< وحدة:Wikidata | ru
local i18n = {
["errors"] = {
["property-param-not-provided"] = "الخاصية غير موجودة.",
["entity-not-found"] = "المدخلة غير موجودة.",
["unknown-claim-type"] = "نوع الإدعاء غير معروف.",
["unknown-snak-type"] = "نوع الـ (snak) غير معروف.",
["unknown-datavalue-type"] = "نوع الـ (dataValue) غير معروف.",
["unknown-entity-type"] = "نوع المدخلة غير معروفة.",
["unknown-property-module"] = "You must install and property-module, b property-function.",
["unknown-claim-module"] = "You must install and claim-module, and claim-function.",
["unknown-value-module"] = "You must install and value-module, b value-function.",
["property-module-not-found"] = "Module to display the properties can not be found",
["property-function-not-found"] = "Function to display properties not found",
["claim-module-not-found"] = "Module to display the statement could not be found.",
["claim-function-not-found"] = "Function to display the statement could not be found.",
["value-module-not-found"] = "Module to display the value is not found.",
["value-function-not-found"] = "Function to display the value is not found."
["somevalue"] = "''غير معروف''",
["novalue"] = "",
["circa"] = '<span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help;" title="circa">حوالي. </span>',
["presumably"] = '<span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help;" title="presumably">محتمل. </span>',
-- settings, may differ from project to project
local categoryLinksToEntitiesWithMissingLabel = '[[تصنيف:صفحات على ويكي بيانات دون تسمية عربية]]';
local categoryLocalValuePresent = ''; --[[Категория:Википедия:Статьи с переопределением значения из Викиданных]]
local outputReferences = true;
--مصادر يجب تجاهلها في حالة وجود مصادر مفضلة
local deprecatedSources = {
Q36578 = true, -- Gemeinsame Normdatei
Q63056 = true, -- Find a Grave
Q15222191 = true, -- BNF
-- المصادر المفضلة
local preferredSources = {
Q5375741 = true, -- Encyclopædia Britannica Online
Q17378135 = true, -- Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969—1978)
-- Ссылки на используемые модули, которые потребуются в 99% случаев загрузки страниц (чтобы иметь на виду при переименовании)
local moduleSources = require('Module:Sources/نسخة')
local p = {}
local formatDatavalue, formatEntityId, formatRefs, formatSnak, formatStatement, formatStatementDefault, formatProperty, getSourcingCircumstances, loadCacheSafe, throwError, toBoolean;
local function copyTo( obj, target )
for k, v in pairs( obj ) do
target[k] = v
return target;
local function loadCacheSafe( entityId )
local status, result = pcall( function() return mw.loadData( 'Module:WikidataCache/' .. entityId ) end );
if ( status == true ) then
return result;
return nil;
local function splitISO8601(str)
if 'table' == type(str) then
if str.args and str.args[1] then
str = '' .. str.args[1]
return 'unknown argument type: ' .. type( str ) .. ': ' .. table.tostring( str )
local Y, M, D = (function(str)
local pattern = "(%-?%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T"
local Y, M, D = mw.ustring.match( str, pattern )
return tonumber(Y), tonumber(M), tonumber(D)
end) (str);
local h, m, s = (function(str)
local pattern = "T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)%Z";
local H, M, S = mw.ustring.match( str, pattern);
return tonumber(H), tonumber(M), tonumber(S);
end) (str);
local oh,om = ( function(str)
if str:sub(-1)=="Z" then return 0,0 end; -- ends with Z, Zulu time
-- matches ±hh:mm, ±hhmm or ±hh; else returns nils
local pattern = "([-+])(%d%d):?(%d?%d?)$";
local sign, oh, om = mw.ustring.match( str, pattern);
sign, oh, om = sign or "+", oh or "00", om or "00";
return tonumber(sign .. oh), tonumber(sign .. om);
end )(str)
return {year=Y, month=M, day=D, hour=(h+oh), min=(m+om), sec=s};
local function parseTimeBoundaries( time, precision )
local s = splitISO8601( time );
if (not s) then return nil; end
if ( precision >= 0 and precision <= 8 ) then
local powers = { 1000000000 , 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10 }
local power = powers[ precision + 1 ];
local left = s.year - ( s.year % power );
return { tonumber(os.time( {year=left, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000,
tonumber(os.time( {year=left + power - 1, month=12, day=31, hour=29, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 };
if ( precision == 9 ) then
return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000,
tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=12, day=31, hour=23, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 };
if ( precision == 10 ) then
local lastDays = {31, 28.25, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
local lastDay = lastDays[s.month];
