وحدة:حزب سياسي/V
تحديث الوحدة
[عدل]تُقسَّم الأحزاب السياسية الواردة في هذه الوحدة إلى قوائم مرتبة أبجديًا بناءً على الحرف الأول من الاسم (على سبيل المثال، سيكون "حزب العمال (المملكة المتحدة)" {Labour Party (UK)} في /L). الصفحة الفرعية /1 مخصصة لأي حزب لا يبدأ بالأحرف الغربية A-Z (بما في ذلك الأرقام والأحرف المعلمة)
يوجد داخل كل وحدة بيانات فرعية مجموعتان محليتان: local alternate
و local full
. المجموعة البديلة هي لأسماء بديلة للحزب. فيما يلي مثال على الأسماء البديلة لحزب العمال (المملكة المتحدة) {Labour Party (UK)}:
local alternate = {
["Labour and Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
["Labour Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
الإدخال الأول بين قوسين مربعين هو الاسم البديل، والإدخال الثاني فقط بين علامتي الاقتباس هو الاسم الموجود في المجموعة الكاملة full
، كما هو موضح أدناه. لاحظ أنه يجب تخزين الاسم البديل للحزب في الصفحة الفرعية المقابلة التي تعتمد على الحروف؛ أُدرج "حزب ألاباما الديمقراطي" {Alabama Democratic Party} في /A على الرغم من أنه اسم بديل لـ "الحزب الديمقراطي (الولايات المتحدة)" {Democratic Party (US)} (المخزن في /D).
local full = {
["Labour Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "Lab", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Labour",},
قيم الجدول
[عدل]هناك ثلاث قيم مخزنة لكل حزب:
- الاختصار (
). - لون الحزب (
)، والذي يمكن أن يكون إما هيكس ثلاثي أو اسم لون أساسي. - اسم أقصر للحزب (
إذا لم يتم تخزين قيمة اسم لحزب ما، ستحاول الوحدة إرجاع متغير الاسم "القصير" الآخر قبل إعادة الإدخال. وبالتالي إذا تم تخزين الاختصار (abbrev
) ولكن لم يتم تخزين الاسم القصير (shortname
) فبغض النظر عن القيمة المطلوبة فإنه سيعيد قيمة الاختصار (abbrev
[عدل]اسم الحزب | اللون | اختصار | اسم بديل | اسم مختصر | هل اللون صالح؟ | التباين في النص العادي | تبيان غير مناسب للوصلات | تباين مناسب للوصلات |
V!vegüesb!z! | #827153 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
V-Partei³ | #99cc33 | V-Partei3 | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
VERDE | #37820C | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
VIA, the Way of the People | #003B5C | VIA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
VINEA La Rioja | #6A0E0E | VINEA | Vita | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
VLEN Coalition | #A5021F | VLEN | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
VMRO – People's Party | #E63A30 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
VMRO-DPMNE | #E2001A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
VZDOR | #A72C2B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Va por México | #785276 | VM | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vacant Party (US) | #FFFFFF | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Vakat Coalition | #00923F | Vakat | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Valdostan Rally (2023) | #B40000 | RV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Valdostan Union | #5EABD1 | UV | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Valencia en Comú | #73136F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian Coalition | #212021 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian Community Alternative | #63606A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian Country Now | #F3A24B | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Valencian Democrats | #003297 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian Independent Group | #131C43 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian Independent Organization | #308649 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian Nationalist Bloc | #F76921 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Valencian Nationalist Left | #006699 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian Nationalist Option | #00187B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian People's Initiative | #C7142C | IdPV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Valencian People's Union | #E9D552 | UPV | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Valencian Regional Union | #0098C8 | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Valencian Republic–European Valencianist Party | #0725A1 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valencian Union | #1F4473 | UV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Valencian Welfare State | #3EC2D3 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Valents | #05115B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valladolid Toma la Palabra | #5AB6B2 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Vallès Alternative Candidacies | #965A9B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Valor (political party) | #1898A1 | Valor | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Values | #06567D | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Values Party | #4BB805 | Values | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Values Union | #0A3C5B | WU | Values | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
València en Comú | #73136F | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vamos (El Salvador) | #104d8f | Vamos | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vamos (Guatemala) | #34478E | Vamos | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vamos Granada | #613465 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vamos Palencia | #6667AA | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vamos con Vos | #15b587 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Vamos por Chile | #0054A0 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi | BLUE | VBA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi | #0000FF | VBA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vanchit Jamat Party | #52360F | VAJP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vanguard Party (UK) | #7f0200 | Vanguard Party | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party | darkorange | Vanguard Progressive Unionist Party | Vanguard | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Vanguard of the Forces of Democratic Change | #17AE85 | AFCD | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Vanua'aku Pati | #008400 | VP | Vanua'aku Party | Vanua'aku Pati | Failed | Failed | Failed | |
