal'] = {'script-journal', 'script-magazine', 'script-newspaper',
		'script-periodical', 'script-website', 'script-work'},
	['script-quote'] = 'script-quote',
	['script-title'] = 'script-title', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['season'] = {'الموسم', 'season'},
	['sections'] = {'الأقسام', 'sections'}, -- cite map only
	['series'] = {'سلسلة', 'series', 'version'},
	['series-link'] = {'وصلة-سلسلة', 'وصلة سلسلة', 'series-link', 'مسار المسلسل'},
	['series-number'] = {'رقم-سلسلة', 'رقم سلسلة', 'series-number', 'series-no'},
	['sheet'] = {'ورقة', 'sheet'}, -- cite map only
	['sheets'] = {'أوراق', 'sheets'}, -- cite map only
	['station'] = {'محطة', 'station'},
	['time'] = {'الوقت', 'time'},
	['time-caption'] = 'time-caption',
	['title'] = {'عنوان', 'title', 'العنوان'},
	['title-link'] = {'وصلة-العنوان', 'وصلة العنوان', 'title-link', 'episode-link', 'وصلة الحلقة'},
	['title-note'] = {'title-note', 'department'},
	['type'] = {'النوع', 'type', 'medium'},
	['trans-chapter'] = {'trans-article', 'trans-chapter', 'trans-contribution',
		'trans-entry', 'trans-section'},
	['transcript'] = 'transcript',
	['transcript-format'] = 'transcript-format',
	['transcript-url'] = 'transcript-url', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['trans-encyclopedia'] = {'trans-encyclopedia', 'trans-encyclopaedia'},		-- cite encyclopedia only
	['trans-map'] = 'trans-map', -- cite map only
	['trans-journal'] = {'trans-journal', 'trans-magazine', 'trans-newspaper',
		'trans-periodical', 'trans-website', 'trans-work'},
	['trans-quote'] = 'trans-quote',
	['trans-title'] = {'عنوان مترجم', 'العنوان بالعربي', 'العنوان الأجنبي', 'عنوان أجنبي', 'trans-title', 'العنوان المترجم'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['url'] = {'مسار', 'المسار','وصلة', 'url', 'URL'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['url-access'] = {'url-access', 'التسجيل'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['url-status'] = {'url-status','حالة المسار'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
	['vauthors'] = {'vauthors', 'عدة مؤلفين'},
	['veditors'] = {'veditors', 'عدة محررين' },
	['via'] = {'عبر', 'via'},
	['volume'] = {'المجلد', 'volume', 'الجزء', 'ج'},
	['wikidatacite'] = 'wikidatacite',
	['year'] = {'سنة', 'year', 'السنة'},

local i18n = {
	["unknown-author"] = mw.wikibase.getLabel("Q4233718"):gsub("^%l", mw.ustring.upper),
	-- Next Line Edited
	["unknown-author-trackingcat"] = "", -- [[تصنيف:Cite Q - author unknown]]
	["ordinal"] = {
		[1] = "st",
		[2] = "nd",
		[3] = "rd",
		["default"] = "th"
	["months"] = {
		"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
		"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
    ["ar"] = {
        illustrator = "رسم",
        composer = "تلحين",
        animator = "رسم الرسوم المتحركة",
        director = "إخراج",
        screenwriter = "سيناريو",
        signatory = "توقيع",
        presenter = "تقديم",
        performer = "أداء",
        annotator = "تحقيق",
        reviewer = "مراجعة",
        unknown = "مجهول",
		supervisor = "إشراف",
        ["unknown-publication-date"] = '<abbr class="abbr" title="دون تاريخ">د.ت.</abbr>',
		["unknown-publisher"] = '<abbr class="abbr" title="دون ناشر">د.ن.</abbr>',
        wikidata = "ويكي بيانات"

local rejected = {
	sources = {
		Q465 = true,
		Q15241312 = true,
		Q52 = true
	properties = { "P1800", "P1566", "P21"},
	instances = {
		Q5 = true,  -- Human is not a direct reference
		Q184188 = true,
		Q1250464 = true,
		-- inatance of refference DBs
		Q8513 = true,
		Q17152639 = true,
		Q7094076 = true,
		Q5535082 = true,
		Q856638= true,
		Q1982918 = true,
		Q36524 = true,
		Q36218176 = true,
		Q526334 = true,
		Q5227411 = true

--[[-------------------< A R G U M E N T _ W R A P P E R >----------------------

Argument wrapper.  This function provides support for argument mapping defined
in the configuration file so that multiple names can be transparently aliased to
single internal variable.


local function argument_wrapper ( arglist )
	local origin = {};
	local nilargs = {};
	return setmetatable({
		ORIGIN = function ( self, k )
			local dummy = self[k];												-- force the variable to be loaded.
			return origin[k];
		__index = function ( tbl, k )
			local v = rawget(tbl,k)
			if v then
				return v
			elseif nilargs[k] then
				return nil
			local list = (type(k)=="number") and k or aliases[k];
			if type( list ) == 'table' then
				for _, alias_key in pairs( list ) do
					if arglist[alias_key] then
						v = arglist[alias_key]
						origin[k] = alias_key
			elseif list ~= nil then
				v = arglist[list]
				if v then 
					origin[k] = list 

			if v == nil then
				nilargs[k] = true
				rawset( tbl, k, v )
			return v


-- makeOrdinal needs to be internationalised along with the above i18n
-- takes cardinal number as a numeric and returns the ordinal as a string
-- we need three exceptions in English for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 21st, .. 31st, etc.
p.makeOrdinal = function(cardinal)
	local card = tonumber(cardinal)
	if not card then return cardinal end
	local ordsuffix = i18n.ordinal.default
	if card % 10 == 1 then
		ordsuffix = i18n.ordinal[1]
	elseif card % 10 == 2 then
		ordsuffix = i18n.ordinal[2]
	elseif card % 10 == 3 then
		ordsuffix = i18n.ordinal[3]
	-- In English, 1, 21, 31, etc. use 'st', but 11, 111, etc. use 'th'
	-- similarly for 12 and 13, etc.
	if (card % 100 == 11) or (card % 100 == 12) or (card % 100 == 13) then
		ordsuffix = i18n.ordinal.default
	return card .. ordsuffix

