Wikidata weekly summary #457
- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Dr.üsenfieber (unsussesful)
- New request for comments: P155/P156 as qualifiers only, rather than as main statements
- Events
- Upcoming: SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, March 2 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #34 Open Data Day - YouTube, Facebook, March 6
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #52, March 7
- Upcoming: Wikidata bug triage hour about Lexemes, March 22nd
- Upcoming: Wikidata-based Data Sprint hosted by the University of New Brunswick. One Wikidata data set will be provided on 11th March 2021 and various teams will have 2 hours to run a set of SPARQL queries against the Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) and showcase their results.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogpost: Wikidata and Correspondence Archives (Enriching basic metadata with a knowledge graph)
- Blogpost: The promise of Wikidata - How journalists can use the crowdsourced open knowledge base as a data source (at DataJournalism.com)
- Video: Accra Archive Wikidata and Wikipedia Workshop (GLAMS Campaign Ghana) - YouTube
- Video: COVID-19 coverage on Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Identify and describe items of bibliographic interest (articles, monographs, authors) on Wikidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- Video: Visualizing the global research ecosystem via Wikidata and Scholia - YouTube
- Video: Demo: How to upload new bibliography and create dashboards on Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Reconciliation Open Refine Wikidata (in Swedish) - YouTube
- Video: Reconciling researchers to Wikidata via Google Sheets - YouTube
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #33 - YouTube, Facebook
- Video: How to create new Wikidata item (in Dutch) - YouTube
- Video: Merging Wikidata items (in Dutch) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- EditSum, a new user script which allows to attach custom summary text to any label/statement/sitelink/etc. modification.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- User:Nikki/LexemeInterwikiLinks.js, is a userscript that adds Wiktionary interwiki links in the sidebar on Lexeme pages. (It links to pages corresponding to the first lemma and puts the lexeme language's Wiktionary first, followed by languages in the user's Babel box).
- User:Lucas Werkmeister/addStatementCountsToCategories.js, is a userscript that shows the number of statements of the linked item for all pages in a category.
- Shared Citations, a proposal arising from the WikiCite project, for a central reference management database supporting all Wikimedia projects, with significant relationship to Wikidata. Seeking feedback.
- Modèle:Indice de diversité de genre (Template:Gender diversity index) is a new template in the French Wikipedia which use P21 (gender property) to count the number of people by gender mentioned in an article. It helps to find articles which "forget" to cite women.
- Lexeme JSON dumps are now available as a collection of individual lexeme data in the regular JSON format, separate from the regular Wikidata dumps containing Items and Properties. phab:T264883
- We found a way to improve the performance of scrolling on the Item page by changing how we move the Property labels as you scroll through the page. You should see the effect after the next deployment.
- BBC Things includes links to Wikidata to provide a single reference for the growing collection of entities that matter to the BBC and their audiences.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: number of at bats, number of hits, bases on balls, runs batted in, letterer, sensors, FAQ URL, set during recurring event, stolen bases, doubles hit, triples hit
- External identifiers: Germanistenverzeichnis ID, uta-net.com song ID, uta-net.com artist ID, AllMusic genre/style ID, DicoPolHiS ID, EuroBabeIndex.com ID, Sauvons nos tombes cemetery ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali archive producer person ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali archive producer organization ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali archive producer family ID, BookBub author ID, TlF artist ID, Encyclopédie berbère article ID, Protagonisti della storia delle scienze della mente ID, English Placenames MADS ID, Norwegian State Administration Database ID, teatral.ro play/theater ID, CineFAN.ro title ID, CinemaRX title ID, Sinemalar title ID, Swissvote ID, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté inventory identifier, Île-de-France inventory identifier, Normandie inventory identifier, Pays de la Loire inventory identifier, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory ID, Dizionario biografico online degli anarchici italiani ID, Swedish Literature Bank place ID, Opera Online conductor ID, Discogs genre ID, Discogs style ID, Danmarks Adresseregister named street ID, bashenc.online ID, Provenio UUID, JedeSchule.de ID, ARAE ID, Encyclopedia Titanica ID, U.S. Masters Swimming ID, DzygaMDB person ID, NLS place type ID, Archivo Linz de la Transición Española ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: demographics of topic, strikeouts, district heating, number of signatories, opt-out, payer, secondary topic, grant number, Future Salaries ID, Index égalité professionnelle F/H, Commons incompatible image URL, verbal ability
- External identifiers: Diccionari de la traducció catalana ID, ANPI person ID, ANPI person numeric ID, APS author ID, EEVA author ID, Archives West finding aid ID, BiographySampo person ID, Discord server numeric ID, Discord user numeric ID, CUT ID, Amathus ID, EUC ID, UPSA ID, RePEc EconPapers ID, Dark Horse contributor ID, ComiXology publisher ID, Austrian Newspapers Online ID, Cyprus Library ID, MyMusic artist ID, LFCHistory.net player ID, MeSH qualifier ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Templates for templates in Wikidata
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on first version of small tool that lets you get the average ORES quality score for a list of Items and find the lowest-quality Items in the batch so it's easier to improve them.