return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000,
tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=lastDay, hour=23, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 };
if ( precision == 11 ) then
return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=s.day, hour=0, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000,
tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=s.day, hour=23, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 };
if ( precision == 12 ) then
return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=s.day, hour=s.hour, min=0, sec=0} )) * 1000,
tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=s.day, hour=s.hour, min=59, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 19991999 };
if ( precision == 13 ) then
return { tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=s.day, hour=s.hour, min=s.min, sec=0} )) * 1000,
tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=s.day, hour=s.hour, min=s.min, sec=58} )) * 1000 + 1999 };
if ( precision == 14 ) then
local t = tonumber(os.time( {year=s.year, month=s.month, day=s.day, hour=s.hour, min=s.min, sec=0} ) );
return { t * 1000, t * 1000 + 999 };
error('Unsupported precision: ' .. precision );
تحويل سلسلة إلى قيمة منطقية
Принимает: строковое значение (может отсутствовать)
Возвращает: булевое значение true или false, если получается распознать значение, или defaultValue во всех остальных случаях
local function toBoolean( valueToParse, defaultValue )
if ( valueToParse ) then
if valueToParse == '' or valueToParse == 'false' or valueToParse == '0' then
return false
return true
return defaultValue;
Function to get the essence (entity) for the current page
Accepts: a string identifier (type P18, Q42)
Returns: an object table whose elements are indexed from zero
local function getEntityFromId( id )
if id then
local cached = loadCacheSafe( id );
if ( cached ) then
return cached;
return mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( id )
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject();
if ( entity ) then
local cached = loadCacheSafe( entity.id );
if ( cached ) then
return cached;
return entity;
وظيفة داخلية لإنشاء رسالة خطأ
Accepts: key element in the i18n table (such as entity-not-found)
Returns: string message
local function throwError( key )
error( i18n.errors[key] );
The function for the entity identifier
Accepts: object table essentially
Returns: string identifier (such as P18, Q42)
local function getEntityIdFromValue( value )
local prefix = ''
if value['entity-type'] == 'item' then
prefix = 'Q'
elseif value['entity-type'] == 'property' then
prefix = 'P'
throwError( 'unknown-entity-type' )
return prefix .. value['numeric-id']
-- التحقق من وجود وظيفة متخصصة في الخيارات
local function getUserFunction( options, prefix, defaultFunction )
-- check for specialized processors in the parameters,
-- transmitted by a call
if options[ prefix .. '-module' ] or options[ prefix .. '-function' ] then
-- التحقق من الأسطر الفارغة في المعلمات أو عدمه
if not options[ prefix .. '-module' ] or not options[ prefix .. '-function' ] then
throwError( 'unknown-' .. prefix .. '-module' );
--dynamic load modules with the handler specified in the parameter
local formatter = require ('Module:' .. options[ prefix .. '-module' ]);
if formatter == nil then
throwError( prefix .. '-module-not-found' )
local fun = formatter[ options[ prefix .. '-function' ] ]
if fun == nil then
throwError( prefix .. '-function-not-found' )
return fun;
return defaultFunction;
-- Select the properties for property id, optional filtering them by rank
local function selectClaims( context, options, propertySelector )
if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified'); end;
if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified'); end;
if ( not options.entity ) then error( 'options.entity is missing'); end;
if ( not propertySelector ) then error( 'propertySelector not specified'); end;
local WDS = require('Module:WikidataSelectors')
result = WDS.filter(options.entity.claims, propertySelector)
if ( not result or #result == 0 ) then
return nil;
return result;
Function for registration statements (statement)
لمزيد من المعلومات d:Wikidata:Glossary/ru
Accepts: table settings
Returns: a string formatted text to be displayed in the article
local function formatProperty( options )
-- Receiving entity by ID
local entity = getEntityFromId( options.entityId )
if not entity then
return -- throwError( 'entity-not-found' )
-- проверка на присутсвие у сущности заявлений (claim)
-- подробнее о заявлениях см. d:Викиданные:Глоссарий
if (entity.claims == nil) then
return nil --'' --TODO error?