-- Table of simple properties that can be fetched in roughly the same way:
-- id = PXXX
-- maxvals = maximum number of multiple values (0 for all)
-- linked = "no" suppresses linking
-- populate_from_journal = true/false determines whether to look in a journal where the source is published
-- rank = "best", "preferred", normal, etc. determines how Wikidata ranks are treated
-- others = true - the value for the property goes to "others" section
local simple_properties = {
	-- Next Line Edited
	publisher = {id = "P123", maxvals = 3},
	oclc = {id = "P243", maxvals = 1},
	['publication-place'] = {id = "P291", maxvals = 0, linked = 'no'}, -- publication place (don't put into |place=; is treated specially in {{citation}} if both are given)
	doi = {id = "P356", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |doi-broken-date= (WD "reason for deprecation"/"stated as") and |doi-access= (WD "access status")?
	issue = {id = "P433", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true}, -- distinguish from |number= ("P1545"?) if both are given (still blocked by {{citation}}, but will be supported in the future)
	pmid = {id = "P698", maxvals = 1},
--	gbooks = {id = "P675", maxvals = 1}, -- to be added to {{citation}}
--	ia = {id = "P724", maxvals = 1}, -- to be added to {{citation}}
	arxiv = {id = "P818", maxvals = 1},
	bibcode = {id = "P819", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |bibcode-access=?
	jstor = {id = "P888", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |jstor-access=?
	mr = {id = "P889", maxvals = 1},
	rfc = {id = "P892", maxvals = 1},
	zbl = {id = "P894", maxvals = 1},
	ssrn = {id = "P893", maxvals = 1},
	place = {id = "P1071", maxvals = 0, linked = 'no'}, -- written-at place
--	['total-pages'] = {id = "P1104", maxvals = 0, linked = 'no'}, -- to be added to {{citation}} / COinS &rft.tpages=
--	coden = {id = "P1159", maxvals = 1}, -- to be added to {{citation}} / COinS &rft.coden=
	s2cid = {id = "P8299", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |s2cid-access=?
	pmc = {id = "P932", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |pmc-embargo-date= (WD "reason for deprecation")?
	lccn = {id = "P1144", maxvals = 1},
	hdl = {id = "P1184", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |hdl-access=?
	ismn = {id = "P1208", maxvals = 1},
	journal = {id = "P1433", maxvals = 1},
	citeseerx = {id = "P3784", maxvals = 1},
	osti = {id = "P3894", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |osti-access=?
	biorxiv = {id = "P3951", maxvals = 1},
	asin = {id = "P5749", maxvals = 1}, -- What about |asin-tld=? (WD examples resolve to .com at present, but may change)
--	['catalog-number'] = {id = "P528", maxvals = 0}, -- to be added to {{citation}} / COinS &rft.artnum=
	isbn = {id = "P212", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- ISBN 13
	issn = {id = "P236", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- distinguish from |eissn= for electronic issues?
--	jfm = {id = "P?", maxvals = 1}, -- Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik (not Zbl)
--	sbn = {id = "P?", maxvals = 1}, -- Standard Book Number (predecessor of ISBN, not ICCU)
--	message-id = {id = "P?", maxvals = 1}, -- Usenet message ID
	chapter = {id = "P792", maxvals = 1},
	['publication-date'] = {id = "P577", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- publication date (don't use |date=; is treated specially in {{citation}} if both are given.)
	series = {id = "P179", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true, qual = "P1545"},
	version = {id = "P348", maxvals = 0},
	edition = {id = "P393", maxvals = 0},
	volume = {id = "P478", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true},
--	part = {id = "P1545"?, maxvals = 0}, --  to be added to {{citation}} / COinS &rft.part=
	title = {id = "P1476", rank="p n"},
--	url = {id = "P953", maxvals = 1}, -- deal with this along with archive-url
	pages = {id = "P304", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true},
	at = {id = "P958", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true}, -- also incorporate lines (P7421) and columns (P3903) into this (cite map also supports |section=)
--	sheets = {id = "P7416", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true},
--	interviewer = {id = "P?", maxvals = 0}, -- does **not** go to "others" section! Multiple interviewers should be n-enumerated
	illustrator = {id = "P110", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
-- foreword and afterword, when contributions to another author's work, are contributions so belong in |contribution=;
-- the writer's name goes in |contributor=; requires |title= and |author=
-- However, this might need to add support for multiple contributors and their roles to {{citation}}, see Help_talk:Citation_Style_1#Others
--	foreword = {id = "P2679", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
--	afterword = {id = "P2680", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	composer = {id = "P86", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	animator = {id = "P6942", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	director = {id = "P57", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	screenwriter = {id = "P58", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	signatory = {id = "P1891", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	presenter = {id = "P371", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	performer = {id = "P175", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
-- next 2 lines added for Arabic Wikipedia
    annotator = {id ="P11105", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
    reviewer = {id ="P4032", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	supervisor = {id ="P7604", maxvals = 3, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
local used_args = {accessdate=true, language=true, mode=true, ol=true, other=true, ['display-authors']=true, ['display-editors']=true, ['archive-url']=true, ['archive-date']=true, url=true, title=true} 
-- all_used_properties
local used_properties = {
	P1071 = {arg= "place", maxvals = 0, linked = 'no'}, -- written-at place
	P110 = {arg= "illustrator", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P11105 = {arg= "annotator", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P1144 = {arg= "lccn", maxvals = 1},
	P1184 = {arg= "hdl", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |hdl-access=?
	P1208 = {arg= "ismn", maxvals = 1},
	P123 = {arg= "publisher", maxvals = 3},
	P1433 = {arg= "journal", maxvals = 1},
	P1476 = {arg= "title", rank="p n"},
	P1680 = true,
	P175 = {arg= "performer", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P179 = {arg= "series", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true},
	P1891 = {arg= "signatory", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P1932 = true,
	P2093 = true,   -- author string
	P212 = {arg= "isbn", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- ISBN 13
	P236 = {arg= "issn", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- distinguish from |eissn= for electronic issues?
	P243 = {arg= "oclc", maxvals = 1},
	P2699 = true,
	P291 = {arg= "publication-place", maxvals = 0, linked = 'no'}, -- publication place (don't put into |place=; is treated specially in {{citation}} if both are given)
	P304 = {arg= "pages", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true},
	P348 = {arg= "version", maxvals = 0},
	P356 = {arg= "doi", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |doi-broken-date= (WD "reason for deprecation"/"stated as") and |doi-access= (WD "access status")?
	P371 = {arg= "presenter", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P3784 = {arg= "citeseerx", maxvals = 1},
	P3894 = {arg= "osti", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |osti-access=?
	P393 = {arg= "edition", maxvals = 0},
	P3951 = {arg= "biorxiv", maxvals = 1},
	P4032 = {arg= "reviewer", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P407 = true,
	P433 = {arg= "issue", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true}, -- distinguish from |number= ("P1545"?) if both are given (still blocked by {{citation}}, but will be supported in the future)
	P478 = {arg= "volume", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true},
	P50 = true,     -- author
	P57 = {arg= "director", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P5749 = {arg= "asin", maxvals = 1}, -- What about |asin-tld=? (WD examples resolve to .com at present, but may change)
	P5769 = true, --editor
	P577 = {arg= "publication-date", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- publication date (don't use |date=; is treated specially in {{citation}} if both are given.)
	P58 = {arg= "screenwriter", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P655 = true,
	P6942 = {arg= "animator", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P698 = {arg= "pmid", maxvals = 1},
	P7604 = {arg ="supervisor", maxvals = 3, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P792 = {arg= "chapter", maxvals = 1},
	P818 = {arg= "arxiv", maxvals = 1},
	P819 = {arg= "bibcode", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |bibcode-access=?
	P8299 = {arg= "s2cid", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |s2cid-access=?
	P856 = true,
	P86 = {arg= "composer", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section
	P888 = {arg= "jstor", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |jstor-access=?
	P889 = {arg= "mr", maxvals = 1},
	P892 = {arg= "rfc", maxvals = 1},
	P893 = {arg= "ssrn", maxvals = 1},
	P894 = {arg= "zbl", maxvals = 1},
	P932 = {arg= "pmc", maxvals = 1}, -- take care of |pmc-embargo-date= (WD "reason for deprecation")?
	P953 = true,
	P958 = {arg= "at", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true}, -- also incorporate lines (P7421) and columns (P3903) into this (cite map also supports |section=)
	P98 = true,
	P854 = true,

