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وحدة:Wikidata2 sub modules/coordinates/ملعب

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
local p = {}
local ModuleGlobes = require("Module:Wikidata2/Globes")

function p.coordinates_wd2(datavalue, datatype, options)
	local coord = datavalue.value
	local globe = datavalue.value.globe
	local globe2 = ModuleGlobes[globe] or ""
	local results = {
		latitude = coord.latitude,
		longitude = coord.longitude,
		dimension = coord.dimension,
		precision = coord.precision,
		globe = globe:match("Q%d+"),
		globe2 = globe2

	local pro = options.formatting and results[options.formatting]
	if pro == nil then
		pro =
				"{{ {{{|safesubst:}}}#invoke:Coordinates|coord" ..
				"|" .. coord.latitude ..
				"|" .. coord.longitude ..
				"|display=inline" ..
				"|globe:" .. globe2 .. "_type:landmark" ..
				"|format=" .. (options.formatcoord or "") .. "}}"
			) .. catewikidatainfo(options)

	return pro

function p.coordinates(datavalue, datatype, options)
	local coord = datavalue.value
	local globe = datavalue.value.globe
	local globe2 = ModuleGlobes[globe] or ""
	local results = {
		latitude = coord.latitude,
		longitude = coord.longitude,
		dimension = coord.dimension,
		precision = coord.precision,
		globe = globe:match("Q%d+"),
		globe2 = globe2

	local pro = options.formatting and results[options.formatting]
	if pro then return pro end

	local precision, unitsPerDegree, numDigits, strFormat, value
	local latitude, latConv, latValue, latLink
	local longitude, lonConv, lonValue, lonLink
	local latDirection, latDirectionEN
	local lonDirection, lonDirectionEN
	local degSymbol, minSymbol, secSymbol, separator

	local latDegrees = nil
	local latMinutes = nil
	local latSeconds = nil
	local lonDegrees = nil
	local lonMinutes = nil
	local lonSeconds = nil

	local latDegSym = ""
	local latMinSym = ""
	local latSecSym = ""
	local lonDegSym = ""
	local lonMinSym = ""
	local lonSecSym = ""

	local latDirectionN = "N"
	local latDirectionS = "S"
	local lonDirectionE = "E"
	local lonDirectionW = "W"
	local latDirectionEN_N = "N"
	local latDirectionEN_S = "S"
	local lonDirectionEN_E = "E"
	local lonDirectionEN_W = "W"
	degSymbol = "/"
	minSymbol = "/"
	secSymbol = "/"
	separator = "/"

	latitude = datavalue.value['latitude']
	longitude = datavalue.value['longitude']

	if latitude < 0 then
		latDirection = latDirectionS
		latDirectionEN = latDirectionEN_S
		latitude = math.abs(latitude)
		latDirection = latDirectionN
		latDirectionEN = latDirectionEN_N

	if longitude < 0 then
		lonDirection = lonDirectionW
		lonDirectionEN = lonDirectionEN_W
		longitude = math.abs(longitude)
		lonDirection = lonDirectionE
		lonDirectionEN = lonDirectionEN_E

	precision = datavalue.value['precision']

	if not precision or precision <= 0 then
		precision = 1 / 3600 -- precision not set (correctly), set to arcsecond

	-- remove insignificant detail
	latitude = math.floor(latitude / precision + 0.5) * precision
	longitude = math.floor(longitude / precision + 0.5) * precision

	if precision >= 1 - (1 / 60) and precision < 1 then
		precision = 1
	elseif precision >= (1 / 60) - (1 / 3600) and precision < (1 / 60) then
		precision = 1 / 60

	if precision >= 1 then
		unitsPerDegree = 1
	elseif precision >= (1 / 60) then
		unitsPerDegree = 60
		unitsPerDegree = 3600

	numDigits = math.ceil(-math.log10(unitsPerDegree * precision))

	if numDigits <= 0 then
		numDigits = tonumber("0") -- for some reason, 'numDigits = 0' may actually store '-0', so parse from string instead

	strFormat = "%." .. numDigits .. "f"

	if precision >= 1 then
		latDegrees = strFormat:format(latitude)
		lonDegrees = strFormat:format(longitude)

		latDegSym = latDegrees .. degSymbol
		lonDegSym = lonDegrees .. degSymbol
		latConv = math.floor(latitude * unitsPerDegree * 10 ^ numDigits + 0.5) / 10 ^ numDigits
		lonConv = math.floor(longitude * unitsPerDegree * 10 ^ numDigits + 0.5) / 10 ^ numDigits

		if precision >= (1 / 60) then
			latMinutes = latConv
			lonMinutes = lonConv
			latSeconds = latConv
			lonSeconds = lonConv

			latMinutes = math.floor(latSeconds / 60)
			lonMinutes = math.floor(lonSeconds / 60)

			latSeconds = strFormat:format(latSeconds - (latMinutes * 60))
			lonSeconds = strFormat:format(lonSeconds - (lonMinutes * 60))

			latSecSym = latSeconds .. secSymbol
			lonSecSym = lonSeconds .. secSymbol

		latDegrees = math.floor(latMinutes / 60)
		lonDegrees = math.floor(lonMinutes / 60)

		latDegSym = latDegrees .. degSymbol
		lonDegSym = lonDegrees .. degSymbol

		latMinutes = latMinutes - (latDegrees * 60)
		lonMinutes = lonMinutes - (lonDegrees * 60)

		if precision >= (1 / 60) then
			latMinutes = strFormat:format(latMinutes)
			lonMinutes = strFormat:format(lonMinutes)
		latMinSym = latMinutes .. minSymbol
		lonMinSym = lonMinutes .. minSymbol

	latValue = latDegSym .. latMinSym .. latSecSym .. latDirection
	lonValue = lonDegSym .. lonMinSym .. lonSecSym .. lonDirection

	value = latValue .. separator .. lonValue

	if globe then
		globe = ModuleGlobes[globe] or ""
		globe = "earth"

	latLink = table.concat({ latDegrees, latMinutes, latSeconds }, "_")
	lonLink = table.concat({ lonDegrees, lonMinutes, lonSeconds }, "_")

	value = "[https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?language=ar" ..
		"&params=" .. latLink .. "_" .. latDirectionEN ..
		"_" .. lonLink .. "_" .. lonDirectionEN .. "_globe:" .. globe .. " " .. value .. "]"

	return value .. catewikidatainfo(options)

return p