وحدة:حزب سياسي/M
تحديث الوحدة
[عدل]تُقسَّم الأحزاب السياسية الواردة في هذه الوحدة إلى قوائم مرتبة أبجديًا بناءً على الحرف الأول من الاسم (على سبيل المثال، سيكون "حزب العمال (المملكة المتحدة)" {Labour Party (UK)} في /L). الصفحة الفرعية /1 مخصصة لأي حزب لا يبدأ بالأحرف الغربية A-Z (بما في ذلك الأرقام والأحرف المعلمة)
يوجد داخل كل وحدة بيانات فرعية مجموعتان محليتان: local alternate
و local full
. المجموعة البديلة هي لأسماء بديلة للحزب. فيما يلي مثال على الأسماء البديلة لحزب العمال (المملكة المتحدة) {Labour Party (UK)}:
local alternate = {
["Labour and Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
["Labour Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
الإدخال الأول بين قوسين مربعين هو الاسم البديل، والإدخال الثاني فقط بين علامتي الاقتباس هو الاسم الموجود في المجموعة الكاملة full
، كما هو موضح أدناه. لاحظ أنه يجب تخزين الاسم البديل للحزب في الصفحة الفرعية المقابلة التي تعتمد على الحروف؛ أُدرج "حزب ألاباما الديمقراطي" {Alabama Democratic Party} في /A على الرغم من أنه اسم بديل لـ "الحزب الديمقراطي (الولايات المتحدة)" {Democratic Party (US)} (المخزن في /D).
local full = {
["Labour Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "Lab", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Labour",},
قيم الجدول
[عدل]هناك ثلاث قيم مخزنة لكل حزب:
- الاختصار (
). - لون الحزب (
)، والذي يمكن أن يكون إما هيكس ثلاثي أو اسم لون أساسي. - اسم أقصر للحزب (
إذا لم يتم تخزين قيمة اسم لحزب ما، ستحاول الوحدة إرجاع متغير الاسم "القصير" الآخر قبل إعادة الإدخال. وبالتالي إذا تم تخزين الاختصار (abbrev
) ولكن لم يتم تخزين الاسم القصير (shortname
) فبغض النظر عن القيمة المطلوبة فإنه سيعيد قيمة الاختصار (abbrev
[عدل]اسم الحزب | اللون | اختصار | اسم بديل | اسم مختصر | هل اللون صالح؟ | التباين في النص العادي | تبيان غير مناسب للوصلات | تباين مناسب للوصلات |
M10 (political party) | #232575 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
MAS Region | crimson | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
MELS Movement of Botswana | red | MELS | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
MERA25 | #F0391F | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
MFG Austria – People Freedom Fundamental Rights | #FF5824 | MFG | MFG – Austria People – Freedom – Fundamental Rights | AA | Failed | AA | ||
MGR Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam | maroon | MADMK | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
MGR Thonderkal Katchi | slategray | MGR Thonderkal | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
MIGATO | #1DA1F2 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
MORO–Labour Party | #FFD700 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
MOVER (political party) | #438b44 | MOVER | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
MPLA | #CE0921 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Macao Civic Power | #FF007F | Cívico | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Macau Union of Employers Interests | #EDC2FD | Macau Business Int Macau Business Interest Union | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Macau Union of Medical Professional Interests | #2CADC7 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Macau Union of Professional Interests | #FBCBC7 | Macau professional Interest Union | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Macau United Citizens Association | #DC143C | ACUM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Macau-Guangdong Union | #ED6C10 | UGM | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Macedonian Alliance for European Integration | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Machrouu Tounes | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Madeleine Petrovic List | #51184E | LMP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Madem G15 | #01A35A | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Madheshi Jana Adhikar Forum, Nepal | orangered | MJF-N | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Madheshi Jana Adhikar Forum, Nepal (Loktantrik) | darkorange | MJFN (D) | MJFN (Loktantrik) | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Madrid En Pie | #86073A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Madrilenian Independent Regional Party | #FA641B | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Maendeleo Chap Chap Party | #632F91 | MCC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Maendeleo Democratic Party | #03F601 | MDP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Magdalo Party-List | #DC143C | Magdalo para sa Pilipino | Magdalo | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Maghrebi Republican Party | #2B5D29 | Maghrebin Liberal Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan | #367A00 | TMÃ G | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Magyar Party (Romania) | #2e502d | PM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Maha Vikas Aghadi | #1C89B7 | MVA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mahachon Party | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mahagathbandhan (Bihar) | #1E6914 | MGB | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mahagathbandhan (Jharkhand) | #1E6914 | MGB | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mahagujarat Janta Party | #FFFFF5 | MJP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Mahajana Eksath Peramuna | #FF0000 | MEP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mahajana Eksath Peramuna (1956) | #0000FF | MEP | Mahajana Eksath Peramuna | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Mahajana Socialist Party | blue | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mahajot (Assam) | #52FFCC | UOF | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Mahan Dal | #330066 | MD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti | #FF9933 | MES | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Maharashtra Navnirman Sena | #5F2301 | MNS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Maharashtra Parivartan Sena (T) | #FF9933 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Maharashtra Rajiv Congress | #9966CC | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Maharashtra Swabhiman Paksha | #FFA500 | MSHP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party | #AF7050 | MGP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Maharlika People's Party | #000040 | MPP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Majadahonda Centrists | #146F4C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Majd Movement | #00529F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Majdoor Kisan Union Party | #81BEF7 | MKUP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Majlis Bachao Tehreek | #9900CC | MBT | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen | #0B9A51 | MWM | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Majorcan Union | #333583 | UM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Majorera Assembly | #284BAF | AM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Majorero Progressive Party | #3C6C06 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Makabayan | #29176E | Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Makatizens United Party | #1F51FF | MKTZNU | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Make Politicians History | #FFC0CB | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Maki (historical political party) | #FF524D | Maki | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Maki (political party) | #cb1a1d | Maki | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Makkal Needhi Maiam | #D60505 | MNM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Makkal Sevai Katchi | #006060 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Makkal Tamil Desam Katchi | #006060 | MTD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malagasy Revolutionary Party | #BB0102 | AREMA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malagasy Tia Tanindrazana | #00A650 | MA.TI.TA. | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Malawi Congress Party | #FF0000 | MCP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Malayan Chinese Association | #EFCC00 | MCA | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Malayan Party | black | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Malayan Peoples' Socialist Front | #C00000 | Socialist Front | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malayang Kilusan ng Mamamayang Zambaleño | #3344FF | MAKIMAZA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party | orange | MMSP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Malaysia National Alliance Party | #CD2122 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Malaysian Chinese Association | #102a7e | MCA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malaysian Democratic Party | #0000FF | MDP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malaysian Indian Congress | #00A988 | MIC | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Malaysian Indian Muslim Congress | #FFCC00 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Malaysian Indian United Party | #FFFF00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Malaysian Islamic Party | #009000 | PAS | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Malaysian Nationalist Party | Darkblue | NASMA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malaysian Social Justice Party | #C00000 | PEKEMAS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malaysian United Democratic Alliance | #000000 | MUDA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malaysian United Indigenous Party | #E62020 | BERSATU | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Malaysian United Party | #F617D4 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Malaysian United People's Party | #F2D8D8 | MUPP | Malaysia United People's Party | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Maldives Development Alliance | #DB5702 | MDA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Maldives National Party | #1034a6 | MNP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Maldivian Democratic Party | #ffcc33 | MDP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Maldon District Independent Group | #985FF0 | MDIG | Maldon Independents | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Maldon and District Independent Democratic Alliance | MediumOrchid | MDIDA | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mali Kanu Party | #42C64C | PMK | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Malian Union for the African Democratic Rally | #000000 | UM-RDA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Malta Workers Party | #B87333 | Workers | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Maltese Political Union | #00AD06 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Malvern Hills Independents | pink | MH Independents | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Mana Motuhake | #C32148 | Mana Motuhake (political party) | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mana Movement | #770808 | Mana Party (New Zealand) | Mana | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Mana Māori Movement | #964B00 | Mana Māori | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mana Party | #7C0808 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mana Wahine Te Ira Tangata | #964B00 | Mana Wahine | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Manav Kalyan Sangh Dal | #333300 | MKSD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Manav Samaj Party | #F2F2F2 | MSP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Manchegan Regionalist Party | #DC143C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Manipur Hills Union | #400080 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Manipur Peoples Party | #99CC99 | MPP | Manipur People's Party | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Manipur State Congress Party | #99CC99 | MSCP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Manithaneya Makkal Katchi | lime | MNMK | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Manko Taxawu Sénégal | #FF8040 | MTS | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Mansfield Independent Forum | #DDDDDD | MIF | Mansfield Independent | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Mansfield Independents | #000000 | Mansfield Ind. | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mantra Bhakta Party | #FAAC58 | MBP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Manx Labour Party | #DC241f | Manx Labour | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mapai | #AD0101 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mapam | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Marada Movement | #02CB00 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Maraland Democratic Front | #FF8822 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
March 14 Alliance | #d61a21 | M14th | M14th | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
March 26 Movement | #E34234 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
March 8 Alliance | #FF6000 | 44263 | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Marcus Garvey People's Political Party | black | MGPPP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Marea Atlántica | #009FE3 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Marea Galeguista | #205C78 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Marea Pontevedra | #0085BE | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Marea de Ferrol | #4EA602 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Marea de Vigo | #C53374 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Marea Ártabra | #009AA5 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Marek Hilšer to Senate | #87CEFA | MHS | Marek Hilšer | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Marematlou Freedom Party | #1bb5a4 | MFP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Marijuana Party | #50C878 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Marijuana Party (US) | #50C878 | Marijuana Party (United States) | Marijuana | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||