-- improve options
options.frame = g_frame;
options.entity = entity;
options.extends = function( self, newOptions )
return copyTo( newOptions, copyTo( self, {} ) )
if ( options.i18n ) then
options.i18n = copyTo( options.i18n, copyTo( i18n, {} ) );
options.i18n = i18n;
-- create context
local context = {
entity = options.entity,
formatSnak = formatSnak,
formatPropertyDefault = formatPropertyDefault,
formatStatementDefault = formatStatementDefault }
context.formatProperty = function( options )
local func = getUserFunction( options, 'property', context.formatPropertyDefault );
return func( context, options )
context.formatStatement = function( options, statement ) return formatStatement( context, options, statement ) end;
context.formatSnak = function( options, snak, circumstances ) return formatSnak( context, options, snak, circumstances ) end;
context.formatRefs = function( options, statement ) return formatRefs( context, options, statement ) end;
context.parseTimeFromSnak = function( snak )
if ( snak and snak.datavalue and snak.datavalue.value and snak.datavalue.value.time ) then
return tonumber(os.time( splitISO8601( tostring( snak.datavalue.value.time ) ) ) ) * 1000;
return nil;
context.parseTimeBoundariesFromSnak = function( snak )
if ( snak and snak.datavalue and snak.datavalue.value and snak.datavalue.value.time and snak.datavalue.value.precision ) then
return parseTimeBoundaries( snak.datavalue.value.time, snak.datavalue.value.precision );
return nil;
context.getSourcingCircumstances = function( statement ) return getSourcingCircumstances( statement ) end;
context.selectClaims = function( options, propertyId ) return selectClaims( context, options, propertyId ) end;
return context.formatProperty( options );
function formatPropertyDefault( context, options )
if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified' ); end;
if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified' ); end;
if ( not options.entity ) then error( 'options.entity missing' ); end;
local claims = context.selectClaims( options, options.property );
if (claims == nil) then
return nil --'' --TODO error?
-- Обход всех заявлений утверждения и с накоплением оформленых предпочтительных
-- the statements in the table
local formattedClaims = {}
for i, claim in ipairs(claims) do
local formattedStatement = context.formatStatement( options, claim )
-- здесь может вернуться либо оформленный текст заявления
-- or nil error string seems never returns
if (formattedStatement) then
--formattedStatement =''formattedStatement'' -- '<span class="wikidata-claim" data-wikidata-property-id="' .. string.upper( options.property ) .. '" data-wikidata-claim-id="' .. claim.id .. '">' .. formattedStatement .. '</span>'
table.insert( formattedClaims, formattedStatement )
-- إنشاء سلسلة نصية مع قائمة من طلبات التسجيل من الجدول
return mw.text.listToText( formattedClaims, options.separator, options.conjunction )
the function for processing one statement (statement)
Accepts: object-table statement and table settings
Returns: a string of text issued a statement (claim)
function formatStatement( context, options, statement )
if ( not statement ) then
error( 'statement is not specified or nil' );
if not statement.type or statement.type ~= 'statement' then
throwError( 'unknown-claim-type' )
local functionToCall = getUserFunction( options, 'claim', context.formatStatementDefault );
return functionToCall( context, options, statement );
function getSourcingCircumstances( statement )
if (not statement) then error('statement is not specified') end;
local circumstances = {};
if ( statement.qualifiers
and statement.qualifiers.P1480 ) then
for i, qualifier in pairs( statement.qualifiers.P1480 ) do
if ( qualifier
and qualifier.datavalue
and qualifier.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid'
and qualifier.datavalue.value
and qualifier.datavalue.value["entity-type"] == 'item' ) then
local circumstance = 'Q' .. qualifier.datavalue.value["numeric-id"];
if ( 'Q5727902' == circumstance ) then
circumstances.circa = true;
if ( 'Q18122778' == circumstance ) then
circumstances.presumably = true;
return circumstances;
The function for processing one statement (statement)
Accepts: object-table statement, the table settings,
function object design approval of internal structures (snak) and
function object design references to sources (reference)
Returns: a string of text issued a statement (claim)
function formatStatementDefault( context, options, statement )
if (not context) then error('context is not specified') end;
if (not options) then error('options is not specified') end;
if (not statement) then error('statement is not specified') end;