Vanuatu Cultural Self-reliance Movement | white | VCSM | Cultural Self-reliance | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||
Vanuatu Family First Party | VFFP | Family First | ||||||
Vanuatu First | #01A75B | VF | Vanuatu First | AA | Failed | AA | ||
Vanuatu Labour Party | #CD5C5C | VLP | Labour | AA | Failed | Failed | ||
Vanuatu Liberal Democratic Party | VLDP | Liberal Democratic | ||||||
Vanuatu Liberal Movement | #00CCFF | VLM | Liberal Movement | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Vanuatu National Development Party | #C71585 | VNDP | National Development | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Vanuatu National Party | National | |||||||
Vanuatu Presidential Party | #A1CD1F | Presidential | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Vanuatu Progressive Development Party | #FFDB58 | VPDP | Progressive Development | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Vanuatu Progressive Republican Farmers Party | VPRFP | |||||||
Vanuatu Republican Party | purple | VRP | Republican | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Vectis National Party | #DDDDDD | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Vegan Party | #7FA52A | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Velaquist National Federation | #00008B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Velichie | #AC2225 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vemarana | green | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Venetian Independence | #FBDA38 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Veneto Autonomous Region Movement | gold | MVRA | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Venezuela First | #E4C70B | PV | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Venezuela Vision Unity | darkred | UVV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Venezuelan Democratic Party | #065FF2 | PDV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Venezuelan Popular Unity | #800000 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Venezuelan Revolutionary Currents | black | CRV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Venstre (Denmark) | #01438E | V | Venstre | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Venstre Reform Party | #005392 | Venstre Reform | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vente Venezuela | #00BFFF | Vente | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Veritas (political party) | #663399 | Veritas | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Verjamem | #734F96 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vermont Progressive Party | #c64c4b | Progressive | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Vertiente Artiguista | #FFD700 | VA | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Vesna – Green Party | #00A65E | Vesna | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Veterans Party of America | Red | Veterans | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Veterans and People's Party | #BF9F62 | VPP | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Veterans and People′s | #BF9F62 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Vetëvendosje | #CC0033 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Veus Progressistes | #C2D102 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Viable Santiago Movement | #32bb32 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Viche | #004DA0 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vichy | #A52A2A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Victoria Social Association | #674496 | VSA | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Victorian Farmers' Union | #006644 | VFU | Victorian Farmers | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Victorian Socialists | #000000 | Socialists | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Victorious Georgia | #E2C500 | VG | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Victory (political bloc) | #DC0000 | Victory | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Victory (political party) | #E11829 | Victoria | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Victory Alliance | #0472B3 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Victory Movement | #024FFF | Niki | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Victory Party (Argentina) | #00c4f0 | Victory Party | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Victory Party (Turkey) | #373736 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Victory for Change Party | #006636 | VCP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vida i Autonomia | #4B7074 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi | #1E90FF | VCK | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Vientos del Pueblo | #E30009 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vietnamese Fatherland Front | #DA251D | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Viguese Progressives | #5B7ABC | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vikassheel Insaan Party | #0000ff | VIP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Village People's Union | PRD | |||||||
Village Voice (Peasedown) | #89D085 | Village Voice | Village Voice | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Villages of Benahoare | #16887F | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Villaverdists | #58BFF1 | Villaverdist | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Viplavakari Lanka Sama Samaja Party | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Virgin Islands Party | #008000 | VIP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Virtue Party | #FF2E84 | FP | AA | Failed | AA | |||