- Taking a closer look at what larger improvements we want to make to Lexemes later this year.
- Thinking through different ways how we can technically get mismatches between Wikidata's data and other databases so we can later expose them.
- Thinking through what the first version of the REST API should contain and what should come later.
- Fixed an issue with whitespaces when editing Lexemes (phab:T250550)
- Made sure all languages show up in the language selector for monolingual text Properties at least with their language code because them not showing up was very confusing (phab:T124758)
- Fixed an issue with generating correct links for external IDs with + (phab:T271126)
- Fixing an issue with Property selector not falling back from language variant to major language (phab:T272712)
- Continuing to build out the Query Builder and focusing on input for quantity and date queries (phab:T268942 and phab:T272697)
- Due to the planned delay of the release of MediaWiki 1.36, the Wikibase team has been working on preparing a Wikibase update that includes new functionality (such as the “Federated Properties” feature) based on v1.35. To that end, we started backporting certain features and fixes into the Wikibase 1.35 release. Follow our progress here.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
أحدث الأخبار التقنية من مجتمع ويكيميديا التقني. يرجى إعلام المستخدمين الآخرين بهذه التغييرات. لن تؤثر كافة التغييرات عليك. الترجمات متاحة كذلك.
أحدث التغييرات
- يمكن الآن لمواقع الويكي التي تستخدم أدوات فريق النمو عرض اسم مرشد الوافد الجديد في أي مكان باستخدام كلمة سحرية. يمكن استخدام ذلك في رسائل الترحيب أو في صناديق المستخدم.
- توجد الآن نسخة جديدة من أداة VideoCutTool متوفرة. تمكن هذه النسخة اقتطاع وتقليم المحتوى المرئي وكذلك كتم الصوت وتدوير مقاطع الفيديو. صممت هذه الأداة جزءا من برامج التواصل مع مطوري البرمجيات.
- كانت ثمة مشكلة في طابور المهام. ويعني هذا أن بعض السمات لم تحفظ لتغييرات وجرى تأجيل الرسائل الكمية. لم يؤثر هذا الأمر على التعديلات التي جرت على موقع الويكي. [1]
- يجوز أن بعض المحررين غير مسجلي الدخول إلى حساباتهم آليًا في أحدث إصدارات فيرفكس وسفاري. [2]
تغييرات لاحقة في هذا الأسبوع
سوف يستخدم الإصدار الجديد من ميدياويكي على مواقع ويكي الاختبار وعلى موقع MediaWiki.org بدءا من تاريخ 2 مارس. وسوف يستخدم على مواقع الويكي المختلفة عن ويكيبيديا وبعض مواقع ويكيبيديا من تاريخ 3 مارس. بعد ذلك سوف يستخدم على كافة مواقع الويكي من تاريخ 4 مارس. (الروزنامة).
الأخبار التقنية إعداد محررو الأخبار التقنية وينشرها بوت • ساهم فيها • ترجمها • احصل على المساعدة • أخبرنا رأيك وملاحظاتك • اشترك فيها أو الغ اشتراكك.