local circumstances = context.getSourcingCircumstances( statement );
if ( options.references ) then
return context.formatSnak( options, statement.mainsnak, circumstances ) .. context.formatRefs( options, statement );
return context.formatSnak( options, statement.mainsnak, circumstances );
The function for registration of the approval (snak)
Accepts: snak table object (main snak snak or from qualifier) and table options
Returns: string issued wikitext
function formatSnak( context, options, snak, circumstances )
circumstances = circumstances or {};
local hash = '';
local mainSnakClass = '';
if ( snak.hash ) then
hash = ' data-wikidata-hash="' .. snak.hash .. '"';
mainSnakClass = ' wikidata-main-snak';
local before = ''--<span class="wikidata-snak ' .. mainSnakClass .. '"' .. hash .. '>
local after = ''--</span>
if snak.snaktype == 'somevalue' then
if ( options['somevalue'] and options['somevalue'] ~= '' ) then
return before .. options['somevalue'] .. after;
return before .. options.i18n['somevalue'] .. after;
elseif snak.snaktype == 'novalue' then
if ( options['novalue'] and options['novalue'] ~= '' ) then
return before .. options['novalue'] .. after;
return before .. options.i18n['novalue'] .. after;
elseif snak.snaktype == 'value' then
if ( circumstances.presumably ) then
before = before .. options.i18n.presumably;
if ( circumstances.circa ) then
before = before .. options.i18n.circa;
if(formatDatavalue( context, options, snak.datavalue )) then
return before .. formatDatavalue( context, options, snak.datavalue ) .. after;
else return '';
throwError( 'unknown-snak-type' );
وظيفة لقيمة معالجة الكائنات مع الإحداثيات الجغرافية
Accepts: object value and the table settings,
Returns: a string formatted text
function formatGlobeCoordinate( value, options )
-- проверка на требование в параметрах вызова на возврат сырого значения
if options['subvalue'] == 'latitude' then -- широты
return value['latitude']
elseif options['subvalue'] == 'longitude' then -- долготы
return value['longitude']
-- Otherwise generated parameters to call the template {{coord}}
-- You need to add in the template documents that he called here, and that
-- Any change it paramerov must be agreed with the code here
local eps = 0.0000001 -- < 1/360000
local globe = '' -- TODO
local lat = {}
lat['abs'] = math.abs(value['latitude'])
lat['ns'] = value['latitude'] >= 0 and 'N' or 'S'
lat['d'] = math.floor(lat['abs'] + eps)
lat['m'] = math.floor((lat['abs'] - lat['d']) * 60 + eps)
lat['s'] = math.max(0, ((lat['abs'] - lat['d']) * 60 - lat['m']) * 60)
local lon = {}
lon['abs'] = math.abs(value['longitude'])
lon['ew'] = value['longitude'] >= 0 and 'E' or 'W'
lon['d'] = math.floor(lon['abs'] + eps)
lon['m'] = math.floor((lon['abs'] - lon['d']) * 60 + eps)
lon['s'] = math.max(0, ((lon['abs'] - lon['d']) * 60 - lon['m']) * 60)
local coord = '{{coord'
if (value['precision'] == nil) or (value['precision'] < 1/60) then -- по умолчанию с точностью до секунды
coord = coord .. '|' .. lat['d'] .. '|' .. lat['m'] .. '|' .. lat['s'] .. '|' .. lat['ns']
coord = coord .. '|' .. lon['d'] .. '|' .. lon['m'] .. '|' .. lon['s'] .. '|' .. lon['ew']
elseif value['precision'] < 1 then
coord = coord .. '|' .. lat['d'] .. '|' .. lat['m'] .. '|' .. lat['ns']
coord = coord .. '|' .. lon['d'] .. '|' .. lon['m'] .. '|' .. lon['ew']
coord = coord .. '|' .. lat['d'] .. '|' .. lat['ns']
coord = coord .. '|' .. lon['d'] .. '|' .. lon['ew']
coord = coord .. '|globe:' .. globe
if options['display'] then
coord = coord .. '|display=' .. options.display
coord = coord .. '|display=title'
coord = coord .. '}}'
return g_frame:preprocess(coord)
local function getDefaultValueFunction( datavalue )
-- استدعاء معالج الافتراضي لأنواع معروفة من القيم
if datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' then
-- entity identifier
return function( context, options, value ) return formatEntityId( getEntityIdFromValue( value ), options ) end;
elseif datavalue.type == 'string' then
-- line
return function( context, options, value ) return value end;
elseif datavalue.type == 'monolingualtext' then
--monolingual text (string indicating the language)
return function( context, options, value )
if ( options.monolingualLangTemplate == 'lang' ) then
return options.frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'lang-' .. value.language, args = { value.text } };
elseif ( options.monolingualLangTemplate == 'ref' ) then
return '<span class="lang" lang="' .. value.language .. '">' .. value.text .. '</span>' .. options.frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ref-' .. value.language };
return '<span class="lang" lang="' .. value.language .. '">' .. value.text .. '</span>';