--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >--------------------------------------------------------------
Returns true if argument is set; false otherwise. Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is not an empty string.
local function is_set( var )
	return not (var == nil or var == '')

--[[--------------------------< I N _ A R R A Y >--------------------------------------------------------------
Whether needle is in haystack (taken from Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities)
local function in_array( needle, haystack )
	if needle == nil then
		return false
	for n, v in ipairs( haystack ) do
		if v == needle then
			return n
	return false

--[[--------------------------< A C C E P T _ V A L U E >-------------------------------------------------------
Accept WD value by framing in ((...)) if param_val is equal to keyword; else pass-through WD value as is.
local function accept_value( param_val, wd_val )
	local val = param_val

	if val then
		if in_array (val, {'accept', '))((', ':d:'}) then
			val = '((' .. wd_val .. '))'
		elseif '((accept))' == val then
			val = 'accept'
		elseif '(())(())' == val then
			val = '))(('
		elseif '((:d:))' == val then
			val = ':d:'
			val = wd_val

	return val

-- function to fetch a value to display
local function makelink(v, out, link, maxpos, wdl, lang)
	local label
	if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" then
		if v.mainsnak.datatype == "wikibase-item" then
			local qnumber = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
			local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qnumber)
			if qnumber == "Q2818964" then sitelink = nil end -- suppress link to "Various authors"
			-- من المهم التحقق من وجود datavalue
			if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P1932 and v.qualifiers.P1932[1].datavalue then
				label = v.qualifiers.P1932[1].datavalue.value
				label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(qnumber, lang) or mw.wikibase.getLabel(qnumber)
				if label then
					label = mw.text.nowiki(label)
					label = qnumber -- should add tracking category
			local position = maxpos + 1 -- Default to 'next' author.
			-- use P1545 (series ordinal) instead of default position.
			if v["qualifiers"] and v.qualifiers["P1545"] and v.qualifiers["P1545"][1] then
				position = tonumber(v.qualifiers["P1545"][1].datavalue.value)
			maxpos = math.max(maxpos, position)
			if sitelink then
				-- just the plain name,
				-- but keep a record of the links, using the same index
				out[position] = label
				link[position] = sitelink
				if wdl then
					-- show that there's a Wikidata entry available
					out[position] = "[[:d:Q" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] .. "|" .. label .. "]]&nbsp;<span title='" .. i18n["errors"]["local-article-not-found"] .. "'>[[ملف:Wikidata-logo.svg|16px|alt=|link=]]</span>"
					-- no Wikidata links wanted, so just give the plain label
					out[position] = label
		elseif v.mainsnak.datatype == "string" then
			local position = maxpos + 1 -- Default to 'next' author.
			-- use P1545 (series ordinal) instead of default position.
			if v["qualifiers"] and v.qualifiers["P1545"] and v.qualifiers["P1545"][1] then
				position = tonumber(v.qualifiers["P1545"][1].datavalue.value)
			maxpos = math.max(maxpos, position)
			out[position] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value
			-- not a wikibase-item or a string!
		-- code here if we want to return something when author is "unknown"
		-- من المهم التحقق من وجود datavalue
		if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P1932 and v.qualifiers.P1932[1].datavalue then
			label = v.qualifiers.P1932[1].datavalue.value
			label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang("Q4233718", lang):gsub("^%l", mw.ustring.upper) 
		maxpos = maxpos + 1
		out[maxpos] = label
	return maxpos

--[=[-------------------------< G E T _ N A M E _ L I S T >----------------------------------------------------
get_name_list -- adapted from getAuthors code taken from Module:RexxS
	nl_type - type of name list to fetch: nl_type = 'author' for authors; 'editor' for editors; 'translator' for translators
	args - pointer to the parameter arguments table from the template call
	qid - value from |qid= parameter; the Q-id of the source (book, etc.) in qid
	wdl - value from the |wdl= parameter; a Boolean passed to enable links to Wikidata when no article exists
returns nothing; modifies the args table

local function get_name_list (nl_type, args, qid, wdl, lang, refsnak)
	local propertyID = "P50"
	local fallbackID = "P2093" -- author name string

	if nl_type =="author" then
		propertyID = 'P50'		-- for authors
		fallbackID = 'P2093'	-- author-string
	elseif nl_type =="editor" then
		propertyID = 'P5769'	-- "editor-in-chief"
		fallbackID = 'P98'		-- for editors - So-called "fallbacks" are actually a second set of properties processed
		-- TBD. Take book series editors into account as well (if they have a separate P code as well)?
	elseif nl_type == "translator" then
		propertyID = 'P655'		-- for translators
		fallbackID = nil
--	elseif 'contributor' == nl_type then
--		f.e. author of forewords (P2679) and afterwords (P2680); requires |contribution=, |title= and |author=
--		propertyID = 'P'		-- for contributors
--		fallbackID = nil
		return					-- not specified so return

	-- wdl is a Boolean passed to enable links to Wikidata when no article exists
	-- if "false" or "no" or "0" is passed set it false
	-- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it false
	if wdl and (#wdl > 0) then
		wdl = wdl:lower()
		wdl = in_array (wdl, {"false", "no", "0"})
		-- wdl is empty, so
		wdl = false

	local props = nil
	local fallback = nil
	if qid then
		if mw.wikibase.entityExists(qid) then
			props = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements(qid, propertyID)
			if #props == 0 and fallbackID then
				fallback = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements(qid, fallbackID)
	elseif refsnak then
		props = refsnak[propertyID]
		if not props and fallbackID then
			fallback = refsnak[fallbackID]
	-- Make sure it actually has at least one of the properties requested
	if not (props and props[1]) and not (fallback and fallback[1]) then
		return nil