Vishal Haryana Party | #FFFF00 | VHP | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Vishva Shakti Party | #81F781 | VSP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Vision Austria | #FFED00 | VÖ | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Vision Inspired by the People | #DECF02 | VIP | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Vision Macau | #29AB87 | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Vision NZ | #095B7E | Vision New Zealand | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vision for Liberia Transformation | #9bbb59 | VOLT | AAA | Failed | AAA | |||
Vision of Reform | #1D2087 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vision with Values | #00A3E6 | VIVA | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Vita (electoral list) | #0058C8 | Vita | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vitaliy Klychko Bloc | DarkOrange | AAA | Failed | AA | ||||
Vivant | #006566 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng | #EF4135 | Vietnamese Nationalist Party | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Vlaams Belang | #FFE500 | VB | Vlaams Blok | AAA | AA | AAA | ||
Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond | #FF7E00 | VNV | AAA | Failed | AA | |||
Vlach National Party | #FFFF00 | VNS | AAA | AAA | AAA | |||
Voice 4 Torbay | #DDDDDD | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Voice for Children and Families | #FEEF2C | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Voice of Loving Hong Kong | #427E42 | VLHK | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Voice of Reason (political party) | #0094FF | FL | Voice of Reason (Greek political party) Voice of Reason | AA | Failed | AA | ||
Voice of Strong Poland | #D72229 | GSP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Voice of the Andalusian People | #316D5A | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Voice of the Nation | #FDC238 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Voice of the Nation (Armenia) | #E75B2A | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Voice of the People (Algeria) | #B50333 | LVP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Voice of the People Party (Meghalaya) | #0044FF | VPP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Voice of the People of Tunisia | #FF0000 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
Voice – Social Democracy | #7E1447 | Hlas | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vojvodina Coalition | green | KV | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vojvodina Front (Serbia) | #63308E | VF | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vojvodina's Party | #023DB5 | VP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
VoleMataró | #6F2C61 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Volem Manacor | #04A97E | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Volksabstimmung | white | AAA | AAA | AAA | ||||
Volner Party | #CBAF05 | AAA | Failed | AAA | ||||
Volt Austria | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Belgium | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Bulgaria | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Cyprus | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Czechia | #502379 | Volt Czech Republic | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||
Volt Denmark | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Europa | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt France | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Germany | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Greece | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Italy | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Luxembourg | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Malta | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Netherlands | #582c83 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Portugal | #502379 | VP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Romania | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Slovakia | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Spain | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Sweden | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Switzerland | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt UK | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Volt Ukraine | #502379 | Volt | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Voltaic Progressive Front | #3D0FE5 | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Voluntary Euthanasia Party | #201B5B | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Volya Movement | #00718F | Volya | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Voor U | #DF0CB9 | AA | Failed | Failed | ||||
VoorNederland | #0079be | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vooruit (political party) | #FF2900 | Vooruit | AA | Failed | Failed | |||
Vote 1 Local Jobs | #0000cd | Failed | Failed | Failed | ||||
Vote For Yourself Rainbow Dream Ticket | #FFC0CB | Rainbow Dream Ticket | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Vote for the City | #00D7FF | VPM | AAA | AA | AAA | |||
Votemos Fuerteventura | #7ED957 | AAA | AA | AAA | ||||
Vox (political party) | #63BE21 | Vox (Spanish political party) | Vox | AAA | Failed | AA | ||
Vox Pop | #219DDE | AA | Failed | AA | ||||
Vård för pengarna | black | VåfP | Failed | Failed | Failed | |||
Vótate | #FAE01A | AAA | AA | AAA |
-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]
local alternate = {
["V-Partei3"] = "V-Partei³",
["Vacant"] = "Casual vacancy",
["Vanguard Progressive Unionist Party"] = "Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party",
["Vanua'aku Party"] = "Vanua'aku Pati",
["Vermont Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Vermont Libertarian Party"] = "Libertarian Party (US)",
["Vermont Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["Victory (Greece)"] = "Niki (Greek political party)",
["Victory (Greek political party)"] = "Niki (Greek political party)",
["Viðreisn"] = "Reform Party (Iceland)",
["Vietnamese Nationalist Party"] = "Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng",
["Village Voice"] = "Village Voice (Peasedown)",
["Virginia Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