Marijuana Reform Party | #50C878 | Marijuana Reform | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Martinican Communist Party | #DD0000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Martinican Democratic Rally | #FFD1DC | RDM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Martinican Independence Movement | #d53736 | MIM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Martinican Progressive Party | #ef4836 | PPM | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Martinican Regionalist Party | #FFCC33 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Martists | #5BAF50 | Martist | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam | #FC0000 | MDMK | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Marxist Co-Ordination | #B22222 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Marxist Co-ordination Committee | #c24e4e | MCC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Marxist Communist Party of India (S.S. Srivastava) | #990099 | MCPI(S) | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Marxist Communist Party of India (United) | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Marxist Forward Bloc | red | MFB | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Marxist Party of Armenia | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Greece | #D71920 | M-L KKE | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela | Red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Marxist–Leninist Party of Austria | red | MLPÖ | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Marxist–Leninist Party of Germany | #DF221D | MLPD | Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Marxist–Leninist Popular Action Movement | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mass Party | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Massachusetts Republican Party | #ff3300 | Republican | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Masyumi Party | #000000 | Masyumi | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Matubhum Party | #0000FF | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Maubere People's Liberation Movement | #66CBFF | MLPM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Mauri Pacific | #003153 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Maurin Kiribati Party | #48D1CC | MKP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Maurist Party | #0063B6 | Maurist Conservatives | Maurist | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Maurists–Ciervists | #1959AA | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mauritanian Hope Party | #B4070D | PEM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mauritanian Party for Reform and Equality | #2CABE0 | HAMAM | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Mauritanian Party for Renewal | #6DC2F9 | PMR | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Mauritanian Party of Union and Change | #4BB9F2 | HATEM | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Mauritanian People's Party | #006233 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mauritanian Regroupment Party | #009F6B | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Mauritian Militant Movement | #800080 | MMM | Mouvement Militant Mauricien | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Mauritian Militant Socialist Movement | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mauritian Party of Xavier-Luc Duval | #0000CD | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mauritian Solidarity Front | green | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn | yellow | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Mawbima Janatha Pakshaya | #072E6E | MJP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mayor 4 Stoke | #DDDDDD | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Mayors and Independents | #CD0F69 | STAN | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mayors for the Liberec Region | #804e96 | SLK | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mazdoor Kisan Party | #FF0000 | MKP | Mazdoor Kisan | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Mazingira Green Party of Kenya | #009926 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
McGillicuddy Serious Party | #FFC0CB | McGillicuddy Serious | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
MeRA25 | #EF3F24 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mebyon Kernow | #d5c229 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Medrek | #503335 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Meeting Point | #04770a | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (2018) | #006081 | MDA | Meghalaya Democratic Alliance | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Meimad | #3BABA3 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Mejor Vargas Lleras | #2E3191 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mekenchil | #1F4B99 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mekenim Kyrgyzstan | #FFCF06 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Melanesian Alliance Party | #C78919 | MAP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Melanesian Liberal Party | #326D93 | MLP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Melanesian Progressive Party | #DE3938 | MPP | Melanesian Progressive | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Melanesian Progressive Union | #CC3300 | UPM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Melillan People's Union | #0A1555 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Memel Agricultural Party | lightgreen | MLP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Menorcan Independent Candidacy | #B0B0B0 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Menorcan Party | #00D1D1 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Menorcan Union | #10308D | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mensch Im Mittelpunkt | #9B2A58 | MIM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Menshevik | #ED1B34 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Merab Kostava Society | #751133 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mercian Nationalist Party | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Meretz | #40AE49 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Meretz (2022) | #23E164 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Meri (political party) | #FF3A3A | Meri | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Merindades of Castile Initiative | #335DA3 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Merit and Society Movement | #00B4C8 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Merton Park Ward Residents Association | #9f0fc8 | Merton Park Residents | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Metapolitical Unitary Movement | #FC0FC0 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Mexborough First | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mexican Communist Party | Red | PCM | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mexican Democratic Party | #CC0000 | PDM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mexican Democratic Party (1946) | #CC0000 | PDM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mexican Liberal Party | #CE1126 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mexican Liberal Party (2003) | #d48a49 | PLM | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Mexican Socialist Party | #F50800 | PMS | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mi Pais (political party) | #00A5DD | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Middle Class Party | #FFFF66 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Middle Class Party (Belgium) | #0000A0 | Middle Class | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Middle Class Union | #70147A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Middle European Class | #2E239D | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Middleton Independents Party | #ffcc00 | Middleton Ind. | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Middlewich First | #FFFFFF | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Mideeye | #012ffd | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Midroad-Populist Party | #CCFFCC | Midroad-Populist | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Mighty Fatherland | black | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mijas Neighborhood Movement | #5AD181 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Militant (Trotskyist group) | #ED1941 | Militant Labour | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Militant Elvis Anti-Tesco Popular Front | #FF00FF | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Militant Labour | #ED1941 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Militant Left (Ireland) | #DC241F | Militant Left | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Militant Socialist Movement | #FF8C00 | MSM | Mouvement Socialiste Militant | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Military (Brazil) | #808000 | Military | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Military (Italy) | #C3B091 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Military (Japan) | #808080 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Military of Guinea-Bissau | #C3B091 | FARP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Military of São Tomé and Príncipe | #C3B091 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Military rule | #C3B091 | Military Rule Military | Military | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||
Millat Party | red | MP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Millennium Democratic Party | #00AA7B | Millennium Democratic | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Mindanao Alliance | #008000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mindoro Bago Sarili | #F09042 | MBS | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Mineiro Republican Party | #ED1C24 | PRM | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Ministerialist | darkblue | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Minjoo Party (2014) | #FFCA08 | Minjoo | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Minjung Party | #f26522 | Minjung | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Minkuotang | #FCC800 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party | #0055AA | Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party | Democratic (DFL) | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Minnesota Farmer–Labor Party | #66FF99 | Farmer–Labor | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Minnesota Open Progressive Party | #CCFF33 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Minnesota Pirate Party | #572b85 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Minor Sea Independent Party | #808040 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Minorities' Party | #000000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Minority Front | #EC1D25 | MF | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Minority Party (Denmark) | #FF0800 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Minsaeng Party | #00A85F | Minsaeng | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Mintō (liberal parties) | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mirae Party | #2E3192 | Mirae | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Miscellaneous | #CECECE | DIV | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Miscellaneous centre | #fcdaa8 | DVC | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Miscellaneous ecologist | #8FBC8F | DVE | Miscellaneous Green | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||
Miscellaneous far left | #BB0000 | EXG | Miscellaneous Far-Left Miscellaneous far-left | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Miscellaneous far right | #404040 | EXD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Miscellaneous left | #FFC0C0 | DVG | Miscellaneous Left | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Miscellaneous right | #ADC1FD | DVD | Movement for the Development of Mayotte Miscellaneous Right | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Mission Party | #17C307 | Mission | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Mississippi Democratic Party | #3333FF | Democratic | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party | #3333FF | Mississippi Freedom Democratic | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mississippi Republican Party | #E81B23 | Republican | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mixed Group | #C0C0C0 | GM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Mizo National Front | #2E5694 | MNF | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mizo Union | #FFFF00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Mizoram People's Conference | #FD7793 | MPC | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Mizrachi (political party) | #37658C | Mizrachi | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mișcarea Politică Unirea | #8CD7F6 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Moderate (London) | #0087DC | Moderate | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Moderate Coalition for Åland | #0095DA | Moderate Coalition | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Moderate Liberal Party | #BAE666 | Moderate Liberal | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Moderate Opposition | #b070ad | Moderate | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Moderate Party | #019CDB | M | Moderate | AA | Failed | AA | ||