	-- So now we have something to return:
	-- table 'out' is going to store the names(s):
	-- and table 'link' will store any links to the name's article
	local out = {}
	local link = {}
	local maxpos = 0
	if props and props[1] then
		for k, v in pairs(props) do
			maxpos = makelink(v, out, link, maxpos, wdl, lang)
	if fallback and fallback[1] then
		-- second properties
		for k, v in pairs(fallback) do
			maxpos = makelink(v, out, link, maxpos, wdl, lang)

	-- if there's anything to return, then insert the additions in the template arguments table
	-- in the form |author1=firstname secondname |author2= ...
	-- Renumber, in case we have inconsistent numbering
	local keys = {}
	for k, v in pairs(out) do
		keys[#keys + 1] = k
	table.sort(keys) -- as they might be out of order
	for i, k in ipairs(keys) do
		out[k] = out[k]:gsub ('&#39;', '\'');									-- prevent cs1|2 multiple names categorization; replace html entity with the actual character
		if args[nl_type .. i] then -- name gets overwritten
			-- pull corresponding -link only if overwritten name is same as WD name
			if link[k] and (args[nl_type .. i] == out[k]) then
				args[nl_type .. '-link' .. i] = args[nl_type .. '-link' .. i] or link[k] -- author-linkn or editor-linkn
		else -- name does not get overwritten, so pull name from WD
			args[nl_type .. i] = out[k]
			if link[k] then
				args[nl_type .. '-link' .. i] = args[nl_type .. '-link' .. i] or link[k] -- author-linkn or editor-linkn

-- gets language codes used for a monolingual text property as a table
function p._getLangOfProp(qid, pid)
	if not pid or not qid then return {} end
	local out = {}
	local props = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements(qid, pid)
	for i, v in ipairs(props) do
		if v.mainsnak.datatype == "monolingualtext" and v.mainsnak.datavalue then
			out[#out + 1] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language
	return out

function p._getLangOfSnakProp(snak, pid)
	if not pid or not snak then return {} end
	local out = {}
	local props = snak[pid]
	for i, v in ipairs(props) do
		if v.datatype == "monolingualtext" and v.datavalue then
			out[#out + 1] = v.datavalue.value.language
	return out

function p.getLangOfProp(frame)
	local pid = frame.args.pid or mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "")
	if pid == "" then return end
	local qid = frame.args.qid
	if qid == "" then qid = nil end
	return table.concat(p._getLangOfProp(qid, pid), ", ")

-- gets the language codes of a Wikidata entry as a table
local function _lang_code(qid)
	local lc = getPropOfProp( {qid = qid, prop1 = "P407", prop2 = "P424", ps = 1} )
	if lc then return mw.text.split( lc, "[,، ]+" ) end --modified
	lc = getPropOfProp( {qid = qid, prop1 = "P407", prop2 = "P218", ps = 1} )
	if lc then return mw.text.split( lc, "[,، ]+" ) end --modified
	return p._getLangOfProp(qid, "P1476")
function p.lang_code(frame)
	return table.concat(_lang_code(frame.args.qid or mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "")), ", ")

-- export for debug
function p.getPropOfProp(frame)
	return getPropOfProp(frame.args)

-- wraps a string in nowiki unless disable flag is set
local function wrap_nowiki(str, disable)
	if disable then return str or '' end
	return mw.text.nowiki(str or '')

-- sort sequence table whose values are key-value pairs by key
local function comp_key(a, b)
	return a[1] < b[1]

-- sort sequence table whose values are key-value pairs by value
local function comp_val(a, b)
	return a[2] < b[2]

-- ref filtering for citing from wikidata
local function is_rejected(item)
	-- rejected Q
	if rejected.sources[item]==true then
		return true;

	-- rejected Properties
	local item_entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(item);
	for _, v in pairs(rejected.properties) do
		if (#item_entity:getAllStatements( v )>0 ) then
			return true;

	-- Rejected InatanceOf
	local instance = item_entity:getAllStatements( "P31" )
	for _,v in pairs(instance) do
		if  rejected.instances[v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id] then
			return true;

	--No used Properties
	local has_properties = false
	for k, _ in pairs(used_properties) do
		if (#item_entity:getAllStatements( k )>0 ) then
			has_properties = true;

	return not has_properties;

function p._cite_web(citeq_args)
	local refsnak=	citeq_args.snak
	citeq_args.snak = nil
	-- retrieve all the parameters
	local pqid = citeq_args.pqid
	citeq_args.pqid = nil
	local wdl = false
	local qid = nil
	local multi_args = {
		P50 = "author",
		P2093 = "author",
		P5769 = "editor",
		P98 = "editor",
		P655 = "translator",
	-- find language
	local langcodes = {}
	if refsnak["P1476"] then
		langcodes = p._getLangOfSnakProp(refsnak, "P1476")
		citeq_args.language =  citeq_args.language or langcodes[1]
	langcodes[#langcodes+1] = 'ar'
	langcodes[#langcodes+1] = 'en'
	local labellang = langcodes[1]
	local rtl = rtl_lang[langcodes[1]] or false