["Virginia Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
["Vision New Zealand"] = "Vision NZ",
["Vlaams Blok"] = "Vlaams Belang",
["VMRO – Bulgarian National Movement"] = "IMRO – Bulgarian National Movement",
["Voice of Reason"] = "Voice of Reason (political party)",
["Voice of Reason (Greek political party)"] = "Voice of Reason (political party)",
["Voice of the Last Generation"] = "Shaking up Parliament – Voice of the Last Generation",
["Volt Czech Republic"] = "Volt Czechia",
["Völkisch-Social Bloc"] = "German Völkisch Freedom Party",
["Vox (Spanish political party)"] = "Vox (political party)",
["Voz Plural - Gentes de Macau"] = "Plural Voices – Peoples of Macau",
local full = {
["V-Partei³"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99cc33", shortname = "",},
["Va por México"] = {abbrev = "VM", color = "#785276", shortname = "",},
["Vacant Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
["Vakat Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00923F", shortname = "Vakat",},
["Valdostan Rally (2023)"] = {abbrev = "RV", color = "#B40000", shortname = "",},
["Valdostan Union"] = {abbrev = "UV", color = "#5EABD1", shortname = "",},
["Valencia en Comú"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#73136F", shortname = "",},
["València en Comú"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#73136F", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#212021", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Community Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#63606A", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Country Now"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F3A24B", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Democrats"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003297", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Independent Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#131C43", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Independent Organization"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#308649", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Nationalist Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F76921", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Nationalist Left"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006699", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Nationalist Option"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00187B", shortname = "",},
["Valencian People's Initiative"] = {abbrev = "IdPV", color = "#C7142C", shortname = "",},
["Valencian People's Union"] = {abbrev = "UPV", color = "#E9D552", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Regional Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0098C8", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Republic–European Valencianist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0725A1", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Union"] = {abbrev = "UV", color = "#1F4473", shortname = "",},
["Valencian Welfare State"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3EC2D3", shortname = "",},
["Valents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#05115B", shortname = "",},
["Valladolid Toma la Palabra"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5AB6B2", shortname = "",},
["Vallès Alternative Candidacies"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#965A9B", shortname = "",},
["Valor (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1898A1", shortname = "Valor",},
["Values"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#06567D", shortname = "",},
["Values Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4BB805", shortname = "Values",},
["Values Union"] = {abbrev = "WU", color = "#0A3C5B", shortname = "Values",},
["Vamos (El Salvador)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#104d8f", shortname = "Vamos",},
["Vamos (Guatemala)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#34478E", shortname = "Vamos",},
["Vamos con Vos"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#15b587", shortname = "",},
["Vamos Granada"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#613465", shortname = "",},
["Vamos Palencia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6667AA", shortname = "",},
["Vamos por Chile"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0054A0", shortname = "",},
["Vanchit Bahujan Aaghadi"] = {abbrev = "VBA", color = "BLUE", shortname = "",},
["Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi"] = {abbrev = "VBA", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
["Vanchit Jamat Party"] = {abbrev = "VAJP", color = "#52360F", shortname = "",},
["Vanguard of the Forces of Democratic Change"] = {abbrev = "AFCD", color = "#17AE85", shortname = "",},
["Vanguard Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7f0200", shortname = "Vanguard Party",},
["Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkorange", shortname = "Vanguard",},
["Vanua'aku Pati"] = {abbrev = "VP", color = "#008400", shortname = "Vanua'aku Pati",},
["Vanuatu Cultural Self-reliance Movement"] = {abbrev = "VCSM", color = "white", shortname = "Cultural Self-reliance",},
["Vanuatu Family First Party"] = {abbrev = "VFFP", color = "", shortname = "Family First",},
["Vanuatu First"] = {abbrev = "VF", color = "#01A75B", shortname = "Vanuatu First",},
["Vanuatu Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "VLP", color = "#CD5C5C", shortname = "Labour",},
["Vanuatu Liberal Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "VLDP", color = "", shortname = "Liberal Democratic",},
["Vanuatu Liberal Movement"] = {abbrev = "VLM", color = "#00CCFF", shortname = "Liberal Movement",},
["Vanuatu National Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "", shortname = "National",},
["Vanuatu National Development Party"] = {abbrev = "VNDP", color = "#C71585", shortname = "National Development",},
["Vanuatu Progressive Development Party"] = {abbrev = "VPDP", color = "#FFDB58", shortname = "Progressive Development",},