Moderate Party (Brazil) | #E9FFDB | Moderate | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Moderate Party (Illinois) | #66023C | Moderate | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Moderate Party (Italy) | #1E87B2 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Moderate Party (Spain) | #1060AF | Moderate | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Moderate Party of Rhode Island | #9CCECF | Moderate Party (Rhode Island) | Moderate | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Moderate Republicans (France, 1848–1870) | #FF7F50 | Republican | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Moderate Venstre (Denmark) | #3333A2 | Moderate Venstre | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Moderates (Denmark) | #B48CD2 | Moderates | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Moderates (Italy) | #008ECE | Moderates | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Moderates (Scotland) | #5555FF | Moderates | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Moderates of Åland | #72cced | Moderates | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Moderation and Development Party | #B666D2 | MDP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Modern (political party) | #005CA9 | .N | Modern | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Modern Centre Party | #000099 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Modern Christian-Democratic Union | #FF9E23 | MKD | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Modern Egypt Party | #EB264D | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Modern Hungary Movement | #007DC0 | MoMa | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Modern Left | #A83578 | LGM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Modern Musavat Party | #eee8aa | Modern Musavat | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Modern People's Party | #FFFFFF | MPP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Modern Revolutionary Party | #005BAA | PRM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Modern Whig Party | #FF7F00 | Modern Whig | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Modrí, Most – Híd | #002E74 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Moked | #DC241F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Moledet | #000080 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Momentum (organisation) | #CC0000 | Labour (Momentum) | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Momentum Movement | #8E6FCE | Momentum | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mon National Party | #ED2124 | MNP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mon Unity Party | #C13830 | MUP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Monarchiens | #1C39BB | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Monarchist Action League | #266F91 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Monarchist Cause | #014A94 | CM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Monarchist Coalition (Spain) | #003E70 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Monarchist Democratic Party | #4FA937 | Democratic | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Monarchist National Party | #4B61D1 | PNM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Monarchy of Cambodia | #FFDF00 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Monegasque National Union | #D21116 | UNM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Monetary Reform Party | #777777 | MRP | Monetary Reform | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Money Reform Party | #997A8D | Money Reform | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mongol National Organisation | #008080 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mongolian Democratic Party (1990) | #074da9 | Democratic | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mongolian Green Party | green | Green | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mongolian National Progress Party | #006994 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mongolian People's Party | #ED1B34 | MPP | Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (old) Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (2010) | #FE001A | MPRP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Mongolian Republican Party | #800080 | Republican | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mongolian Social Democratic Party | #1C5CAC | MSDP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mongolian Traditional United Party | #085CB6 | Mongolian Traditionally United Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Monise Laafai | #DDDDDD | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Monitor Action Group | blue | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Monster Raving Loony William Hill Party | hotpink | Monster Raving Loony | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Montenegrin Federalist Party | darkgreen | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Montenegrin Party | #E31E25 | CP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Montserrat Labour Party | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Moovendar Munnetra Kazhagam | Pink | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Moral Vanguard of the Fatherland | yellow | VMP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Morality, Initiative and Patriotism | #009168 | MIP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Morality, Unity, Honour | #1A2C44 | MECh | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Moravané | #FFE101 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Moravian Democratic Party | #00ffff | MDS | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Moravian Land Movement | #FFDF10 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
More Direct Democracy | #2272B4 | MDD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
More Europe | gold | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
More Galicia | #0191C6 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
More Police Officers for Thames Valley | #003399 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
More Than One Citizen Platform of Guadalajara | #99CF16 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
More for Telde | #08669A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Morecambe Bay Independents | #000000 | MBI | MB Independent | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Morena (political party) | #C0311A | Morena | MORENA | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Morley Borough Independents | #006600 | Morley Borough Independent | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Moroccan Communist Party | red | Communist | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Moroccan Greens Party | #428D31 | PVM | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Moroccan Liberal Party | #C58E34 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Moroccan Union for Democracy | #CD1237 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Moroccan Workers' Union | #0160B2 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mostolenian Socialism | #962016 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Most–Híd | #F58120 | Most-Híd | Most–Híd | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Mother Earth Movement | #FF8C00 | MPE | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Motherland Defenders Party | #E30B5C | PZV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Motherland Party (Azerbaijan) | #022F56 | Motherland | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Motherland Party (Mongolia) | yellow | Motherland | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Motherland Party (Turkey) | #FFD300 | ANAP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Motorists for Themselves | #007FC7 | AUTO | Motorists | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Motril Dice | #21A199 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Mountain Party | #004b24 | Mountain | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mouvement Action Socialiste | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mouvement Authentique Mauricien | #FFFFFF | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Mouvement Franciste | darkblue | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mouvement Libérateur | #FFFFFF | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Mouvement Mauricien Sociale Démocrate | #00BFFF | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Mouvement National Congolais | #0047AB | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mouvement des Citoyens pour le Changement | #0897A7 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Move Forward Party | #FF7F2A | Move Forward | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movem Reus | #71B223 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Movement 21 | #824D99 | D21 | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement 21 (Bonaire) | #FF808B | M21 | Movementu 21 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Movement 88 | #AA0088 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement Against Illegal Immigration | #A2070F | DPNI | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement For! | #FFF200 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Movement Now | #ae2375 | Liik | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement Party (France) | #FB607F | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Movement We Are Venezuela | #621E7B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for Autonomous Democracy–Party for Moravia and Silesia | #FF9999 | HSD–SMS | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Movement for Autonomy | #00CCCC | Movement for Autonomies | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Movement for Benalmádena | #18A6B1 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Movement for Change (Greece) | #179045 | KINAL | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Change and Prosperity | #FFFF01 | MCAP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Movement for Changes | #0D70B1 | PzP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Constitutional Freedoms | #FFFF00 | MLS | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Movement for Democracy (Cape Verde) | #01C700 | MpD | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for Democracy (Slovakia) | #79B6D7 | HZD | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Movement for Democracy and Development (Central African Republic) | #191970 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for Democracy and Growth | #003F1D | MDG | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Democracy and Progress (Comoros) | MDP | |||||||
Movement for Democracy and Progress (Niger) | green | MDP-Alkawali | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction | #71A1D1 | MDR | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for Democratic Change | #DC241f | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for Democratic Change (1999–2005) | #DC241f | MDC | Movement for Democratic Change (pre-2005) | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Movement for Democratic Change (prior to 2005) | #DC241f | MDC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Democratic Change Alliance | #ed1c24 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for Democratic Change – Mutambara | #FF7F00 | MDC-M | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for Democratic Change – Ncube | #1EDD1E | MDC–N | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai | #DC241f | MDC–T | Movement for Democratic Change - Tsvangirai Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Movement for Democratic Renewal and Development | #333399 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for Dignity and Citizenship | #2D2D2D | MDyC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Dignity and Independence | #FFEF00 | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Movement for Direct Democracy | #822C21 | MCC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Economic Change | #1F4398 | MEC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Economic Empowerment | #fa4600 | MOVEE | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for European Reform | #30455e | MER | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for France | #7A6CEA | MPF | Majorité pour l'autre Europe | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Movement for Grassroots Democracy | #FFFDD0 | MGD | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Movement for Humanist Socialism | #FFEA3F | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Movement for Mali | #1F5382 | MPM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Multi-Party Democracy | #0064FF | MMD | Movement for Multiparty Democracy | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Movement for National Development | #2D276C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for National Development (Trinidad and Tobago) | #2A60AA | MND | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for National Reform | #C1CC6F | MRN | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement for People's Unity–Republicans | #DA251C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for Piedmontese Regional Autonomy | #6578DC | MARP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Prague 11 | #FECC00 | HPP11 | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement for Progressive Change | #008000 | MPC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Reconstruction of Poland | #BD0934 | ROP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Refoundation | #64EF20 | MPR | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement for Reversal | #F7801D | PZP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for Rights and Freedoms | #0066B7 | DPS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Social Democracy | #164f46 | EDEK | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Social Justice | #27AAE1 | MSJ | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for Socialism (Bolivia) | #143A83 | MAS-IPSP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Socialism (Venezuela) | DarkOrange | MAS | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for Sovereignty | #1B63AB | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for Tolerance and Progress | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for Unification | black | LB | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for Venezuela | #6495ED | MPV | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for a Democratic Slovakia | #00CCFF | HZDS | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement for a Europe of Liberties and Democracy | #007A89 | MELD | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom | #26428B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for a Responsible, Sustainable and Entrepreneurial Venezuela | #64A704 | MOVERSE | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for an Equal Public Model | #2a4b98 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for the Defence of the Republic | #BEE4E5 | MDR | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement for the Future of Curaçao | #01A7FF | MFK | Movement for the Future | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Movement for the Independence of Sicily | #FFEB3B | MIS | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement for the Liberation of Peoples | #EC0408 | MLP | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe – Social Democratic Party | #00AD06 | MLSTP–PSD | Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe/Social Democratic Party | AA | Failed | AA | ||
Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People | #15A247 | MLPC | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement for the Liberation of the Congo | blue | MLC | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for the Progress of Madagascar | red | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for the Renewal of Social Zionism | #1C2969 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia | #4169E1 | POKS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa | black | MESAN | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement for the Unity of the Canarian People | #60B16B | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Movement in Support of the Army | #7C273A | DPA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of Action in Solidarity | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement of Centrist Republicans | #133366 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement of Democratic Action | #8fbc8f | PDA | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Movement of Democratic Integration | #FF9000 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Movement of Democratic Socialists | #E70C21 | Movement of Democratic Socialists (Greece) | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of Ecologists – Citizens' Cooperation | #0A9748 | KOSP | Movement of Ecologists — Citizens' Cooperation Movement of Ecologists - Citizens' Cooperation | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Movement of Free Citizens (Algeria) | MCL | |||||||
Movement of Free Citizens (Serbia) | #63C3D0 | PSG | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Movement of Growth Objectors | #BB0000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement of Independent Citizens of São Tomé and Príncipe | black | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement of Independents for the Harmonious Development of Municipalities and Cities | pink | HNHRM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement of Militant Muslims | #FFE4E1 | MMM | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Movement of National Solidarity | lightgreen | MSN | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Movement of National Understanding | #006b00 | MEN | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of New Forces | #0068ae | RNS | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of Patriotic Chadians for the Republic | #c25f6d | MTPR | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of Popular Participation | #E34234 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement of Progressives | #9C005E | MDP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of Socialist Democrats | SeaGreen | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movement of Socialist Left | Red | MES | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of Socialists | #E62020 | PS | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of Society for Peace | #21a34b | MSP | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Movement of Unity | #90BF43 | MU | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Movement of the Democratic People of Kurdistan | #FF1010 | MDPK | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movement of the First | #FD4F4A | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Movement to Defend the Pancasila | #FFA500 | GPPS | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Movemento pola Base | #1B9EE4 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Movementu Kousa Promé | #C24483 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Movementu Progresivo | #D4306B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mover Parla | #9BBB59 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Moviment Patrijotti Maltin | #FF4000 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Movimiento Construye | #000080 | Construye | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Movimiento Nacional | #708090 | National Movement | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Movimiento Unión Soberanista | #66CCCC | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana | #E0A230 | MVC | Citizens' Victory | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||
Movimiento al Socialismo (Argentina) | #FE3A3B | MAS | Movement for Socialism | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Mudiraj Rashtriya Samithi | #996666 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Muhajir Qaumi Movement (Haqiqi) | red | MQM-H | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Muintir na hÉireann | #8032CC | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mukt Bharat | #00FF33 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Municipal Assemblies of Fuerteventura | #0806AF | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Municipal Independent Platform of Villalbilla | #FBED06 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Municipal Reform Party | #0087DC | Municipal Reform | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Municipal Unity 9 | #FF5F00 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Municipalists for Change | #73969B | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Murba Party | #ffe5e5 | Murba | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Murcian Regionalist Party | #CE9A00 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Mureran Democratic Convergence | #033780 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Musavat | #3BB9FF | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Muslim Bosniak Organisation | green | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Muslim Brotherhood | #009900 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt | #009900 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Muslim Brotherhood of Syria | #009900 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Muslim Committee of Action | green | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Muslim League | #00CCCC | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Muslim League (Pakistan) | #006600 | ML | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Muslim League (Qayyum) | green | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Muslim League Kerala State Committee | green | MUL | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Muslim People's Party of Malaysia | HAMIM | |||||||
Muslim People's Republican Party | #A7E3A3 | MPRP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Muslim Union Party | #32CD32 | MUP | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Mustaqbal (political party) | #32cd33 | Mustaqbal | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Mustaqbil Pakistan | blue | MP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Mutahida Deeni Mahaz | #FFFFFF | MDM | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal | #004000 | MMA | MMA | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Muttahida Qabail Party | #40E0D0 | MQP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Muttahida Qaumi Movement | #C80000 | MQM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Muttahida Qaumi Movement – London | #C80000 | MQM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Muttahida Qaumi Movement – Pakistan | #be1212 | MQM-P | Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan Muttahida Qaumi Movement–Pakistan | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Muttahidoon | #0D4E76 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Muungano Party | #254306 | MP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
My Family | #00ec03 | MF | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
My Homeland Kyrgyzstan | Mekenim Kyrgyzstan | |||||||
My Step Alliance | #ED1A24 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
My Vote Counts! | #CD5C5C | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Myanmar Farmers Development Party | #F01A26 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Myanmar National Congress | #ED1E24 | MNC | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Máis Galiza | #2F9A26 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Málaga Ahora | #3EA9A7 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Málaga for Yes | #0087BF | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Más Andalucía | #445A1A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Más Costa Tropical | #095B2D | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Más Eivissa | #D60014 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Más Granada | #9D3B23 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Más Madrid | #45BB89 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Más País | #0FDEC4 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Más Ponferrada | #B55B8B | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Más para Entre Ríos | #A31212 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Mérida Participa | #5D225A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Més Compromís | #DA5C31 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Més Esquerra | #DACE5D | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Més Gandia | #D6502B | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Més per Mallorca | #D8DE40 | Més | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Més per Menorca | #BCD500 | MpM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Més–Compromís | #FF6600 | AAA | Failed | AA |
-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]
local alternate = {
["Macau Business Int"] = "Macau Union of Employers Interests",
["Macau Business Interest Union"] = "Macau Union of Employers Interests",
["Macau professional Interest Union"] = "Macau Union of Professional Interests",
["Madeira First"] = "Coalition PSD/CDS",
["Madhya Pradesh Congress Committee"] = "Indian National Congress",
["Madrilenian Socialist Federation"] = "Spanish Socialist Workers' Party",
["Magdalo para sa Pilipino"] = "Magdalo Party-List",
["Maghrebin Liberal Party"] = "Maghrebi Republican Party",
["Majorité pour l'autre Europe"] = "Movement for France",
["Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan"] = "Makabayan",
["Makkal Manadu Katchi"] = "Tamizhaga Murpokku Makkal Katchi",
["Malaysia United People's Party"] = "Malaysian United People's Party",
["Malaysian Workers Party"] = "National Trust Party (Malaysia)",
["Mana Motuhake (political party)"] = "Mana Motuhake",
["Mana Party (New Zealand)"] = "Mana Movement",
["Manipur People's Party"] = "Manipur Peoples Party",
["Maori Party"] = "Te Pāti Māori",
["Māori Party"] = "Te Pāti Māori",
["Marek Hilšer"] = "Marek Hilšer to Senate",
["Marijuana Party (United States)"] = "Marijuana Party (US)",
["Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany"] = "Marxist–Leninist Party of Germany",
["Maryland Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Maryland Green Party"] = "Green Party (US)",
["Maryland Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["Massachusetts Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Maurist Conservatives"] = "Maurist Party",
["Meghalaya Democratic Alliance"] = "Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (2018)",
["MEMO"] = "Solution Movement",
["Menschliche Welt"] = "Human World (political party)",
["MFG – Austria People – Freedom – Fundamental Rights"] = "MFG Austria – People Freedom Fundamental Rights",
["Mouvement Militant Mauricien"] = "Mauritian Militant Movement",
["Mauritian Social Democrat Party"] = "Parti Mauricien Social-Démocrate",
["Mexican Laborist Party"] = "Laborist Party (Mexico)",
["Michigan Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Michigan Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["Milan Bandić 365 - The Party of Labour and Solidarity"] = "Bandić Milan 365 – Labour and Solidarity Party",
["Mouvement Socialiste Militant"] = "Militant Socialist Movement",
["Military Rule"] = "Military rule",
["Military"] = "Military rule",
["Minjoo Party of Korea"] = "Democratic Party (South Korea, 2015)",
["Minnesota Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party"] = "Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party",
["Minnesota Progressive Party"] = "Progressive Party (US)",
["Miscellaneous far-left"] = "Miscellaneous far left",
["Miscellaneous Far-Left"] = "Miscellaneous far left",
["Miscellaneous Green"] = "Miscellaneous ecologist",
["Miscellaneous Left"] = "Miscellaneous left",
["Miscellaneous Right"] = "Miscellaneous right",
["Miscellaneous sovereigntist"] = "Sovereigntist Right (French politics)",
["Missouri Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Missouri Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["MMA"] = "Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal",
["MN"] = "German Minority Electoral Committee",
["Mochrena"] = "Christian Movement for a New Haiti",
["Moderate (Estonia)"] = "Social Democratic Party (Estonia)",