	local oth={}
	for i in pairs(refsnak) do
		local label = ""
		-- multiple authors may be given
		if refsnak[i][1].snaktype ~= 'novalue' then
			if multi_args[i] then
				get_name_list (multi_args[i], citeq_args, qid, wdl, labellang)
			elseif used_properties[i] and type(used_properties[i]) == "table" then
				local data = used_properties[i]
				local langidx = 1
				while citeq_args[data.arg] == nil and langidx<=#langcodes do
					citeq_args[data.arg] = getValueFromSnaks( {i, fwd = "ALL", osd = "no", noicon = "true", maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = data.linked, rank = data.rank or "best", lang=langcodes[langidx],  snak = refsnak } )
					if citeq_args[data.arg] == nil then
					elseif  citeq_args[data.arg]:find('[[تصنيف:Articles with missing Wikidata information]]', 1, true) then
						citeq_args[data.arg] = nil
						langidx = langidx + 1
				if not citeq_args[data.arg] then
					citeq_args[data.arg] = getValueFromSnaks( {i, ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = data.linked, snak = refsnak} )
					if citeq_args[data.arg]:find('^Q%d+$')  then -- qid was returned
						-- try fallback to qid's native language
						local qid_languages = _lang_code(citeq_args[data.arg])
						citeq_args[data.arg] = getValueFromSnaks( {i, ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = data.linked, lang = qid_languages[1], snak = refsnak} )
						if citeq_args[data.arg]:find('^Q%d+$') then -- qid was returned again
							citeq_args[data.arg] = nil
							-- record the language found if no lang specified
							citeq_args.language = citeq_args.language or qid_languages[1]
				--- translate unknown value
				if citeq_args[data.arg] == "Unknown"  then
					if rtl then
						citeq_args[data.arg] = i18n.ar["unknown-" .. data.arg] or i18n.ar["unknown"]
						citeq_args[data.arg] = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang("Q4233718", lang):gsub("^%l", mw.ustring.upper)
				if data.others then
					oth[#oth + 1] = citeq_args[data.arg] and ((i18n.ar[data.arg] or data.arg:gsub("^%l", string.upper)) .. ": " .. citeq_args[data.arg])
					citeq_args[data.arg] = nil
			elseif used_properties[i] then
				if i == "P648" then
					citeq_args.ol = (getValueFromSnaks( {"P648", ps = 1, maxvals = 1, snak = refsnak, citeq_args.ol } ) or ''):gsub("^OL(.+)$", "%1")
					if citeq_args.ol == "" then
						citeq_args.ol = nil
				elseif i == "P957" then
					citeq_args.isbn = getValueFromSnaks( {"P957", ps = 1, maxvals = 1, rank="best", snak = refsnak } ) 
				elseif in_array(i,{"P854", "P953", "P856", "P2699"})  then
					local url;
					for _, pr in ipairs( {"P854", "P953", "P856", "P2699"} ) do
						url = getValueFromSnaks( {pr, ps = 1,osd = "no", noicon = "true",  maxvals = 1, snak = refsnak } )
						if url then
							citeq_args.url = mw.text.split( url, " (", true )[1]
							local arcurl = mw.ustring.match( url, " %((.*)%)" )				-- when there is an archive url, <url> holds: url<space>(archive url); here extract the archive url if present
							if arcurl then
								local arcy, arcm, arcd = arcurl:match("(20%d%d)%p?(%d%d)%p?(%d%d)")
								if arcy and arcm and arcd then
									citeq_args["archive-url"] = arcurl
									citeq_args["archive-date"] = tonumber(arcd) .. " " .. i18n.months[tonumber(arcm)] .. " " .. arcy

	if citeq_args.url then
		if refsnak["P813"] then
			citeq_args.accessdate = getValueFromSnaks( {"P813", ps = 1,osd = "no", noicon = "true",  maxvals = 1, snak = refsnak } )
		if refsnak["P1065"] and refsnak["P2960"] then
			citeq_args["archive-url"] = getValueFromSnaks( {"P1065", ps = 1,osd = "no", noicon = "true",  maxvals = 1, snak = refsnak } )
			citeq_args["archive-date"]= getValueFromSnaks( {"P2960", ps = 1,osd = "no", noicon = "true",  maxvals = 1, snak = refsnak } )

	citeq_args.others = citeq_args.others or table.concat(oth, ". ")
	if citeq_args.others == "" then
		citeq_args.others = nil

	citeq_args.biorxiv = citeq_args.biorxiv and ("10.1101/" .. citeq_args.biorxiv)

	-- if url then see if there's an archive: citeq_args.url
	local url

	if citeq_args.publisher == "Unknown" then -- look for "stated as" (P1932)
		local stated_as = getValue( {"P123", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, qual="P1932", qo="y"} )
		if stated_as then citeq_args.publisher = stated_as end

	local title_display = citeq_args.title
	if citeq_args.url then
		citeq_args.title = wrap_nowiki(title_display)

	-- TBD: incorporate |at, |sheets= and |sheet= here as well
	-- Sort out what should happen if several of them are given at the same time
	if citeq_args.page or citeq_args.p then -- let single take precedence over multiple
		citeq_args.pages = nil
		citeq_args.pp = nil
	if citeq_args.pages then
		local _, count = string.gsub(citeq_args.pages, "[,;%s]%d+", "")
		if count == 1 then
			citeq_args.page = citeq_args.pages
			citeq_args.pages = nil

	for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do
		if in_array (v, {'(())', 'unset', 'ignore'}) or 'string' ~= type(k) then -- empty accept-as-is-written (()) markup to indicate an empty/unused parameter value, other ((...)) markups are deliberately passed down to {{citation}}
			citeq_args[k] = nil
		elseif in_array (v, {'((unset))', '((ignore))'}) then -- strip off markup for free-text values clashing with local keywords
			citeq_args[k] = 'unset'

	local author_count = 0
	for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do
		if k:find("^author%d+$") then
			author_count = author_count + 1
	if author_count > 8 then -- convention in astronomy journals, optional mode for this?
		if 'all' == citeq_args['display-authors'] then
			citeq_args['display-authors'] = nil;								-- unset because no longer needed
			citeq_args['display-authors'] = citeq_args['display-authors'] or 3	-- limit to three displayed names

	-- replace no-break space by space, User:Mr. Ibrahem
	if citeq_args.title then
		citeq_args.title = mw.ustring.gsub( citeq_args.title, "\194\160", " " )
	local editor_count = 0
	for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do
		if k:find("^editor%d+$") then
			editor_count = editor_count + 1
	if editor_count > 8 then -- convention in astronomy journals, optional mode for this?
		if 'all' == citeq_args['display-editors'] then
			citeq_args['display-editors'] = nil;								-- unset because no longer needed
			citeq_args['display-editors'] = citeq_args['display-editors'] or 3	-- limit to three displayed names

	-- code to make a guess what template to use from the supplied parameters
	-- (first draft for proof-of-concept)
	local template = "ويب"

	-- |id= could hold more than one identifier pulled from Wikidata not supported by {{citation}}, right now only add our qid to the list
	local list_sep = '. '
	if citeq_args.mode ~= 'cs1' then
		list_sep = ', '

	-- clean up any blank parameters
	for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do
		if v == "" then citeq_args[k] = nil end
	if template then
	--		citeq_args.mode = citeq_args.mode or "cs1"								-- a cs1 template already knows that it is cs1 so this line is superfluous
		template = "استشهاد " .. template
	--		citeq_args.mode = citeq_args.mode or "cs2"								-- a cs2 template already knows that it is cs2 so this line is superfluous
		template = "استشهاد"
	citeq_args['no-tracking'] = 'true' -- لإيقاف ظهور تصانيف التتبع