elseif datavalue.type == 'globecoordinate' then
-- الإحداثيات الجغرافية
return function( context, options, value ) return formatGlobeCoordinate( value, options ) end;
elseif datavalue.type == 'quantity' then
return function( context, options, value )
--a range of values
local amount = string.gsub(value['amount'], '^%+', '')
local lang = mw.language.new( 'ar' )
return lang:formatNum( tonumber( amount ) )
elseif datavalue.type == 'time' then
return function( context, options, value )
local moduleDate = require('Module:Wikidata/date')
return moduleDate.formatDate( context, options, value );
-- خطأ
throwError( 'unknown-datavalue-type' )
وظيفة لمعالجة القيم (value)
Accepts: object value and the table settings,
Returns: a string formatted text
function formatDatavalue( context, options, datavalue )
if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified' ); end;
if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified' ); end;
if ( not datavalue ) then error( 'datavalue not specified' ); end;
if ( not datavalue.value ) then error( 'datavalue.value is missng' ); end;
-- проверка на указание специализированных обработчиков в параметрах,
-- переданных при вызове
context.formatValueDefault = getDefaultValueFunction( datavalue );
local functionToCall = getUserFunction( options, 'value', context.formatValueDefault );
return functionToCall( context, options, datavalue.value );
-- Небольшой словарь упрощенного отображения (TODO: надо сделать расширенный с учётом даты)
local simpleReplaces = {
Q300000 = 'Ars-en-Ré',
Функция для оформления идентификатора сущности
Accepts: identifier string (type Q42) and table settings,
Returns: a string formatted text
function formatEntityId( entityId, options )
-- الحصول على الاسم المترجم
local label = nil;
if ( options.text and options.text ~= '' ) then
label = options.text
if ( simpleReplaces[entityId] ) then
return simpleReplaces[entityId];
label = mw.wikibase.label( entityId );
-- الحصول على الوصلة
local link = mw.wikibase.sitelink( entityId )
if link then
if label then
return '[[' .. link .. '|' .. label .. ']]'
return '[[' .. link .. ']]'
if label then
-- will be replaced by link to Reasonator by Gadget
return label --nil
-- رسالة حول عدم وجود وصلة محلية
-- افتراضياً يظهر وصلة لويكي بيانات ولكن يفضل اخفاء هذه النتيجة ولا أدري ما الأفضل هل
-- return nil
-- أو نضع
-- return ''
return '' --[ [:d:' .. entityId .. '|' .. entityId .. '] ]<span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help; white-space: nowrap" title="В صفحات على ويكي بيانات دون تسمية عربية">?</span>' ..categoryLinksToEntitiesWithMissingLabel; -- خاص بتصنيف محدد مسبقاً أعلاه
function p.labelIn(frame)
local langcode = frame.args[1]
local id = frame.args[2] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration
-- return label of a Wikidata entity in the given language or the default language of this Wikipedia site
return mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id).labels[langcode or wiki.langcode].value
The function for processing claims (statement)
Accepts: table settings
Returns: a string formatted text to be displayed in the article
-- устаревшее имя, не использовать
function p.formatStatements( frame )
return p.formatProperty( frame );
function p.formatProperty( frame )
local args = frame.args
local plain = toBoolean( frame.args.plain, false );
frame.args.nocat = toBoolean( frame.args.nocat, false );
frame.args.references = toBoolean( frame.args.references, true );
-- التحقق من الخاصية المطلوبة
if not frame.args.property then
throwError( 'property-param-not-provided' )
-- if the value passed to the call options is only derive its
if frame.args.value and frame.args.value ~= '' then
-- special meaning to hide wikidata
if frame.args.value == '-' then
return ''
-- option, which prohibits registration of values, so does not touch
if plain or frame.args.nocat or frame:callParserFunction( '#property', frame.args.property ) == '' then
return frame.args.value
-- if the touch still can add the category marker
return args.value .. categoryLocalValuePresent;
if ( plain ) then --Call the standard processor without clearance if transmitted plain option
return frame:callParserFunction( '#property', frame.args.property );
g_frame = frame
-- after checking all the arguments - the call processing functions for the properties (a set of statements)
return formatProperty( frame.args )
وظيفة كل ما يشير إلى المصادر (reference)
Экспортируется в качестве зарезервированной точки для вызова из функций-расширения вида claim-module/claim-function через context
Вызов из других модулей напрямую осуществляться не должен (используйте frame:expandTemplate вместе с одним из специлизированных шаблонов вывода значения свойства).