["Moderate Party (Rhode Island)"] = "Moderate Party of Rhode Island",
["Moderate People's Party"] = "Social Democratic Party (Estonia)",
["Moderates (Estonia)"] = "Social Democratic Party (Estonia)",
["Modern"] = "Modern (political party)",
["Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (old)"] = "Mongolian People's Party",
["Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party"] = "Mongolian People's Party",
["Mongolian Traditionally United Party"] = "Mongolian Traditional United Party",
["Montana Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Montana Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["Montana Libertarian Party"] = "Libertarian Party (US)",
["Moramo (political coalition)"] = "We Must (Serbia)",
["Morena"] = "Morena (political party)",
["Morley Borough Independent"] = "Morley Borough Independents",
["Most-Híd"] = "Most–Híd",
["Motherland (Latvia)"] = "New Harmony (Latvia)",
["Motherland People's Party"] = "Sinhalaye Mahasammatha Bhoomiputra Pakshaya",
["Mouvement Réformateur"] = "Reformist Movement",
["Mouvement Rodriguais"] = "Rodrigues Movement",
["Movement for a People's Party"] = "People's Party (US, 2017)",
["Movement for Autonomies"] = "Movement for Autonomy",
["Movement for Change"] = "Gorran Movement",
["Movement for Democratic Change - Tsvangirai"] = "Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai",
["Movement for Democratic Change (pre-2005)"] = "Movement for Democratic Change (1999–2005)",
["Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai"] = "Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai",
["Movement for Justice"] = "Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf",
["Movement for Liberty - European Georgia"] = "European Georgia — Movement for Liberty",
["Movement for Multiparty Democracy"] = "Movement for Multi-Party Democracy",
["Movement for the Development of Mayotte"] = "Miscellaneous right",
["Movement for the Future"] = "Movement for the Future of Curaçao",
["Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe/Social Democratic Party"] = "Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe – Social Democratic Party",
["Movement of Citizens"] = "Citizen and Republican Movement",
["Movement of Democratic Socialists (Greece)"] = "Movement of Democratic Socialists",
["Movement of Ecologists - Citizens' Cooperation"] = "Movement of Ecologists – Citizens' Cooperation",
["Movement of Ecologists — Citizens' Cooperation"] = "Movement of Ecologists – Citizens' Cooperation", -- em dash
["Movement of Radicals of the Left"] = "Radical Party of the Left",
["Movementu 21"] = "Movement 21 (Bonaire)",
["Murcian Socialist Federation"] = "Spanish Socialist Workers' Party",
["Muslim League (Opposition)"] = "All-India Muslim League",
["Muslim National Unity Alliance"] = "National Unity Alliance",
["Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan"] = "Muttahida Qaumi Movement – Pakistan",
["Muttahida Qaumi Movement–Pakistan"] = "Muttahida Qaumi Movement – Pakistan", -- dash difference
local full = {
["M10 (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#232575", shortname = "",},
["Macao Civic Power"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF007F", shortname = "Cívico",},
["Macau Union of Employers Interests"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EDC2FD", shortname = "",},
["Macau Union of Medical Professional Interests"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2CADC7", shortname = "",},
["Macau Union of Professional Interests"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBCBC7", shortname = "",},
["Macau United Citizens Association"] = {abbrev = "ACUM", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
["Macau-Guangdong Union"] = {abbrev = "UGM", color = "#ED6C10", shortname = "",},
["Macedonian Alliance for European Integration"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Machrouu Tounes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Madeleine Petrovic List"] = {abbrev = "LMP", color = "#51184E", shortname = "",},
["Madem G15"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#01A35A", shortname = "",},
["Madheshi Jana Adhikar Forum, Nepal"] = {abbrev = "MJF-N", color = "orangered", shortname = "",},
["Madheshi Jana Adhikar Forum, Nepal (Loktantrik)"] = {abbrev = "MJFN (D)", color = "darkorange", shortname = "MJFN (Loktantrik)",},
["Madrid En Pie"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#86073A", shortname = "",},
["Madrilenian Independent Regional Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FA641B", shortname = "",},
["Maendeleo Chap Chap Party"] = {abbrev = "MCC", color = "#632F91", shortname = "",},
["Maendeleo Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "MDP", color = "#03F601", shortname = "",},
["Magdalo Party-List"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "Magdalo",},
["Maghrebi Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2B5D29", shortname = "",},
["Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan"] = {abbrev = "TMÃ G", color = "#367A00", shortname = "",},
["Magyar Party (Romania)"] = {abbrev = "PM", color = "#2e502d", shortname = "",},
["Maha Vikas Aghadi"] = {abbrev = "MVA", color = "#1C89B7", shortname = "",},
["Mahachon Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Mahagathbandhan (Bihar)"] = {abbrev = "MGB", color = "#1E6914", shortname = "",},
["Mahagathbandhan (Jharkhand)"] = {abbrev = "MGB", color = "#1E6914", shortname = "",},
["Mahagujarat Janta Party"] = {abbrev = "MJP", color = "#FFFFF5", shortname = "",},
["Mahajana Eksath Peramuna (1956)"] = {abbrev = "MEP", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "Mahajana Eksath Peramuna",},
["Mahajana Eksath Peramuna"] = {abbrev = "MEP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Mahajana Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
["Mahajot (Assam)"] = {abbrev = "UOF", color = "#52FFCC", shortname = "",},
["Mahan Dal"] = {abbrev = "MD", color = "#330066", shortname = "",},
["Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti"] = {abbrev = "MES", color = "#FF9933", shortname = "",},
["Maharashtra Navnirman Sena"] = {abbrev = "MNS", color = "#5F2301", shortname = "",},
["Maharashtra Parivartan Sena (T)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9933", shortname = "",},
["Maharashtra Rajiv Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9966CC", shortname = "",},
["Maharashtra Swabhiman Paksha"] = {abbrev = "MSHP", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},
["Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party"] = {abbrev = "MGP", color = "#AF7050", shortname = "",},
["Maharlika People's Party"] = {abbrev = "MPP", color = "#000040", shortname = "",},
["Máis Galiza"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2F9A26", shortname = "",},
["Majadahonda Centrists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#146F4C", shortname = "",},
["Majd Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00529F", shortname = "",},
["Majdoor Kisan Union Party"] = {abbrev = "MKUP", color = "#81BEF7", shortname = "",},
["Majlis Bachao Tehreek"] = {abbrev = "MBT", color = "#9900CC", shortname = "",},
["Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen"] = {abbrev = "MWM", color = "#0B9A51", shortname = "",},
["Majorcan Union"] = {abbrev = "UM", color = "#333583", shortname = "",},
["Majorera Assembly"] = {abbrev = "AM", color = "#284BAF", shortname = "",},
["Majorero Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3C6C06", shortname = "",},
["Makabayan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#29176E", shortname = "",},
["Makatizens United Party"] = {abbrev = "MKTZNU", color = "#1F51FF", shortname = "",},
["Make Politicians History"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "",},
["Maki (historical political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF524D", shortname = "Maki",},
["Maki (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#cb1a1d", shortname = "Maki",},
["Makkal Needhi Maiam"] = {abbrev = "MNM", color = "#D60505", shortname = "",},
["Makkal Sevai Katchi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006060", shortname = "",},
["Makkal Tamil Desam Katchi"] = {abbrev = "MTD", color = "#006060", shortname = "",},
["Málaga Ahora"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3EA9A7", shortname = "",},
["Málaga for Yes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087BF", shortname = "",},
["Malagasy Revolutionary Party"] = {abbrev = "AREMA", color = "#BB0102", shortname = "",},
["Malagasy Tia Tanindrazana"] = {abbrev = "MA.TI.TA.", color = "#00A650", shortname = "",},
["Malawi Congress Party"] = {abbrev = "MCP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Malayan Chinese Association"] = {abbrev = "MCA", color = "#EFCC00", shortname = "",},
["Malayan Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Malayan Peoples' Socialist Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C00000", shortname = "Socialist Front",},
["Malayang Kilusan ng Mamamayang Zambaleño"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3344FF", shortname = "MAKIMAZA",},
["Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party"] = {abbrev = "MMSP", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
["Malaysia National Alliance Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD2122", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian Chinese Association"] = {abbrev = "MCA", color = "#102a7e", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "MDP", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian Indian Congress"] = {abbrev = "MIC", color = "#00A988", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian Indian Muslim Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCC00", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian Indian United Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian Islamic Party"] = {abbrev = "PAS", color = "#009000", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian Nationalist Party"] = {abbrev = "NASMA", color = "Darkblue", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian Social Justice Party"] = {abbrev = "PEKEMAS", color = "#C00000", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian United Democratic Alliance"] = {abbrev = "MUDA", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian United Indigenous Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E62020", shortname = "BERSATU",},
["Malaysian United Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F617D4", shortname = "",},
["Malaysian United People's Party"] = {abbrev = "MUPP", color = "#F2D8D8", shortname = "",},
["Maldives Development Alliance"] = {abbrev = "MDA", color = "#DB5702", shortname = "",},
["Maldives National Party"] = {abbrev = "MNP", color = "#1034a6", shortname = "",},
["Maldivian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "MDP", color = "#ffcc33", shortname = "",},
["Maldon and District Independent Democratic Alliance"] = {abbrev = "MDIDA", color = "MediumOrchid", shortname = "",},
["Maldon District Independent Group"] = {abbrev = "MDIG", color = "#985FF0", shortname = "Maldon Independents",},
["Mali Kanu Party"] = {abbrev = "PMK", color = "#42C64C", shortname = "",},
["Malian Union for the African Democratic Rally"] = {abbrev = "UM-RDA", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Malta Workers Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B87333", shortname = "Workers",},
["Maltese Political Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AD06", shortname = "",},
["Malvern Hills Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "MH Independents",},
["Mana Māori Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#964B00", shortname = "Mana Māori",},
["Mana Motuhake"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C32148", shortname = "",},
["Mana Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#770808", shortname = "Mana",},
["Mana Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7C0808", shortname = "",},
["Mana Wahine Te Ira Tangata"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#964B00", shortname = "Mana Wahine",},
["Manav Kalyan Sangh Dal"] = {abbrev = "MKSD", color = "#333300", shortname = "",},
["Manav Samaj Party"] = {abbrev = "MSP", color = "#F2F2F2", shortname = "",},
["Manchegan Regionalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
["Manipur Hills Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#400080", shortname = "",},
["Manipur Peoples Party"] = {abbrev = "MPP", color = "#99CC99", shortname = "",},
["Manipur State Congress Party"] = {abbrev = "MSCP", color = "#99CC99", shortname = "",},
["Manithaneya Makkal Katchi"] = {abbrev = "MNMK", color = "lime", shortname = "",},
["Manko Taxawu Sénégal"] = {abbrev = "MTS", color = "#FF8040", shortname = "",},
["Mansfield Independent Forum"] = {abbrev = "MIF", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "Mansfield Independent",},
["Mansfield Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "Mansfield Ind.",},
["Mantra Bhakta Party"] = {abbrev = "MBP", color = "#FAAC58", shortname = "",},
["Manx Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "Manx Labour",},
["Mapai"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AD0101", shortname = "",},
["Mapam"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Marada Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#02CB00", shortname = "",},
["Maraland Democratic Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF8822", shortname = "",},
["March 14 Alliance"] = {abbrev = "M14th", color = "#d61a21", shortname = "M14th",},
["March 26 Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E34234", shortname = "",},
["March 8 Alliance"] = {abbrev = "44263", color = "#FF6000", shortname = "",},
["Marcus Garvey People's Political Party"] = {abbrev = "MGPPP", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Marea Ártabra"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009AA5", shortname = "",},
["Marea Atlántica"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009FE3", shortname = "",},
["Marea de Ferrol"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4EA602", shortname = "",},