19:06، 1 مارس 2021 (ت ع م)
Wikifunctions logo contest
[عدل]01:46، 2 مارس 2021 (ت ع م)
Wikidata weekly summary #458
- Events
- Past: SORSE - Wikidata as a research tool for data modelling and integration in the humanities (replay on YouTube)
- Past: Open Data Day Taiwan 2021 2021-03-06 , تايبيه (Q1867), تاي شانغ (Q245023), تاينان (Q140631) and online stream (FB and Youtube)
- Upcoming: OSM TW x Wikidata Taiwan تايبيه (Q1867) Meetup 2021-03-08 (Q61752245)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: OCLC Research’s CONTENTdm Wikibase data model for pilot project to improve collection discoverability, Tuesday, March 9th.[3]
- Upcoming: SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, March 9 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #35 - YouTube, Facebook, March 13
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #53, March 14
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- "Giving knowledge back to Wikipedia: Towards a Systematic Approach to Sync Factual Data across Wikipedia, Wikidata and External Data Sources" (by DBPedia)
- Papers
- Videos
- Wikidata and Abstract Wikipedia by Denny Vrandečić - YouTube
- Working hour on items of bibliographic interest in Wikidata (in Italian) -YouTube
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2021 -Youtube Live
- LIVE Wikidata editing #34 Open Data Day - YouTube, Facebook
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Panoviewer.js inserts an iframe from the Panoviewer tool to photosphere image (P4640) statements.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata has now items about nine million people: 99,991,000,000 to do (project chat)
- A new browser for Wikidata is available: the SLING knowledge base browser by User:Mringgaard. It is lightning fast and entirely based on modern Web components.
- Help choose focus languages for improvements to the lexicographic extension of Wikidata and Abstract Wikipedia. Nominations should be submitted by April 7, and the decision will be made by April 14 by the teams taking your comments into account.
- Help to choose a design concept for the logo of the new Wikifunctions wiki. Voting ends before Monday March 15th 23:59 UTC.
- PetScan can now generate KML map overlay data. E.g. University towns in Germany. (Map view)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: supplement to, seismic classification, reissue of, staking percentage, affiliated worker organisation, demographics of topic, assessment outcome, notation writer
- External identifiers: Archivo Linz de la Transición Española ID, Obituaries Australia ID, XXXBios female performer ID, RDA value vocabularies ID, Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists ID, Whiskybase distillery ID, NParks Flora & Fauna Web ID, Women Australia ID, Labour Australia ID, Indigenous Australia ID, Pontifical University of Salamanca ID, EEVA author ID, Nauvoo Community Project ID, Cyprus Library ID, Cyprus University of Technology ID, Amathus ID, European University Cyprus ID, Museo Nacional de la Estampa ID, Resident Advisor club ID, Diccionari de la traducció catalana ID, CPC-PR ID, Austrian Newspapers Online ID, Oklahoma's NRHP ID, ChemRxiv ID, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Inventory ID, FFF player ID (new scheme), Physics Magazine author ID, Ligue 1 player ID, ANPI person numeric ID, Science Magazine author ID, Odnoklassniki user numeric ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: verbal ability, 易玩應用程序標識符, earned run average, named place on map, inhabitants of topic, consequence of text, writing style, applicant, co-applicant, Cantonese romanisation, repairability
- External identifiers: MeSH qualifier ID, Encyclopedia of Ostrava person ID, Encyclopedia of Plzeň person ID, Stadtlexikon Karlsruhe, Museum of the jewish people ID, Encyclopaedia Herder concept ID, Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia ID, Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona author ID, Enciclopedia de Puerto Rico, PorcelanaBrasil ID, Eesti entsüklopeedia ID, Encyclopedia of Melbourne ID, Cyprus Bibliography ID, JaneladaHistoria ID, OsobnostiRegionu.cz ID, Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America ID, Encyclopédie du patrimoine culturel de l'Amérique française ID, Inforegister ID, Terezín Memorial Database ID, AWB lemma ID, MWB lemma ID, MHDBDB lemma ID, Woerterbuchnetz.de IDs for Middle High German, Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire ID, Woerterbuchnetz.de IDs for modern German, Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest database reports:
- Gadget usage statistics - Includes gadgets enabled in preferences or common.js
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed an issue where the Property selector is not falling back from language variant to major language (phab:T272712)
- Working on support for editing statements on Senses on Lexemes via wbeditentity (phab:T199896)
- Continuing to work on the Query Builder and making it possible to query for quantities and dates with it.
- Putting finishing touches on a small tool that lets you get the average ORES quality score for a list of Items as well as the individual scores for each of the Items
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
أحدث الأخبار التقنية من مجتمع ويكيميديا التقني. يرجى إعلام المستخدمين الآخرين بهذه التغييرات. لن تؤثر كافة التغييرات عليك. الترجمات متاحة كذلك.