	return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title = template, args = citeq_args}  -- render the template
--[[-------------------------< C I T E _ Q >------------------------------------------------------------------
Takes standard CS1|2 template parameters and passes all to {{citation}}.  If neither of |author= and |author1=
are set, calls get_authors() to try to get an author name-list from Wikidata.  The result is passed to
{{citation}} for rendering.
function p._cite_q (in_citeq_args)
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	local citeq_args = {}
	local origin_args = {}
	-- parameters that don't get passed to Citation
	local expand = in_citeq_args.expand -- when set to anything, causes {{cite q}} to render <code><nowiki>{{citation|...}}</nowiki></code>
	local qid = in_citeq_args.qid or in_citeq_args[1]
	local wdl = in_citeq_args.wdl
	local template = in_citeq_args.template
	local cite_class = 'citation'
	local rtl = true
	local snak = in_citeq_args.snak or {}
    local pqid = in_citeq_args.pqid
	in_citeq_args.expand = nil
	in_citeq_args[1] = nil
	in_citeq_args.qid = nil
	in_citeq_args.wdl = nil
	in_citeq_args.template = nil
	in_citeq_args.snak = nil
	in_citeq_args.pqid = nil

	if in_citeq_args.wikidatacite then
		citeq_args = in_citeq_args
		local A = argument_wrapper(in_citeq_args)
		local loaded_args ={}
		for _,args_table in pairs({simple_properties,used_args}) do
			for k,_ in pairs(args_table) do
				if	A[k] then		
					citeq_args[k] = A[k]
					if k ~= A:ORIGIN(k) then
						origin_args[k] = A:ORIGIN(k)
						table.insert(loaded_args, A:ORIGIN(k))
						table.insert(loaded_args, k)
		for k,v in pairs(in_citeq_args) do
			if	not in_array(k,loaded_args) then
				citeq_args[k] = v
	local labellang = 'ar'
	-- if title supplied, flag to not read html title
	local titleforced = (citeq_args.title ~= nil)

	local oth = {}

	-- put the language codes into a sequential table langcodes[]
	local langcodes = {}
	if citeq_args.language then
		-- check these are a supported language codes
		for lc in mw.text.gsplit( citeq_args.language, "[,، ]+", false ) do --modified
			langcodes[#langcodes+1] = mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(lc) and lc
	if not langcodes[1] then
		-- try to find language of work
		langcodes = _lang_code(qid)
	if not langcodes[1] then
		-- try fallback to journal's language
		local journal_qid = followQid({qid = qid, props = "P1433"})
		langcodes = journal_qid and _lang_code(journal_qid)
	citeq_args.language = citeq_args.language or table.concat(langcodes, ", ")
	labellang = langcodes[1] or labellang 

	rtl = rtl_lang[langcodes[1]] or false
	-- loop through list of simple properties and get their values in citeq_args
	for name, data in pairs(simple_properties) do
		citeq_args[name] = getValue( {data.id, fwd = "ALL", osd = "no", noicon = "true", qid = qid, maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = data.linked, rank = data.rank or "best", lang = labellang, snak = snak, citeq_args[name], qual=data.qual } )
		if data.populate_from_journal then
			local publishedin = getValue( {"P1433", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 0, lang = labellang, citeq_args[name], qual = data.id, qualsonly = 'yes'} )
			citeq_args[name] = publishedin or getPropOfProp({qid = qid, prop1 = "P1433", prop2 = data.id, lang = labellang, maxvals = data.maxvals, ps = 1})
		if citeq_args[name] and citeq_args[name]:find('[[تصنيف:Articles with missing Wikidata information]]', 1, true) then
			-- try fallback to work's native language
			citeq_args[name] = getValue( {data.id, ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = data.linked, lang = labellang, snak = snak} )
			if citeq_args[name]:find('^Q%d+$') then -- qid was returned
				-- try fallback to qid's native language
				local qid_languages = _lang_code(citeq_args[name])
				citeq_args[name] = getValue( {data.id, ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = data.linked, lang = qid_languages[1], snak = snak} )
				if citeq_args[name]:find('^Q%d+$') then -- qid was returned again
					citeq_args[name] = nil
					-- record the language found if no lang specified
					citeq_args.language = citeq_args.language or qid_languages[1]

		if citeq_args[name] and snak[data.id] then
			snak[data.id] = nil
		--- translate unknown value
		if citeq_args[name] == "Unknown" and rtl then
			citeq_args[name] = i18n.ar["unknown-" .. name] or i18n.ar["unknown"]

		if data.others then
			oth[#oth + 1] = citeq_args[name] and ((rtl and i18n.ar[name] or name:gsub("^%l", string.upper)) .. ": " .. citeq_args[name])
			citeq_args[name] = nil

	citeq_args.others = citeq_args.others or table.concat(oth, ". ")
	if citeq_args.others == "" then
		citeq_args.others = nil

	citeq_args.journal = citeq_args.journal and citeq_args.journal:gsub("^''", ""):gsub("''$", ""):gsub("|''", "|"):gsub("'']]", "]]")

	citeq_args.ol = (getValue( {"P648", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, snak = snak, citeq_args.ol } ) or ''):gsub("^OL(.+)$", "%1")
	if citeq_args.ol == "" then
		citeq_args.ol = nil
	-- TBD. Take care of |ol-access=?

	citeq_args.biorxiv = citeq_args.biorxiv and ("10.1101/" .. citeq_args.biorxiv)

	citeq_args.isbn = getValue( {"P957", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, rank="best", snak = snak, citeq_args.isbn } ) -- try ISBN 10 (only one value accepted)

	-- if url then see if there's an archive: citeq_args.url
	local url
	--find formatted url
	if snak ~= {} then
		for k, v in pairs(snak) do
			if (v[1].datatype == "external-id") then
				local furl = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( k, "P1630" )
				if 0 ~= #furl  then
					furl = furl[1]["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]
					citeq_args.url = mw.message.newRawMessage(furl, {v[1]["datavalue"]["value"]}):plain()
					snak[k] = nil

		if citeq_args.url == nil and pqid and qid then
			local refproperty = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid , "P1687" )
			if 0 ~= #refproperty then
				-- خطأ لوا في وحدة:Cite_Q على السطر 1124: attempt to index field 'datavalue' (a nil value).
				if refproperty[1]["mainsnak"] and refproperty[1]["mainsnak"]["datavalue"] and refproperty[1]["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"] then
					local furl = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( refproperty, "P1630" )
					if 0 ~= #furl then
						furl = furl[1]["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]
						local refval = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( pqid, refproperty )
						refval = (0 ~= #refval) and refval[1]["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]
						if refval then
							citeq_args.url = mw.message.newRawMessage(furl, {refval}):plain()
	if not citeq_args.url then
		for i, pr in ipairs( {"P953", "P856", "P2699"} ) do
			url = getValue( {pr, ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, snak = snak, qual="P1065" } )
			if url then
				citeq_args.url = mw.text.split( url, " (", true )[1]
				local arcurl = mw.ustring.match( url, " %((.*)%)" )				-- when there is an archive url, <url> holds: url<space>(archive url); here extract the archive url if present
				if arcurl then
					local arcy, arcm, arcd = arcurl:match("(20%d%d)%p?(%d%d)%p?(%d%d)")
					if arcy and arcm and arcd then
						citeq_args["archive-url"] = arcurl
						citeq_args["archive-date"] = tonumber(arcd) .. " " .. i18n.months[tonumber(arcm)] .. " " .. arcy