Accepts: object-table statement
Returns: a string designed to display links in the article
function formatRefs( context, options, statement )
if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified' ); end;
if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified' ); end;
if ( not options.entity ) then error( 'options.entity missing' ); end;
if ( not statement ) then error( 'statement not specified' ); end;
if ( not outputReferences ) then
return '';
local result = '';
if ( statement.references ) then
local allReferences = statement.references;
local hasPreferred = false;
for _, reference in pairs( statement.references ) do
if ( reference.snaks
and reference.snaks.P248
and reference.snaks.P248[1]
and reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue
and reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue.value["numeric-id"] ) then
local entityId = "Q" .. reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue.value["numeric-id"];
if ( preferredSources[entityId] ) then
hasPreferred = true;
for _, reference in pairs( statement.references ) do
local display = true;
if ( hasPreferred ) then
if ( reference.snaks
and reference.snaks.P248
and reference.snaks.P248[1]
and reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue
and reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue.value["numeric-id"] ) then
local entityId = "Q" .. reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue.value["numeric-id"];
if ( deprecatedSources[entityId] ) then
display = false;
if ( display ) then
result = result .. moduleSources.renderReference( g_frame, options.entity, reference );
return result
--Return the qualifiers with a format
function p.formatQualifiers(frame)
local args = frame.args
--If a value is already set, use it
if args.value and args.value ~= '' then
return args.value
--Required parameters
local property = string.upper(args.property)
local qualifierProperty = string.upper(args.qualifierProperty)
if not property then
return formatError( 'property-param-not-provided' )
if not qualifierProperty then
return formatError( 'qualifier-property-param-not-provided' )
--Get statements
local rawStatements = getClaims( args )
if not rawStatements or numOfClaims(rawStatements) == 0 then
return nil
--Format statement and concat them cleanly
local formattedQualifiers = {}
for i, statement in pairs( rawStatements ) do
if not statement.qualifiers or not statement.qualifiers[qualifierProperty] then
table.insert(formattedQualifiers, "")
elseif args.rank == 'one' then
return formatQualifier( statement.qualifiers, qualifierProperty, args )
elseif args.rank == 'preferred' then --This should be set as the default case
if #rawStatements == 1 then
return formatQualifier( statement.qualifiers, qualifierProperty, args ) --Output the only value
if statement.rank == 'preferred' then
table.insert( formattedQualifiers, formatQualifier( statement.qualifiers, qualifierProperty, args ) ) --Output only the preferred values
table.insert( formattedQualifiers, formatQualifier( statement.qualifiers, qualifierProperty, args ) )
return mw.text.listToText( formattedQualifiers, args.separator, args.conjunction )
-- This is used to get the TA98 (Terminologia Anatomica first edition 1998) values like 'A01.1.00.005' (property P1323)
-- which are then linked to http://www.unifr.ch/ifaa/Public/EntryPage/TA98%20Tree/Entity%20TA98%20EN/
-- uses the newer mw.wikibase calls instead of directly using the snaks
-- formatPropertyValues returns a table with the P1323 values concatenated with ", " so we have to split them out into a table in order to construct the return string
p.getTAValue = function(frame)
local ent = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
local props = ent:formatPropertyValues('P1323')
local out = {}
local t = {}
for k, v in pairs(props) do
if k == 'value' then
t = mw.text.split( v, ", ")
for k2, v2 in pairs(t) do
out[#out + 1] = "[http://www.unifr.ch/ifaa/Public/EntryPage/TA98%20Tree/Entity%20TA98%20EN/" .. string.sub(v2, 2) .. "%20Entity%20TA98%20EN.htm " .. v2 .. "]"
local ret = table.concat(out, "<br> ")
if #ret == 0 then
ret = "Invalid TA"
return ret
return p