["Marea de Vigo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C53374", shortname = "",},
["Marea Galeguista"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#205C78", shortname = "",},
["Marea Pontevedra"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0085BE", shortname = "",},
["Marematlou Freedom Party"] = {abbrev = "MFP", color = "#1bb5a4", shortname = "",},
["Marek Hilšer to Senate"] = {abbrev = "MHS", color = "#87CEFA", shortname = "",},
["Marijuana Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#50C878", shortname = "Marijuana",},
["Marijuana Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#50C878", shortname = "",},
["Marijuana Reform Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#50C878", shortname = "Marijuana Reform",},
["Martinican Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD0000", shortname = "",},
["Martinican Democratic Rally"] = {abbrev = "RDM", color = "#FFD1DC", shortname = "",},
["Martinican Independence Movement"] = {abbrev = "MIM", color = "#d53736", shortname = "",},
["Martinican Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "PPM", color = "#ef4836", shortname = "",},
["Martinican Regionalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCC33", shortname = "",},
["Martists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5BAF50", shortname = "Martist",},
["Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "MDMK", color = "#FC0000", shortname = "",},
["Marxist Co-ordination Committee"] = {abbrev = "MCC", color = "#c24e4e", shortname = "",},
["Marxist Co-Ordination"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B22222", shortname = "",},
["Marxist Communist Party of India (S.S. Srivastava)"] = {abbrev = "MCPI(S)", color = "#990099", shortname = "",},
["Marxist Communist Party of India (United)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Marxist Forward Bloc"] = {abbrev = "MFB", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Marxist Party of Armenia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Greece"] = {abbrev = "M-L KKE", color = "#D71920", shortname = "",},
["Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
["Marxist–Leninist Party of Austria"] = {abbrev = "MLPÖ", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Marxist–Leninist Party of Germany"] = {abbrev = "MLPD", color = "#DF221D", shortname = "",},
["Marxist–Leninist Popular Action Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Más Andalucía"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#445A1A", shortname = "",},
["Más Costa Tropical"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#095B2D", shortname = "",},
["Más Eivissa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D60014", shortname = "",},
["Más Granada"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9D3B23", shortname = "",},
["Más Madrid"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#45BB89", shortname = "",},
["Más País"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0FDEC4", shortname = "",},
["Más para Entre Ríos"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A31212", shortname = "",},
["Más Ponferrada"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B55B8B", shortname = "",},
["MAS Region"] = {abbrev = "", color = "crimson", shortname = "",},
["Mass Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Massachusetts Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff3300", shortname = "Republican",},
["Masyumi Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "Masyumi",},
["Matubhum Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
["Maubere People's Liberation Movement"] = {abbrev = "MLPM", color = "#66CBFF", shortname = "",},
["Mauri Pacific"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003153", shortname = "",},
["Maurin Kiribati Party"] = {abbrev = "MKP", color = "#48D1CC", shortname = "",},
["Maurist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0063B6", shortname = "Maurist",},
["Maurists–Ciervists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1959AA", shortname = "",},
["Mauritian Militant Movement"] = {abbrev = "MMM", color = "#800080", shortname = "",},
["Mauritanian Hope Party"] = {abbrev = "PEM", color = "#B4070D", shortname = "",},
["Mauritanian Party for Reform and Equality"] = {abbrev = "HAMAM", color = "#2CABE0", shortname = "",},
["Mauritanian Party for Renewal"] = {abbrev = "PMR", color = "#6DC2F9", shortname = "",},
["Mauritanian Party of Union and Change"] = {abbrev = "HATEM", color = "#4BB9F2", shortname = "",},
["Mauritanian People's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006233", shortname = "",},
["Mauritanian Regroupment Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009F6B", shortname = "",},
["Mauritian Militant Socialist Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Mauritian Party of Xavier-Luc Duval"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000CD", shortname = "",},
["Mauritian Solidarity Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
["Mawbima Janatha Pakshaya"] = {abbrev = "MJP", color = "#072E6E", shortname = "",},
["Mayor 4 Stoke"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
["Mayors and Independents"] = {abbrev = "STAN", color = "#CD0F69", shortname = "",},
["Mayors for the Liberec Region"] = {abbrev = "SLK", color = "#804e96", shortname = "",},
["Mazdoor Kisan Party"] = {abbrev = "MKP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Mazdoor Kisan",},
["Mazingira Green Party of Kenya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009926", shortname = "",},
["McGillicuddy Serious Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "McGillicuddy Serious",},
["Mebyon Kernow"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#d5c229", shortname = "",},
["Medrek"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#503335", shortname = "",},
["Meeting Point"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#04770a", shortname = "",},
["Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (2018)"] = {abbrev = "MDA", color = "#006081", shortname = "",},
["Meimad"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3BABA3", shortname = "",},
["Mejor Vargas Lleras"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2E3191", shortname = "",},
["Mekenchil"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1F4B99", shortname = "",},
["Mekenim Kyrgyzstan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCF06", shortname = "",},
["Melanesian Alliance Party"] = {abbrev = "MAP", color = "#C78919", shortname = "",},
["Melanesian Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "MLP", color = "#326D93", shortname = "",},
["Melanesian Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "MPP", color = "#DE3938", shortname = "Melanesian Progressive",},
["Melanesian Progressive Union"] = {abbrev = "UPM", color = "#CC3300", shortname = "",},
["Melillan People's Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A1555", shortname = "",},
["MELS Movement of Botswana"] = {abbrev = "MELS", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Memel Agricultural Party"] = {abbrev = "MLP", color = "lightgreen", shortname = "",},
["Menorcan Independent Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0B0B0", shortname = "",},
["Menorcan Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00D1D1", shortname = "",},
["Menorcan Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#10308D", shortname = "",},
["Mensch Im Mittelpunkt"] = {abbrev = "MIM", color = "#9B2A58", shortname = "",},
["Menshevik"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED1B34", shortname = "",},
["MeRA25"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF3F24", shortname = "",},
["MERA25"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0391F", shortname = "",},
["Merab Kostava Society"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#751133", shortname = "",},
["Mercian Nationalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Meretz"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#40AE49", shortname = "",},
["Meretz (2022)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#23E164", shortname = "",},
["Meri (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF3A3A", shortname = "Meri",},
["Mérida Participa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5D225A", shortname = "",},
["Merindades of Castile Initiative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#335DA3", shortname = "",},
["Merit and Society Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00B4C8", shortname = "",},
["Merton Park Ward Residents Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9f0fc8", shortname = "Merton Park Residents",},
["Més Compromís"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DA5C31", shortname = "",},
["Més Esquerra"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DACE5D", shortname = "",},
["Més Gandia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D6502B", shortname = "",},
["Més per Mallorca"] = {abbrev = "Més", color = "#D8DE40", shortname = "",},
["Més per Menorca"] = {abbrev = "MpM", color = "#BCD500", shortname = "",},
["Més–Compromís"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF6600", shortname = "",},
["Metapolitical Unitary Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FC0FC0", shortname = "",},
["Mexborough First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Mexican Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "PCM", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
["Mexican Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "PDM", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
["Mexican Democratic Party (1946)"] = {abbrev = "PDM", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
["Mexican Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE1126", shortname = "",},
["Mexican Liberal Party (2003)"] = {abbrev = "PLM", color = "#d48a49", shortname = "",},
["Mexican Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "PMS", color = "#F50800", shortname = "",},
["MFG Austria – People Freedom Fundamental Rights"] = {abbrev = "MFG", color = "#FF5824", shortname = "",},
["MGR Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "MADMK", color = "maroon", shortname = "",},
["MGR Thonderkal Katchi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "slategray", shortname = "MGR Thonderkal",},
["Mi Pais (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A5DD", shortname = "",},
["Middle Class Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF66", shortname = "",},
["Middle Class Party (Belgium)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000A0", shortname = "Middle Class",},
["Middle Class Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#70147A", shortname = "",},
["Middle European Class"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2E239D", shortname = "",},
["Middleton Independents Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffcc00", shortname = "Middleton Ind."},
["Middlewich First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
["Mideeye"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#012ffd", shortname = "",},
["Midroad-Populist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CCFFCC", shortname = "Midroad-Populist",},
["MIGATO"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1DA1F2", shortname = "",},
["Mighty Fatherland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Mijas Neighborhood Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5AD181", shortname = "",},
["Militant (Trotskyist group)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED1941", shortname = "Militant Labour",},
["Militant Elvis Anti-Tesco Popular Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF00FF", shortname = "",},
["Militant Labour"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED1941", shortname = "",},
["Militant Left (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241F", shortname = "Militant Left",},
["Militant Socialist Movement"] = {abbrev = "MSM", color = "#FF8C00", shortname = "",},
["Military (Brazil)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#808000", shortname = "Military",},
["Military (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C3B091", shortname = "",},
["Military (Japan)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#808080", shortname = "",},
["Military of Guinea-Bissau"] = {abbrev = "FARP", color = "#C3B091", shortname = "",},
["Military of São Tomé and Príncipe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C3B091", shortname = "",},
["Military rule"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C3B091", shortname = "Military",},
["Millat Party"] = {abbrev = "MP", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Millennium Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AA7B", shortname = "Millennium Democratic",},
["Mindanao Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["Mindoro Bago Sarili"] = {abbrev = "MBS", color = "#F09042", shortname = "",},
["Mineiro Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "PRM", color = "#ED1C24", shortname = "",},
["Ministerialist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},
["Minjoo Party (2014)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCA08", shortname = "Minjoo",},
["Minjung Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#f26522", shortname = "Minjung",},
["Minkuotang"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FCC800", shortname = "",},
["Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0055AA", shortname = "Democratic (DFL)",},
["Minnesota Farmer–Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66FF99", shortname = "Farmer–Labor",},
["Minnesota Open Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CCFF33", shortname = "",},
["Minnesota Pirate Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#572b85", shortname = "",},
["Minor Sea Independent Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#808040", shortname = "",},
["Minorities' Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