أحدث التغييرات
- تعمل الآن خاصية ترجمة الفقرات على ويكيبيديا البنغالية. سوف يساعد ذلك المحررين باستخدام الأجهزة المحمولة ترجمة فقرات من مقالات. سوف تضاف إلى مواقع ويكي أخرى في وقت لاحق. سيكون التركيز مبدئيًا على مواقع الويكي الناشطة التي تضم عدد قليل من المقالات. يمكنك اختبار هذه الخاصية وكذلك إضافة رأيك وملاحظاتك.
- أصبحت المراجعات الموسومة تمنح الإداريين حقوق المراجعة. [4]
- حينما يصل شخص ما وصلة شبكية إلى مقالة من مقالات ويكيبيديا على تويتر، سوف ينتج عن ذلك عرض لمحة عن المقالة. [5]
- يحتوي عدد كبير من الرسوم البيانية على أخطاء جافا سكريبت. يمكن لمحرري الرسوم البيانية مراجعة رسومهم البيانية في واجهة المطور من متصفح الإنترنت بعد تعديل الرسم البياني. [6]
تغييرات لاحقة في هذا الأسبوع
سوف يستخدم الإصدار الجديد من ميدياويكي على مواقع ويكي الاختبار وعلى موقع MediaWiki.org بدءا من تاريخ 9 مارس. وسوف يستخدم على مواقع الويكي المختلفة عن ويكيبيديا وبعض مواقع ويكيبيديا من تاريخ 10 مارس. بعد ذلك سوف يستخدم على كافة مواقع الويكي من تاريخ 11 مارس. (الروزنامة).
- سوف تصبح أداة النقاش الجديد (New Discussion) قريبًا سمة تجريبية جديدة من أدوات النقاش على أغلب مواقع ويكيبيديا. الهدف منها هو تيسير بدء النقاش على الصفحة. [7]
تغييرات مستقبلية
- سوف ينفذ عدد من التغييرات الغرض منها تيسير العمل مع القوالب. سوف ينفذ بعض منها على مواقع الويكي الأولى في شهر مارس/آذار. أما البعض الآخر سوف ينفذ على مواقع الويكي الأولى في شهر يونيو/حزيران. هذا الأمر موجه لمن يستخدمون الوالب ومن يصممون هذه القوالب أو يتولون صيانتها. يمكنكم الاطلاع على المزيد.
- سوف تصبح سمة عرض لمحة عن المراجع سمة افتراضية على بعض من مواقع الويكي يوم 17 مارس/آذار. سوف تشارك هذه إعدادات استعراض الصفحات. لو كنت تفضل نبيطة تلميحات المراجع أو خانات الإبحار المنبثقة يمكنك الاستمرار في استخدامها. لو كان الأمر كذلك لن تستخدم عرض لمحة عن المراجع. [8][9]
- لن تعمل السمات الجديدة في إنترنت إكسبلورر 11. هذا الأمر سببه أن إنترنت إكسبلورر هو متصفح إنترنت قديم لا يعمل مع الطريقة المعاصرة التي تكتب بها جافا سكريبت. سوف يستمر كل شيء يعمل في إنترنت إكسبلورر 11 كما هو في إنترنت إكسبلورر في الوقت الراهن. يمكنك الاطلاع على المزيد.
الأخبار التقنية إعداد محررو الأخبار التقنية وينشرها بوت • ساهم فيها • ترجمها • احصل على المساعدة • أخبرنا رأيك وملاحظاتك • اشترك فيها أو الغ اشتراكك.