["Vanuatu Progressive Republican Farmers Party"] = {abbrev = "VPRFP", color = "", shortname = "",},
["Vanuatu Presidential Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A1CD1F", shortname = "Presidential",},
["Vanuatu Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "VRP", color = "purple", shortname = "Republican",},
["Vård för pengarna"] = {abbrev = "VåfP", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Vectis National Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
["Vegan Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7FA52A", shortname = "",},
["Velaquist National Federation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00008B", shortname = "",},
["Velichie"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AC2225", shortname = "",},
["Vemarana"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Veneto Autonomous Region Movement"] = {abbrev = "MVRA", color = "gold", shortname = "",},
["Venetian Independence"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBDA38", shortname = "",},
["Venezuela First"] = {abbrev = "PV", color = "#E4C70B", shortname = "",},
["Venezuela Vision Unity"] = {abbrev = "UVV", color = "darkred", shortname = "",},
["Venezuelan Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "PDV", color = "#065FF2", shortname = "",},
["Venezuelan Popular Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800000", shortname = "",},
["Venezuelan Revolutionary Currents"] = {abbrev = "CRV", color = "black", shortname = "",},
["Venstre (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "V", color = "#01438E", shortname = "Venstre",},
["Venstre Reform Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#005392", shortname = "Venstre Reform",},
["Vente Venezuela"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00BFFF", shortname = "Vente",},
["VERDE"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#37820C", shortname = "",},
["Veritas (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#663399", shortname = "Veritas",},
["Verjamem"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#734F96", shortname = "",},
["Vermont Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#c64c4b", shortname = "Progressive",},
["Vertiente Artiguista"] = {abbrev = "VA", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
["Vesna – Green Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A65E", shortname = "Vesna",},
["Veterans and People's Party"] = {abbrev = "VPP", color = "#BF9F62", shortname = "",},
["Veterans and People′s"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BF9F62", shortname = "",},
["Veterans Party of America"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Red", shortname = "Veterans",},
["Vetëvendosje"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC0033", shortname = "",},
["Veus Progressistes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C2D102", shortname = "",},
["VIA, the Way of the People"] = {abbrev = "VIA", color = "#003B5C", shortname = "",},
["Viable Santiago Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#32bb32", shortname = "",},
["Viche"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#004DA0", shortname = "",},
["Vichy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A52A2A", shortname = "",},
["Victoria Social Association"] = {abbrev = "VSA", color = "#674496", shortname = "",},
["Victorian Farmers' Union"] = {abbrev = "VFU", color = "#006644", shortname = "Victorian Farmers",},
["Victorian Socialists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "Socialists",},
["Victorious Georgia"] = {abbrev = "VG", color = "#E2C500", shortname = "",},
["Victory (political bloc)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC0000", shortname = "Victory",},
["Victory (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E11829", shortname = "Victoria",},
["Victory Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0472B3", shortname = "",},
["Victory for Change Party"] = {abbrev = "VCP", color = "#006636", shortname = "",},
["Victory Movement"] = {abbrev = "Niki", color = "#024FFF", shortname = "",},
["Victory Party (Argentina)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00c4f0", shortname = "Victory Party",},
["Victory Party (Turkey)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#373736", shortname = "",},
["Vida i Autonomia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4B7074", shortname = "",},
["Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi"] = {abbrev = "VCK", color = "#1E90FF", shortname = "",},
["Vientos del Pueblo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E30009", shortname = "",},
["Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF4135", shortname = "",},
["Vietnamese Fatherland Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DA251D", shortname = "",},
["Viguese Progressives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5B7ABC", shortname = "",},
["Vikassheel Insaan Party"] = {abbrev = "VIP", color = "#0000ff", shortname = "",},
["Village People's Union"] = {abbrev = "PRD", color = "", shortname = "",},
["Village Voice (Peasedown)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#89D085", shortname = "Village Voice",},
["Villages of Benahoare"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#16887F", shortname = "",},
["Villaverdists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#58BFF1", shortname = "Villaverdist",},
["VINEA La Rioja"] = {abbrev = "VINEA", color = "#6A0E0E", shortname = "Vita",},
["Viplavakari Lanka Sama Samaja Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Virgin Islands Party"] = {abbrev = "VIP", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
["Virtue Party"] = {abbrev = "FP", color = "#FF2E84", shortname = "",},
["Vishal Haryana Party"] = {abbrev = "VHP", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Vishva Shakti Party"] = {abbrev = "VSP", color = "#81F781", shortname = "",},
["Vision Austria"] = {abbrev = "VÖ", color = "#FFED00", shortname = "",},
["Vision for Liberia Transformation"] = {abbrev = "VOLT", color = "#9bbb59", shortname = "",},