["Minority Front"] = {abbrev = "MF", color = "#EC1D25", shortname = "",},
["Minority Party (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0800", shortname = "",},
["Minsaeng Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A85F", shortname = "Minsaeng",},
["Mintō (liberal parties)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Mirae Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2E3192", shortname = "Mirae",},
["Mișcarea Politică Unirea"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8CD7F6", shortname = "",},
["Miscellaneous centre"] = {abbrev = "DVC", color = "#fcdaa8", shortname = "",},
["Miscellaneous"] = {abbrev = "DIV", color = "#CECECE", shortname = "",},
["Miscellaneous ecologist"] = {abbrev = "DVE", color = "#8FBC8F", shortname = "",},
["Miscellaneous far left"] = {abbrev = "EXG", color = "#BB0000", shortname = "",},
["Miscellaneous far right"] = {abbrev = "EXD", color = "#404040", shortname = "",},
["Miscellaneous left"] = {abbrev = "DVG", color = "#FFC0C0", shortname = "",},
["Miscellaneous right"] = {abbrev = "DVD", color = "#ADC1FD", shortname = "",},
["Mission Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#17C307", shortname = "Mission",},
["Mississippi Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3333FF", shortname = "Democratic",},
["Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3333FF", shortname = "Mississippi Freedom Democratic",},
["Mississippi Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E81B23", shortname = "Republican",},
["Mixed Group"] = {abbrev = "GM", color = "#C0C0C0", shortname = "",},
["Mizo National Front"] = {abbrev = "MNF", color = "#2E5694", shortname = "",},
["Mizo Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Mizoram People's Conference"] = {abbrev = "MPC", color = "#FD7793", shortname = "",},
["Mizrachi (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#37658C", shortname = "Mizrachi",},
["Moderate (London)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "Moderate",},
["Moderate Coalition for Åland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0095DA", shortname = "Moderate Coalition",},
["Moderate Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BAE666", shortname = "Moderate Liberal",},
["Moderate Opposition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#b070ad", shortname = "Moderate",},
["Moderate Party (Brazil)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E9FFDB", shortname = "Moderate",},
["Moderate Party (Illinois)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66023C", shortname = "Moderate",},
["Moderate Party (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E87B2", shortname = "",},
["Moderate Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1060AF", shortname = "Moderate",},
["Moderate Party of Rhode Island"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9CCECF", shortname = "Moderate",},
["Moderate Party"] = {abbrev = "M", color = "#019CDB", shortname = "Moderate",},
["Moderate Republicans (France, 1848–1870)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F50", shortname = "Republican",},
["Moderate Venstre (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3333A2", shortname = "Moderate Venstre",},
["Moderates (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B48CD2", shortname = "Moderates",},
["Moderates (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008ECE", shortname = "Moderates",},
["Moderates (Scotland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5555FF", shortname = "Moderates",},
["Moderates of Åland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#72cced", shortname = "Moderates",},
["Moderation and Development Party"] = {abbrev = "MDP", color = "#B666D2", shortname = "",},
["Modern (political party)"] = {abbrev = ".N", color = "#005CA9", shortname = "",},
["Modern Centre Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000099", shortname = "",},
["Modern Christian-Democratic Union"] = {abbrev = "MKD", color = "#FF9E23", shortname = "",},
["Modern Egypt Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EB264D", shortname = "",},
["Modern Hungary Movement"] = {abbrev = "MoMa", color = "#007DC0", shortname = "",},
["Modern Left"] = {abbrev = "LGM", color = "#A83578", shortname = "",},
["Modern Musavat Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#eee8aa", shortname = "Modern Musavat",},
["Modern People's Party"] = {abbrev = "MPP", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
["Modern Revolutionary Party"] = {abbrev = "PRM", color = "#005BAA", shortname = "",},
["Modern Whig Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F00", shortname = "Modern Whig",},
["Modrí, Most – Híd"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#002E74", shortname = "",},
["Moked"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241F", shortname = "",},
["Moledet"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000080", shortname = "",},
["Momentum (organisation)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "Labour (Momentum)",},
["Momentum Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8E6FCE", shortname = "Momentum",},
["Mon National Party"] = {abbrev = "MNP", color = "#ED2124", shortname = "",},
["Mon Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "MUP", color = "#C13830", shortname = "",},
["Monarchiens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C39BB", shortname = "",},
["Monarchist Action League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#266F91", shortname = "",},
["Monarchist Cause"] = {abbrev = "CM", color = "#014A94", shortname = "",},
["Monarchist Coalition (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003E70", shortname = "",},
["Monarchist Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4FA937", shortname = "Democratic",},
["Monarchist National Party"] = {abbrev = "PNM", color = "#4B61D1", shortname = "",},
["Monarchy of Cambodia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFDF00", shortname = "",},
["Monegasque National Union"] = {abbrev = "UNM", color = "#D21116", shortname = "",},
["Monetary Reform Party"] = {abbrev = "MRP", color = "#777777", shortname = "Monetary Reform",},
["Money Reform Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#997A8D", shortname = "Money Reform",},
["Mongol National Organisation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008080", shortname = "",},
["Mongolian Democratic Party (1990)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#074da9", shortname = "Democratic",},
["Mongolian Green Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "Green",},
["Mongolian National Progress Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006994", shortname = "",},
["Mongolian People's Party"] = {abbrev = "MPP", color = "#ED1B34", shortname = "",},
["Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (2010)"] = {abbrev = "MPRP", color = "#FE001A", shortname = "",},
["Mongolian Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "Republican",},
["Mongolian Social Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "MSDP", color = "#1C5CAC", shortname = "",},
["Mongolian Traditional United Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#085CB6", shortname = "",},
["Monise Laafai"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
["Monitor Action Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
["Monster Raving Loony William Hill Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "hotpink", shortname = "Monster Raving Loony",},
["Montenegrin Federalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkgreen", shortname = "",},
["Montenegrin Party"] = {abbrev = "CP", color = "#E31E25", shortname = "",},
["Montserrat Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Moovendar Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Pink", shortname = "",},
["Moral Vanguard of the Fatherland"] = {abbrev = "VMP", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
["Morality, Initiative and Patriotism"] = {abbrev = "MIP", color = "#009168", shortname = "",},
["Morality, Unity, Honour"] = {abbrev = "MECh", color = "#1A2C44", shortname = "",},
["Moravané"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFE101", shortname = "",},
["Moravian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "MDS", color = "#00ffff", shortname = "",},
["Moravian Land Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFDF10", shortname = "",},
["More Direct Democracy"] = {abbrev = "MDD", color = "#2272B4", shortname = "",},
["More Europe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "gold", shortname = "",},
["More for Telde"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#08669A", shortname = "",},
["More Galicia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0191C6", shortname = "",},
["More Police Officers for Thames Valley"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},
["More Than One Citizen Platform of Guadalajara"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99CF16", shortname = "",},
["Morecambe Bay Independents"] = {abbrev = "MBI", color = "#000000", shortname = "MB Independent",},
["Morena (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C0311A", shortname = "MORENA",},
["Morley Borough Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},
["MORO–Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
["Moroccan Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Communist",},
["Moroccan Greens Party"] = {abbrev = "PVM", color = "#428D31", shortname = "",},
["Moroccan Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C58E34", shortname = "",},
["Moroccan Union for Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD1237", shortname = "",},
["Moroccan Workers' Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0160B2", shortname = "",},
["Most–Híd"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F58120", shortname = "Most–Híd",},
["Mostolenian Socialism"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#962016", shortname = "",},
["Mother Earth Movement"] = {abbrev = "MPE", color = "#FF8C00", shortname = "",},
["Motherland Defenders Party"] = {abbrev = "PZV", color = "#E30B5C", shortname = "",},
["Motherland Party (Azerbaijan)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#022F56", shortname = "Motherland",},
["Motherland Party (Mongolia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "Motherland",},
["Motherland Party (Turkey)"] = {abbrev = "ANAP", color = "#FFD300", shortname = "",},
["Motorists for Themselves"] = {abbrev = "AUTO", color = "#007FC7", shortname = "Motorists",},
["Motril Dice"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#21A199", shortname = "",},
["Mountain Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#004b24", shortname = "Mountain",},
["Mouvement Action Socialiste"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Mouvement Authentique Mauricien"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
["Mouvement des Citoyens pour le Changement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0897A7", shortname = "",},
["Mouvement Franciste"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},
["Mouvement Libérateur"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
["Mouvement Mauricien Sociale Démocrate"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00BFFF", shortname = "",},
["Mouvement National Congolais"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},
["Move Forward Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F2A", shortname = "Move Forward",},
["Movem Reus"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#71B223", shortname = "",},
["Movement 21"] = {abbrev = "D21", color = "#824D99", shortname = "",},
["Movement 21 (Bonaire)"] = {abbrev = "M21", color = "#FF808B", shortname = "",},
["Movement 88"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AA0088", shortname = "",},
["Movement Against Illegal Immigration"] = {abbrev = "DPNI", color = "#A2070F", shortname = "",},
["Movement for a Democratic Slovakia"] = {abbrev = "HZDS", color = "#00CCFF", shortname = "",},
["Movement for a Europe of Liberties and Democracy"] = {abbrev = "MELD", color = "#007A89", shortname = "",},
["Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#26428B", shortname = "",},
["Movement for a Responsible, Sustainable and Entrepreneurial Venezuela"] = {abbrev = "MOVERSE", color = "#64A704", shortname = "",},
["Movement for an Equal Public Model"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2a4b98", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Autonomous Democracy–Party for Moravia and Silesia"] = {abbrev = "HSD–SMS", color = "#FF9999", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Autonomy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00CCCC", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Benalmádena"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#18A6B1", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Change (Greece)"] = {abbrev = "KINAL", color = "#179045", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Change and Prosperity"] = {abbrev = "MCAP", color = "#FFFF01", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Changes"] = {abbrev = "PzP", color = "#0D70B1", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Constitutional Freedoms"] = {abbrev = "MLS", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democracy (Cape Verde)"] = {abbrev = "MpD", color = "#01C700", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democracy (Slovakia)"] = {abbrev = "HZD", color = "#79B6D7", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democracy and Development (Central African Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#191970", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democracy and Growth"] = {abbrev = "MDG", color = "#003F1D", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democracy and Progress (Comoros)"] = {abbrev = "MDP", color = "", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democracy and Progress (Niger)"] = {abbrev = "MDP-Alkawali", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction"] = {abbrev = "MDR", color = "#71A1D1", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democratic Change – Mutambara"] = {abbrev = "MDC-M", color = "#FF7F00", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democratic Change – Ncube"] = {abbrev = "MDC–N", color = "#1EDD1E", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai"] = {abbrev = "MDC–T", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democratic Change (1999–2005)"] = {abbrev = "MDC", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democratic Change (prior to 2005)"] = {abbrev = "MDC", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democratic Change Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ed1c24", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democratic Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Democratic Renewal and Development"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#333399", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Dignity and Citizenship"] = {abbrev = "MDyC", color = "#2D2D2D", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Dignity and Independence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFEF00", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Direct Democracy"] = {abbrev = "MCC", color = "#822C21", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Economic Change"] = {abbrev = "MEC", color = "#1F4398", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Economic Empowerment"] = {abbrev = "MOVEE", color = "#fa4600", shortname = "",},