17:50، 8 مارس 2021 (ت ع م)
Wikidata weekly summary #459
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Minorax (RfP scheduled to end after 19 March 2021 11:23 UTC)
- Events
- Upcoming: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, from March 15th to April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- March 15: Kickstart and open discussion about lexicographical data
- March 16: SPARQL queries about Lexemes (in French) with Vigneron
- March 17: Documentation Q&A with Dan Shick
- March 20: Live editing on Lexemes with Ainali and Abbe98
- March 22: Bug triage hour about Lexemes with Lydia Pintscher
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #54, March 21
- Upcoming: Wikidata - The Linked Open Data Platform Everyone Can Contribute To (Public talk) - Registration link
- Upcoming: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, from March 15th to April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Internet Archive Scholar is launched - Wikidata is thanked in the acknowledgements
- 10 basic but essential SPARQL queries for lexicographical data on Wikidata
- Using Wikidata to model Aberdeen’s Industrial Heritage
- Carnegie Hall experienced a veritable rock explosion during its 1971-72 season, with 70 rock concerts between September 1971 and June 1972
- Writing your own data to Wikidata using spreadsheets: Part 1
- Videos
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- User:Nikki/LexemeToggleSections.js script allows to expand/collapse the sections on lexeme pages.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Plant Humanities Lab is a website you can use to explore the cultural histories of plants and their influence on human societies.
- DX Lab Art Index is an interactive database of over 18,000 nineteenth century Australian Artworks by over 2000 artists with links to Wikidata & compiled by volunteers over 10 years.
- The new WDQS Streaming Updater is live as of March 15, 2021 on a pre-production test server for feedback. Available at https://query-preview.wikidata.org/. Release details here.
- Wikimedia Foundation Research Award of the Year - Call for Nominations! The research must be on, about, using data from, and/or of importance to Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons or other Wikimedia projects. Deadline to submit your nomination is no later than 2021-03-22.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: assessment outcome, music transcriber, subsidy, inverse agonist of, gender equality index, transitivity, script style
- External identifiers: Oklahoma's NRHP ID, ChemRxiv ID, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Inventory ID, FFF player ID (new scheme), Physics Magazine author ID, Ligue 1 player ID, ANPI person numeric ID, Science Magazine author ID, Odnoklassniki user numeric ID, ANSI/NISO standard ID, Kickstarter username, DeCS ID, RePEc EconPapers ID, Encyclopedia of Ostrava History person ID, LFChistory.net player ID, Pandektis ID, Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot ID, Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia ID, Catalogue of the Capitular Library of Verona author ID, AaRC film ID, GB1900 ID, Stadtlexikon Karlsruhe ID, Encyclopaedia Herder concept ID, Cyprus Bibliography ID, EncyclopediaPR ID, Filmitalia person ID, TikTok music ID, Eesti entsüklopeedia ID, Encyclopédie du patrimoine culturel de l'Amérique française ID, AIATSIS Place Thesaurus ID, AIATSIS Subject Thesaurus ID, Astro Awani topic ID, TapTap application ID, Encyclopedia of Plzeň person ID, OsobnostiRegionu.cz ID, Terezín Memorial Database ID, National Gallery of Art Library Bibliographic ID, svoyak.info player ID, Encyclopedia of Melbourne ID, Max Movie person ID, EudraCT trial ID, Fancyclopedia 3 ID, operator licence number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Cantonese romanisation, repairability, Gedong Kirtya classification, Valence, has graphical element, Antarctic Specially Protected Area ID, CBO Occupation Code (en) / Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações (CBO) (pt), Reason for unknown/no value, generalization of/generalized by, acronym, Sales of arms and military services, formé en même temps que, Suggested fields
- External identifiers: AWB lemma ID, MWB lemma ID, MHDBDB lemma ID, Woerterbuchnetz.de IDs for Middle High German, Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire ID, Woerterbuchnetz.de IDs for modern German, Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet ID, SVKKL authority ID, Demozoo Group ID, GameSpot developer ID, Washington Place Names ID, PatER ID, Latin Place Names ID, Enslaved ID, Ávvir topic ID, Salaborsa building ID, storiaememoriadibologna ID, UniversalMusic France artist ID, Oxford African American Studies Center ID, La Fenice Theatre in Venice person ID, MeSH descriptor/qualifier ID, Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendajú researcher ID, Fortalezas.org ID, Keratsini-Drapetsona libraries' catalogue authority ID, France24 topic ID, CNA topic ID, Portrait Archive ID, athletics.lv athlete id, temples.ru ID
- Query examples:
- Latin American women who are activists and were born between 1900-1999 (ordered by the number of articles written on Wikipedia) (Source)
- Transportation routes in Zurich named after women (Source)
- Location of buildings designed by Zaha Hadid (Source)
- Proportion of Basque men / women in Donostialdea region (Source)
- Count of the industry companies on Wikidata belong to (Source)
- Danish verbs-derived-from-non-verbs (Source)
- Mountains of the Basque Country (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continued working on the Query Builder and focused on querying for quantity values (phab:T268942), handling special cases around sub classes for taxons and locations (phab:T274634) adding tooltips (phab:T275542) and sharing a visual query (phab:T272887)
- Making changes to how Cognate handles redirects on Wiktionary to make more pages accessible through interwiki links (phab:T165061)
- Creating a dashboard to break down the number of editors by namespace (phab:T275999)
- Finishing support for editing statements on Senses on Lexemes via wbeditentity API module (phab:T199896)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
أحدث الأخبار التقنية من مجتمع ويكيميديا التقني. يرجى إعلام المستخدمين الآخرين بهذه التغييرات. لن تؤثر كافة التغييرات عليك. الترجمات متاحة كذلك.