["Vision Inspired by the People"] = {abbrev = "VIP", color = "#DECF02", shortname = "",},
["Vision Macau"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#29AB87", shortname = "",},
["Vision NZ"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#095B7E", shortname = "",},
["Vision of Reform"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1D2087", shortname = "",},
["Vision with Values"] = {abbrev = "VIVA", color = "#00A3E6", shortname = "",},
["Vita (electoral list)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0058C8", shortname = "Vita",},
["Vitaliy Klychko Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "DarkOrange", shortname = "",},
["Vivant"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006566", shortname = "",},
["Vlach National Party"] = {abbrev = "VNS", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
["Vlaams Belang"] = {abbrev = "VB", color = "#FFE500", shortname = "",},
["Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond"] = {abbrev = "VNV", color = "#FF7E00", shortname = "",},
["VLEN Coalition"] = {abbrev = "VLEN", color = "#A5021F", shortname = "",},
["VMRO – People's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E63A30", shortname = "",},
["VMRO-DPMNE"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E2001A", shortname = "",},
["Voice – Social Democracy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7E1447", shortname = "Hlas",},
["Voice 4 Torbay"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
["Voice for Children and Families"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FEEF2C", shortname = "",},
["Voice of Loving Hong Kong"] = {abbrev = "VLHK", color = "#427E42", shortname = "",},
["Voice of Reason (political party)"] = {abbrev = "FL", color = "#0094FF", shortname = "",},
["Voice of Strong Poland"] = {abbrev = "GSP", color = "#D72229", shortname = "",},
["Voice of the Andalusian People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#316D5A", shortname = "",},
["Voice of the Nation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FDC238", shortname = "",},
["Voice of the Nation (Armenia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E75B2A", shortname = "",},
["Voice of the People (Algeria)"] = {abbrev = "LVP", color = "#B50333", shortname = "",},
["Voice of the People of Tunisia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
["Voice of the People Party (Meghalaya)"] = {abbrev = "VPP", color = "#0044FF", shortname = "",},
["Vojvodina Front (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "VF", color = "#63308E", shortname = "",},
["Volem Manacor"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#04A97E", shortname = "",},
["VoleMataró"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6F2C61", shortname = "",},
["Volksabstimmung"] = {abbrev = "", color = "white", shortname = "",},
["Volner Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CBAF05", shortname = "",},
["Volt Austria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Belgium"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Bulgaria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Cyprus"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Czechia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Denmark"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Europa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt France"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Germany"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Greece"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Italy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Luxembourg"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Malta"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Netherlands"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#582c83", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Portugal"] = {abbrev = "VP", color = "#502379", shortname = "",},
["Volt Romania"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Slovakia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Spain"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Sweden"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Switzerland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt UK"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Volt Ukraine"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#502379", shortname = "Volt",},
["Voltaic Progressive Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3D0FE5", shortname = "",},
["Voluntary Euthanasia Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#201B5B", shortname = "",},
["Volya Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00718F", shortname = "Volya",},
["Voor U"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DF0CB9", shortname = "",},
["VoorNederland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0079be", shortname = "",},
["Vooruit (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF2900", shortname = "Vooruit",},
["Vótate"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FAE01A", shortname = "",},
["Vote 1 Local Jobs"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000cd", shortname = "",},
["Vote for the City"] = {abbrev = "VPM", color = "#00D7FF", shortname = "",},
["Vote For Yourself Rainbow Dream Ticket"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "Rainbow Dream Ticket",},
["Votemos Fuerteventura"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7ED957", shortname = "",},
["Vojvodina Coalition"] = {abbrev = "KV", color = "green", shortname = "",},
["Vojvodina's Party"] = {abbrev = "VP", color = "#023DB5", shortname = "",},
["Vox (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#63BE21", shortname = "Vox",},
["Vox Pop"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#219DDE", shortname = "",},
["VZDOR"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A72C2B", shortname = "",},
["V!vegüesb!z!"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#827153", shortname = "",},
return {
full = full,
alternate = alternate,