["Movement for European Reform"] = {abbrev = "MER", color = "#30455e", shortname = "",},
["Movement for France"] = {abbrev = "MPF", color = "#7A6CEA", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Grassroots Democracy"] = {abbrev = "MGD", color = "#FFFDD0", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Humanist Socialism"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFEA3F", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Mali"] = {abbrev = "MPM", color = "#1F5382", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Multi-Party Democracy"] = {abbrev = "MMD", color = "#0064FF", shortname = "",},
["Movement for National Development (Trinidad and Tobago)"] = {abbrev = "MND", color = "#2A60AA", shortname = "",},
["Movement for National Development"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2D276C", shortname = "",},
["Movement for National Reform"] = {abbrev = "MRN", color = "#C1CC6F", shortname = "",},
["Movement for People's Unity–Republicans"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DA251C", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Piedmontese Regional Autonomy"] = {abbrev = "MARP", color = "#6578DC", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Prague 11"] = {abbrev = "HPP11", color = "#FECC00", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Progressive Change"] = {abbrev = "MPC", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Reconstruction of Poland"] = {abbrev = "ROP", color = "#BD0934", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Refoundation"] = {abbrev = "MPR", color = "#64EF20", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Reversal"] = {abbrev = "PZP", color = "#F7801D", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Rights and Freedoms"] = {abbrev = "DPS", color = "#0066B7", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Social Democracy"] = {abbrev = "EDEK", color = "#164f46", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Social Justice"] = {abbrev = "MSJ", color = "#27AAE1", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Socialism (Bolivia)"] = {abbrev = "MAS-IPSP", color = "#143A83", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Socialism (Venezuela)"] = {abbrev = "MAS", color = "DarkOrange", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Sovereignty"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1B63AB", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Defence of the Republic"] = {abbrev = "MDR", color = "#BEE4E5", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Future of Curaçao"] = {abbrev = "MFK", color = "#01A7FF", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Independence of Sicily"] = {abbrev = "MIS", color = "#FFEB3B", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Liberation of Peoples"] = {abbrev = "MLP", color = "#EC0408", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe – Social Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "MLSTP–PSD", color = "#00AD06", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People"] = {abbrev = "MLPC", color = "#15A247", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Liberation of the Congo"] = {abbrev = "MLC", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Progress of Madagascar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Renewal of Social Zionism"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C2969", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia"] = {abbrev = "POKS", color = "#4169E1", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa"] = {abbrev = "MESAN", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Movement for the Unity of the Canarian People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#60B16B", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Tolerance and Progress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Unification"] = {abbrev = "LB", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Movement for Venezuela"] = {abbrev = "MPV", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "",},
["Movement For!"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFF200", shortname = "",},
["Movement in Support of the Army"] = {abbrev = "DPA", color = "#7C273A", shortname = "",},
["Movement Now"] = {abbrev = "Liik", color = "#ae2375", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Action in Solidarity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Centrist Republicans"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#133366", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Democratic Action"] = {abbrev = "PDA", color = "#8fbc8f", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Democratic Integration"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9000", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Democratic Socialists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E70C21", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Ecologists – Citizens' Cooperation"] = {abbrev = "KOSP", color = "#0A9748", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Free Citizens (Algeria)"] = {abbrev = "MCL", color = "", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Free Citizens (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "PSG", color = "#63C3D0", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Growth Objectors"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BB0000", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Independent Citizens of São Tomé and Príncipe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Independents for the Harmonious Development of Municipalities and Cities"] = {abbrev = "HNHRM", color = "pink", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Militant Muslims"] = {abbrev = "MMM", color = "#FFE4E1", shortname = "",},
["Movement of National Solidarity"] = {abbrev = "MSN", color = "lightgreen", shortname = "",},
["Movement of National Understanding"] = {abbrev = "MEN", color = "#006b00", shortname = "",},
["Movement of New Forces"] = {abbrev = "RNS", color = "#0068ae", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Patriotic Chadians for the Republic"] = {abbrev = "MTPR", color = "#c25f6d", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Popular Participation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E34234", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Progressives"] = {abbrev = "MDP", color = "#9C005E", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Socialist Democrats"] = {abbrev = "", color = "SeaGreen", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Socialist Left"] = {abbrev = "MES", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Socialists"] = {abbrev = "PS", color = "#E62020", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Society for Peace"] = {abbrev = "MSP", color = "#21a34b", shortname = "",},
["Movement of the Democratic People of Kurdistan"] = {abbrev = "MDPK", color = "#FF1010", shortname = "",},
["Movement of the First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FD4F4A", shortname = "",},
["Movement of Unity"] = {abbrev = "MU", color = "#90BF43", shortname = "",},
["Movement Party (France)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FB607F", shortname = "",},
["Movement to Defend the Pancasila"] = {abbrev = "GPPS", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},
["Movement We Are Venezuela"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#621E7B", shortname = "",},
["Movemento pola Base"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1B9EE4", shortname = "",},
["Movementu Kousa Promé"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C24483", shortname = "",},
["Movementu Progresivo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D4306B", shortname = "",},
["MOVER (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#438b44", shortname = "MOVER",},
["Mover Parla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9BBB59", shortname = "",},
["Moviment Patrijotti Maltin"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF4000", shortname = "",},
["Movimiento al Socialismo (Argentina)"] = {abbrev = "MAS", color = "#FE3A3B", shortname = "Movement for Socialism",},
["Movimiento Construye"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000080", shortname = "Construye",},
["Movimiento Nacional"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#708090", shortname = "National Movement",},
["Movimiento Unión Soberanista"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66CCCC", shortname = "",},
["Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana"] = {abbrev = "MVC", color = "#E0A230", shortname = "Citizens' Victory",},
["MPLA"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE0921", shortname = "",},
["Mudiraj Rashtriya Samithi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#996666", shortname = "",},
["Muhajir Qaumi Movement (Haqiqi)"] = {abbrev = "MQM-H", color = "red", shortname = "",},
["Muintir na hÉireann"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8032CC", shortname = "",},
["Mukt Bharat"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00FF33", shortname = "",},
["Municipal Assemblies of Fuerteventura"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0806AF", shortname = "",},
["Municipal Independent Platform of Villalbilla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBED06", shortname = "",},
["Municipal Reform Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "Municipal Reform",},
["Municipal Unity 9"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF5F00", shortname = "",},
["Municipalists for Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#73969B", shortname = "",},
["Murba Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffe5e5", shortname = "Murba",},
["Murcian Regionalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE9A00", shortname = "",},
["Mureran Democratic Convergence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#033780", shortname = "",},
["Musavat"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3BB9FF", shortname = "",},
["Muslim Bosniak Organisation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009900", shortname = "",},
["Muslim Brotherhood of Syria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009900", shortname = "",},
["Muslim Brotherhood"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009900", shortname = "",},
["Muslim Committee of Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Muslim League (Qayyum)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Muslim League (Pakistan)"] = {abbrev = "ML", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},
["Muslim League Kerala State Committee"] = {abbrev = "MUL", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Muslim League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00CCCC", shortname = "",},
["Muslim People's Party of Malaysia"] = {abbrev = "HAMIM", color = "", shortname = "",},
["Muslim People's Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "MPRP", color = "#A7E3A3", shortname = "",},
["Muslim Union Party"] = {abbrev = "MUP", color = "#32CD32", shortname = "",},
["Mustaqbal (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#32cd33", shortname = "Mustaqbal",},
["Mustaqbil Pakistan"] = {abbrev = "MP", color = "blue", shortname = "",},
["Mutahida Deeni Mahaz"] = {abbrev = "MDM", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
["Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal"] = {abbrev = "MMA", color = "#004000", shortname = "",},
["Muttahida Qabail Party"] = {abbrev = "MQP", color = "#40E0D0", shortname = "",},
["Muttahida Qaumi Movement – London"] = {abbrev = "MQM", color = "#C80000", shortname = "",},
["Muttahida Qaumi Movement – Pakistan"] = {abbrev = "MQM-P", color = "#be1212", shortname = "",},
["Muttahida Qaumi Movement"] = {abbrev = "MQM", color = "#C80000", shortname = "",},
["Muttahidoon"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0D4E76", shortname = "",},
["Muungano Party"] = {abbrev = "MP", color = "#254306", shortname = "",},
["My Family"] = {abbrev = "MF", color = "#00ec03", shortname = "",},
["My Homeland Kyrgyzstan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "", shortname = "Mekenim Kyrgyzstan",},
["My Step Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED1A24", shortname = "",},
["My Vote Counts!"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD5C5C", shortname = "",},
["Myanmar Farmers Development Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F01A26", shortname = "",},
["Myanmar National Congress"] = {abbrev = "MNC", color = "#ED1E24", shortname = "",},
return {
full = full,
alternate = alternate,