أحدث التغييرات
- يمكن الآن لمواقع الويكي المشاركة في مشروع تحسينات سطح المكتب استخدام وظيفة بحث جديدة. سوف تضاف كلا من تحسينات سطح المكتب والبحث الجديد إلى مواقع ويكي أخرى في وقت لاحق. يمكنك أيضًا اختبار هذه مبكرًا.
يجب على المحررين الذين يضيفون بانرات أو يغيرون كود جافا سكريبت الموقع ذاته استخدام الرسم البياني لأخطاء العميل كي يتأكدوا أن تغييراتهم لم تتسبب في حدوث مشاكل. يمكنك قراءة المزيد. [10]
- بسبب مشاكل في قاعدة البيانات كان عنقود ويكيميديا التجريبي للقراءة فقط لأكثر من يوم واحد.
تغييرات لاحقة في هذا الأسبوع
سوف يستخدم الإصدار الجديد من ميدياويكي على مواقع ويكي الاختبار وعلى موقع MediaWiki.org بدءا من تاريخ 16 مارس. وسوف يستخدم على مواقع الويكي المختلفة عن ويكيبيديا وبعض مواقع ويكيبيديا من تاريخ 17 مارس. بعد ذلك سوف يستخدم على كافة مواقع الويكي من تاريخ 18 مارس. (الروزنامة).
تغييرات مستقبلية
- يمكنك إضافة محرف سطر جديد أو إرجاع الخرطوشة إلى توقيع مخصص لو كنت تستخدم قالب. يوجد اقتراح بعدم السماح بها في المستقبل. هذا الأمر سببه أنها ربما تسبب مشاكل في التنسيق. [11][12]
- سوف يمكن قراءة 12 موقع ويكي دون تعديل لفترة قصيرة يوم 23 مارس الساعة 06:00 (ت ع م). قد يستغرق هذا الأمر 30 دقيقة إلا أنه من المرجح أن يستغرق أقل من ذلك.
يمكنك استخدام Quarry في أغراض استعلامات إس كيو إل في Wiki Replicas. لن تعمل
بين قواعد البيانات بدءًا من 23 مارس/آذار. سوف توجد خانة جديدة لتحديد قاعدة البيانات المطلوب الاتصال بها. لو كنت تظن أن هذا الأمر يؤثر عليك وأنك تحتاج للمساعدة، يمكنك طلب ذلك على فبريكاتور أو على ويكي تك. سوف تتأثر PAWS وسبل أخرى للاستعلام في إس كيو إل على Wiki Replicas في وقت لاحق. [13]
الأخبار التقنية إعداد محررو الأخبار التقنية وينشرها بوت • ساهم فيها • ترجمها • احصل على المساعدة • أخبرنا رأيك وملاحظاتك • اشترك فيها أو الغ اشتراكك.
23:20، 15 مارس 2021 (ت ع م)
Wikidata weekly summary #460
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Signed Statements (T138708)
- Events
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- March 22: Bug triage hour about Lexemes with Lydia Pintscher
- March 23: SPARQL querying for Lexemes with Vigneron
- March 24: Open discussion in French about Lexemes
- March 25: Documentation Q&A with Dan Shick
- March 27: Lingua Libre, how you can record words in your language and use them on Wikidata, with Poslovitch
- Upcoming: The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 25 March 2021 (Add to calendar). This month we will have a team member from Enslaved.org talk to us briefly about how they are using Linked Open Data (LOD) with the help of Wikibase (due of technical challenges they couldn't join us last time). Everyone is welcome to attend the call.