	if citeq_args.publisher == "Unknown" then -- look for "stated as" (P1932)
		local stated_as = getValue( {"P123", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, qual="P1932", qo="y"} )
		if stated_as then citeq_args.publisher = stated_as end

	if not titleforced then
		-- Handle subtitle.
		if citeq_args.title then
			local subtitle = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements (qid, 'P1680');
			if 0 ~= #subtitle and subtitle[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
				subtitle = subtitle[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.text;
				citeq_args.title = citeq_args.title .. ": " .. subtitle
		local htmltitle = getValue( {"P1476", qual = "P6833", ps = 1, qid = qid, snak = snak, maxvals = 1, qo = "y"} )
		if htmltitle then
			citeq_args.title = htmltitle:gsub("</?i>", "''")
			local title_display = citeq_args.title
                or (langcodes[1] and mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(qid, langcodes[1]))
                or mw.wikibase.getLabel(qid)

			if title_display and snak and snak.P1810 then
				title_display=title_display .. " | " .. snak.P1810[1].datavalue.value
				snak.P1810 = nil

			title_display = title_display or ("No label or title -- debug: " .. qid)
			if citeq_args.url then
				citeq_args.title = wrap_nowiki(title_display)
				local slink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid)
				local slink_flag = false
				local wrap_title = ''
				local wslink = false
				if not slink then
					-- See if we have wikisource
					if not citeq_args.url then
						local wikisource_sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid, "enwikisource") or nil
						if wikisource_sitelink then
							slink = ':s:'..wikisource_sitelink
							wslink = true
				if citeq_args.title then
					if slink then
						wrap_title = wrap_nowiki(citeq_args.title)
						slink_flag = true
						citeq_args.title = wrap_nowiki(citeq_args.title)
					if slink and not wslink then
						if slink:lower() == title_display:lower() then
							citeq_args.title = '[[' .. slink .. ']]'
							wrap_title = wrap_nowiki(slink:gsub("%s%(.+%)$", ""):gsub(",.+$", ""))
							slink_flag = true
					elseif wslink then
						wrap_title = wrap_nowiki(title_display)
						slink_flag = true
						citeq_args.title = wrap_nowiki(title_display)
				if slink_flag then
					if slink == wrap_title and not wslink then -- direct link
						citeq_args.title = '[[' .. slink .. ']]'
					else -- piped link
						citeq_args.title = '[[' .. slink .. '|' .. wrap_title .. ']]'
	-- replace no-break space by space, User:Mr. Ibrahem 
	if citeq_args.title then
		citeq_args.title = mw.ustring.gsub( citeq_args.title, "\194\160", " " )
	-- fetch other snak properties for debugging
	-- if snak and snak ~= {} then
	-- 	for k,v in pairs(snak) do
	-- 		if not used_properties[k] then
	-- 		end
	-- 	end
	-- end

	-- TBD: incorporate |at, |sheets= and |sheet= here as well
	-- Sort out what should happen if several of them are given at the same time

	if citeq_args.page then -- let single take precedence over multiple
		citeq_args.pages = nil
		citeq_args.pp = nil
	if citeq_args.pages then
		local _, count = string.gsub(citeq_args.pages, "[,;%s]%d+", "")
		if count == 1 then
			citeq_args.page = citeq_args.pages
			citeq_args.pages = nil

	if is_set (qid) then
		if not is_set (citeq_args.author) and not is_set (citeq_args.author1)
			and not is_set (citeq_args.subject) and not is_set (citeq_args.subject1)
			and not is_set (citeq_args.host) and not is_set (citeq_args.host1)
			and not is_set (citeq_args.last) and not is_set (citeq_args.last1)
			and not is_set (citeq_args.surname) and not is_set (citeq_args.surname1)
			and not is_set (citeq_args['author-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author-last1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author1-last'])
			and not is_set (citeq_args['author-surname']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author-surname1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author1-surname1']) then	-- if neither are set, try to get authors from Wikidata
			get_name_list ('author', citeq_args, qid, wdl, labellang)				-- modify citeq_args table with authors from Wikidata

		if not is_set (citeq_args.editor) and not is_set (citeq_args.editor1)
			and not is_set (citeq_args['editor-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor-last1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor1-last'])
			and not is_set (citeq_args['editor-surname']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor-surname1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor1-surname']) then	-- if neither are set, try to get editors from Wikidata
			get_name_list ('editor', citeq_args, qid, wdl, labellang)				-- modify citeq_args table with editors from Wikidata

		if not is_set (citeq_args.translator) and not is_set (citeq_args.translator1)
			and not is_set (citeq_args['translator-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator-last1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator1-last'])
			and not is_set (citeq_args['translator-surname']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator-surname1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator1-surname']) then	-- if neither are set, try to get translators from Wikidata
			get_name_list ('translator', citeq_args, qid, wdl, labellang)			-- modify citeq_args table with translators from Wikidata

	for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do
		if in_array (v, {'(())', 'unset', 'ignore'}) or 'string' ~= type(k) then -- empty accept-as-is-written (()) markup to indicate an empty/unused parameter value, other ((...)) markups are deliberately passed down to {{citation}}
			citeq_args[k] = nil
		elseif in_array (v, {'((unset))', '((ignore))'}) then -- strip off markup for free-text values clashing with local keywords
			citeq_args[k] = 'unset'

	local author_count = 0
	for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do
		if k:find("^author%d+$") then
			author_count = author_count + 1
	if author_count > 8 then -- convention in astronomy journals, optional mode for this?
		if 'all' == citeq_args['display-authors'] then
			citeq_args['display-authors'] = nil;								-- unset because no longer needed
			citeq_args['display-authors'] = citeq_args['display-authors'] or 3	-- limit to three displayed names

	local editor_count = 0
	for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do
		if k:find("^editor%d+$") then
			editor_count = editor_count + 1
	if editor_count > 8 then -- convention in astronomy journals, optional mode for this?
		if 'all' == citeq_args['display-editors'] then
			citeq_args['display-editors'] = nil;								-- unset because no longer needed
			citeq_args['display-editors'] = citeq_args['display-editors'] or 3	-- limit to three displayed names

	-- change edition to ordinal if it's set and numeric
	if (rtl == false) then citeq_args.edition = citeq_args.edition and p.makeOrdinal(citeq_args.edition) end