- Upcoming: The Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference is taking place remotely on June 24-25, and focusing on indigenous and underrepresented languages on the Wikimedia projects. The call for submissions is now open until April 15th, if you want to present something related to Wikidata and languages, feel free to apply.
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Members of the EthicsLD Group will be leading a discussion on ethics in linked data, Tuesday, March 23rd.[14]
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #37 - YouTube, Facebook, March 27
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #55, March 28
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Intercessory Rote Prayer, Life Longevity and the Mortality of Roman Catholic Bishops: An Exploratory Study (Using Wikidata to study whether prayers have an effect)
- Videos
- Papers
- Tool of the week
- Sparql_rc is a recent changes feed that only shows you changes in an area of Wikidata you care about. It now also supports Lexemes.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Portuguese nouns
- erinnerungshort.de/kap/ is a data and photo research project and map visualization tool with federated license query from Structured Commons, by Raymond and Elya.
- ~7500 person items have been enriched with the new property GEPRIS person ID (P4872), imported from a high quality dataset from the Q707283.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: pHash checksum, Jyutping transliteration, Yale romanization, Cantonese Pinyin, Cantonese Transliteration Scheme transliteration, Gedong Kirtya Classification, has graphical element
- External identifiers: TaDiRAH ID, AWB lemma ID, Latin Place Names ID, Enslaved person ID, MyMusic artist ID, Ávvir topic ID, Dark Horse creator ID, ComiXology publisher ID, Inforegister ID, SVKKL authority ID, BiographySampo person ID, PatER ID, Cartigli di Bologna ID, Universal Music France artist ID, Svoya Igra television player ID, Washington Place Names ID, Storiaememoriadibologna ID, Oxford African American Studies Center ID, LFH staff ID, Cephalopod Ontology entity ID, Archives West finding aid ID, Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet ID, Keratsini-Drapetsona libraries' catalogue authority ID, NFL.com ID (new scheme), Bavarian Monument Map object ID (architectural monument), MeSH descriptor/qualifier ID, MeSH qualifier ID, Bavarian Monument Map Object-ID (ground monument), temples.ru ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: zugeschrieben, IMDb rating, death rate, trade union membership rate, identifier shared with lexeme, introduced on, instances are former instances of, presentation template, voted on by, has supplier, キロ程
- External identifiers: Slovník českých filosofů ID, Encyklopedie migrace ID, Encyclopedia of Migration ID, Tacoma Local History & Biography Index ID, Tacoma-Pierce County Buildings Index ID, Tacoma-Pierce County Obituary Index ID, Rombase ID, Stalker author ID, ODLIS ID, Enslaved place ID, CAOI person ID, IBSF-Wettbewerbs-ID, FranceArchives agent ID, Pango lineage code, Ministry of Education New Zealand school ID, Place Names NI ID, NMRShiftDB Structure ID, Modernist Commons ID, Megale Kypriake Enkyklopaideia ID, Encyclopédie de l’humanisme méditerranéen ID, Sociologické encyklopedie ID, Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus ID, Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ID, Routes & Places ID, Rekhta Author ID, Rekhta Book ID, National Database of Laws and Regulations ID, Humanitāro zinātņu virtuālā enciklopēdija person ID, Humanitāro zinātņu virtuālā enciklopēdija concept ID
- Query examples:
- Railway junctions in Scotland (Source)
- Maps of Y-shaped subway lines (Source)
- Map of the hometown of Real Sociedad / Athletic Club players (Source)
- Count of type of things with IIIF links known to Wikidata (Source)
- Successful candidates during 2016 Kerala Legislative Assembly in each constituencies (Source)
- COVID-19 external Identifier URLs in Wikidata (Source)
- Public spaces whose names are of women (Source)
- Place of birth of females with biography articles on Basque Wikipedia (Source)
- Map of places in iNaturalist (Source)
- Number of elements of scientists by nationality (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Work on the first version of the Query Builder is nearing its end. Doing remaining work on querying for quantities, dates and ranges as well as polishing and bug fixing.
- Made Cognate work correctly for redirects on Wiktionary (phab:T165061)
- Fixed an issue where the termbox on Item pages used the wrong list of languages on the mobile version (phab:T275611)
- Cleaned up deleted Items from the term store database table (phab:T263730)
- Got feedback on the initial click-dummies for checking Wikidata's data against other databases to find mismatches
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #461
- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Minorax, welcome onboard!
- Events
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- March 30: Live SPARQL queries about Lexemes in French by Vigneron
- March 30: Abstract Wikipedia & Lexemes Q&A with Denny Vrandečić
- April 1: Documentation Q&A with Dan Shick
- April 5-11: Climate Lexeme Week
- April 5: Abstract Wikipedia & Lexemes Q&A with Denny Vrandečić
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #38 - YouTube, Facebook, April 3
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #56, April 4
- Upcoming: WikiCommons metadata analysis tool is intended to be developed at the online hackathon at hack.glam.opendata.ch, 16-17 April 2021
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Videos
- Live Wikidata editing #37 - YouTube, Facebook
- Live SPARQL queries on Lexemes by Vigneron (in English): on Youtube
- Tool of the week
- d:User:Nikki/LexemeEntitySuggester.js userscript is a proper entity suggester that gives a fixed set of properties for various languages.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Sitelinks links for two new Wikipedias can be entered: Atayal Wikipedia (Q105723660) and Seediq Wikipedia (Q105975521)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: does not have cause, external georeferencing URL
- External identifiers: Discord server numeric ID, France24 topic ID (French), France24 topic ID (English), France24 topic ID (Spanish), France24 topic ID (Arabic), PeriodO period ID, MHDBDB lemma ID, Portrait Archive ID, Porcelana Brasil ID, Slovník českých filosofů ID, Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology ID, Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America ID, MWB lemma ID, Encyclopedia of Migration ID, Ministry of Education New Zealand school ID, Encyklopedie migrace ID, Tacoma-Pierce County Obituary Index ID, Encyclopedia of Mediterranean Humanism ID, Modernist Commons ID, Rombase ID (English), Filmitalia film ID, CNA topic ID, Fortalezas.org ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Ottoman Association ID, url text, audio transcription 2, OFDb person ID, won sets, Number of stitches
- External identifiers: Biblio.com ID, Czech Encyclopedia of Theater identifiers (Czech and German), Identifiant des Collections du Louvre, Verified Handles VHID, Michigan State University Library Record Number, Washington Flora Checklist ID, Washington Flora Checklist species ID, Washington Rare Plant Field Guide ID, KATOTTH identifier, Viasona ID, Musikasten ID, Discover the networks, GCD publisher ID, Image Comics creator ID, BLPL ID, MnM ID, Arca author ID, Editorial Freelancers Association member ID, IFCVPF ID, American University of Beirut's Libraries Title ID, Dicionário Histórico-Biográfico Brasileiro ID, Burke Herbarium Image Collection ID, USCG MIC ID, Berlin Bezirkslexika identifiers, Burke Herbarium Image Collection contributor ID, Brapci author ID, ÖCV Biolex ID, OregonFlora taxon ID, Oregon Flora Image Project ID
- Deleted properties:
- Query examples:
- Donald P. Bellisario credits as screenwriter or director
- Interwiki table from P6720, with end date for prefixes that are no longer in use (source)
- Index map of Ordnance Survey Old Series preparatory drawings, with georeferencer links (source)
- Listed buildings in Wales that would be lost if the sea level rose by 70 metres (source)
- Music releases with incomplete track lists, showing diff count (Source)
- Date and place of birth of female musicians in Nigeria (Source)
- Scholarly articles on multilingualism and bilingualism (Source)
- Things in Czechia which changed coordinate location at some point (Source)
- Images about women programmers (Source)
- UK railway stations connected from Topsham railway station (Source)
- Most awarded person affiliated with the Technical University of Denmark (Source)
- Newest database reports: current TV seasons
- Newest properties:
- Development
- The dev team spent the last week prototyping a few things to learn if some things would be feasible/a good idea. Among other things we tried building a small tool to connect Senses to Items, looked into the different types of ontology issues that can be found on Wikidata and checked what using a document store for data storage would look like.
- Note: from March 29th until April 12th, Mohammed Sadat (WMDE) is not available to answer messages. If you have any requests for the development team, please ask on Contact the development team. For any emergency, you can contact Lea Lacroix (WMDE). Because of Easter holidays in Germany, the upcoming newsletter will be issued one day later, on April 6th.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!