	-- code to make a guess what template to use from the supplied parameters
	-- (first draft for proof-of-concept)
	if citeq_args.journal then
		template = template or "بدورية محكمة"
	elseif citeq_args.isbn then
		template = template or "بكتاب"
		citeq_args.asin = nil -- suppress ASIN if ISBN exists
	elseif citeq_args.website then
		template = template or "ويب"

	-- template is CS1 designator: journal, web, news, etc.
	if template then
--		citeq_args.mode = citeq_args.mode or "cs1"								-- a cs1 template already knows that it is cs1 so this line is superfluous
		local citeclasses = {["بدورية محكمة"] = 'journal', ["بكتاب"] = "book", ["ويب"] = "web" }
		cite_class = citeclasses[template]
		template = "استشهاد " .. template
--		citeq_args.mode = citeq_args.mode or "cs2"								-- a cs2 template already knows that it is cs2 so this line is superfluous
		template = "استشهاد"

	-- |id= could hold more than one identifier pulled from Wikidata not supported by {{citation}}, right now only add our qid to the list
	local list_sep = '. '
	if citeq_args.mode ~= 'cs1' then
		list_sep = ', '
	local id = '[[ويكي بيانات|QID]]:[[:d:' .. qid .. '|' .. qid .. ']]' -- go through "WDQ (identifier)" redirect to reduce clutter in "What links here" and improve reverse lookup. Keep in sync with {{QID}}.
	local old_id = citeq_args.id
	if wdl then -- show WD logo
		id = id .. '[[ملف:Wikidata-logo.svg|16px|alt=|link=]]' -- possibly replace by WD edit icon?
	if is_set (old_id) then
		citeq_args.id = old_id .. list_sep .. id -- append to user-specified contents
		citeq_args.id = id

	-- clean up any blank parameters
	for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do
		if v == "" then citeq_args[k] = nil end
	-- use real param names for CS1 messages
	for k,v in pairs(origin_args) do
		if citeq_args[k] and citeq_args[k] == in_citeq_args[v] then
			citeq_args[v] = citeq_args[k]
			citeq_args[k] = nil
	-- if |expand=<anything>, write a nowiki'd version to see what the {{citation}} template call looks like
	if expand then
		local expand_args = { "{{" .. template .. "\n" }		-- init with citation template
		if expand == "self" then
			citeq_args.id = old_id -- restore original |id= parameter
			expand_args = { "{{cite Q|" .. qid } -- expand to itself
		-- make a sortable table and sort it by param name
		local sorttable = {}
		for param, val in pairs (citeq_args) do
			table.insert(sorttable, {param, val})
		table.sort(sorttable, comp_key)
		-- add contents to expand_args
		for idx, val in ipairs(sorttable) do
			table.insert(expand_args, val[1] .. '=' .. val[2] .. "\n")
		-- make the nowiki'd string and done
		return table.concat (expand_args, '| ') .. "\n}}"

	local erratumid = getPropertyIDs( { "P2507", qid = qid, fwd = "ALL", osd = "no", rank = "best", maxvals = 1 } )
	if erratumid then
		erratumid = " [[d:" .. erratumid .. "|(erratum)]]" .. "[[تصنيف:Cite Q - cites a work with an erratum]]"
		erratumid = ""

	local opt_cat = ''
	if getValue( {"P5824", ps = 1, qid = qid} ) then
		opt_cat = '[[تصنيف:Cite Q - cites a retracted work]]<!-- retracted -->'
	if getValue( {"P1366", ps = 1, qid = qid} ) then
		opt_cat = opt_cat .. '[[تصنيف:Cite Q - cites a replaced work]]<!-- replaced -->'
	if citeq_args.wikidatacite then
		return frame:expandTemplate{title = template, args = citeq_args} .. erratumid .. opt_cat -- render the template
		local CS = require("Module:citation/CS1" .. sandbox)
		return CS._citation(frame, {['CitationClass'] = cite_class} , citeq_args) .. erratumid .. opt_cat

--[[-------------------------< C I T E _ Q >------------------------------------------------------------------
Takes standard CS1|2 template parameters and passes all to {{citation}}.  If neither of |author= and |author1=
are set, calls get_authors() to try to get an author name-list from Wikidata.  The result is passed to
{{citation}} for rendering.
function p._cite_wikidata (ref, pqid)
	-- early exit
	if not ref then
		return nil
	local snak = ref.snaks
	-- مراجع غير مقبولة
	if snak.P143 or snak.P3452  then
		return nil
	local hash = ref.hash
	if hash and hash ~= "" and ref_cash[hash] then
		return ref_cash[hash]

	local citeq_args = {}
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()

	if snak.P248 then
		for _, prop in pairs(snak.P248) do
			if prop.snaktype == "value" then
				citeq_args.qid =  "Q" .. prop.datavalue.value["numeric-id"]

		snak.P248 = nil;

	if citeq_args.qid and is_rejected(citeq_args.qid) == true then
		return nil

	local reference
	citeq_args.snak = snak
	citeq_args.pqid = pqid
	citeq_args.wikidatacite = 1
	if citeq_args.qid then
		reference = p._cite_q(citeq_args)
		local has_properties = false
		for k, _ in pairs(used_properties) do
			if snak[k] then
				has_properties = true;
		reference = (has_properties and p._cite_web(citeq_args) or nil)
    if reference and reference ~= "" then
		reference = frame:extensionTag("ref", reference, {name = 'wikidata-' .. hash})
	if hash and hash ~= "" then
		ref_cash[hash] = reference
	return reference

function p.cite_q (frame)
	local args = {}

	for k, v in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do
		if v ~= "" then args[k] = v end
	for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do
		if v ~= "" then args[k] = v end
	args.qid = args.qid or args[1] or ""
	if args.qid == "" then return nil end
	args[1] = nil

	local citesep = (args.citesep or "")
	if citesep == "" then citesep = ", " end
	citesep = citesep:gsub('"', '') -- strip double quotes after setting default to allow |citesep="" as a blank separator
	args.citesep = nil

	local tag = args.tag or ""
	if tag == "" then tag = nil end
	args.tag = nil

	local list = args.list or ""
	if list == "" then list = nil end
	args.list = nil

	args.language = args.language or args.lang
	args.lang = nil

	local cites = {}
	for q in args.qid:gmatch("Q%d+") do
		-- make a new copy of the arguments
		local newargs = {}
		for k, v in pairs(args) do
			if k ~= "qid" then
				newargs[k] = v
		newargs.qid = q
		if tag == "ref" then
			cites[#cites + 1] = frame:callParserFunction{ name = "#tag:ref", args = { p._cite_q(newargs), name = q } }
			-- expand like this: args = { p._cite_q(newargs), name = 'foo', group = 'bar' }
			cites[#cites + 1] = p._cite_q(newargs)

	if list then
		return frame:expandTemplate{ title = list, args = cites }
		return table.concat(cites, citesep)

return p